The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something people borrow money to pay for
Mansion Dwelling House Estate Manor
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2. Name something you pay for in installments
Jalopy Vehicle Plantation Automobile Truck Van Car
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tags: expenses finance bills kids adults category: no points
3. Name a big expense associated with a wedding
Reception Dance Celebration After Ceremony Party Dress Shindig
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tags: wedding money finance expenses celebration category: no points
4. If you lost your job, name something you'd stop spending money on.
clothes 24 eating out 21 television 10 gasonline 7 movies 5
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tags: money finance budgeting work income expenses category: 5 answers
5. Name a good way to teach children the value of money.
money 33 saving 15 earn it 13 open bank account 12 pay for own stuff 11 take them shopping 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: finance education parenting children kids category: 6 answers
6. Name an expense that's much bigger if you have kids.
grocery bill 58 clothes 18 travel 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: children family expenses kids parents category: 3 answers
7. What would you say is the biggest expense in a very large family?
food 72 education 13 house 5 electricity 4 clothes 3 healthcare 2
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tags: kids family expenses funny school food category: 6 answers
8. To whom do you give most of your hard-earned money
Babies Daughters Government Kids
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tags: expenses bills family savings entertainment category: no points
9. Name a specific form of entertainment you think costs too much.
movies 36 concert 22 sporting event 12 theater/opera 8 amusement park 5
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tags: entertainment money family expenses funny category: 5 answers
10. Name a bill you'll be paying every month for the rest of your life.
electricity 38 insurance 12 phone 12 rent 11 credit card 4 car 4
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tags: bills expenses money family relationships funny category: 6 answers
11. Name an expense that's likely to skyrocket with a teen in the house
Clothing Car Insurance Sing Food
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tags: expenses teens financial family home life humor category: no points
12. Name things you spend lottery winnings on
Mansions 25 Vacations 23 Pay off debts 20 Cars 19 Education 10 Start a company 3
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tags: work office lottery money expenses dreams family category: 6 answers
13. Name The Person You Spend The Most Money On At Christmas.
kids 47 parents 13
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tags: family money christmas finance spending category: 2 answers
14. Name Something You Find In The Game Monopoly.
Money 43
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tags: games finance kids family real estate houses category: fast money
15. Name a purchase you should consult your spouse about before making
Vehicle Automobile
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tags: family finance marriage relationships home purchases category: no points
16. Name something you don't like to discuss with strangers.
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tags: personal finance relationships politics health family category: 6 answers
17. Name something whose cost could bankrupt the average American family.
house 41 credit cards 17 college 10 medical bills 6 car 6 utility bills 3 gambling 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: expenses bankruptcy category: 7 answers
18. Name An Expense On A Business Trip That The Company Would Be Expected To Reimburse.
Hotel 45 Meals 37 Rental Car 10 Airplane Ticket 8
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19. Name An Extra You Might Pay More For At The Gym
personal trainer 28 massage 18 laundry service 15 food/ drink 14 pool access 9 tanning bed 7 locker room use 3
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tags: fitness gym expenses exercise health category: 7 answers
20. Name something that these days, even middle-class people can't afford.
house 28 car 25 vacation 15 health care 8 gasoline 6 education/college 5
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tags: finances living economy expenses kids hilarious category: 6 answers
21. Name something that costs a lot of money.
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tags: money expenses bills wealth investment kids category: 4 answers
22. Name something you're starting to think you'll never be able to afford.
house 38 new car 21 retirement 11 boat 8 vacation 6 castle 3
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tags: expenses finances money savings kids funny category: 6 answers
23. Name An Expense From A Business Trip That Your Employer Probably Wouldn’t Reimburse
fancy meals 51 alcohol 31 entertainment 8 shopping 7
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tags: travel business work expenses funny category: 4 answers
24. Name a monthly bill that is usually less than a hundred dollars
Cable Phone Power
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tags: bills money expenses budget household category: no points
25. Name something you worry you won't have money for
Entertainment Retirement Bills New Car College
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tags: money expenses bills savings budget category: no points
26. Name a city that is expensive to live in.
send us your answers! 10 new york 57
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tags: housing money expenses rent utilities category: 2 answers
27. Name a city that's too expensive for most people to live in
Los Angeles New York City Philadelphia
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28. Name A Hidden Cost When Buying A Car
title 38 interest 22 tax 20 air conditioner 8 stereo 7
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tags: finances transportation budgeting saving expenses category: 5 answers
29. Name Something A Company Would Be Expected To Reimburse A Businessman For
Hotel 45
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tags: work expenses business travel meals transportation category: fast money
30. Name something you worry you won't have money for.
retirement 31 bills 19 college 17 food 6 gas 6 entertainment 5 new car 4 medical 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: expenses bills finances budgeting money savings category: 8 answers
31. Name a reason people give for not wanting to live in California
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tags: housing expenses jobs traffic climate schools category: no points
32. Which of your bills seems to be going up for no reason at all?
Energy Phone TV Subscription Credit Card Food
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tags: bills money utilities budget expenses inflation category: 5 answers
33. Name something you might budget for.
a new car 39 send us your answers! 10
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tags: budget money expenses savings bills finances category: 2 answers
34. Which of your bills seems to keep going up for no reason at all?
gas 39 telephone 29 cable 12 credit cards 10 food 3
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tags: bills finances expenses money inflation budgeting category: 5 answers
35. Name something that always ends up costing more money than you expect it to.
auto machanic 31 food 19 home renovations 14 clothes 7 vacations 6 medical visits 4
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tags: money budget expenses shopping funny unexpected category: 6 answers
36. Name something new you just can't afford to buy right now
Car Furniture House Boat Ipad Big TV
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tags: money expenses budget financial economy savings category: no points
37. a place you stop going to when you’re broke.
Restaurants 1 Store/mall 1 Bar/nightclub 1 Casino 1 The movies 2 The bank 2 Ball game 2 Racetrack 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious money finances budget poverty expenses category: 8 answers
38. In which American city is it most expensive to eat dinner?
new york 79 san francisco 8 los angeles 6 washington, dc 2 honolulu 2
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tags: food restaurants expenses travel cities united states category: 5 answers
39. Name an occassion that all parents look forward to.
graduation 46 christmas 11 kid's moving out 8 birthdays 6 first day of school 6 anniversary 5 wedding 4 mother's 4
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tags: kids family family-friendly parents parenting category: 8 answers
40. Name a reason a child might throw a tantrum.
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41. We asked 100 men. What is your pride and joy
Big Tv Missing Person Pet Kids Girlfriend Car
Answers are hidden.
42. How old is the average daughter when her parents let her get her ears pierced?
Thirteen Ten Twelve Fifteen Sixteen Six Five
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43. Name Something You Have To Put On A Personal Check
Signature 58
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tags: finance money kids category: fast money
44. Name something a father might do in the delivery room when his wife gives birth.
Faint Cry Take Pictures Hold Hands
Answers are hidden.
45. Name something kids do to annoy their parents.
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46. Name something a mother might give the kids more of than a father would
Kisses Snogs Hold Pecks Smooches Hugs Embraces
Answers are hidden.
47. Name something kids hope to someday have just like their parents.
car 36 house 26 money 20 their own family 7 job 3
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48. When it comes to raising kids, what's the one thing you need the most of
Love Patience Discipline
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49. Name Something A Woman Might Do To Her 12 Year Old Son That Would Cause Him To Say, “Mom, I’m Too Old For This!”
Kiss Him 48
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tags: kids family funny parenting mom son category: fast money
50. Name A Toy Parents Have To Put Together.
Bicycle 46 Doll House 12 Train Set 11 Race Track 11 Kite 10 Jungle Gym 8 Play House 2
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51. Name the first bill people pay after they get their paycheck
Apartment Rent
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52. Name another word for "money".
Dough Moolah Loot Dinero
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53. Name something children do when they are in the "Terrible Two's."
Tantrums Sob Throw Tantrums Freak Out Fit Melt Down
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tags: kids family hilarious children parenting category: no points
54. Name someone in a kid’s life who lets them get away with things their parent wouldn’t.
grandparents 55 babysitter 31 aunt/uncle 6 teacher 3
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tags: school kids funny parenting family category: 4 answers
55. Name Something Parents Wouldnt Want To Find Under Their Childs Bed
magazines 62 moldy food 24 dirty clothes 5 boogieman 4 trash 3
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56. When kids complain that they're bored, name something parents tell them to do
Chores Play Homework Read Book
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tags: kids family boredom parenting advice category: no points
57. Name a holiday or occasion that's fun for kids but work for parents.
christmas 57 halloween 15 easter 8 birthday 8
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tags: kids family parenting holidays work category: 4 answers
58. Tell me something that kids brag about regarding their fathers.
big and strong 52 cool job 22 takes them places 8 cool vehicle 6
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tags: kids family fatherhood parenting achievements category: 4 answers
59. name a baby item that you wouldnt want to buy from a rummage sale
Bottle Bib Pacifier Mattress/crib Secret Society Secret Santa Diapers
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60. Name something a kid might think his dad is better at than other dads.
sports 47 everything 13 building 11 fighting 10 makign money 7 being smart 3 being strong 3
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tags: kids family funny dad skills parenting category: 7 answers
61. If A Bachelor Had To Suddenly Take Care Of A Baby, Name Something He’d Have To Learn How To Do Fast.
change diapers 87 feed 8
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62. What Might You Name Your Son If You Wanted Him To Grow Up To Be A Magician.
houdini 49 merlin 30
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63. At what age do kids stop sitting at the kids' table?
Twelve Ten Thirteen Fifteen Eight Eighteen
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tags: family kids children parenting age table category: no points
64. What Do Parents Do As Part Of Their Childrens bedtime Routine
read 43 tuck them in 17 brush teeth 10 give bath 9 pray 6 sing 6 kiss goodnight 5
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tags: kids bedtime routine parenting family category: 7 answers
65. Name something parents might offer their child in exchange for Easter candy.
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tags: family parenting easter candy kids category: 10 answers
66. At what age would you let your kids go trick or treating unsupervised?
Twelve Thirteen Ten Fifteen Fourteen Eleven Never Sixteen
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids parenting halloween safety family category: no points
67. Name one thing that parents wish that their newborn babies would be able to do right away.
talk 35 use bathroom 24 sleep through night 18 walk 15 drink bottle 8
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tags: kids family parenting babies newborns category: 5 answers
68. Name An Instance When Parents Are Likely To Ask Their Children If They Need To Use The Bathroom.
bedtime 45 before a trip 33 before church 14 at the movies 7
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tags: kids family funny hilarious parenting category: 4 answers
69. Name a gift people often get for newborns.
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tags: kids family funny infants parenting category: no points
70. When kids complain that they're bored, name something parents tell them to do.
play 37 chores 27 read book 24 homework 7 watch tv 3
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tags: kids family children parenting funny category: 5 answers
71. Name something parents teach their children in the summer.
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tags: kids family learning parenting summer category: no points
72. Name Something Annoying Kids Say On A Long Car Trip
are we there yet? 71 i need to go to the bathr 21
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tags: family travel kids funny parenting car category: 2 answers
73. Finish the sentence: "every parents wants to be there for their baby's first _____."
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tags: family parenting kids heartwarming funny category: no points
74. Tell me something parents blame for their kids' bad behavior.
tv/movie video 35 friends 30 school/daycare 8 other parents 8 not feeling well 7 music/music video 4
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tags: parenting family children behavior kids category: 6 answers
75. Name something that parents think is important but kids might not.
School Money Homework Sleep Jobs
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76. Name a reason why a baby might be cranky.
hungry 39 tired 6 teething 20 dirty diapers 19 gas 8 sick 4
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tags: babies kids funny parenting family category: 6 answers
77. What is something your parents/grandparents tell you often?
1. “Do your chores” 10 2. “I love you” 5 3. “Be quiet” 3 4. “Do the right thing” 3 5. “Don’t do that” 2
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tags: kids family advice wisdom parenting category: 6 answers
78. When A Kid Says “I’M Bored”, Name Something A Parent Often Suggests.
Read A Book Go Out Side Clean Finish Homework Play Game
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tags: kids family parenting bored activities category: no points
79. Name An Extracurricular Activity That Parents Say Is Good For A Child.
team sports 36 music lessons 22 dance class 21 theatre 12 martial arts 3
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tags: school education parenting kids family category: 5 answers
80. Tell me a way a parent rewards a well behaved child.
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tags: kids parenting rewards discipline family category: no points
81. At what age does the average kid get their first cellphone?
Twelve Thirteen Ten Fourteen Fifteen Eleven
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tags: kids family parenting technology children category: no points
82. which superhero would you least trust to babysit your children
Incredible Hulk Wolverine Batman Spiderman
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tags: kids family parenting superheroes babysitting category: no points
83. Name something specific that parents might encourage their kids to pursue.
College Sports Dreams Career
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tags: parenting kids advice children family category: no points
84. Name something that parents point out to their toddlers while on a walk
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tags: kids outdoors parenting family learning category: no points
85. Name a reason why fathers want sons.
carry a family name 58 play 11 pass on legacy 6 be just like them 5 ego 3 live vicariously 3
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tags: family kids funny parenting fathers category: 6 answers
86. Name a way that you can tell a kid’s bedroom apart from their parents’ room
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tags: kids family bedroom parenting design category: no points
87. Name the superhero that you think would make the best parent.
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tags: parenting superheroes family kids funny category: no points
88. Name something parents cannot wait for their kids to be old enough to do
Move Out Leave Home Get Apartment Relocate
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tags: parenting family kids chores funny category: no points
89. Name something their children do which parents brag about
Good At Sports Good Grades Win Awards Graduate
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tags: parenting kids family bragging children category: no points
90. Name something you'd hate to forget to put in a baby change bag.
Nappies Wipes Milk Baby Powder
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tags: baby parenting essentials kids family category: 4 answers
91. Name Something Your Child Knows About You That You Hope Shes Not Telling Strangers
age 42 weight 26 address 12 phone number 6 income 4 drinking habits 3 sleep naked 3
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tags: kids funny family relationships parenting category: 7 answers
92. Name Something Parents Do To A Child Who Won’t Eat His Supper
Wishes Giggle A Lot Job Interview No Dessert Ask For An Autograph Smile Cry
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93. Name something Mom doesn’t let her kids do that Grandma might do
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tags: kids family fun funny parenting grandparents category: no points
94. When kids ask where babies come from name an answer that parents give.
the stork 56 heaven 16 a cabbage patch 7 mom's tummy 7 the hospital 6 santa claus 3
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tags: kids family funny parenting education category: 6 answers
95. Name The Age When Youngsters Really Start Rebelling Against Their Parents.
13 44 12 16 16 12 14 7 15 7 10 7
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96. Name a child's toy that a dad might wish he had
Remote Control Car Toy Train Set Action Figure Video Game System
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97. Name Something A Parent Might Scold A Child For Interrupting
conversation 59 date 18 work/meeting 11 movie/tv show 10
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tags: family parenting conversation etiquette kids funny category: 4 answers
98. Name an activity people only do when they have kids.
go to playground 57 go to zoo 25 watch cartoons 18
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tags: kids family funny parenting children humor category: 3 answers
99. Name A Rule A Parent Might Have For When Their Child Goes Swimming
no diving 33 no running 29 lifejacket/floaties 14 hor after eating 8 no deep water 8 stay supervised 7
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tags: parenting safety family kids swimming rules category: 6 answers
100. what would you pat on a babys body that you would never pat on an adult you dont know
Black Eye Head Bottom Foot Tummy
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tags: kids adults family parenting funny humorous category: no points
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