The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something a person who loses 100 pounds suddenly has more of.
excess skin 50 friends 15 energy 12 nice clothes 8 self-esteem 5 shape 3
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tags: food money skin confidence energy time category: 6 answers
2. Name Something That Someone Who Gets Dates Has That Someone Who Doesnt Get Dates Doesnt Have
good looks 35 money 26 intimacy 20 charm/confidence 9 car 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships confidence free time social skills category: 5 answers
3. What do you do when having a bad hair day?
wear a hat 54 tie it back 15 cry 11 get it wet 7 stay home 6 cut it 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: hair beauty fashion style grooming confidence category: 6 answers
4. Name a word or phrase you associate with the word "long".
Length Day Distance John Winded
Answers are hidden.
5. What would a bank robber want to have plenty of while making his getaway?
money 37 gas 32 time 22 ammunition 3 speed 3
Answers are hidden.
6. Name something parents teach their children how to save.
money 45 time 30 food 13 electricity 6 clothes 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: money time energy resources future category: 5 answers
7. Name something that people don’t normally pay for in cash
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8. Something Rich Person Might Have More Of Than They Need
Cars Clothes Houses Space
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tags: money time space vacation possessions category: no points
9. Name Something You’d Never See Donald Trump Without.
money 50 pretty women 31 perfect hair 5 clothes 3 diamond 2 body guard 2
Answers are hidden.
10. According to men: What do some women do way too fast
Drive Get Upset Talk Marry Fall In Love
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tags: food relationships kids driving time money category: no points
11. Name something you hope you never run out of.
money 31 toilet paper 17 love 9 time 6 friends 5 gasoline 4
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tags: food money friends water time funny category: 6 answers
12. Name something you are worried you do not get enough of.
sleep 25 money 24
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tags: sleep time money affection food water category: 2 answers
13. Name Something That Costs Twice As Much As It Is Worth.
car 34 house 26 clothes 15 jewelry 13 tv 7 computer 3
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tags: money jewelry time advice kids funny category: 6 answers
14. Name something you wish you had been born with more of.
money 59 brains 11 hair 10 height 5 family 4 good looks 3
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tags: skills time patience appearance money luck category: 6 answers
15. Name something people save
Money Bucks
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16. Name something you waste.
food 55 water 16 time 16 money 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: food time money resources jokes funny category: 4 answers
17. Name Something A Couple Might Worry About Having Less Of Once They Have Children
money 60 intimacy 16 time 13 privacy 5 partners love 5
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tags: time money sleep freedom space privacy category: 5 answers
18. Name A Reason A Person Might Not Have A Pet.
Allergic 35
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tags: pets family house allergies time money category: fast money
19. Name something you wish you'd taken better care of when you were younger
Schooling Clothes Body Collectibles
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tags: regret health appearance relationships money time category: no points
20. Name something people wish they had more of
Bucks Riches
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tags: family friends time money sleep love category: no points
21. Name something people wish they had more of around the holidays.
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tags: family holidays friends money time kids category: no points
22. Name something a guy saves money on if he's bald
Hair Gel Shampoo Haircut Comb Transplant Hair Spray Hat
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23. name a hobby that would make a person go broke quickly
Painting Gambling Needlework Collect/repair Cars Writing Shopping
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tags: money hobbies bankruptcy expensive entertainment free time category: no points
24. What is one thing your parents tell you not to waste?
Water Money Time Life Food
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tags: kids food time money water energy resources category: no points
25. Name something you might get when you retire.
Money 40 Pensions 33 Wristwatch 17 Rv 10
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tags: retirement money travel relaxation leisure free time category: 4 answers
26. Name something people have less of as they get older.
Hair 1 Energy/Vitality 1 Teeth 1 Appetite 1 Patience 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious time money energy friends kids responsibilities category: 5 answers
27. Name something men worry about losing.
their hair 69 their money 7 their libido 5 a woman 5 their body 4 their job 3
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tags: hair money status power respect freedom category: 6 answers
28. If Your Date Is Paying For The Meal, Name Something You Shouldn’t
Order Most Expensive Argue About Paying Complain About Meal Order Extras
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tags: dating food manners money relationships dating advice category: no points
29. Besides shaking hands, name another way people greet each other.
Hug Kiss Nod Head Wave Speak
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30. Name something you might do when saying goodbye to someone.
kiss 39 wave 37 hug 7 cry 5 handshake 3
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31. What are the things women do to their hair?
Color Curl Straighten Wash Cut
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tags: fast money hair care women grooming beauty salon category: fast money
32. Name something grandmas offer you when you're visiting them.
biscuits 24 cake 18 lollies 17 tea 11 food 7 chocolate 7 drink 4
Answers are hidden.
33. Name something grandmas offer you when you're visiting them
Drink Lollies Biscuits Cake
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tags: food drinks comfort advice cookies hugs category: no points
34. Name something that kids get more of from their mom than they get from their dad.
love/affection 40 attention/time 22 money 14 discipline 9 food/snacks 5 toys 2
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tags: kids family love hugs kisses attention category: 6 answers
35. Name Something People Mean To Do In Their Spare Time, But End Up Watching TV Instead.
clean 49 read 17 paperwork 10 bake 6 exercise 6 nap 5
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tags: tv time management relaxation hobbies lazy free time category: 6 answers
36. Name Something You Can Wear Every Day To Feel Like A Superhero
cape 41 tights 32 mask 17 weapon 5
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tags: clothes fashion confidence category: 4 answers
37. Besides his appearance, name something that makes a man seem sexy
Personality Brains Charisma Sound Of Voice Congeniality Timber Voice
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tags: personality intelligence humor confidence category: no points
38. what do some people need in order to feel comfortable dancing in public
Partner Dancing Shoes Music Alcohol Lessons
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tags: confidence music friends alcohol category: no points
39. Name Something You Do Right Before Your Picture Is Taken
smile 54 pose 12 brush hair 11 say cheese 10
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tags: appearance photography confidence funny category: 4 answers
40. Name something that gives men a feeling of power.
money 36 car 9 job 8 their ego 8 women 8 gun 5
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tags: power men confidence masculinity social status category: 6 answers
41. name something miss america needs in order to win
Friendly Smile Beauty Beast Swimsuit Troll Talent
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tags: beauty personality intelligence confidence charisma category: no points
42. Name Something That Makes An Otherwise Average Person Seem Very Atrractive
make up 26 nice haircut 23 great smile 13 personality 12 clothes 8 money 7 alcohol 6
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tags: looks personality confidence humor smile animals category: 7 answers
43. Name something you're afraid to do by yourself.
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tags: fears phobia anxiety alone safety confidence category: 7 answers
44. What Does A Model Need In Order To Be Successful?
Good Looks 49 Height 24 Agent 8 Stylish Clothes 6 Strut 3 Confidence 3
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tags: fashion beauty success confidence talent category: 6 answers
45. Name something you might do to pump yourself up.
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tags: confidence motivation mood self-care challenge funny category: 6 answers
46. Name a reason a woman might be looking better than ever.
diet 19 new hairstyle 17 love 15 pregnant 6 happy 6
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tags: beauty health fashion confidence fitness relationships category: 5 answers
47. if you dont look like cindy crawford what clothing item might you still be able to model
Volunteer Work Watches/ Jewelry Gloves Footwear Winter Coat
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tags: fashion modeling clothing style appearance confidence category: no points
48. Name An Attribute Of A High School Cheerleader That Could Help Her Become President Of The United States
spirit 33 good looks 22 leadership 19 popularity 15
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tags: politics school leadership communication charisma confidence category: 4 answers
49. Name A Reason You Might Be Glad To Put On A Few Pounds
too thin 40 wrestler/athlete 17 been sick 13 pregnant 12 winter/keep warm 9 actor/movie role 6
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tags: weight gain health body image confidence lifestyle relationships category: 6 answers
50. Name Something It Would Be Rude Not To Do When Being Introduced To A Stranger
shake hands 56 smile 23 say hello 9
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tags: etiquette manners politeness respect category: 3 answers
51. Name A Place Where It Is Rude To Take Out Your Cell Phone
cinema 24 church 22
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tags: etiquette manners public places category: 2 answers
52. name something that is rude to do when someone is talking to you
Leave The Room Use Cell Phone Yawn Interrupt Not Make Eye Contact Look Away
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tags: etiquette manners conversation kids category: no points
53. Name something that might make a bad first impression.
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tags: first impressions clothing manners animals category: 5 answers
54. Name A Time When You Should Not Send A Text Message To Your Love Interest
at work 41 midnight 22 while driving 13 when mad 12 after drinking 10
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tags: communication love relationships manners category: 5 answers
55. Name Something That You’d Be Asked To Stop Doing In A Movie Theater
Kissing 20 Throwing Popcorn 7 Smoking 6 Laughing 5
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56. Name A Reason Why You Might Offer Your Bus Seat To Someone Else.
elderly 56 pregnant 26 disability 10 hands full 6
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tags: kindness politeness manners elderly category: 4 answers
57. Tell me something that is always in poor taste to brag about.
money 57 love life 20 car 15 house 8
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tags: bragging inappropriate etiquette manners category: 4 answers
58. Name something specific you hope your kids do when they’re guests at someone else’s house.
best behavior 45 say please/thanks 36 clean up 12
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tags: kids manners etiquette dinner parenting category: 3 answers
59. Name Something You Wouldn't Eat With Your Fingers
Soup Spaghetti Rice Pudding Ice Cream Curry
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60. Name something specific you hope your kids do when they're guests at someone else's house
Mall Say Please/thank You Fast Food Restaurants Best Behavior Clean Up
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tags: kids parenting manners etiquette respect category: no points
61. Name A Word You Would Use When Addressing Royalty
Your Highness 39 Sir 19
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tags: formal manners respect tradition etiquette category: fast money
62. Name A Time You Shouldn’t Send A text Message To Your Love Interest
at work 41 midnight 22 while driving 13 mad 12 when drinking 10
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tags: relationships communication etiquette manners dating category: 5 answers
63. Name A Place Where It’d Be In Bad Taste To Hit On Someone
place of worship 39 funeral 27 their wedding 8 work 4 gym 3 courtroom 3
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tags: manners social etiquette boundaries relationships category: 6 answers
64. Name something that a picky girl always finds wrong with her date
Manners Clothes Cheap Looks
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tags: dating appearance personality manners conversation category: no points
65. Name something you shouldn't do in front of the Queen.
curse 35 fart 25 burp 20 pick your nose 7 laugh 6 smoke 5
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tags: manners etiquette royals uk rules funny category: 6 answers
66. Name Something That Might Be Taught In “Table Manners 101″
Proper Utensil Use Napkin on Lap
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tags: manners etiquette dining kids funny category: no points
67. Name a place where you make sure to use your best manners.
restaurant 35 church 33 dinner table 9 someone's home 8 work 7 funeral 2
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tags: manners etiquette politeness family kids category: 6 answers
68. Name something rude people do while smoking.
blow smoke at you 58 spit 27 smoke while eating 6 throw butt on ground 4
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tags: etiquette rude behavior public manners category: 4 answers
69. What is the first thing you do when entering someone's home as a guest?
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tags: etiquette social norms manners first impressions category: 10 answers
70. Name Something A Man Might Still Do For A Woman When They Go Out On A Date.
open doors 72 pay 13
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tags: relationships dating etiquette manners couples category: 2 answers
71. Name something inconsiderate that people do in parking lots.
parking in two spots 32 take your spot 20 litter 8 scrapes 7 parking in handicap 7
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tags: parking driving manners etiquette funny category: 5 answers
72. Name someone you know better than to interrupt when they're talking to you.
mother 32 boss 24 spouse 18 police officer 11 judge 3 teacher 2 neighbor 2 grandmother 2
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tags: family relationships communication manners funny category: 8 answers
73. Name Something Gentlemen Used To Do For Ladies That They No Longer Bother With
open doors 78 bring flowers 10 pay bills/dinner 4 pulling out chair 3
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tags: dating relationships etiquette manners politeness category: 4 answers
74. Other Than Talking, Name Something Shouldn’t Do While Eating
Laugh Burp Sing Sneeze Cough Drink Smoke
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tags: food manners etiquette dinner family kids category: no points
75. Name Something Children Might Get Rewarded For
good grades 45 chores 35 good behavior 12 using the toilet 6
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tags: kids school chores behavior manners responsibility category: 4 answers
76. Name a place where you shouldn't use your cell phone.
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tags: etiquette public places manners distractions inappropriate category: 5 answers
77. We surveyed 100 single women...What's something a guy shouldn't ask you on the first date
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tags: dating relationships first date manners conversation women category: no points
78. Name Something People Do At The Dinner Table Even Though Its Considered Bad Manners
burp 41 elbows on table 32 talk with full mouth 18 eat with hands 3 chew with mouth open 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: manners dinner table funny family etiquette category: 5 answers
79. Tell Me A Food That People Often Slurp While Eating
soup 62 spaghetti 27 cereal 4 ice cream 3 jell o 3
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tags: food eating habits manners family funny category: 5 answers
80. Other Than Displays Of Affection Name Something You Wish Couples Wouldnt Do In Public
fight 68 feed each other 13 baby talk 5
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tags: relationships public behavior manners couples etiquette category: 3 answers
81. Name A Word Or Phrase You Might Use When Addressing Royalty.
your highness 39 your majesty 33 sir 19 madam 6
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tags: royalty respect manners formal polite kids category: 4 answers
82. What Might A Date Do In The First Minutes That Tells You They Have Bad Manners
burp 40 leave 15 spit 14 try to kiss you 11 swear 7 not open door 7 talk on phone 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: manners etiquette first impressions dating social norms category: 7 answers
83. Name something you might accidentally do that would make your date think you are a slob.
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny dating relationships manners habits humor category: no points
84. Name something a mother consistently reminds a child to do
Room Cleaning Teeth Dust Straighten Up Brush Teeth Dental Hygiene
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores homework school teeth bedtime manners category: no points
85. Tell me something you'd love to be able to hypnotize your children to do.
clean up/room 49 listen/behave 27 homew'k/gd grades 14 go to bed/sleep 3 say no to drugs 2 cook for me 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids funny chores sleep homework manners category: 6 answers
86. name a part of table manners that most people learn from their parents
Say Grace Elbows Off Table Mouth Closed Use Napkin Elbows
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tags: family lifestyle manners etiquette home culture category: no points
87. name a part of good manners that you follow at a restaurant but not at home
Use Napkin Eat W/ Mouth Closed Elbows No Elbows On Table No Burping
Answers are hidden.
tags: etiquette dining home manners kids family category: no points
88. Name something you’d get a dirty look for doing in the movie theater.
talking 40 smooching 36 texting 10 flatulence 8 snoring 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: movies kids funny food behavior manners category: 5 answers
89. Name Something That Is Rude To Do When Someone Is Taking TO You
interupt 34 look away 33 leave the room 10 yawn 7 use cell phone 6 not make eye contact 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: communication manners etiquette respect social skills category: 6 answers
90. Name Something You Dont Want The Person Next To You To Do While Youre Eating
pass gas 28 sneeze 22 smoke 19 blow nose 15 cough 8
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tags: food manners family funny dinner conversation category: 5 answers
91. name something a parent would hope their child outgrows before kindergarten
Diapers Sucking Thumb Tantrums
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tags: parenting kids funny school manners behavior category: no points
92. Name something people with bad table manners do.
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tags: food dining manners etiquette family funny category: 5 answers
93. Name Something You Wish Your Kids Would Do Without Having To Be Told Twice
clean 54 homework 14 go to bed 13 brush teeth 11 listen 5
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tags: chores homework manners bedtime mealtime hygiene category: 5 answers
94. Name something a mom might teach her kids to do.
Answers are hidden.
tags: housework cooking hygiene safety manners kids category: 5 answers
95. What Might somebody Do That Would Annoy Fellow TheaterGoers At A Play
talk loudly 80 use phone 6 cough 3 laugh 3 snore 3 heckle 3
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tags: etiquette theater manners annoying rude funny category: 6 answers
96. Why Might A Door-To-Door Salesperson Skip A Particular House?
Barking Dog 46 No One’s Home 26 No Soliciting Sign 17 Run Down House 7
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tags: sales house people neighborhood safety manners category: 4 answers
97. Name something specific snobs are snobbish about.
money 35 clothes 16 appearance 11 homes 9 cars 8 food 4 friends 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: manners fashion education travel food entertainment category: 7 answers
98. Name something that starts with "Mind your..."
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids school funny hilarious manners etiquette category: no points
99. Name Something Rude People Do While You’re Trying To Talk To Them On The Phone.
talk to someone else 27 eat 21 interrupt 21 hang up 11 put you on hold 8 make noises 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: manners communication etiquette social skills conversation category: 6 answers
100. Tell me something that makes someone a bad houseguest.
Answers are hidden.
tags: food animals personal space manners noise cleanliness category: 5 answers
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