The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. How Many Credit Cards Does The Average Person Have.
3 34 5 22
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2. Name something you might go without when you're trying to save money
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tags: money savings budgeting finance economy category: no points
3. If you lost your job, name something you'd stop spending money on.
clothes 24 eating out 21 television 10 gasonline 7 movies 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: money finance budgeting work income expenses category: 5 answers
4. After the bills have been paid, name something families do with the money left over
Go On Vacation Go Out To Eat Go Shopping Close Their Eyes Save It
Answers are hidden.
tags: budgeting leftovers saving investments spending category: no points
5. Name A Hidden Cost When Buying A Car
title 38 interest 22 tax 20 air conditioner 8 stereo 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: finances transportation budgeting saving expenses category: 5 answers
6. What do you call someone who is too careful with money?
send us your answers! 10 cheap 35
Answers are hidden.
7. Name something people do when they are short on cash
Loan Lend Iou Borrow Visa Owe
Answers are hidden.
tags: money finances frugal budget spending saving category: no points
8. Name something a teenage boy might save his money to buy.
car 48 video games 20 bicycle 14 concert tickets 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: teen money saving school hobbies electronics category: 4 answers
9. Name something that could happen when you don't pay the IRS
Answers are hidden.
10. Tell me something a lot of people have that they can't afford.
Car House Credit Cards Phone TV Bills Clothing Jewelry
Answers are hidden.
11. Tell me something you might do to avoid a bill collector.
do not answer phone 48 change number 19 pay bills 18 say you're someone else 15
Answers are hidden.
12. If you became a billionaire today, name something you'd get rid of tomorrow.
house/apartment 35 car 21 job 9 debt/bills 8 significant other 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: money work bills taxes debt stress category: 5 answers
13. If you lost your job, name something you'd stop spending money on
Gasonline Clothes Eating Out
Answers are hidden.
14. Name a place people spend more money than they want to.
department store 25 grocery store 21
Answers are hidden.
tags: money spending waste finances budgeting economy category: 2 answers
15. Name something you worry you won't have money for.
retirement 31 bills 19 college 17 food 6 gas 6 entertainment 5 new car 4 medical 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: expenses bills finances budgeting money savings category: 8 answers
16. Which of your bills seems to keep going up for no reason at all?
gas 39 telephone 29 cable 12 credit cards 10 food 3
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tags: bills finances expenses money inflation budgeting category: 5 answers
17. Name Something You Have To Put On A Personal Check
Signature 58
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tags: finance money kids category: fast money
18. Name the first bill people pay after they get their paycheck
Apartment Rent
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19. Name A Reason You’d Write A Check Instead Of Using Cash Or A Credit Card.
No Cash/Credit 45 Using Mail 33 To Keep Records 14 Post Dated 6
Answers are hidden.
20. Complete the sentence: “money is?”
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21. Name something you might find at a bank.
Money 56 Teller 22 Vault 15 Robber 7
Answers are hidden.
22. Give me a slang term for money.
cash 27 dough 20 moolah 19 dosh 13 bucks 8 bread 3
Answers are hidden.
23. Name a company that everyone wishes they'd bought stock in.
microsoft 44 google 8 at&t 7 ibm 6 starbucks 4
Answers are hidden.
24. Name something people borrow money to pay for
Mansion Dwelling House Estate Manor
Answers are hidden.
25. Tell Me How Much A Room At A Cheap Motel Costs. (Use Money Format $0.00)
$30 21 $25 17 $35 16 $20 15 $40 11 $50 9 $15 5
Answers are hidden.
26. Name Something You Associate With Wall Street
Stock Market 60 Money 21 Wall Street Journal 10 Suites And Ties 4
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27. Name a profession where you need to be good at math.
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tags: school work kids math money finance category: 5 answers
28. Name something you wish you had bought stock in.
microsoft 33 google 20 oil 8 walmart 4 apple 4 ebay 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: stocks investing finance money investment category: 6 answers
29. Name a way a rich person might lose all his money.
gamble 41 stock market 31 bad investment 10 bankruptcy 4 put in an ira 3 invest in microsoft 3
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tags: money wealth finance investment bankruptcy category: 6 answers
30. Name Something Credit Card Companies Offer, As A Reward For Signing Up.
cash back 41 free miles 26
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tags: money rewards credit finance cards category: 2 answers
31. tell me the age when someone should start saving for their retirement
30 16 20 25 13 21 18
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tags: retirement savings finance planning age money category: no points
32. Name a company you wish you'd bought stock in.
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tags: investing stocks money finance business category: 4 answers
33. name something you may be asked at the bank if you forgot your id
Mother's Maiden Name Account Number Date Of Birth Social Security
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tags: banking finance security money identification category: no points
34. tell me someone who charges you for advice
Therapist Lawyer $20.00 $100.00 Fortune Teller Accountant $60.00
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tags: advice money finance professional business category: no points
35. Name something that you keep in your wallet.
Money Cards ID Coupons
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tags: wallet everyday items finance money category: 4 answers
36. If a person didn't trust the banks, where might they put their money?
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tags: money hiding wealth finance assets category: no points
37. Name a big expense associated with a wedding
Reception Dance Celebration After Ceremony Party Dress Shindig
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tags: wedding money finance expenses celebration category: no points
38. Name The Person You Spend The Most Money On At Christmas.
kids 47 parents 13
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tags: family money christmas finance spending category: 2 answers
39. Name a field in which many of America's richest people have made their fortunes
Entertainment Oil Stock Market Real Estate Medical Field
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tags: finance business money wealth investment category: no points
40. Name a reason people might choose one bank over another
Staff Great Savings Improved Service Employees Better Service Workers Service
Answers are hidden.
tags: banking finance money loans savings category: no points
41. Name a field in which many of America's richest people have made their fortunes.
oil 21 stock market 17 entertainment 13 real estate 12 computer 11 medical field 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: money business investing finance rich category: 6 answers
42. When money is tight, name something families postpone doing.
vacation 62 movie 10 shopping 9 eating out 8 remodeling 3 paying bills 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: finance budget money spending savings category: 6 answers
43. What Was The Last Item On Which You Spent At Least $500?
Car 41 TV 37 Computer 15 Clothes 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: shopping money spending budget finance purchases category: 4 answers
44. Name an occupation that's most likely to cheat on taxes
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tags: finance taxes crime money cheating survey category: no points
45. Name a type of business that deals with money.
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tags: finance business money economy banking investment category: no points
46. Name ways to get rich quickly.
Invest 1 Save money 2 Buy bitcoin 2 Gamble 1 Get a job 3
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tags: money wealth finance jobs investments funny category: 5 answers
47. Name a word people use in the stock market.
buy 19 sell 18 bullish 12 raising up 10 dow jones 7 yes 7
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tags: finance investing stocks business money economics category: 6 answers
48. Name one of the richest people on earth.
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tags: money wealth finance economics business investing category: no points
49. Name Something Many people Buy With Credit Card Instead Of Cash
clothes 30 car 22 gas 18 food 16 furniture 7 tv 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: shopping purchases money credit finance spending category: 6 answers
50. Name another word besides "money" that means the same thing
Cash Send Us Your Answers! Alligators
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tags: synonyms vocabulary language words money finance category: no points
51. If you inherited a million dollars tonight, what's the first thing you'd do tomorrow morning?
pay bills 26 move 12 sleep in 9 buy a car 7 go to bank 7 go shopping 6 quit my job 6 donate to charity 5
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tags: inheritance finance money planning priorities hypothetical category: 8 answers
52. Hobby That Would Make You Go Broke Quickly
Gambling Collect Cars Shopping
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tags: hobbies money spending entertainment bankruptcy finance category: no points
53. What is something that requires your signature?
A check An agreement Shipment acknowledgment Authorization letter Email
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tags: fast money work school hospital finance adults category: fast money
54. Name a professional that charges for advice.
Therapist 38 Lawyer 31
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tags: fast money work business finance legal medical therapy category: fast money
55. Name something which the more you have, the more trouble you're likely to get into.
money 70 free time 7 girl/boyfriends 5 bills/credit card 4 alcoholic drinks 4 guns 3
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56. Fill in the blank: You're in deep ____.
Doo-doo 1 Trouble 1 Water 1 Sleep 1
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57. Why Might Someones Phone Number Be Unlisted
privacy 35 famous 17 avoid telemarketers 12 occupation 11 getting prank calls 10 just moved 5 bill collectors 5
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58. Name A Reason Someone Might Chop Up His Credit Card
Maxed Out Expired Paid It Off Fraud Got A New One
Answers are hidden.
tags: finances debt frustration humor hilarious category: no points
59. What Might A Shopaholic Do At The Store To Prevent Overspending
leave store 32 carry no money 26 cash not credit 26 set a budget 6 use coupons 6
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60. Name A Bill You'd Be Afraid To Pay Late
Electricity Council Tax Rent Gas Child Support
Answers are hidden.
61. Name Something You Buy To Save Money In The Long Run.
Economical Car 36 House/Improvement 26 Stocks/Savings Plan 15 washer/Appliance 9 Insurance 6 Groceries 5
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tags: savings finances budgeting practical category: 6 answers
62. Which Luxuries Are People Least To Give Up When On A Budget
Food Car Cable TV Cell Phone Vacation Shopping Coffee
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tags: budgeting family finances priorities spending values category: no points
63. Name another word for "money".
Dough Moolah Loot Dinero
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64. Name A Specific Expense That You’d Save On If You Didn’t Have Any Kids
Food 58 Clothes 18 Diapers 6 Education 5 Toys 5 Childcare 3 Vacation 3
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tags: finance kids family expenses parenting category: 7 answers
65. Name something you pay for in installments
Jalopy Vehicle Plantation Automobile Truck Van Car
Answers are hidden.
tags: expenses finance bills kids adults category: no points
66. Name A Reason Why Someone Might Be Able To Retire At 40.
high paying job 33 military veteran 20 won the lottery 20 inheritance/family 10 pro athlete 9 started work early 7
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tags: retirement finance age kids investment work category: 6 answers
67. Name A Big Expense That Some Parents Plan For Years In Advance
child's education 41 child's wedding 18 retirement 13 buying a house 13 family vacation 12
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tags: finance children education college kids category: 5 answers
68. Name a good way to teach children the value of money.
money 33 saving 15 earn it 13 open bank account 12 pay for own stuff 11 take them shopping 3
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tags: finance education parenting children kids category: 6 answers
69. Name something you would not want your spouse to change without telling you.
Career Hairstyle Bank Account Car Door Locks Name Address
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tags: appearance kids furniture pets travel finance category: 7 answers
70. Besides money, name a subject that is often talked about in the financial section of a newspaper.
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tags: stocks investments economy finance category: no points
71. What Might A Financial Expert Tell You To Put Your Money Into?
stocks 39 savings account 27 cd 10 bonds 9 ira 9 401k 4
Answers are hidden.
72. Name Something You Find In The Game Monopoly.
Money 43
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tags: games finance kids family real estate houses category: fast money
73. Name something a man should really avoid talking about with a woman
Ladies Prettiness Looks Women Girls Face
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tags: relationships children finance politics religion category: no points
74. While the rich get richer, name something everyone else is having trouble affording.
housing 33 food 16 car 15 gas 13 taxes 8 television 6 schooling 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: economy wealth poverty inflation finance category: 7 answers
75. Name a Type Of Document That You Might File And Save For
Taxes Birth Certificate Will Marriage Certificate Medical Bills Insurance Forms
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tags: finance medical legal education employment category: no points
76. Complete the statement: "all college students should learn how to _____."
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tags: education work life finance nutrition category: no points
77. Name a job in which you have to question the honesty of others
Litigator Lawyer Counselor Barrister Solicitor Attorney Advocate
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tags: work business finance law enforcement security category: no points
78. Other Than Working Name Something You Could Stop Doing If You Became A Millionaire
cleaning 38 driving 29 cooking 19 worrying 9 saving 3
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tags: luxury finance retirement freedom rich category: 5 answers
79. Name a job where you might have to be good with math
Bookkeeper Ca Tutor Auditor Irs Schoolteacher Accountant
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tags: school work finance education adults category: no points
80. Name the most expensive item in an office
Computer Desktop On-board Computer Surf Internet Mac Pc Internet
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tags: office finance work business school category: no points
81. Name something you don't like to discuss with strangers.
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tags: personal finance relationships politics health family category: 6 answers
82. Name a job title someone might have in a big company.
CEO 39 President 29 Vice President 16 Supervisor 8 Manager 3
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tags: work business company employment career finance category: 5 answers
83. Name an occupation in which a man would probably have to wear a tie every day.
lawyer 54 banker 27 ceo 12 salesman 6
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tags: work office business professional finance lawyer category: 4 answers
84. Name a purchase you should consult your spouse about before making
Vehicle Automobile
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tags: family finance marriage relationships home purchases category: no points
85. Name something an accountant stocks up on for tax season.
pencils/pens 36 paper 29 forms 15 envelopes 6 stamps 5 calculators 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: work adults finance supplies taxes numbers category: 6 answers
86. Name something people think is a man's job.
taking out trash 33 mow lawn 14 breadwinner 13 maintain cars 9 construction 8 u.s. president 4
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tags: work cars sports grilling yardwork finance category: 6 answers
87. Name A Profession That Has To Worry About Getting Sued
doctor 54 lawyer 31 police officer 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: work legal healthcare finance education food category: 3 answers
88. Complete the sentence: "money has ?"
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89. Name a playing piece in the game Monopoly
Sneaker Heel Shoe Boot Pump Tennis Show Runner
Answers are hidden.
90. name a type of payment that a parking meter doesnt usually accept
Check Paper Bills Pennies Cleats Credit Card
Answers are hidden.
91. If you could fly, name something you'd save a lot of money on
Skating Rink Gas Taxi Airfare Subway
Answers are hidden.
92. Name something a person pays someone else to get rid of.
trash 50 bugs 16 person 9 mice 8 old appliances 3 debt 3
Answers are hidden.
93. Name something associated with Benjamin Franklin
Bifocals One Hundred Dollar Bill Electricity Declaration Of Independen
Answers are hidden.
tags: inventions money electricity kids category: no points
94. Name an occupation that's most likely to cheat on taxes.
accountant/cpa 32 doctor/dentist 16 lawyer 14 self employed 9 food server 8
Answers are hidden.
95. Name The Age At Which People Stop Borrowing Money From Their Parents
35 27 25 24 21 21 18 16 never 10
Answers are hidden.
96. Name something they sell at concerts that are too expensive.
shirts 39 food 27 alcohol 24 tickets 6 cds 4
Answers are hidden.
97. Name a department in schools that is often underfunded.
Music Art Athletic Drama Science
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98. Name Something Not Valid Unless It’s Signed
Check Credit Card Contract Drivers License
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99. name something thats usually overpriced in a tourist area
Hotels Article Of Clothing Souvenirs Food/drinks
Answers are hidden.
100. Name Something People Spend THeir Tax Returns On.
Car 33 Clothes 22 Bills 15 Vacation 12 Food 6 Furniture 4 TV 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: money entertainment necessities kids bills fun category: 7 answers
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