Name a milestone for teenagers.
Driver’s license 46 Graduation 34 First date/kiss 7 Prom 6 College 4
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tags: kids teens milestones youth category: 5 answers
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
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Bad Drivers Loud Bad Manners Moody Troublemakers Smoke/drink Irresponsible
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2. Name something that kids usually have more of than adults.
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4. Name a way people try to make themselves look younger.
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25 31 21 16
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7. Name something that looks better on young girls than older women
Shorts Bathing Suit Ponytail Miniskirt
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8. What do people miss about being a teenager?
Time Energy Looks Freedom Friends
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tags: adults nostalgia teenagers childhood memories youth category: no points
9. Name something you have less of with age.
Hair Energy Memory Patience Money
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10. Name The Important Firsts That People Record About A Baby
word 41 steps 31 tooth 16 smile 8 haircut 3
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tags: milestones baby family kids category: 5 answers
11. What Are Some Milestones That A Baby Reaches In Their First Year?
walking 60 crawl 15 first word 13 first tooth 5 sitting up 3 smiling 3
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tags: kids babies milestones growth development category: 6 answers
12. At What Age Do People Stop Looking Forward To Birthdays?
30 40 50 21 60 18 25
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tags: age milestones birthdays adulthood kids hilarious category: no points
13. Name A Milestone For Most Teenagers
driver's license 46 graduation 34 first kiss/ date 7 prom 6 college 4
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tags: teenagers milestones growing up family kids category: 5 answers
14. Name a time that might be proudest moment in a person's life.
giving birth 38 graduation 37 marriage 15 new job 2 buying a house 2
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tags: family life events milestones kids category: 5 answers
15. Name the age when a kid might go to his first school dance
12 13 14
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tags: school kids dance milestones family category: no points
16. Name An Age That People Worry About Turning
40 42 50 31 30 23 60 3
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tags: aging milestones birthdays stress category: 4 answers
17. Name Something A Baby Learns To Do Even Before It Can Talk
crawl 43 walk 24 eating junk 12 cry 10 smile 4
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tags: kids family learning development milestones growth category: 5 answers
18. Name something moms take pictures of their babies doing.
Walking Smiling Sleeping Bathing Eating Playing Crawling Everything
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tags: kids babies milestones cute funny heartwarming category: no points
19. What Do New Parents Wish Baby Learn Quickly
Potty Train Walk Talk Sleep Eat
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tags: parenting babies milestones learning development kids category: no points
20. name a keepsake that people put in their babys scrapbook
First Tooth Booties Pictures Hospital Bracelet Foot/hand Print Lock Of Hair
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tags: babies kids family memories sentimental milestones category: no points
21. Name something most parents can’t wait until their child starts doing on his or her own.
walking 38 driving 24 bathroom 14 eating 8 paying bills 6 dressing 5 laundry 5
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tags: parenting milestones independence kids family funny category: 7 answers
22. What's the most important day of the year to you?
Birthday Christmas Thanksgiving Super Bowl Anniversary
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tags: family holidays birthdays milestones kids adults category: 5 answers
23. Name Something A Parent Wants To See Baby Do 1St Time
Walk Talk Smile Crawl
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tags: babies kids development milestones parenting family category: no points
24. Tell Me The Age When A Child’s Last Baby Tooth Falls Out.
12 27 7 13 5 6
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tags: kids family health teeth milestones children category: 3 answers
25. What is something that can get you labeled "cool" in high school
Truck Jalopy Vehicle
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tags: school high school teenagers youth kids category: no points
26. Name Something Most People Start To Get By The Age Of 35
gray hair 43 wrinkles 39 fat 12 bald 4
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tags: aging adulthood life stages milestones category: 4 answers
27. At what age might a man have a midlife crisis?
Forty 35 Forty-five 21 Fifty 20 Thirty-five 7 Thirty 5
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tags: adults relationships family age milestones psychology category: 5 answers
28. Tell Me The Age That Most People Want To Live Until.
100 51 80 21 90 15 75 5 70 5
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tags: family trivia facts people age milestones category: 5 answers
29. Name an announcement that parents can’t wait to hear their grown children make.
having a baby 34 getting married 23 got a job 21 moving out 13
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tags: family milestones parents children announcements category: 4 answers
30. What Do Most People Hope To Accomplish By The Time They Are
pursue a career 36 get married 28 have kids 12 buy a house 9 finish college 9
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tags: family people milestones achievements goals aspirations category: 5 answers
31. Name something a couple might do to move their relationship to the next level.
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tags: relationships dating milestones marriage adulthood couples category: no points
32. Name A Reason A Family Might Throw A Party.
birthday 48 graduation 14 anniversary 7
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tags: family celebration gathering milestones holidays announcements category: 3 answers
33. Name a kid’s “first” you might want to catch on video
Steps 34 Words 33 Birthday 18 Christmas 15
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tags: work office kids milestones childhood family memories funny category: 4 answers
34. Name something that many people do only two or three times in a lifetime
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tags: milestones life events adults relationships birth marriage category: no points
35. Name A Specific Type Of Math Class Offered In High Schools.
algebra 50 geometry 23 calculus 15 trigonometry 8
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36. Name Something Used That A High School Student Might Buy
Car 42
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tags: school teens supplies kids category: fast money
37. Which high school subject do kids consider tough?
Math Physics Chemistry Biology English
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38. Name something a high school student looks forward to.
graduation 64 prom 18 summer/vacation 8 going to college 4
Answers are hidden.
39. Name a hobby teens rarely consider to be “coolâ€.
Answers are hidden.
40. Name The Age At Which Children Start Buying Christmas Gifts
10 12 8 16 5
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41. Name The Most Difficult Part Of Learning To Drive.
Parking 53 Shifting 12
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42. Name a gift teenagers enjoy receiving
Clothes Music Money IPod
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43. Name something a teenager would never do unless his parents insisted on it.
clean room 63 homework 8 get a job 5 time with family 4 thank you 3 sleep 2
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44. Name something a teen might get in trouble for doing in the family photo
Santa Claus Bunny Ears Play Video Games Not Smile Stick Out Tongue Make Funny Faces
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tags: kids hilarious family teens school category: no points
45. name something both teens and their parents do for fun on a friday night
Sun Glasses Visit With Friends Eat At A Restaurant Play Games Watch Movies
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46. Name a word teenagers use in place of "really great".
cool 46 super 7
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47. Name something a teenager might want for christmas.
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48. Name a profession starting with the letter "t".
Answers are hidden.
tags: work people adults education kids teens category: no points
49. Name Something You See In A Room That Tells You A Teenage Girl Lives There
posters 33 color pink 27 makeup 15 clothes 121 diary 3 magazines 3 stuffed animals 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: home furniture decor kids teens funny category: 7 answers
50. Name an expense that's likely to skyrocket with a teen in the house:
food 31 clothing 27 phone 20 car insurance 15
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tags: kids teens family food entertainment clothing category: 4 answers
51. Name A High School Subject That Kids Consider Difficult. Be Specific.
Algebra 36 English 20 Calculus 14 Chemistry 10 Geometry 8 Physics 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: school kids education funny teens learning category: 6 answers
52. Name A Reason Why You Dont Answer The Phone When Youre Home
don't want to talk 33 sleeping 31 busy 16 telemarketer 7 in the shower 7
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tags: funny hilarious quirky unexpected teens kids category: 5 answers
53. Name The High School Subject You Use Least Often Today
advanced math 39 science 21 history 15 art 10 foreign language 6
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tags: school work kids teens adults funny category: 5 answers
54. What might a teen ask to borrow from his parents on a Friday night?
car 51 money 38 clothes 11
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tags: family kids teens parents entertainment money category: 3 answers
55. tell me the age at which young people think they have it all figured out
16 14 18 13
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tags: kids teens school family humor funny category: no points
56. What gift would you give a teenage boy on his birthday?
Video game Shirt Sports kit Tablet Books
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tags: fast money gifts teens birthdays kids category: fast money
57. unlike a car name something of his dads that a teen wouldnt want to borrow
Clothes Watermelon Razor
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tags: family teens parents embarrassing funny kids category: no points
58. Other than their bedroom name something a teenager has that might be messy.
car 28 locker 24 hair 22
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59. Name Something Many Teens Want To Do Before Their Parents Think They Are Ready.
drive 58 date 27 move out 7 wear makeup 7
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tags: teens parents freedom independence category: 4 answers
60. Name Something Specific A Teen Might Do That Shows Theyre Rebelling
try a cigarette 35 stay out late 19 dye hair 9 run away 8 sneak out 7 talk back 6 tattoo 5
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61. Name A Sound You Hear A Lot Of In A High School Hallway
bell 25 talking 24 yelling 22 laughing 10 ingrown toenail 7 cell phones 5
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62. Name something that nervous parents do in the passenger seat while their teen is learning to drive.
yell 43 hold on to something 14 bite their nails 13 say a prayer 10 hit their "brake" 9 close their eyes 7
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63. During An Argument What Might A Teen Do That Makes Their Parents Really Angry
yell 27 swear 20 slam doors 18 talk back 13 walk away 10 say i hate you 5 roll eyes 5
Answers are hidden.
64. Name Something That Teenagers Spend More Time Doing Than Adults
texting/phone 32 sleeping 17 clean litter box 15 watching tv 14 internet 10 video games 5 shopping 5
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tags: teens adults leisure entertainment category: 7 answers
65. Name an odd job a teenager might do to earn some summer spending money.
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66. What Might A Teenager Do That Causes Their Parents To Forbid Them From Using The Family Car?
crash it 51 drink 17 bad grades 11 speed 10 stay out late 6 get a ticket 3
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67. Name Something That Happens To An Old Persons Body That Youd Be Surprised To Hear A teen Complaining About
wrinkles 50 arthritis 25 gray hair 8 sagging 8 back ache 7
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tags: aging elderly teens surprising category: 5 answers
68. Name Something A Teen I More Likely To Do To Their Appearance Then Their Parents Are
dye hair 41 get a tattoo 25 get a piercing 17 wear make up 12
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tags: teens appearance parents fashion category: 4 answers
69. What might a teenager do to cause their parents to forbid them from using the family car?
crash it 51 drink 17 bad grades 11 speed 10 stay out 6 get ticket 5
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tags: teens driving transportation parenting category: 6 answers
70. name something teens are excited to do for the first time but adults are tired of doing
Kiss Someone Intimacy Driving
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tags: teens adults excitement experience chores category: no points
71. Name Something Teenagers Did In The 50′s.
Danced 52 Wore Poodle Skirts 16 Hula Hoop 10 Cruise In The Car 7 Went To Drive In 6 Grease Their Hair 2
Answers are hidden.
72. Name Something Teens Do To Butter Parents Before Asking A Favor
Do Housework Compliment Them Say I Love You Hug Them
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73. Name Something Sixteen-Year-Old Girls Might Do At A Slumber Party.
Talk About Boys Gossip
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74. name something a teens dad would ask her date when he came to the door
Name When Will You Be Home Age Where Are You Going
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tags: family teens parenting relationships humor category: no points
75. Tell me something that a teenager still needs from their parents.
love 38 guidance 30 rides 17 rules 8 shelter 7
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tags: parenting family teens support teenagers category: 5 answers
76. Name something teenagers keep in their school lockers
Guidebooks Books Dictionaries Textbooks Text Books
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tags: school teenagers belongings teens students category: no points
77. Name Something A Teen Might Cover Up So Her Parents Don’t See It.
hickey 46 tattoo 24 piercing 15 revealing clothes 6 make up 5 diary 3
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tags: family teens parents hiding secrets category: 6 answers
78. Name something a teenage boy wants his parents to buy for him.
car 63 clothes/shoes 14 video game 8 computer 5
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tags: teens parents money shopping gifts category: 4 answers
79. Name Something A Teenager Has A Lot Of.
friends 34 clothes 33 free time 9 acne 9 music 7 emotions 5
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80. Name Something A Teen Might Need Their Parent’s Permission To Do Before They’re 18.
Get Driver’s License 52 Marry 27 Get A Tattoo 13 Get A Piercing 4
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tags: teens parenting school dating food category: 4 answers
81. Name something teenagers do on purpose to tick off their parents
Lie Stay Out Late Roll Their Eyes Ignore Them Play Loud Music Messy Room Talk Back
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tags: family teens parents annoyance generation gap category: no points
82. Tell Me How Many Hours A Day A Teenage Girl Talks On The Phone
3 30 4 21 2 21 6 13 5 5 1 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: family teens communication phones funny category: 6 answers
83. Name something teens are more likely to do to their appearance than their parents are.
dye their hair 41 get a tattoo 25 get a piercing 17
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tags: appearance teens parents fashion trends category: 3 answers
84. Name Something That Might Be Lying On A Teenagers Floor
clothes 39 shoes 18 books 15 food 12 magazines 4 cd's 4 trash 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: teens school clothes food homework category: 7 answers
85. Name something parents and teens have huge power struggles about.
curfew 35 car 16 money 14 drugs 8 sex/dating 7 privacy 6
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tags: family teens parents school chores category: 6 answers
86. Tell Me Something Nerdy You Had In High School Photos But Not In Photos Today
Glasses Braces Big Hair Acne Flashy Background
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87. Other than school, name a place where many teens meet their first love.
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tags: love teens romance relationships dating category: no points
88. Tell Me Something Your Teenager Washes Less Often Than You
Clothes Hair Dishes Car Sheets
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tags: family teens parents hygiene humor category: no points
89. Name A Magazine Teenagers Buy.
seventeen 37 teen 26 tiger beat 17 teen people 8 cosmogirl 7
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tags: shopping teens entertainment hobbies education media category: 5 answers
90. Name Something An Underage Teen Needs Their Parents Permission To Do
drive 39 go out 28 date 11 stay out late 7 move out 4 get a tattoo 3 get married 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: parenting teens school work driving friends category: 7 answers
91. Tell Me Something In A Teenager’s Room That They Wouldn’t Want Touched
Diary 34 Music 25 Computer 20 Clothes 11 Magazines 6 TV 3
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tags: teens parents siblings privacy personal space category: 6 answers
92. What Might A Teenager Do After Breaking Up With Their First Love.
Cry 55
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tags: relationships heartbreak coping mechanisms teens dating category: fast money
93. Name something teens and their parents might argue about.
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tags: family teens arguments conflict generation gap rules category: 4 answers
94. Name a clothing store teenagers love
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tags: teens clothing retail shopping mall fashion category: no points
95. name something in the car that a 16 year old should know how to use before taking it for a spin
Accelerator Brakes Turn Signals Mirrors Seat Belt Radio
Answers are hidden.
tags: driving cars safety teens parents responsibility category: no points
96. Name A Type Of Poster A 13-Year-Old Boy Might Have On His Wall
Their Favorite Band Movie/TV Star Pro Wrestling Superhero
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tags: teens boys posters home sports music category: no points
97. Name an expense that's likely to skyrocket with a teen in the house
Clothing Car Insurance Sing Food
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tags: expenses teens financial family home life humor category: no points
98. Name something teenagers can't live without
Friends Music Cell Phone Driving Test
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tags: teens teenagers school friends phones social media category: no points
99. How many hours per week does the average high schooler spend studying?
Ten Five Two Three Eight Twenty
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tags: education school studying homework teens high school category: no points
100. Name something commonly found in high school lockers.
Answers are hidden.
tags: school teens students belongings personal high school category: no points
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