The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name Something A Young Man Might Do To Look Older
Grow A Moustache Grow Long Hair Stuble Get A Tattoo Fake I.D
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tags: appearance grooming fashion behavior speech category: no points
2. Name Something People Do When They Want To Look Better. (Makeover Is Not An Answer, Be More Specific)
change hair 28 diet 25 put on makeup 20 plastic surgery 13 exercise 5 clean up 3
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tags: fashion appearance beauty cosmetics style grooming category: 6 answers
3. name something that can help an average guy to look more attractive
Good Haircut Facial Hair/ Shave Stylish Clothes Muscles
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tags: appearance style grooming fashion male beauty category: no points
4. Name something a woman does for beauty that a man also does.
haircut/styled 44 shaves 19 bathes/showers 14 gets facial/mask 8 uses face cream 5 manicure/pedicure 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: beauty grooming self-care appearance fashion makeup category: 6 answers
5. Name Something A Person Might Do In Order To Stay Attractive
plastic surgery 33 exercise 26 wear makeup 14 diet 8 use botox 6 dye hair 4
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tags: beauty grooming appearance vanity style fashion category: 6 answers
6. Name something that makes a man look distinguished
Suit Jacket Designer Suit Grey Hair
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tags: fashion grooming appearance personality style kids category: no points
7. Tell Me Something About A Boy’s Appearance That Might Make his Date’s Disapprove Of Him
Long Hair 28 Tattoos 27 Inappropriate dress 20 Piercings 17 Dirty/Unkempt 3 Facial Hair 3
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tags: appearance dating relationships fashion grooming hygiene category: 6 answers
8. Name Something A Woman Might Suggest Her Husband Do To Improve His Appearance
shave 46 work out 33 new hairstyle 14 dress up 4
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tags: fashion looks grooming personal care style appearance category: 4 answers
9. Name something specific that some women wear and some don't
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tags: fashion clothing appearance style personal care grooming category: no points
10. Name something you'd do in front of a mirror.
Brush teeth 2 Brush hair 2 Pop a pimple/zit 3 Check your outfit 3 Practice dance moves 3
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tags: grooming beauty hygiene kids funny school pets friends makeup category: 5 answers
11. Name a reason a boy says he hates wearing braces on his teeth.
looks funny 25 gets teased 17 can't kiss 15 food gets stuck 15 they hurt 13 girls 6
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tags: school work friends food appearance funny category: 6 answers
12. Name Something A Man With Very Little Hair Does To Make It Look Like He Has More
comb hair over 59 wear hairpiece 34 dye different colors 4 grow it long 3
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tags: hair grooming men appearance funny category: 4 answers
13. Name something a guy saves money on if he's bald.
shampoo 49 haircut 25 comb 6 hair gel 3 hair spray 3 hat 3 transplant 3 rogaine 3
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tags: grooming budget frugal appearance category: 8 answers
14. Name something a teen girl might ask her mom to stay out of
Her Bedroom Her Diary To A Hotel Her Business Her Love Life
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tags: school friends crushes appearance social media secrets category: no points
15. Name Something Teenagers Stress Out About.
School 38 Acne/Looks 23 Dating 17 Friends/Clique 14 Parents/Rules 6
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tags: school friends family social media grades appearance category: 5 answers
16. Name something teenagers think it's important to be good at.
school 10 sports 39
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tags: school friends appearance social media technology music category: 2 answers
17. Name something people put on their teeth.
toothpaste 58 braces 17 whitener 12 caps 4
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tags: food hygiene grooming teeth appearance category: 4 answers
18. Name A Reason Why A Man Would Wax Hair Off Part Of His Body
too hairy 34 for spouse/date 28 body builder 19 swimmer 16
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tags: grooming hygiene appearance shaving skincare category: 4 answers
19. Something Specific People Do In Front Of Mirror
Singing Speech Smiling
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tags: grooming hygiene appearance self-care vanity category: no points
20. Name Something A Shy Man Might Wear To Hide His Face.
hat/headband 45 glasses 24 facial hair 16 scarf 9 hood 4
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tags: fashion appearance clothing school work funny category: 5 answers
21. Name A reason You Wouldn’t recognize Someone At Your High School Reunion
weight gain/loss 51 bald 19 older 19 plastic surgery 8
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tags: school aging time appearance fashion health category: 4 answers
22. Name Something A Man Might Put In His Hair.
gel 42 mousse 24 grease 10 shampoo 7 hair spray 7 dye 5 oil 3 texturizer 2
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tags: haircare hygiene beauty appearance grooming kids category: 8 answers
23. What Would A Beauty-Obsessed Person Take Longer To Do?
Fix Hair 40 Put On Make Up 30 Get Dressed 19 Shower 8
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tags: beauty vanity grooming appearance cosmetics skincare category: 4 answers
24. Name Something People Do When They Want To Look Better.
change hair 27 lose weight 24
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tags: appearance beauty grooming hygiene style vanity category: 2 answers
25. Something people stand in front of a mirror to practice.
speech/talking 34 dancing 14 smiling 12 singing 8
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tags: grooming beauty appearance vanity self-care kids category: 4 answers
26. If You Dyed Your Hair, What Color Would You Hate To Turn Out
Green Orange Pink Red Blue Purple White
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tags: hair beauty vanity grooming appearance funny category: no points
27. Tell Me How Many Days It Takes A Man To Grow A Beard. (Numeric Only)
7 days 23 5 days 18 10 days 16 14 days 14 3 days 12 4 days 9
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tags: trivia knowledge human body appearance grooming category: 6 answers
28. Name Something You Do In Front Of A Mirror You Wouldnt Want Anyone To See
pop a zit 14 look at your body 9 dance 8 undress 6 pluck eyebrows 6 clip nose hairs 6
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tags: appearance grooming personal care embarrassing funny kids category: 6 answers
29. Name something you do when looking in the mirror that you’d hate to be caught doing if it was a 2-way mirror.
pick nose 31 undress 23 pick teeth 20 pose 11 skin care 10 dance 3
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tags: adults funny grooming appearance personal hygiene embarrassing category: 6 answers
30. Name Something On Your Body That You Want To Be Shiny
hair 39 teeth 22 nails 17 lips 8 eyes 6
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tags: body appearance beauty grooming hygiene personal care category: 5 answers
31. Name Something People Practice In A Mirror.
singing 26 dancing 20 speaking 17 smiling 13 modeling 6 greeting 5 kissing 4 flexing 4
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tags: personal care grooming beauty appearance self-improvement kids category: 8 answers
32. Name something your teenager would say is their most prized possession.
car 48 cell phone 30 diary 14 clothes 4
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tags: school technology friends fashion music pets category: 4 answers
33. Name something a teenager might do when they have a crush.
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tags: school friends music fashion dating social media category: no points
34. Name Something Kids Start To Care More About Once Theyre Teenagers
looks 38 clothes 23 dating 13 money 12 driving 5
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tags: teenagers school friends fashion music social media category: 5 answers
35. Name something some men wear and some men don't
Hats Sneakers/shoes Ties/bow Ties Jewelry/earrings Undershirts Underwear/thongs Cologne
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tags: clothing fashion style accessories grooming category: no points
36. Name Something Woman Do To Their Eyebrows
Pluck Dye Shave Mascara
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tags: beauty grooming makeup fashion hair category: no points
37. Name Something Both Men And Women Use To Keep Their Hair In Place.
hairspray 46 gel 18 mousse 11 rubber band 9 comb 5 brush 4
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tags: grooming hair fashion style beauty category: 6 answers
38. what stereotypical features might a nerd have
Gasp Brains Laugh Buck Teeth Pocket Protector Thick Glasses
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tags: school friends family humor intelligence social category: no points
39. What do you do when having a bad hair day?
wear a hat 54 tie it back 15 cry 11 get it wet 7 stay home 6 cut it 3
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tags: hair beauty fashion style grooming confidence category: 6 answers
40. Name Something People Do To Their Hair That Makes Them Look Silly.
Dye It 64 Mohawk 14 Get A Bad Haircut 6 Curling 5 Bleach 5
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41. Name Something A Man Does To Groom Himself
shave 60 comb hair 23 shower 11 brush teeth 4
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tags: grooming hygiene self-care personal care men appearance category: 4 answers
42. Name something a woman might want to keep hidden if she lies about her age
Id Birth Certificate Permit License Gray Hair Certificate
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tags: relationships family friends work health appearance category: no points
43. Fill in the blank: A woman should not judge a man by his ______
Grin Handsomeness Prettiness Features Face Her Looks Good Looks
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tags: appearance friends wallet smile family hobbies category: no points
44. Name Something A Teen I More Likely To Do To Their Appearance Then Their Parents Are
dye hair 41 get a tattoo 25 get a piercing 17 wear make up 12
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tags: teens appearance parents fashion category: 4 answers
45. Name Something A Male Rock Star Might Do To Make Himself Look More Rebellious
tattoos 28 get body pierced 26 dye hair 17 paint face 8 shave head 8 long hair 6 facial hair 3
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tags: music art performance appearance fashion category: 7 answers
46. Name Something Woman Do To Make Themselves More Attractive
Make Up New Hairstyle New Clothes Plastic Surgery Loose Weight Fake Tan
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tags: fashion beauty makeup appearance looks category: no points
47. name something people use to make themselves look younger
Hair Dye Botox Cosmetics
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tags: beauty appearance fashion makeup category: no points
48. name a painful procedure that a woman might do for the sake of beauty
Botox Legs Waxed Plastic Surgery Measurements Eyebrows Plucked
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tags: beauty pain women appearance fashion category: no points
49. When it comes to appearance, name something women only do because men want them to
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tags: appearance women men fashion makeup beauty category: no points
50. name something on her body that a woman might change the color of
Lips Hair Skin Nails
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tags: appearance beauty fashion makeup women category: no points
51. Name something that looks better on young girls than older women
Shorts Bathing Suit Ponytail Miniskirt
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tags: women appearance youth fashion funny category: no points
52. Name something teens are more likely to do to their appearance than their parents are.
dye their hair 41 get a tattoo 25 get a piercing 17
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tags: appearance teens parents fashion trends category: 3 answers
53. Name Something You Really Shouldn't Wear After 50
Mini Skirt Bikini Swimming Trunks Shorts Thong
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tags: clothing fashion aging style appearance category: no points
54. Name Something You’re Advised To Wear In Order To Look Slim
Black Girdle Vertical Stripes
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tags: fashion clothing appearance style beauty category: no points
55. Name something of yours that's getting older and looks it.
face 27 car 16 hair 12 skin 8 shoes 4
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tags: home appearance kids funny fashion category: 5 answers
56. For What Occasion Did Your Partner Last Look Stunning?
Wedding 61 Anniversary 18 Prom 6 Birthday Party 6 Dinner Date 3
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tags: fashion special occasion looks appearance beauty style category: 5 answers
57. Name Something Many People Spend A Lot Of Money On Just To Impress Others
clothes 41 car 40 house 10 hair cut 3 jewelry 3
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tags: status fashion online travel cars appearance category: 5 answers
58. We surveyed 100 men...Name something women are always changing.
hair 45 clothes/shoes 31 mind/opinion 18 mood 3 nail polish 2
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tags: lifestyle appearance relationships fashion makeup hair category: 5 answers
59. Name Something That Looks Attractive On A Woman, But Not A Man
Dress Jewelry Makeup Bra Skirt High Heels Bikini
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tags: fashion beauty appearance clothing jewelry makeup category: no points
60. if you dont look like cindy crawford what clothing item might you still be able to model
Volunteer Work Watches/ Jewelry Gloves Footwear Winter Coat
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tags: fashion modeling clothing style appearance confidence category: no points
61. Name A Sport Where The Athletes Don't Look Very Athletic
Bowls Darts Snooker Sumo
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tags: sports games appearance humor category: no points
62. Name Something About Grandmas Looks That Could Be Fake
Teeth Hair Chest Eyelashes Eyebrows
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tags: family appearance grandparents humor funny category: no points
63. Grey Hair On Older Men Is Distinguished. What Happens To Aging Men That Isn’t Distinguished?
wrinkles 43 baldness 23 gain weight 18 nose/ear hair 5 lose teeth 4 lose hearing 3
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tags: aging appearance humor men senior citizens category: 6 answers
64. Name something you would not wear to a funeral.
shorts 33 bathing suits 27 evening gown 21 wedding dress 19
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tags: clothing attire appearance funeral respect humor category: 4 answers
65. Name something on a woman's body that she might try to hide
Stomach Backside Fat Scar Birthmark
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tags: body women appearance dating relationships humor category: no points
66. Name something women talk about with their hairdressers.
men 45 hairstyle 9
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tags: friends work family men fashion kids category: 2 answers
67. What Worldly Topic Would You Be Surprised To Learn That Britney Spears And Jessica Simpson Talk About When They’re Alone
politics 24 war 22 world peace 21 religion 11 hunger/poverty 10 global warming 9
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tags: friends gossip fashion beauty men motherhood category: 6 answers
68. Name something women do together that a man would be embarrassed doing with another guy.
try on clothes 24 talk/gossip 15 shop 15 hug/kiss 12 go to bathroom 9
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tags: beauty fashion spa shopping gossip friends category: 5 answers
69. Name Something Women Talk About During A “Girls’ Night Out.”
dating/relationships 63 kids 14 work 11 clothes 9
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tags: friends relationships work life fashion category: 4 answers
70. Name something you are more likely to have in common with your friends than your family
Musical Taste Age Hobbies Style of Dress Night life Other Friends
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71. name something that a teenager starts to do just like her best friend
Talk Dress Hairstyles Wear Makeup
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tags: friends teenagers behavior habits fashion social media category: no points
72. We asked 100 married women: What does your husband talk about when he plays poker with his buddies
Poker Women Spouse
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tags: relationships friends men humor entertainment husbands category: no points
73. Name A Color Of Underwear A Man Would Never Wear.
pink 69 red 15 purple 14
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tags: funny hilarious family friends humor category: 3 answers
74. Name Something You Do To Let A Friend Know She Has Food On Her Face
tell her 48 point at it 31 giggle/tease her 13 wipe your own face 6
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75. Name something a friend might do in your car that would irritate you.
smoke 50 play with radio 8 leave/throw trash 7 talk/be loud 6 eat 6 throw up 4
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tags: driving friends annoying humor funny category: 6 answers
76. name something you call your best buddy that youd never call your girlfriend
Bro Pal Dude Man
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tags: funny friends adults relationships humor category: no points
77. Who Is The First Person You Would Tell If You Got A Date?
Best Friend 51
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tags: relationships family friends humor funny kids category: fast money
78. Name Something A Rapper Might Wear That You’ll Never See Al Gore Wearing.
baggy pants gold chain
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tags: clothing fashion environment humor category: no points
79. Name an article of clothing that men will wear even if it has a hole in it
Underwear Sweater T Shirt Socks Jeans
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80. Name A Specific Quality That Would Make Your Buddy A Bad Wing Man
very shy 36 too handsome 22 drinks too much 15 bad hygeine 12 smokes 5
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tags: friends relationships funny dating social skills humor category: 5 answers
81. Instead Of A veil What type Of Headwear Would You Be Surprise To See On A Brides Head
crowne 45 beanie 28 baseball cap 9 cowboy 8 helmet 7
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tags: wedding fashion humor tradition surprise category: 5 answers
82. Name A Muscular Celebrity Who Would Probably Have Trouble Finding Clothes In His Size.
arnold schwarzenegger 43 the rock 20 vin diesel 16 hulk hogan 12
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tags: entertainment celebrities muscles fashion humor category: 4 answers
83. Name A Time When A Wife Often Chooses Her Husbands Clothes For Him
wedding 41 worship service 26 party 15 work/interview 6 going for dinner 5
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tags: relationship clothing fashion marriage humor category: 5 answers
84. We surveyed 100 men...Which magazine cover would you like to be asked to pose for
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tags: adults entertainment media humor pop culture fashion category: no points
85. Name something you wear that would still fit if you lost 20 pounds.
shoes 18 coat 15 trousers 11 shirt 10 hat 10 nightgown 7 socks 6 sweater 4
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tags: clothes fashion weight loss humor funny category: 8 answers
86. Name something you would never want someone to see you wearing.
underwear 51 bikini 20 birthday suit 13 pajamas 9 wig 7
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tags: funny ridiculous embarrassing hilarious fashion humor category: 5 answers
87. Name a celebrity you would be embarrassed to see your parent dress like.
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tags: funny embarrassing family celebrity fashion humor category: no points
88. Name A Kind Of Pants You Cant Wear To Work
jeans 61 sweats 22 leather 6 stretch pants 5 pajama pants 3
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tags: work clothing fashion pants humor funny category: 5 answers
89. Name A Print People Wear On Clothing, But You Would Hate As Wallpaper
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tags: funny home decor fashion humor patterns category: no points
90. name an occupation where people rarely wear their uniform after work
Fast Food Employee Police Officer Military Janitor Doctor
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tags: work uniform clothes fashion style humor category: no points
91. What Kinds Of Things Might People Lie About At Their High School Reunions?
job 59 money 20 weight 9 how many kids 4 marital status 4 grades 3
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tags: school work relationships appearance social status category: 6 answers
92. Name Something Specific About Mickey Mouse That Other Mice Might Make Fun Of
Gigantic Ears 2 Clothes/Gloves 1 Voice/Laugh 1 His Huge Feet 3 BFFs With a Duck 4 Honker/Big Nose 2
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tags: animals kids funny school appearance recreation category: 6 answers
93. Name something drastic you might do to get ready for your high school reunion.
lose weight 53 plastic surgery 16 new hair style 15 workout 3 botox 3 new clothes 2
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tags: school reunion appearance health diet makeover category: 6 answers
94. Tell me a part of your body you would NOT want to get tattooed.
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tags: body personal appearance work school kids category: 4 answers
95. What Might You See In An Email That Would Make Yo Think A Teen Wrote It
internet acronyms 41 slang 31 misspelling 13 swearing 7 smiley face 5
Answers are hidden.
96. Name Something A Parent May Grill Their Daughters About
Age Job Curfew Education Intentions
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97. Name something you see college kids posing with in photos
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tags: college students school friends fun category: no points
98. Name something students might tease each other something students use when they are studying.
Textbook Computer Notebook Calculator Pen Dictionary
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99. Name Something People Usually Keep From High School
yearbook 55 class ring 18 diploma 13 pictures 3 books 2 cap and tassel 2
Answers are hidden.
100. Name a specific place in a school where a student might make a friend.
Cafeteria Classroom Gym Playground Library
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