The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something you hope you never run out of.
money 31 toilet paper 17 love 9 time 6 friends 5 gasoline 4
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tags: food money friends water time funny category: 6 answers
2. What is one thing your parents tell you not to waste?
Water Money Time Life Food
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tags: kids food time money water energy resources category: no points
3. Name something that people don’t normally pay for in cash
Answers are hidden.
4. Name Something A Couple Might Worry About Having Less Of Once They Have Children
money 60 intimacy 16 time 13 privacy 5 partners love 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: time money sleep freedom space privacy category: 5 answers
5. Name something people wish they had more of
Bucks Riches
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tags: family friends time money sleep love category: no points
6. Name something America is running out of
Natural Resources Oil Resources Petroleum
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7. Other than feet, name something that runs.
Water/Toilet 1 Engine/Car 1 Refrigerator 1 Nose 1 Pantyhose 1 Clock 1
Answers are hidden.
tags: animals kids food work school funny hospital water coffee time category: 6 answers
8. Name something that makes people grouchy if they go too long without it.
Sleep 33 Food 31 Coffee 20 Cigarettes 16
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9. Tell Me Something Your Body Can’t Live Without.
water 69 food 15 air 6 sleep 5
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tags: health biology human body food water sleep category: 4 answers
10. Name something people save
Money Bucks
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11. According to men: What do some women do way too fast
Drive Get Upset Talk Marry Fall In Love
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tags: food relationships kids driving time money category: no points
12. Name something you waste.
food 55 water 16 time 16 money 10
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tags: food time money resources jokes funny category: 4 answers
13. Name something a person who loses 100 pounds suddenly has more of.
excess skin 50 friends 15 energy 12 nice clothes 8 self-esteem 5 shape 3
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tags: food money skin confidence energy time category: 6 answers
14. Name something your body tells you it's time to do.
sleep 33 go to bathroom 28 eat 28 wake up 3
Answers are hidden.
15. Name something an overworked mom might wish she had more of.
Vacation Sleep Hands Time Help Money
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16. Besides money, name something you wish you had more of.
time 30 love 16 room in house 7 friends 7 good health 6 clothes 6
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tags: time sleep love laughter energy friends category: 6 answers
17. Name Something Moms Are Desperate For
money 31 sleep 25 free time 14 help 11 quiet 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: sleep time coffee patience chocolate flowers category: 5 answers
18. Name Something A Parent Might Miss About Their Younger Years
freedom/ time alone 33 dating 19 youthful appearance 17 more friends 10 going to school 9 having energy 8 fewer bills 3
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tags: work school sleep free time kids family category: 7 answers
19. Name something that when you get it means nothing, but when you don't you get angry.
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tags: work school sleep food money funny category: 6 answers
20. What would a bank robber want to have plenty of while making his getaway?
money 37 gas 32 time 22 ammunition 3 speed 3
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21. Name something parents teach their children how to save.
money 45 time 30 food 13 electricity 6 clothes 6
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tags: money time energy resources future category: 5 answers
22. Something Rich Person Might Have More Of Than They Need
Cars Clothes Houses Space
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tags: money time space vacation possessions category: no points
23. Name A Reason A Person Might Not Have A Pet.
Allergic 35
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tags: pets family house allergies time money category: fast money
24. Name something you wish you had been born with more of.
money 59 brains 11 hair 10 height 5 family 4 good looks 3
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tags: skills time patience appearance money luck category: 6 answers
25. Name Something That Costs Twice As Much As It Is Worth.
car 34 house 26 clothes 15 jewelry 13 tv 7 computer 3
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tags: money jewelry time advice kids funny category: 6 answers
26. Name something you wish you'd taken better care of when you were younger
Schooling Clothes Body Collectibles
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tags: regret health appearance relationships money time category: no points
27. Name something a woman likes a man to have plenty of.
money 77 compassion 6 free time 5 muscles 3 love 2
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tags: money time confidence manners hair hugs category: 5 answers
28. Name something people wish they had more of around the holidays.
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tags: family holidays friends money time kids category: no points
29. name a hobby that would make a person go broke quickly
Painting Gambling Needlework Collect/repair Cars Writing Shopping
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tags: money hobbies bankruptcy expensive entertainment free time category: no points
30. Name something you might get when you retire.
Money 40 Pensions 33 Wristwatch 17 Rv 10
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tags: retirement money travel relaxation leisure free time category: 4 answers
31. Name something people have less of as they get older.
Hair 1 Energy/Vitality 1 Teeth 1 Appetite 1 Patience 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious time money energy friends kids responsibilities category: 5 answers
32. Name something that some people just cannot hold onto.
money 78
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tags: relationships pets water money patience category: 1 answers
33. What do people have on their nightstand
Water Alarm clock Spectacles Medicines A novel
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tags: fast money sleep personal belongings essentials category: fast money
34. Besides “Sugar,” Name A Food That Someone Might Be Called As A Term Of Affection.
Honey 69
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tags: food slang affection family funny sweet category: fast money
35. What are some things you can do in a pool?
Swim Float Play Marco Polo Dive Relax
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tags: fast money kids fun summer water swimming games category: fast money
36. What is something people do in sleep?
Snore Talk Shout Drool Walk
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tags: fast money sleep funny kids animals plants category: fast money
37. Name some of the oceans in the world.
Arctic Indian North Atlantic South Atlantic North Pacific
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tags: fast money school geography water travel world nature category: fast money
38. What are the places where college students fall asleep?
Bed Classroom Library Car/bus Couch
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tags: fast money school kids funny college sleep education category: fast money
39. Name Something People Mean To Do In Their Spare Time, But End Up Watching TV Instead.
clean 49 read 17 paperwork 10 bake 6 exercise 6 nap 5
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tags: tv time management relaxation hobbies lazy free time category: 6 answers
40. In public how can you show your partner your love without telling them?
kiss 48 hug/hold hands 27 eye contact/wink 15 smile 3
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41. name something a parent gives to a kid to make them stop crying
Bottle Candy
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tags: parenting kids comfort soothing affection category: no points
42. Besides babies, tell me someone or something whom you baby-talk to.
pet 62 lover 28 older child 3 elderly people 2 doll 2
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tags: affection nicknames relationships family parenting category: 5 answers
43. Name A Specific Sign Of Affection Woman Wants From Husband
Kiss Hug Flowers/ Gifts Holding Hands
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tags: relationships affection women marriage family category: no points
44. Name a word you would expect to see on the inside of a valentine's day card.
Love Happy You Sweetheart Mine Admire
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tags: love romance valentine's day appreciation affection category: no points
45. Name The Best Way Of Telling Someone You Love Them
Kissing Them Hugging Them Flowers Telling Them Gifts / Presents
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tags: communication affection relationships emotions love category: no points
46. name a specific sign of affection that a woman would like to get more often from her husband
Holding Hands Flowers/gifts Show Up Late Kiss Hug
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tags: relationships marriage affection communication intimacy category: no points
47. What are common nicknames for a grandmother?
na na 60 granny 20 grandma 10 nanny 5 grammy 4 big mama 1
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tags: family grandparents nicknames affection love category: 6 answers
48. Name an activity you shouldn't take up, unless you know how to swim.
lifeguard 30 swimming 14 boating 14 scubadiving 10 water skiing 9 water polo 8
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tags: water fun activities water sports kids summer category: 6 answers
49. Name A Public Place Where You’d Expect Married Couples To Show Affection
Park Movie Theatre Bar/Restaurant Beach Church Wedding
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tags: public spaces affection inappropriate funny kids category: no points
50. Name a gesture that some find romantic, but others think is creepy.
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tags: romance creepy relationships body language affection category: no points
51. How Many Dates Should You Go On Before Kissing Someone
1 28 2 39 3 27 5 8
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tags: dating relationships love affection intimacy romance category: 4 answers
52. name something that you always give your partner a kiss before doing
Becoming Intimate Going To Bed Going To Work Traveling
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tags: romance relationships kisses affection love intimacy category: no points
53. Name A Word Or Phrase People Use To Say That They’re Completely In Love.
Head Over Heals 50
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tags: relationships dating love affection family romance category: fast money
54. What Are The Most Common Terms Of Endearment Used When A Person Is Talking To Their Partner
Honey 36 Love 20 Baby 18 Dear 7 Sweetheart 5
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tags: relationships love romance affection couples partners category: 5 answers
55. Name a sign that two people are in love.
kissing 40 hold hands 36 married 11 smiling 8 always together 5
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tags: relationships love romance couples intimacy affection category: 5 answers
56. Name something you associate with love.
Hearts Marriage Affection Children Cupid
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tags: romance affection relationships family friendship valentine's day category: no points
57. What are some cute pet names for your significant other?
Baby Honey Darling Sweetheart Boo
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tags: adults relationships nicknames affection romance cute love category: no points
58. Something Woman Do To Show Affection A Man Rarely Does
Kiss Cuddle Hug Hold Hands
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tags: family affection relationships gender roles love marriage category: no points
59. Tell Me The Longest You’ve Ever Gone Without Eating.
24 hours 35 2 days 27 18 hours 7 10 hours 6 12 hours 6 20 hours 5 1 and a half days 5
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60. Name something that slows down a line at the supermarket.
check writing 22 price check 17 too much stuff 10 coupons 9 cashier 7 food stamps 7
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tags: shopping food time people kids funny category: 6 answers
61. Name A Reason Why Someone Might Prefer Eating At A Drive-Thru Restaurant.
Fast Service 46
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tags: food convenience time kids adults funny category: fast money
62. Name a kind of business where they take their sweet time waiting on you.
restaurant 41 store 12 doctor 10 grocery store 9 car dealer 9 post office 7
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tags: business time waiting food service restaurants category: 6 answers
63. Name A Reason You Might Skip Lunch
not hungry 45 too busy 16 on a diet 12 work/meeting 10 sick 5
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64. Name A Reason Why You Might Skip Lunch
not hungry 45 too busy 16 on a diet 12 work/meeting 10 feeling sick 5
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65. Whats The Best Thing About Going To The Drive-In
Kissing Stay In Car Privacy Big Screen No Standing In Line
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tags: entertainment summer date night family time kids food category: no points
66. Name something people buy to prepare for a big storm.
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67. Name something an expectant mother might have a hard time doing in her last month of pregnancy.
getting sleep 38 tying shoes/bending 29 walking 19
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68. Name something that might be polluted.
water 66 air 14 beach 13 mind 3
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69. Name something you'd hate to find out the hotel you're staying in just ran out of.
Towels Hot Water Toilet Paper Soap Food
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tags: food water electricity towels category: 5 answers
70. Name a july 4th activity that you should not do while drinking.
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71. Name something Miss America probably takes off her tiara to do.
shower 49 go to bed 19 comb 10 change clothes 3
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tags: food sleep personal care category: 4 answers
72. Name Something People Do More Of When They’re Tired
sleep 50 yawn 25 eat 9 lose temper 5
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73. Name something people reach for once they are in bed
Lamp Channel Changer Controller Tv Remote Remote Clicker Lights
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74. Name a word or phrase that can follow the word "sleeping".
Beauty Bag Pill Dogs Waking Up
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75. Name something people buy to prepare for hurricanes.
wood 39 water 22 food 15 flashlights 8 tape 4 batteries 4 candles 3
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tags: preparedness supplies food water safety category: 7 answers
76. Name something people reach for in the middle of the night
Milk Gulp Drink Straw Cup Sip
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77. Name Something Noah Might Have Worried About During His Voyage On The Ark.
not enough food 33 animals getting sick 21 boat sinking 17 leaks 8 when rain would end 6 drowning 6
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78. If You Were In An Eating Contest, Tell Me The Food That Would Be Hardest To Eat Without Breaks For Water.
bread 33 spicy food 26 crackers 16 peanut butter 9 cake/pie 8 pretzels 5
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79. Name something that causes a lot of damage or destruction if it overflows.
toilet 36 river/dam 26 bathtub 16 washing machine 6 volcano 5
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tags: water fire electricity food plants category: 5 answers
80. Name something that might be against the rules at a public swimming pool.
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81. Name something you might do to prepare for a natural disaster.
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tags: food water first aid shelter communication kids category: 6 answers
82. Name something you would need if you wanted to play a game of water polo.
pool 45 ball 28
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tags: games sports water water sports kids category: 2 answers
83. Name something extra you might keep in your house for an overnight guest
Toothbrush Mattress Water Bed Bunk Bed
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tags: sleep entertainment hygiene food relaxation category: no points
84. Name something you miss while on vacation.
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85. Name a place you would not like to be when the phone rings.
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86. Name something men do more of when their mate is away
Water Slurp Straw Use Straw Sip
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87. Name the first thing a "Survivor" contestant might do when they get back home
Sports Gourmet Meal Shower
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88. Name Something A Trucker Does More Than You Do
Eat Drink Coffee Smoke Fill Gas Tank Talk On Cb Sit Listen To Radio
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89. Name something people do on cruises.
eat/drink 42 relax/lounge 11 dance 10 swim/snorkel 8 shuffleb'rd/games 8 gamble 7
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tags: travel vacation food ships water relaxation category: 6 answers
90. Name something people do with garden hoses.
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tags: kids garden water food plants play category: no points
91. Name something people are afraid of.
spiders 31 the dark 22 snakes 15 ghosts 13 heights 11 death 8
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tags: animals food heights insects water kids category: 6 answers
92. Name Something You Associate With Fishing
Rod Fish Bait Line Boat
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tags: outdoors recreation water food animals contest category: no points
93. Name Something You Associate With A Hippopotamus
Water Big / Fat Mud Big Teeth Jungle
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tags: animals kids funny food dangerous water category: no points
94. Name something an alien might report that Earth has a lot of.
people 62 pollution 8 food 6 cars 4 water 4 crime 4
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tags: animals plants food traffic people water category: 6 answers
95. Name something you would hate to run out of when you go camping.
bathroom tissue 34 paper 34 toilet paper 34 tp 34 dinner 21 sandwiches 21 nutrients 21 meals 21 suppers 21 lunches 21 desserts 21 tucker 21 eats 21 groceries 21 food 21 edibles 21 drink water 19 water 19 repellent 7 raid 7 bug repellent 7 off 7 insect repellent 7 mosquito repellent 7 deet 7 spray 7 matches 6 timber 3 lumber 3 log 3 kindling 3 firewood 3 wood 3
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tags: camping outdoors survival food water entertainment category: 33 answers
96. Name Somethiong You Associate With A Hippopotamus
Water Big / Fat Mud Big Teeth Africa
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tags: animals kids funny food water africa category: no points
97. Name Something You Would Not Want To Drop Your Wedding Ring Into
sink 47 toilet 40 water 6 food 5
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tags: food water animals fire clothing toilet category: 4 answers
98. Name something columbus might have worried about during his voyage to america.
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tags: history ocean navigation ships food water category: no points
99. Name A Way People Enter A Swimming Pool
Dive In 66
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tags: kids funny animals plants food water category: fast money
100. Name Something That Might Get Frozen In The Winter
Water 42
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tags: kids food nature school water funny category: fast money
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