The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name a character from the justice league.
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tags: superheroes tv movies comic books pop culture kids category: no points
2. We asked 100 people: name a popular vampire series.
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tags: tv entertainment popular culture books media category: no points
3. Tell me a superhero people like to dress up as for Halloween.
Answers are hidden.
tags: halloween costumes superheroes comic books pop culture kids category: 4 answers
4. Name the section of the newspaper people spend the most time reading.
classifieds 24 sports 23 front page 21 comics 16 business 4 travel 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: news reading pop culture entertainment books information category: 6 answers
5. Name something besides books you might find in a library
Computers 32 Librarians 27 Magazines 18 Newspapers 15 Movies 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: work office books learning knowledge information history culture category: 5 answers
6. Name one thing about Harry Potter
Wizard Magic Eyeglasses Sorcery Sunglasses Spectacles Glasses
Answers are hidden.
7. Name a book that could knock you out if you were hit over the head with it.
dictionary 39 encyclopedia 25 bible 14 phonebook 14 war and peace 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: school education kids funny hilarious books category: 5 answers
8. Name A Profession That Would Help You Be Good At Solving Crossword Puzzles
teacher 58 writer 17 librarian 13 editor 8 journalist 4
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tags: language books reading education school funny category: 5 answers
9. Name a famous bear
Winnie The Pooh Smokey The Bear Yogi Bear
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tags: animals television books kids funny family category: no points
10. Name A Book You Carry Around To Impress Someone Else.
religous scripture 58 dictionary 21 little black book 6 daily planner 4 atlas 4 diary 3
Answers are hidden.
11. what novel did you hate reading in highschool
Kill A Mockingbird War And Peace Great Expectations Moby Dick Lord Of The Flies Catcher In The Rye Of Mice And Men
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tags: school reading high school books literature category: no points
12. Name A Type Of Book That You’re Not Expected To Read All Of.
bible 36 dictionary 28 encyclopedia 15 text book 10 phone book 8
Answers are hidden.
13. Name A Book That Students Keep On Hand For Reference.
dictionary 56 encyclopedia 22 thesaurus 13 atlas 6
Answers are hidden.
14. Name something people alphabetize.
address book 39 flies 23 recipes 8 lists 6 soup 4 spices 3
Answers are hidden.
15. Name a book students keep on hand for reference.
dictionary 59 encyclopedia 19 bible 7 phonebook 4 comics 2
Answers are hidden.
16. Name something you might see at Hogwarts.
harry potter 31 ghosts 20 wizards 19 magic 12 wands 10 owls 8
Answers are hidden.
17. What Might You Find Inside A Book That Tells You It Was Meant For Children?
pictures 65 animal characters 11 princess 7 once upon a time 4 pop up pages 4 small words 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids books school animals plants food category: 6 answers
18. Name a famous american newspaper.
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tags: school learning education history books kids category: no points
19. Name something annoying at the library.
noise 27 people talking 26 librarian 7 quiet 6 child crying 4
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tags: school quiet kids books adults hilarious category: 5 answers
20. Name a famous Shakespeare play that's been turned into a movie
Macbeth Juliet Hamlet Romeo And Juliet And Juliet Othello A-midsummer-nights-dream
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tags: books movies entertainment school kids classics category: no points
21. Name a children's story that has the word "three" in the title.
three little pigs 60 three blind mice 6
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22. Besides books, name something you find at a bookstore.
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tags: books school paper office supplies category: 4 answers
23. Name Something You Buy At A Bookshop From The Reference Section
Dictionary Encyclopedia Atlas
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tags: books knowledge school work animals category: no points
24. Name a book you expect a high school student to read in English class.
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tags: education books school literature teenagers category: 5 answers
25. What Do People Use To Keep Their Place In A Book If They Dont Have A Bookmark
paper 55 fold page 18 pen 13 card 8 napkin 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: books reading library education school category: 5 answers
26. Name a writer who everyone studied in high school.
shakespeare 51 mark twain 12 edgar allen poe 11 charles dickens 7 ernest hemingway 3 j.d. salinger 3
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tags: school education authors literature writers books category: 6 answers
27. Name something people associate with a nerd
Sunglasses Technology Glasses Eyeglasses Protector Spectacles
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tags: school technology intelligence games books computers category: no points
28. Name something you might find in a teenage girl's bedroom.
stuffed animal 19 makeup 15 diary 14 posters 8 magazines 7 photos 6 mirror 4 stereo 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: school clothes makeup books electronics posters category: 8 answers
29. Name the class that traditionally has the biggest text books.
History Science Math English Geography
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tags: school books education learning students teachers category: no points
30. Besides Books, Name Something You’d Find In Most School Libraries
Compters 39 Magazines 20 Librarian 11 Chairs 6 Desks 5 Students 5 Videos 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: school education learning library books students category: 7 answers
31. Name A Shakespeare Play Which Was Made Into A Movie
romeo & juliet 34 hamlet 24 othello 14 macbeth 9 taming of the shrew 7 midsummer nights dream 5 much ado about nothing 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work literature books movies classics category: 7 answers
32. Name A Christmas Story That A Parent Might Read To Their Child.
Night Before Christmas 64 Rudolph The Red Nose 9 Grinch Stole Xmas 7 A Christmas Carol 6 Bible 4 Frosty The Snow Man 3 A Christmas Carol 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids family christmas books literature category: 7 answers
33. Name A Book Where The Main Hero Is A Kid.
harry potter 76 peter pan 10 tom sawyer 9 huck finn 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids books children reading family category: 4 answers
34. Name Something That Most Children Have In Their Bedroom
Bed Toys Teddy Bear Books TV Wardrobe
Answers are hidden.
35. Name something an 8-year-old might bring with them when they stay over at Grandma's house.
stuffed animal 36 sleeping bag 5
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tags: kids family toys games clothes books category: 2 answers
36. Name a christmas gift a toddler might get.
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tags: kids christmas family toys games books category: no points
37. Name a place you might turn to for relationship advice.
Church 37 Friends 22 Family 21 Therapist 20
Answers are hidden.
tags: friends family therapist books internet category: 4 answers
38. name someone an author dedicates his book to
Mother Partner Readers Higher Power Editor/colleague
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tags: family love gratitude books appreciation category: no points
39. Living Or Dead, Name A Man Named Ted
Ted Bundy Ted Kennedy Ted Turner Theodore Roosevelt Ted Koppel
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tags: family people history movies books celebrities category: no points
40. name something you did at middle school dances that you would never do at a dance club now
Slow Dance Kiss Date In Public Not Dance Drink Punch Mattress
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41. Other Than Food, Why Do You Like Going To A Chinese Restaurant
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tags: family kids funny culture dining entertainment category: no points
42. Name a popular type of Girl Scout cookie
Peppermint Pb Mint Butter Chocolate Chip Spearmint Peanut Butter
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tags: food kids cookies family funny culture category: no points
43. If An Alien Landed At Christmas Time Name A Christmas Tradition That Would Be Hard To Explain
santa 38 wrap/exchange gifts 22 tree in house 20 caroling 8 kiss under mistletoe 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: holidays christmas family culture funny category: 5 answers
44. Why Might A Person Refuse To Remove Their Shoes At A Party?
smelly feet 37 dirty floor 33 no socks 11 ugly feet 10 cold feet 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: family etiquette culture social norms funny category: 5 answers
45. Name a foreign language many Americans learn in school
German French Spanish Latin
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tags: school education language culture kids category: no points
46. Name Something That Has The Word Pop In It
popcorn 37 soda pop 25 pop tart 12 popsicle 9 popular 6 pop goes the weasel 5
Answers are hidden.
47. Name wedding traditions people would not miss
Tossing the garter 38 Smashing cake in the face 23 Spending money to be in the bridal party 22 Giving the bride away 17
Answers are hidden.
tags: work office family traditions weddings culture customs funny category: 4 answers
48. Name Something Typically Japanese
Sushi Kimono Sake Cars Bonsai Karate
Answers are hidden.
tags: food animals culture school plants kids category: no points
49. Name a reason you might paint your face.
halloween costume 50 sports 25 party 12 you're a clown 8 carnival 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work animals cosplay culture kids category: 5 answers
50. Name a country where they speak french.
France Canada Haiti Monaco
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tags: school travel kids language geography culture category: no points
51. Name a fictional character who has great strength.
Superman Hercules Spider-Man Incredible Hulk He-Man Popeye
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52. Name a country where Spanish is spoken.
Spain Argentina Costa Rica Puerto Rico Peru
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tags: adults school travel language culture kids geography category: no points
53. Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "Q".
Answers are hidden.
tags: school animals famous people kids names pop culture category: 5 answers
54. Name A Foreign Language That Is Not Usually Offered In High School
japanese 29 chinese 23 latin 21 russian 18 german 9
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tags: languages education culture learning school category: 5 answers
55. Name a country known for its ancient ruins.
egypt 31 italy 30 greece 21 china 9 mexico 2
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tags: school travel history culture geography category: 5 answers
56. Name something associated with Scotland
Plaid Bagpipes Kilts Loch Ness Monster Scotland Yard Whiskey
Answers are hidden.
57. Name Something About Winnie The Pooh That Is Different From Real Bears.
can talk 40 wears a shirt 23 he's yellow/orange 11 has ‘hunny' jar 10 friends with people 8 gentle 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: entertainment books kids animals funny category: 6 answers
58. Name Something Everybody knows About Dr. Seuss
green eggs and ham 25 rhymes 22 cat in the hat 4 not a doctor 3
Answers are hidden.
59. Tell me something you know about Japan.
cars 42 sushi 26 crowded 19 island chain 13
Answers are hidden.
tags: culture animals food travel school people category: 4 answers
60. Name a subject people know lots of trivia about.
football 31 golf 31 field 31 hockey 31 sports 31 competitions 31 matches 31 track 31 games 31 baseball 31 athletics 31 basketball 31 soccer 31
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tags: trivia school geography history pop culture sports category: 13 answers
61. Superman Christmas Card ( Key Words Only )
lois lane 56 batman 21
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tags: christmas holidays family pop culture kids category: 2 answers
62. Name something with a beginning, a middle and an end.
book 49 life 14 movie 12 sentence 11 person's name 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids funny animals books movies life category: 5 answers
63. Name a popular fairy tale.
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tags: fairy tales books childhood kids funny category: no points
64. Name a language the pope uses during his Easter service.
Latin 55 Italian 18 English 14 Spanish 8 French 5 Hebrew Arabic German Greek
Answers are hidden.
tags: religion language culture holidays family kids category: 9 answers
65. Name a superheroine who is the female version of a well-known male hero.
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tags: heroes comics kids family-friendly pop culture category: no points
66. Name a paris tourist attraction.
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tags: landmarks kids education family travel culture category: no points
67. Name an instrument associated with irish music.
Babpipes Fiddle Flute Harp Guitar Banjo
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tags: music instruments culture trivia family kids category: no points
68. How can You Tell The Show You’re watching Is Made Fore Kids?
Cartoon Songs Puppets Rating Commercials
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tags: kids family entertainment television humor pop culture category: no points
69. We asked 100 people: Name a TV family
Nose Picking Adams Family Bradys Be Nude The Huxtables
Answers are hidden.
tags: entertainment tv family pop culture comedy category: no points
70. Name an animal sound you might see in a kid’s book
Moo 30 Oink 28 Bow-wow/bark 15 Meow 15 Roar 12
Answers are hidden.
tags: work office animals kids funny books learning education category: 5 answers
71. Name Someone Who Writes The Funniest Stories About Christmas.
Dr Seuss 46 Elves 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny christmas books writing authors holiday category: fast money
72. Name a group from the Motown era
The Shirelles Jackson 5 The Supremes Shirelles Temptations The Temptations Supremes
Answers are hidden.
tags: music entertainment history culture family fun category: no points
73. Name something commonly associated with Chinese New Year.
Dragon 33 Masks 27 Fireworks 26 Parade 13
Answers are hidden.
tags: culture tradition celebration food family category: 4 answers
74. Why Might Parents Wait Until After The Baby Is Born To Give It A Name?
Find Out Sex Looks Personality Indecisive
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tags: parenting babies family tradition culture category: no points
75. Which Traditional Dish Would You Prepare For Somebody Learning About American Culture?
hamburger 39 fried chicken 20 pizza 17 hot dog 13 apple pie 8
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tags: food culture tradition american family dinner category: 5 answers
76. name a part of table manners that most people learn from their parents
Say Grace Elbows Off Table Mouth Closed Use Napkin Elbows
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tags: family lifestyle manners etiquette home culture category: no points
77. Name a world religion.
Christianity 49 Islam 19 Judaism 15 Buddhism 10 Scientology 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: family culture religion history beliefs traditions category: 5 answers
78. If you couldn't live in the U.S., what country would you choose to live in
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tags: travel housing healthcare culture language family category: no points
79. Name A Tradition That People Follow
Marriage Christmas Church Easter Religion
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tags: traditions family culture customs holidays gatherings category: no points
80. What Traffic Signs Describe Your Life Style?
Stop 44 Green Light 17 Yield/Slow Down 13 Dead End 8 Do Not Enter 7 Curves Ahead 6 Caution 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships lifestyle family humor pop culture traffic category: 7 answers
81. Name a famous sitcom family
Bradys All In The Family The Bunkers The Cosbys Cosbys Bunkers Archie Bunker
Answers are hidden.
tags: family entertainment television pop culture friends relationships category: no points
82. Past or present, name a famous TV dad
Cliff Huxtable Ward Cleaver Danny Tanner Al Bundy Homer Simpson
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tags: family television entertainment pop culture childhood nostalgia category: no points
83. Name A Modern Day Holiday Movie.
Santa Clause Home Alone
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tags: movies holidays entertainment pop culture family streaming category: no points
84. Name something to help you through a lonely night.
TV Book Food Music Pet Pillow Companion
Answers are hidden.
85. Name popular songs at karaoke
“I will always love you” by Whitney Houston 21 “Let it Go” from Frozen 19 “Don’t Stop Believin'” by Journey 18 “Piano Man” by Billy Joel 16 “Wanna Be” by the Spice Girls 15 “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen 11
Answers are hidden.
tags: work office music singing karaoke entertainment popular culture family fun category: 6 answers
86. Name something you associate with the Harry Potter series.
Magic 36 Wizards 28 Witches 14 Wands 12 Hogwarts 10
Answers are hidden.
87. Besides books, name something you can find at a local library.
Movies Computers Magazines Librarian Newspaper
Answers are hidden.
88. Name something you associate with captain nemo.
Answers are hidden.
89. Name some popular imaginary characters.
Santa Claus The Tooth Fairy The Easter Bunny The Boogeyman Bigfoot
Answers are hidden.
tags: adults kids entertainment tv books movies category: no points
90. Name A Section You’D See At A Book Store
Fiction Mystery Childrens Non-Fiction Graphic Novels Sci Fi Romance
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tags: books reading literature education kids category: no points
91. Name something you associate with university
Study Degrees Learning Books Students
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tags: education books classes studying kids category: no points
92. Name Something That’s In A Bookstore, But Not In Most Libraries.
Cafe Register
Answers are hidden.
tags: library kids books writing knowledge category: no points
93. Name A Famous Fictional Dog
Scooby Doo Lassie K9 Santa's Little Helper Snoopy Hooch
Answers are hidden.
tags: animals books kids pets schools tv category: no points
94. what would you see at the rummage sale of someone was not planning to have more kids
Car Seat Baby Clothes Stroller Crib
Answers are hidden.
95. Tell me something in a library that you can't check out.
computer 50 periodicals 21 reference books 13 librarian 12
Answers are hidden.
tags: library reading kids knowledge books category: 4 answers
96. Name something associated with Alice in Wonderland.
Answers are hidden.
tags: characters books movies childhood kids category: 5 answers
97. Name Something Specific You’d Expect To See In One Of Those “New Age” Stores.
candles 28 incense 24 crystals 18 new age clothes 11 terot cards 8 lava lamp 7 new age books 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: shopping spirituality books category: 7 answers
98. name a part of a magazine that you dont read
Elbows Horoscopes Ads Editorial Index
Answers are hidden.
99. Give me a movie that was based on a book.
harry potter series 38 twilight saga 26 gone with the wind 18 the help 10 the hunger games 8
Answers are hidden.
100. Name Something You’d Find On The Cover Of A Novel.
Authors Name 44 Title 38 Blurb 8 Picture 6 On Best seller List 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: books reading literature category: 5 answers
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