The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Tell Me An Excuse People Give The Police for Speeding
Late/Work 28
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tags: excuses speeding police traffic reasons funny category: fast money
2. Name something an athlete might blame for a bad game.
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3. Name a popular excuse people give for not going to the gym.
tired 45 too busy 40 work 10 sick 5
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tags: excuses gym reasons fitness exercise humor category: 4 answers
4. Name An Excuse People Give To Police For Speeding
Didn't Realise Didn't See The Sign Late For Work Going To Hospital
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tags: speeding excuses police traffic funny category: no points
5. Name a common excuse for being late at work
Traffic+jam 39 Overslept 31 Car+accident 26 Delay+in+public+transport 22 Hangover 14 Hates+the+job 3
Answers are hidden.
6. Tell Me An Excuse People Give The Police When Pulled Over For Speeding.
didn't notice speed 32 late 28
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tags: excuses speeding traffic police funny category: 2 answers
7. After A Cop Pulls You Over, What Might You Try To Do To Avoid Getting A Ticket
cry 28 flirt 26 lie 18 smile 8 be nice 8 beg 6 apologize 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: legal traffic driving law enforcement tickets excuses category: 7 answers
8. Name a part of the local news broadcast that people specifically watch for.
weather 87 sports 8 headline news 2 traffic 2
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tags: news tv weather sports traffic local category: 4 answers
9. name a weather condition that often causes traffic jams
Fog Hail Snow Tell Them Rain
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tags: traffic weather driving late transportation commuting category: no points
10. Name A Reason Why Big City Bad Place For A Marathon
Traffic Smog Too Many People Crime
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tags: traffic pollution crowds crime construction weather category: no points
11. Name something you have no control over.
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tags: weather traffic taxes kids plants adults category: no points
12. Besides Music Name Something You Might Hear On A Morning Radio Show
news 53 talking 16 weather 13 jokes 5 commercials 4 traffic 4 sports 3
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tags: traffic weather news kids plants funny category: 7 answers
13. Name a gripe people have about New York
Detours Residents Traffic Bumper-to-bumper Commute Gridlock
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tags: city life traffic weather noise crime category: no points
14. What's something that could ruin a wedding if it got there late
Groom Bride Priest
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tags: food animals traffic work plants weather category: no points
15. Tell me something you hope won't happen when you're driving.
car accident 81 fall asleep 6 heart attack/ill 6 hit pedestrian 2
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tags: traffic animals objects people weather kids category: 4 answers
16. What Might You Encounter On The Freeway That Would Make You Pull Off For A While
accident 37 traffic jam 17 animal 16 flat tire 12 rain/snow 11 police activity 5
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tags: traffic accident construction animals weather food category: 6 answers
17. Name A Reason Why You Might Be Driving Slower Than Usual.
traffic 35 accident ahead 17
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tags: road conditions weather traffic animals kids adults category: 2 answers
18. Name A Reason You Might Be Driving More Cautiously Than Normal
rain 35 children on board 24 snow 15 accident ahead 13 driver's test 9
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tags: traffic weather animals kids road conditions errands category: 5 answers
19. Name an excuse kids use for not doing their homework.
dog ate it 38 forgot 24 illness 17 tired 16 left at school 5
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tags: homework school kids excuses funny category: 5 answers
20. Name a place where you have used a lot of excuses.
work 53 school 21 doctor/dentist 7 bar 5
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21. When you do not want to go to school, what is the illness you make up as an excuse?
Stomachache Headache Fever Ear pain Cough
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22. Tell Me An Excuse For Not Going To Work That No One Really Believes
sick 63 car trouble 12 traffic 9 overslept 6
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tags: funny work excuses school food kids category: 4 answers
23. What excuse would a kid give their teacher for not turning in their homework?
"dog ate it" 54 "forgot" 19 "was sick" 11 "lost it" 7 "computer broke" 3 don't have books 3
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tags: school homework kids funny excuses teachers category: 6 answers
24. What excuses would a kid give their teacher for not turning in their homework?
"dog ate it" 54 "forgot" 19 "was sick" 11 "lost it" 7 don't have books 3 "computer broke" 3
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tags: school kids funny homework excuses teachers category: 6 answers
25. Give me a reason for moving away from your home town.
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26. Name a specific reason people get fired from their jobs
Late Poor Performance Ineffective No Good Track Record Service Record
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27. Name A Reason Why A Celeb Might Refuse To Sign An Autograph
Busy 42 Bad Mood 15 Stuck Up 14 Tired 11 No Pen 8 With Family 4
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tags: celebrities autographs reasons category: 6 answers
28. Name a reason that church bells ring
Ceremony Nuptials Sermon Service Wedding Mass
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29. We asked 100 married men: What do you think is the real reason so many marriages break up
Married Too Soon No Passion Money No Communicating
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tags: marriage relationships men divorce reasons category: no points
30. name a reason why people move to california
Weather/sun Lots Of Jobs Preservatives To Become Famous Live Near The Ocean
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tags: relocation california reasons moving housing category: no points
31. Name A Reason Why A Couple Decides To Move In Together
In Love 30 Save money 29 Getting Married 29 kids Together 10
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tags: relationships couples moving home together reasons category: 4 answers
32. Name a reason why a pirate might want to retire.
Age Tired Sick Seasickness Rich
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tags: pirates retirement reasons work money kids category: no points
33. Name A Reason Why Someone Might Hold Off On Getting Married.
afraid of commitment 44 not ready 30 saving money 16 too young 7
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tags: relationships marriage reasons family life choices kids category: 4 answers
34. Name a place where it seems you're always in the line that isn't moving.
grocery stores 32 bank 14 discount store 10 dmv 9 amusement park 7 post office 6 traffic jams 4 public restroom 4
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tags: humorous school stores traffic kids category: 8 answers
35. Name Something You Wouldnt Miss About Daily Life If You Were Stranded On A Desert Island
work 27 tv 20 traffic 12 bills 12 telephone 10 people 8 housework 5
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36. Name Something People Might Have To Do At Traffic School.
learn how to drive 28 take driving test 20 learn rules of road 17 watch videos 11 read a book 10 take notes 7
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tags: school traffic driving education funny category: 6 answers
37. Name something people hate waiting for.
bus/transport 43 food/restaurant 18 money/paycheck 17 doctor 6 grocery/checkout 6 movie/tickets 4
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38. Name A Place Where You Find Yourself Watching The Clock
work 57 school 26 place of worship 6 doctor's office 5 airport 3
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tags: work school waiting room traffic kids category: 5 answers
39. name a place where you might be given a ticket
Vacation Highway Movie Theater Schoolyard
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tags: traffic school work police parking airport category: no points
40. Name something from your daily life that might enrage the hulk.
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tags: home school traffic animals kids funny category: no points
41. Name Something People Get Trapped In
relationship 27 elevator 16 lies 15 car 14 debt 11 traffic 5 cave 4
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tags: school work jail traffic relationships kids category: 7 answers
42. Name Something That Is A Real Nuisance When It Becomes Blocked
Drain Toilet Nose Sink Road
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tags: school work chores traffic pets kids category: no points
43. Name A Place Where People Don’t Want To End Up
jail 52 dead 22 hell 17 homeless 2 dumpster 2
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tags: hospital school jail traffic exes dentists category: 5 answers
44. Where were you the last time someone tried to cut in front of you in line?
grocery store 53 movie line 7 bank line 6 department store 5 restaurant 4
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tags: school store airport traffic movies funny category: 5 answers
45. Name someplace you go where people always seem to be in a hurry
Branch Credit Union Airport Bank Supermarket Aeroport
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tags: work school hospital airport traffic kids category: no points
46. Name a place where you see a lot of people in a bad mood.
DMV Work Court Doctor IRS Hospital
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tags: work school hospital waiting room traffic airport category: 6 answers
47. Name a place where you're sometimes bothered by the person behind you.
movies 48 bus 21 restaurant 11 airplane 6 church 5 office 3
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tags: school work traffic food waiting room movies category: 6 answers
48. Name the worst month to be 9 months pregnant.
july 44 august 28 december 20
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tags: pregnancy hot weather cold weather holidays family travel category: 3 answers
49. Name an excuse people give for leaving a boring party early.
tired 48 sick 30 get home to kids 11 get up early 8
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50. name an excuse youd give to a cop to try and get out of a speeding ticket
Going To Hospital Need To Use Bathroom New In Town Late For Work
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51. Tell me an excuse people give for showing up late.
car trouble 31 traffic 27 overslept 18 ran out of gas 3 kids 2 long night 2
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52. Name An Excuse Someone Might Give For Why They’Re Dancing Badly.
too much to drink 40 bad joints 20
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53. Name An Excuse People Give For Not Voting
Makes No Difference Too Busy Dont Care
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54. Name An Excuse That Bosses Are Probably Tired Of Hearing From Late Employees
slow traffic 51 wasn't feeling well 19 alarm didn't go off 15 car trouble 14
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55. What excuse do people use when they do not return phone calls?
busy 42 didn't get message 19 forgot 13 turned off 4 late 4 asleep 3
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tags: excuses communication phone relationships category: 6 answers
56. Name An Excuse People Give For Not Seeing Their Dentist
cost/no insurance 34 scared 26 pain 15 can't get off work 8 sick 6 no time 5 no bad teeth 3
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tags: excuses appointments hygiene health category: 7 answers
57. Name An Excuse People Give For Not Eating Healthy
no time 55 lazy 18 too expensive 11 taste 7 only live once 5
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58. Name an excuse men use for not calling.
lost number 28 work 26 too busy 22 fell asleep 10 forgot 8 broken phone 6
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tags: excuses men relationships funny adults category: 6 answers
59. Name an excuse people give for not seeing family over thanksgiving.
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tags: family thanksgiving excuses holiday funny category: no points
60. When you're on a bad blind date, name something you wish you could be doing instead.
watching tv 35 sleeping 8 being alone 7 out with friends 7 reading 6 on different date 4 fishing 4
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tags: activities date night excuses funny category: 7 answers
61. Name An Excuse Married Men Give For Not Wearing a Wedding Ring.
Doesn’t Fit Lost It
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tags: marriage wedding excuses humor relationships category: no points
62. Name Something A Kid Might Do To Get Out Of Taking A Bath
cry/tantrum 40 go to bed 21 fake sickness 15 run 12 hide 9
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tags: kids funny bathtime hygiene excuses category: 5 answers
63. Name An Excuse You Give To Get Off The Phone
Somebody At Door Need The Loo Dinner Ready Call Waiting Going Out
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tags: kids funny humorous children excuses category: no points
64. Name an excuse that a girl gives when she doesn't want to slow dance with a man
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tags: relationships dating excuses dancing teenagers category: no points
65. name an excuse a game show contestant might give for losing
I Was Nervous Tired Didn't Know Answer I Wasn't Ready Someone Cheated Brain Froze Didn't Feel Good
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tags: excuses game shows hilarious kids category: no points
66. Tell Me An Excuse Youd Use To Avoid Singing At A Karaoke Club
sore throat/sick 49 can't sing 24 lost voice 13 too much too drink 7 stage fright 5
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tags: karaoke singing excuses entertainment fun music category: 5 answers
67. Name a reason someone might cancel a date.
sick 58 working 11 scared 9 no money 7 family emergency 5
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tags: relationships dating social life excuses funny category: 5 answers
68. Name an excuse that a girl gives when she doesn't want to slow dance with a man.
feet hurt 24 tired 23 can't/won't dance 18 headache/ill 13 has a boyfriend 6 ladies' room 5
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tags: relationships dating excuses flirting humor awkward category: 6 answers
69. name an excuse someone might give to get ahead of you in the checkout line
In A Hurry Emergency Not Feeling Well Late For Work/appt. Few Items Kids With Them Need To Use Bathroom
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tags: checkout excuses line people funny kids category: no points
70. Tell Me An Excuse A Man Might Give For Showing Up Late For A Date.
stuck in traffic 43 car trouble 29
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tags: excuses dating tardiness funny humorous late category: 2 answers
71. Name a good excuse to get your date to come inside at the end of the night
Nightcap Cold Out Coffee Use The Bathroom
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tags: flirting dating romance nighttime excuses funny category: no points
72. Tell Me An Excuse That A Tough Guy Might Give If He Were Caught Watching A Soap Opera
by mistake 32 for wife 31 asleep 25 hot actress 8
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tags: excuses soap operas entertainment guilty pleasures humor category: 4 answers
73. Name something that usually happens in September.
school begins 37 labor day 35 leaves turn color 12 fall 6 football season 3
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74. Name A Reason School Might Be Closed
weather 46 holiday 22
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75. Despite Its Beauty Name A Reason Why You Wouldnt Want To Live In Hawaii
too hot 47 expensive 24 volcano 18 far away 10
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76. Name something you would see a lot of at Kansas.
corn 20 sunflowers 15 wheat 14 flat land 13 cows 10 tornados 9
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tags: school sports animals food weather category: 6 answers
77. Name the coldest month of the year
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tags: seasons kids weather winter school category: no points
78. What is something students do outside between classes, once the weather gets nice?
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tags: school kids funny outdoors weather category: 10 answers
79. Name Something Most People Hate About Fall
raking leaves 45 cold weather 24 allergies 11 rain 7 school starts 6 gets drink earlier 4 gets dark erlier 4
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tags: weather work school food animals plants category: 7 answers
80. Name something you hate to get into when it's cold
Outdoors Winter Wear Car
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tags: kids school work winter weather cold category: no points
81. Name A Weather Condition You Hate To Drive In
snow 46 rain 26 icy roads 9 sleet/ hail 8 fog 5
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tags: weather driving travel work school teenagers category: 5 answers
82. Name A Type Of Sport That Might Be Cancelled Because Of Rain.
baseball 72 football 15 golf 7 soccer 4 tennis 2
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tags: school sports kids funny outdoors weather category: 5 answers
83. Name Something People Moan About
Weather Health Prices Partners Work Traffic
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tags: work school chores money weather noise category: no points
84. Name a reason a kid might not be able to go outside.
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tags: kids weather school chores health family category: 4 answers
85. Name The Hottest Month Of The Year
July 24
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tags: school work kids food summer weather category: fast money
86. Name something that could happen to your kite when you try to fly it.
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tags: kids funny outdoors weather school games category: 10 answers
87. Name A Word Or Phrase Beginning With The Word “Snow”
snowman snowflake
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tags: kids school animals weather funny winter category: no points
88. Name a reason a college student might not make it home for Easter.
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tags: school work finances distance weather illness category: 9 answers
89. Name A Reason You May Not Be Able To Get Home For The Holidays
sick 17 work 14 broke 12 far away 4 car problems 3 too much homework 2
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tags: travel work school family weather health category: 6 answers
90. Other Than Illness, Name An Acceptable Excuse For Missing Work.
funeral 61 car trouble 30 jury duty 8
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tags: work school pets home weather transportation category: 3 answers
91. How many Mph do you usually drive over the speed limit?
Five 49 Ten 41 Fifteen 5 Twenty 5
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92. Name a reason people don't like living next door to an airport
People Remote Noise Airplanes
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93. Name the worst thing a policeman could find in your car.
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94. Name something you have to put up with if you live in Los Angeles.
smog 35 traffic 30 earthquakes 13 the people 11
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tags: traffic celebrities earthquakes category: 4 answers
95. Name Something People In California Might Worry About
earthquake 55 fires 12 crime 10 mudslides 8 having enough money 6 sunburn 5 smog 4
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tags: earthquakes traffic crime category: 7 answers
96. Name something that gets backed up
Highway Potty Autoroute Toilet
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97. what do people do to avoid getting parking ticket
Park Legally Take Public Transit Move Car In Time Flirt With Checker Pay Meter Respect
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98. Name something people don’t want to be caught in
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99. Name a North American city you would not like to drive in.
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tags: traffic driving cars transportation category: 4 answers
100. Name something you do while driving, even though you know it's wrong.
talk on phone 46 eat/drink 16 speed 8 not use seatbelt 7 smoke cigarette 4 don't use signals 4
Answers are hidden.
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