The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. What might a teen ask to borrow from his parents on a Friday night?
car 51 money 38 clothes 11
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tags: family kids teens parents entertainment money category: 3 answers
2. Name a clothing store teenagers love
Answers are hidden.
tags: teens clothing retail shopping mall fashion category: no points
3. Name Something That Teenagers Spend More Time Doing Than Adults
texting/phone 32 sleeping 17 clean litter box 15 watching tv 14 internet 10 video games 5 shopping 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: teens adults leisure entertainment category: 7 answers
4. Name A Magazine Teenagers Buy.
seventeen 37 teen 26 tiger beat 17 teen people 8 cosmogirl 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: shopping teens entertainment hobbies education media category: 5 answers
5. Name something you normally find in a mall.
Answers are hidden.
tags: shopping clothing food kids stores entertainment category: 4 answers
6. Name a type of store you would find in a strip mall
Ninety Nine Cent Store Grocery Store Store Bargain Store Dollar Store Discount Store Cheap Store
Answers are hidden.
tags: shopping retail food clothing home goods entertainment category: no points
7. name something both teens and their parents do for fun on a friday night
Sun Glasses Visit With Friends Eat At A Restaurant Play Games Watch Movies
Answers are hidden.
8. Name The Age At Which Children Start Buying Christmas Gifts
10 12 8 16 5
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9. Name something a teen might get in trouble for doing in the family photo
Santa Claus Bunny Ears Play Video Games Not Smile Stick Out Tongue Make Funny Faces
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tags: kids hilarious family teens school category: no points
10. Name a gift teenagers enjoy receiving
Clothes Music Money IPod
Answers are hidden.
11. Name something a teenager would never do unless his parents insisted on it.
clean room 63 homework 8 get a job 5 time with family 4 thank you 3 sleep 2
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12. During An Argument What Might A Teen Do That Makes Their Parents Really Angry
yell 27 swear 20 slam doors 18 talk back 13 walk away 10 say i hate you 5 roll eyes 5
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13. Name Something Specific A Teen Might Do That Shows Theyre Rebelling
try a cigarette 35 stay out late 19 dye hair 9 run away 8 sneak out 7 talk back 6 tattoo 5
Answers are hidden.
14. tell me the age at which young people think they have it all figured out
16 14 18 13
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tags: kids teens school family humor funny category: no points
15. unlike a car name something of his dads that a teen wouldnt want to borrow
Clothes Watermelon Razor
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tags: family teens parents embarrassing funny kids category: no points
16. Other than their bedroom name something a teenager has that might be messy.
car 28 locker 24 hair 22
Answers are hidden.
17. Name Something A Teenager Has A Lot Of.
friends 34 clothes 33 free time 9 acne 9 music 7 emotions 5
Answers are hidden.
18. Name something parents and teens have huge power struggles about.
curfew 35 car 16 money 14 drugs 8 sex/dating 7 privacy 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: family teens parents school chores category: 6 answers
19. Name Something A Teen Might Cover Up So Her Parents Don’t See It.
hickey 46 tattoo 24 piercing 15 revealing clothes 6 make up 5 diary 3
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tags: family teens parents hiding secrets category: 6 answers
20. Name Something Teens Do To Butter Parents Before Asking A Favor
Do Housework Compliment Them Say I Love You Hug Them
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21. Name something teenagers do on purpose to tick off their parents
Lie Stay Out Late Roll Their Eyes Ignore Them Play Loud Music Messy Room Talk Back
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tags: family teens parents annoyance generation gap category: no points
22. Tell Me Something Your Teenager Washes Less Often Than You
Clothes Hair Dishes Car Sheets
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tags: family teens parents hygiene humor category: no points
23. Tell me something that a teenager still needs from their parents.
love 38 guidance 30 rides 17 rules 8 shelter 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: parenting family teens support teenagers category: 5 answers
24. name something a teens dad would ask her date when he came to the door
Name When Will You Be Home Age Where Are You Going
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tags: family teens parenting relationships humor category: no points
25. Tell Me How Many Hours A Day A Teenage Girl Talks On The Phone
3 30 4 21 2 21 6 13 5 5 1 3
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tags: family teens communication phones funny category: 6 answers
26. Name something teens and their parents might argue about.
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tags: family teens arguments conflict generation gap rules category: 4 answers
27. Name an expense that's likely to skyrocket with a teen in the house
Clothing Car Insurance Sing Food
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tags: expenses teens financial family home life humor category: no points
28. Name Something A Teen Might Need Their Parent’s Permission To Do Before They’re 18.
Get Driver’s License 52 Marry 27 Get A Tattoo 13 Get A Piercing 4
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tags: teens parenting school dating food category: 4 answers
29. Name Something That Might Be Lying On A Teenagers Floor
clothes 39 shoes 18 books 15 food 12 magazines 4 cd's 4 trash 4
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tags: teens school clothes food homework category: 7 answers
30. Name The Worst Thing You Could Forget On Your Wedding Day.
the ring 59 dress 3
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tags: wedding funny kids family food clothing category: 2 answers
31. Name something you need a lot of if you have a large family:
money 45 food 36 patience 7 love 3
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tags: family household food clothing space kids category: 4 answers
32. Name Something A Clown Might Wear Thats Oversized
Shoes Nose Pants Hat
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tags: clothing entertainment funny kids party category: no points
33. Name Something That A Hula Dancer Wears.
Grass Skirt 49
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tags: attire clothing accessories entertainment kids funny category: fast money
34. Name a sport you might be able to play in a skirt.
Tennis Golf Soccer Hockey Baseball
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tags: sports clothing entertainment games school kids category: no points
35. Name Something That A Las Vegas Entertainers Outfit Would Have Sewn On
sequins 52 feathers 16 name 11 beads 9 jewels 9
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tags: fashion las vegas entertainment clothing accessories category: 5 answers
36. name something a beauty queen wears during a pageant
Tiara Evening Gown Swimsuit
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tags: fashion beauty competition clothing entertainment category: no points
37. Which extra piece of clothing might be worn to a strip poker game to delay taking off your essentials?
socks/stockings 27 undershirt 23 jacket 21 scarf 8 thermals 7 hat 4
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tags: funny adults clothing games humor entertainment category: 6 answers
38. Name A Movie Character Who Always Wears A Hat.
cat in the hat 29 indiana jones 16 sherlock holmes 13 willy wonka 12 dick tracey 11 zorro 9 peter pan 7
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tags: movies entertainment actors characters clothing hats category: 7 answers
39. Name a good christmas gift for a lumberjack.
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tags: outdoors winter nature tools clothing entertainment category: no points
40. Name A Specific Type Of Math Class Offered In High Schools.
algebra 50 geometry 23 calculus 15 trigonometry 8
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41. Name a milestone for teenagers.
Driver’s license 46 Graduation 34 First date/kiss 7 Prom 6 College 4
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tags: kids teens milestones youth category: 5 answers
42. Name something a high school student looks forward to.
graduation 64 prom 18 summer/vacation 8 going to college 4
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43. Name Something Used That A High School Student Might Buy
Car 42
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tags: school teens supplies kids category: fast money
44. Which high school subject do kids consider tough?
Math Physics Chemistry Biology English
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45. Name a hobby teens rarely consider to be “coolâ€.
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46. Name The Most Difficult Part Of Learning To Drive.
Parking 53 Shifting 12
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47. Name a word teenagers use in place of "really great".
cool 46 super 7
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48. Name something a teenager might want for christmas.
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49. What gift would you give a teenage boy on his birthday?
Video game Shirt Sports kit Tablet Books
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tags: fast money gifts teens birthdays kids category: fast money
50. Name The High School Subject You Use Least Often Today
advanced math 39 science 21 history 15 art 10 foreign language 6
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tags: school work kids teens adults funny category: 5 answers
51. Name Something You See In A Room That Tells You A Teenage Girl Lives There
posters 33 color pink 27 makeup 15 clothes 121 diary 3 magazines 3 stuffed animals 3
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tags: home furniture decor kids teens funny category: 7 answers
52. Name A High School Subject That Kids Consider Difficult. Be Specific.
Algebra 36 English 20 Calculus 14 Chemistry 10 Geometry 8 Physics 5
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tags: school kids education funny teens learning category: 6 answers
53. Name A Reason Why You Dont Answer The Phone When Youre Home
don't want to talk 33 sleeping 31 busy 16 telemarketer 7 in the shower 7
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tags: funny hilarious quirky unexpected teens kids category: 5 answers
54. Name a profession starting with the letter "t".
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tags: work people adults education kids teens category: no points
55. Name something that nervous parents do in the passenger seat while their teen is learning to drive.
yell 43 hold on to something 14 bite their nails 13 say a prayer 10 hit their "brake" 9 close their eyes 7
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56. What Might A Teenager Do That Causes Their Parents To Forbid Them From Using The Family Car?
crash it 51 drink 17 bad grades 11 speed 10 stay out late 6 get a ticket 3
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57. Name A Sound You Hear A Lot Of In A High School Hallway
bell 25 talking 24 yelling 22 laughing 10 ingrown toenail 7 cell phones 5
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58. Name an odd job a teenager might do to earn some summer spending money.
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59. What might a teenager do to cause their parents to forbid them from using the family car?
crash it 51 drink 17 bad grades 11 speed 10 stay out 6 get ticket 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: teens driving transportation parenting category: 6 answers
60. Name Something A Teen I More Likely To Do To Their Appearance Then Their Parents Are
dye hair 41 get a tattoo 25 get a piercing 17 wear make up 12
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tags: teens appearance parents fashion category: 4 answers
61. Name Something That Happens To An Old Persons Body That Youd Be Surprised To Hear A teen Complaining About
wrinkles 50 arthritis 25 gray hair 8 sagging 8 back ache 7
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tags: aging elderly teens surprising category: 5 answers
62. Name Something Many Teens Want To Do Before Their Parents Think They Are Ready.
drive 58 date 27 move out 7 wear makeup 7
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tags: teens parents freedom independence category: 4 answers
63. Name something teenagers keep in their school lockers
Guidebooks Books Dictionaries Textbooks Text Books
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tags: school teenagers belongings teens students category: no points
64. Other than school, name a place where many teens meet their first love.
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tags: love teens romance relationships dating category: no points
65. name something teens are excited to do for the first time but adults are tired of doing
Kiss Someone Intimacy Driving
Answers are hidden.
tags: teens adults excitement experience chores category: no points
66. Name something teens are more likely to do to their appearance than their parents are.
dye their hair 41 get a tattoo 25 get a piercing 17
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tags: appearance teens parents fashion trends category: 3 answers
67. Name Something Sixteen-Year-Old Girls Might Do At A Slumber Party.
Talk About Boys Gossip
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68. Tell Me Something Nerdy You Had In High School Photos But Not In Photos Today
Glasses Braces Big Hair Acne Flashy Background
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69. Name Something Teenagers Did In The 50′s.
Danced 52 Wore Poodle Skirts 16 Hula Hoop 10 Cruise In The Car 7 Went To Drive In 6 Grease Their Hair 2
Answers are hidden.
70. Name something a teenage boy wants his parents to buy for him.
car 63 clothes/shoes 14 video game 8 computer 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: teens parents money shopping gifts category: 4 answers
71. Name A Type Of Poster A 13-Year-Old Boy Might Have On His Wall
Their Favorite Band Movie/TV Star Pro Wrestling Superhero
Answers are hidden.
tags: teens boys posters home sports music category: no points
72. Tell Me Something In A Teenager’s Room That They Wouldn’t Want Touched
Diary 34 Music 25 Computer 20 Clothes 11 Magazines 6 TV 3
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tags: teens parents siblings privacy personal space category: 6 answers
73. Name Something An Underage Teen Needs Their Parents Permission To Do
drive 39 go out 28 date 11 stay out late 7 move out 4 get a tattoo 3 get married 3
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tags: parenting teens school work driving friends category: 7 answers
74. What Might A Teenager Do After Breaking Up With Their First Love.
Cry 55
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tags: relationships heartbreak coping mechanisms teens dating category: fast money
75. name something in the car that a 16 year old should know how to use before taking it for a spin
Accelerator Brakes Turn Signals Mirrors Seat Belt Radio
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tags: driving cars safety teens parents responsibility category: no points
76. Name something teenagers can't live without
Friends Music Cell Phone Driving Test
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tags: teens teenagers school friends phones social media category: no points
77. Name a place kids ask to stop during road trips.
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tags: kids travel food family entertainment category: no points
78. Name Something The Stars Eat That You Probably Would Not Find In Middle America.
Sushi 40 Caviar 32 Escargot 14 Tofu 12
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tags: food family kids entertainment hilarious category: 4 answers
79. Name something you've bought that's made you the happiest
Freckles House VCR Car
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tags: happiness shopping family entertainment food kids category: no points
80. Name something you’d get a dirty look for doing in the movie theater
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tags: food kids funny hilarious family entertainment category: no points
81. We asked 100 people: name something you might buy at a hockey game.
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tags: food sports entertainment family kids hockey category: no points
82. Name a food or drink people enjoy while watching a football game.
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tags: food sports entertainment family kids funny category: no points
83. What do people do at home on a Saturday night if they can't afford to go out
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tags: home family kids food entertainment hobbies category: no points
84. Name Something Your Likely To Find At A Fall Harvest Fair
pumpkins 39 corn 20 leaves 18 apples 12 people 5 hay rides 3
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tags: fall outdoors food entertainment kids family category: 6 answers
85. name a type of cheese that almost everyone has eaten
Mozzarella Cheddar Colby Swiss American
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tags: food kids funny family entertainment school category: no points
86. Name a food you're likely to find at a Super Bowl party.
chips 43 hot dog 13 nachos 6 pizza 5 chicken wings 4 popcorn 3
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tags: food entertainment sports family party kids category: 6 answers
87. name something kids try to get as much of as their parents will let them have
Attention Candy Popsicle Allowance French Fries Driving
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tags: kids food family parents entertainment candy category: no points
88. at a restaurant what do customers do while waiting for a table to open
Listen To Music Talk Read Menu Get Drinks Umbrella
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tags: food restaurant waiting family entertainment kids category: no points
89. name a place where many kids have their birthday parties
Home Pizza Place Fast Food Restaurant Roller Rink Swimming Area
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tags: kids food entertainment celebration birthdays family category: no points
90. Name Something Kids Can Do To Celebrate The New Year.
Stay Up Late 38
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tags: kids family entertainment celebration food tradition category: fast money
91. Name something that would tell you your blind date is British.
accent 66 teeth 29 dapper clothing 3
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tags: travel entertainment food family funny category: 3 answers
92. Name A Noisy Food You’d Hate For Someone To Chomp Next To You At The Movie Theatre.
popcorn 49 chips 33
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tags: food entertainment movies family funny category: 2 answers
93. Other Than Sitting And Watching, Name Something People Do In Front Of The TV.
eat 58 sleep 26 dance 9 yell 3
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tags: entertainment family food relaxing socializing category: 4 answers
94. Whats The Best Thing About Going To The Drive-In
Kissing Stay In Car Privacy Big Screen No Standing In Line
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tags: entertainment summer date night family time kids food category: no points
95. Name a place single people might spend valentine’s day.
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tags: singles valentine's day entertainment food friends family category: no points
96. Of all the television talk show hosts, who would you most like to have over for dinner?
oprah winfrey 34 jerry springer 13 jenny jones 12 montel williams 8 jay leno 5 jullian barberie 4 ricki lake 3
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tags: entertainment food hosting family dinner hosts category: 7 answers
97. We asked 100 people: name something you might buy at a ballpark.
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tags: food sports entertainment outdoors leisure family category: no points
98. Name something you might eat at the movies.
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tags: food movies entertainment snacks cinema family category: no points
99. Name Something Thats Included When You Go On A Cruise
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tags: travel food leisure entertainment family vacation category: no points
100. Name something a man would miss most if he was stranded alone on a deserted island
Shake It Turn It Upside Down Women Water
Answers are hidden.
tags: family friends food comfort safety entertainment category: no points
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