The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something you use when you are cleaning the house.
vacuum 24 duster 14 bleach 12 broom 11 windex 7 soap 6 mop 4
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2. Name something that people clean for a living.
Houses Cars Offices Hotel Rooms Carpets Windows
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tags: cleaning hygiene housework chores housekeeping category: 6 answers
3. What Would The Guinness Award Winner For Longest Fingernails Have Trouble Doing?
typing 48 eating 17 blowing nose 15 writing 10 scratching an itch 5 tying shoes 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: daily life chores hygiene housework category: 6 answers
4. Name Something You Wish Your Kids Would Do Without Having To Be Told Twice
clean 54 homework 14 go to bed 13 brush teeth 11 listen 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores homework manners bedtime mealtime hygiene category: 5 answers
5. Which Food That Gets Stuck In You Teeth Should Be Avoided On A Date?
corn 33 spinach 23 popcorn 19 steak 11
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tags: food dates hygiene manners relationships social situations category: 4 answers
6. Name something diners often leave on their plates at a restaurant
Meals Lunches Sandwiches Nutrients
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tags: food dining manners habits personal hygiene funny category: no points
7. Why Might A Door-To-Door Salesperson Skip A Particular House?
Barking Dog 46 No One’s Home 26 No Soliciting Sign 17 Run Down House 7
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tags: sales house people neighborhood safety manners category: 4 answers
8. Name something you might have to do more of if you had house guests for the holidays.
Cleaning Cooking Entertaining Dishes
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tags: food housework cooking entertaining kids hilarious category: no points
9. Name something women spend more time doing than men
Getting Dressed Shopping Store Dressing Hair Lock
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tags: chores cooking kids housework laundry makeup category: no points
10. Name something that married women might be sick of doing.
housekeeping 36 cooking 29
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tags: chores housework laundry cooking cleaning kids category: 2 answers
11. Name Something A Woman Might Complain That Her Husband Never Wants To Do
go out 24 clean 18 be intimate 4 cook 12 talk 10 shop 5 cuddle 5
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tags: chores housework kids laundry shopping cooking category: 7 answers
12. Tell Me Something That Is Impossible To Do With Freshly Painted Nails
eat 26 type 23 write 10 cook 10 get dressed 10 wash dishes 9 scratch an itch 9
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tags: housework shopping gardening cooking driving category: 7 answers
13. Name something that most men don't do as well as they think they do.
cook 14 drive 13 clean 11 dishes 6 housework 4 talk 3
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tags: relationships housework cooking home improvement category: 6 answers
14. Name Something You Spend Less Time Doing When Youre On Vacation
working 37 sleeping 28 worrying 21 watching tv 6 cleaning/cooking 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores work housework exercise cooking laundry category: 5 answers
15. We surveyed 100 women: Name something men are good for
Hanky Panky Taking Out Trash Fixing Things Lifting Companion/love Working/money Nothing
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tags: relationships housework repairs money sports cooking category: no points
16. What Are Some Things Truckers Might Take With Them On A Trip
food 27 map 21 change of clothes 17 coffee 15 companion 9 music` 5 cell phone 4
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tags: food entertainment comfort hygiene safety kids category: 7 answers
17. Tell me a sign that a restaurant should be closed by the Board of Health
Sooty Insects Unclean Cockroaches Bugs Scummy Roaches
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tags: food health restaurants kids safety hygiene category: no points
18. Name something you see in a restaurant that tells you its health standards are below par.
roaches/bugs 35 dirty dish/s'ware 16 health rating 14 rats/mice 9 dirty floors 9 hair in food 7 dirty bathroom 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: food hygiene cleanliness safety health category: 7 answers
19. Name A Food Or Beverage You Wouldn’t Consume After It’d Been Sitting Out In Hot Weather
milk 40 beer 18 soda 13 ice cream 10 water 3 meat 3
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tags: food drinks health hygiene summer safety category: 6 answers
20. Tell me something you do not want to see in your food.
Hair Bugs Mice Spit
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tags: food gross disgusting hygiene health safety category: no points
21. Name Something You Hope A Restaurant Chef Didn’t Do Before Cooking Your Meal.
got sick 56 drink 26 smoke 3 not wash hands 3
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tags: food restaurant cooking hygiene kids category: 4 answers
22. When the electricity goes out, name something it's hard to do in the dark.
read 33 walk 12 see 10 cook 9 find flashlight 4
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tags: chores cooking hygiene kids lighting reading category: 5 answers
23. Name Something A Camper Does While Camping That He Wouldn’t Do At Home.
build a fire 35 hike 18 sing campfire songs 17 sleep in a tent 14 use a latrine 10
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tags: activities adventure cooking hygiene nature category: 5 answers
24. Name something people sterilize.
Baby Bottle Needle Dishes
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tags: hygiene school hospital cooking gardening category: 3 answers
25. Tell me something you would not be able to do if your water was shut off
Dishes Tub Take Shower Bath Cold Shower Do Dishes
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tags: daily life hygiene cooking sanitation health pets category: no points
26. name a specific food that youd never put in the microwave without covering it
Vacation Eggs Spaghetti Soup
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tags: food kitchen cooking microwave safety clean category: no points
27. Name Something Your Spouse Might Get Mad At You for Doing Too Much
talking 27 shopping/spending 21 drinking 18 sleeping 16 spending money 9 watching tv 6
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28. name something that is rude to do when someone is talking to you
Leave The Room Use Cell Phone Yawn Interrupt Not Make Eye Contact Look Away
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tags: etiquette manners conversation kids category: no points
29. Name Something That You’d Be Asked To Stop Doing In A Movie Theater
Kissing 20 Throwing Popcorn 7 Smoking 6 Laughing 5
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30. Name something specific you hope your kids do when they’re guests at someone else’s house.
best behavior 45 say please/thanks 36 clean up 12
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tags: kids manners etiquette dinner parenting category: 3 answers
31. Name Something That Might Be Taught In “Table Manners 101″
Proper Utensil Use Napkin on Lap
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tags: manners etiquette dining kids funny category: no points
32. Name something specific you hope your kids do when they're guests at someone else's house
Mall Say Please/thank You Fast Food Restaurants Best Behavior Clean Up
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tags: kids parenting manners etiquette respect category: no points
33. Name a place where you make sure to use your best manners.
restaurant 35 church 33 dinner table 9 someone's home 8 work 7 funeral 2
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tags: manners etiquette politeness family kids category: 6 answers
34. Name something some wives are criticized for doing in the middle of the day
Flat Screen Tv Big Screen Sleeping Watching Tv
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35. name something you do ahead of time when company is coming to stay
Mattress Buy Groceries Clean Make Up Guest Bed
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36. Name Something More Difficult To Do With Glasses On
Swim Exercise Sleep Read Kiss Drive Dance
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37. Tell me something that is always in poor taste to brag about.
money 57 love life 20 car 15 house 8
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tags: bragging inappropriate etiquette manners category: 4 answers
38. Name Something It Would Be Rude Not To Do When Being Introduced To A Stranger
shake hands 56 smile 23 say hello 9
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tags: etiquette manners politeness respect category: 3 answers
39. Name A Time When You Should Not Send A Text Message To Your Love Interest
at work 41 midnight 22 while driving 13 when mad 12 after drinking 10
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tags: communication love relationships manners category: 5 answers
40. Name A Reason Why You Might Offer Your Bus Seat To Someone Else.
elderly 56 pregnant 26 disability 10 hands full 6
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tags: kindness politeness manners elderly category: 4 answers
41. Name A Place Where It Is Rude To Take Out Your Cell Phone
cinema 24 church 22
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tags: etiquette manners public places category: 2 answers
42. Name something that might make a bad first impression.
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tags: first impressions clothing manners animals category: 5 answers
43. Tell me something you'd love to be able to hypnotize your children to do.
clean up/room 49 listen/behave 27 homew'k/gd grades 14 go to bed/sleep 3 say no to drugs 2 cook for me 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids funny chores sleep homework manners category: 6 answers
44. Name Something Children Might Get Rewarded For
good grades 45 chores 35 good behavior 12 using the toilet 6
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tags: kids school chores behavior manners responsibility category: 4 answers
45. Name something you’d get a dirty look for doing in the movie theater.
talking 40 smooching 36 texting 10 flatulence 8 snoring 3
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tags: movies kids funny food behavior manners category: 5 answers
46. Other Than Talking, Name Something Shouldn’t Do While Eating
Laugh Burp Sing Sneeze Cough Drink Smoke
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tags: food manners etiquette dinner family kids category: no points
47. name something a parent would hope their child outgrows before kindergarten
Diapers Sucking Thumb Tantrums
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tags: parenting kids funny school manners behavior category: no points
48. name a part of good manners that you follow at a restaurant but not at home
Use Napkin Eat W/ Mouth Closed Elbows No Elbows On Table No Burping
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tags: etiquette dining home manners kids family category: no points
49. Name something that starts with "Mind your..."
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tags: kids school funny hilarious manners etiquette category: no points
50. Name A Word Or Phrase You Might Use When Addressing Royalty.
your highness 39 your majesty 33 sir 19 madam 6
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tags: royalty respect manners formal polite kids category: 4 answers
51. Name Something Youd Hate To Have Happen While HouseSitting
fire 63 get robbed 14 break something 14 tornado 5
Answers are hidden.
52. Name something women do at least twice as much as men.
shop 26 bathe 12 complain 9 get hair done 6 clean house 6
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53. name a chore that people may dance while doing
Washing Dishes Vacuuming Chop Wood Hunt Mopping Sweeping
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tags: housework kids chores family funny category: no points
54. Name a kind of place that kids must be reminded to mind their manners
Mass Church Chapel Mosque Cathedral Temple Basilica
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tags: kids manners behavior public spaces family funny category: no points
55. Name Something A Man Might Still Do For A Woman When They Go Out On A Date.
open doors 72 pay 13
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tags: relationships dating etiquette manners couples category: 2 answers
56. Name something that a picky girl always finds wrong with her date
Manners Clothes Cheap Looks
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tags: dating appearance personality manners conversation category: no points
57. What is the first thing you do when entering someone's home as a guest?
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tags: etiquette social norms manners first impressions category: 10 answers
58. Name Something You Wouldn't Eat With Your Fingers
Soup Spaghetti Rice Pudding Ice Cream Curry
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59. Name A Word You Would Use When Addressing Royalty
Your Highness 39 Sir 19
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tags: formal manners respect tradition etiquette category: fast money
60. Name someone you know better than to interrupt when they're talking to you.
mother 32 boss 24 spouse 18 police officer 11 judge 3 teacher 2 neighbor 2 grandmother 2
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tags: family relationships communication manners funny category: 8 answers
61. Name something you shouldn't do in front of the Queen.
curse 35 fart 25 burp 20 pick your nose 7 laugh 6 smoke 5
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tags: manners etiquette royals uk rules funny category: 6 answers
62. Name something inconsiderate that people do in parking lots.
parking in two spots 32 take your spot 20 litter 8 scrapes 7 parking in handicap 7
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tags: parking driving manners etiquette funny category: 5 answers
63. Name A Time You Shouldn’t Send A text Message To Your Love Interest
at work 41 midnight 22 while driving 13 mad 12 when drinking 10
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tags: relationships communication etiquette manners dating category: 5 answers
64. Name something rude people do while smoking.
blow smoke at you 58 spit 27 smoke while eating 6 throw butt on ground 4
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tags: etiquette rude behavior public manners category: 4 answers
65. Name Something Gentlemen Used To Do For Ladies That They No Longer Bother With
open doors 78 bring flowers 10 pay bills/dinner 4 pulling out chair 3
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tags: dating relationships etiquette manners politeness category: 4 answers
66. Name A Place Where It’d Be In Bad Taste To Hit On Someone
place of worship 39 funeral 27 their wedding 8 work 4 gym 3 courtroom 3
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tags: manners social etiquette boundaries relationships category: 6 answers
67. We surveyed 100 women...Name something a man can do better than a woman can
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tags: work home kids housework outdoors sports category: no points
68. Which household chore do kids hate doing?
Cleaning their room Walking the dog Vacuuming Mowing the lawn Raking leaves Washing dishes
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tags: kids chores home family cleaning housework category: no points
69. If a man's wife did everything for him, name something in his house he'd have trouble using if they got divorced.
washer 27 stove 27 dishwasher 13 iron 9 vacuum 4 microwave 4
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tags: kitchen housework laundry cleaning appliances kids category: 6 answers
70. Name something dog owners wish their dogs could do without their help
Amble Trek On Foot Hike Power Walk
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tags: pets dogs housework chores kids funny category: no points
71. Name something moms should not have to do on Mother's Day
Make Dinner Prepare Dinner Roast
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tags: chores errands housework kids laundry work category: no points
72. Name Something A Housekeeper Uses As Part Of Her Job
vacuum 38 broom 21 mop 21 dust cloth 9 cleaner 5
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tags: cleaning household chores housework kids funny category: 5 answers
73. Name something a superhero might not have time for.
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tags: food plants kids funny sleep housework category: no points
74. Name something that is easy to leave behind in a laundry room
Soap Washing Powder Detergent Underwear Thermal Underwear Laundry Detergent Sock
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tags: laundry chores cleaning housework kids socks category: no points
75. What do many new husbands promise they'll get their wives "someday"
house 37 clothes 33 jewelry 19 car 5 furniture 3
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tags: marriage housework chores money kids date category: 5 answers
76. Name a household chore you refuse to do.
clean the bathroom 32 take out the trash 20 clean the windows 16 wash dishes 12 laundry 11 scrub floor 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores cleaning housework household kids funny category: 6 answers
77. Name something you hate to have to do.
clean 37 laundry 23 work 21 dishes 19
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores kids funny hilarious home housework category: 4 answers
78. Name something specific in a home that might have been neglected by a working mom.
cleaning/dishes 57 laundry/ironing 12 cooking 11 children 10 plants/yard 6 spouse 3
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tags: cleaning chores housework laundry kids funny category: 6 answers
79. What would you trust your husband to fix around the house.
nothing 28 plumbing 26 anything 12 television 9 roof 4
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tags: home improvement housework funny category: 5 answers
80. Name a household chore that you would want a robot to do.
dishes 35 laundry 31 clean bathroom 10 vacuum 10 cook 9 sweeping 5
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81. Name A Room In Your Home That’s Hard To Keep Clean.
bathroom 34 kitchen 31 bedroom 17 den 5 dining room 3 kids room 3 living room 3
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82. Name A Household Chore That You Do Your Best Thinking While Doing
Dishes 34 Ironing 25 Sweeping 15 Vacuuming 9 Dusting 5 Laundry 5
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tags: chores housework organization productivity category: 6 answers
83. Name a junk item lying around in your house.
newspapers 22 magazines 20 mail 20 car 13 tires 13 televisions 11
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84. Name something a husband does for his wife when he's feeling guilty
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85. Name Something That Is Rude To Do When Someone Is Taking TO You
interupt 34 look away 33 leave the room 10 yawn 7 use cell phone 6 not make eye contact 4
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tags: communication manners etiquette respect social skills category: 6 answers
86. Name something people with bad table manners do.
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tags: food dining manners etiquette family funny category: 5 answers
87. Name Something People Do At The Dinner Table Even Though Its Considered Bad Manners
burp 41 elbows on table 32 talk with full mouth 18 eat with hands 3 chew with mouth open 3
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tags: manners dinner table funny family etiquette category: 5 answers
88. Name Something You Dont Want The Person Next To You To Do While Youre Eating
pass gas 28 sneeze 22 smoke 19 blow nose 15 cough 8
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tags: food manners family funny dinner conversation category: 5 answers
89. Name a place where you shouldn't use your cell phone.
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tags: etiquette public places manners distractions inappropriate category: 5 answers
90. Name something you might accidentally do that would make your date think you are a slob.
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny dating relationships manners habits humor category: no points
91. Name Something Rude People Do While You’re Trying To Talk To Them On The Phone.
talk to someone else 27 eat 21 interrupt 21 hang up 11 put you on hold 8 make noises 6
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tags: manners communication etiquette social skills conversation category: 6 answers
92. name a part of table manners that most people learn from their parents
Say Grace Elbows Off Table Mouth Closed Use Napkin Elbows
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tags: family lifestyle manners etiquette home culture category: no points
93. What Might A Date Do In The First Minutes That Tells You They Have Bad Manners
burp 40 leave 15 spit 14 try to kiss you 11 swear 7 not open door 7 talk on phone 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: manners etiquette first impressions dating social norms category: 7 answers
94. We surveyed 100 single women...What's something a guy shouldn't ask you on the first date
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tags: dating relationships first date manners conversation women category: no points
95. Name something a woman likes a man to have plenty of.
money 77 compassion 6 free time 5 muscles 3 love 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: money time confidence manners hair hugs category: 5 answers
96. What Might somebody Do That Would Annoy Fellow TheaterGoers At A Play
talk loudly 80 use phone 6 cough 3 laugh 3 snore 3 heckle 3
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tags: etiquette theater manners annoying rude funny category: 6 answers
97. Name something a mother consistently reminds a child to do
Room Cleaning Teeth Dust Straighten Up Brush Teeth Dental Hygiene
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tags: chores homework school teeth bedtime manners category: no points
98. Name something specific snobs are snobbish about.
money 35 clothes 16 appearance 11 homes 9 cars 8 food 4 friends 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: manners fashion education travel food entertainment category: 7 answers
99. Tell Me A Food That People Often Slurp While Eating
soup 62 spaghetti 27 cereal 4 ice cream 3 jell o 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: food eating habits manners family funny category: 5 answers
100. Other Than Displays Of Affection Name Something You Wish Couples Wouldnt Do In Public
fight 68 feed each other 13 baby talk 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships public behavior manners couples etiquette category: 3 answers
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