The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name Something People Get Trapped In
relationship 27 elevator 16 lies 15 car 14 debt 11 traffic 5 cave 4
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tags: school work jail traffic relationships kids category: 7 answers
2. Name something people hate waiting for.
bus/transport 43 food/restaurant 18 money/paycheck 17 doctor 6 grocery/checkout 6 movie/tickets 4
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3. Name someplace you go where people always seem to be in a hurry
Branch Credit Union Airport Bank Supermarket Aeroport
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tags: work school hospital airport traffic kids category: no points
4. Name a place where you see a lot of people in a bad mood.
DMV Work Court Doctor IRS Hospital
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tags: work school hospital waiting room traffic airport category: 6 answers
5. Name something everyone tries to get out of.
Jury Duty Work Trouble Chores Lies Traffic Ticket
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tags: chores work school doctors jail kids category: 6 answers
6. Name a specific place where you'd hate to be when there's a major power failure.
elevator 38 subway/train 11 work/office bldg. 9 home/basement 7 mall/store 7 doctor/surgery 6
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tags: work hospital traffic cooking pets garden category: 6 answers
7. Name a professional that parents talk about their children with.
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8. Name Something You Might See While Sitting In The Dentists Chair
Dentist Drill Light Ceiling Drill
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tags: dentists health medical funny kids adults category: no points
9. Name something that might rattle
Shakers Rattle Motor Baby Rattle Sidewinder Car Engine
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tags: work neighbors dentists pets cars kids category: no points
10. Name a food that denture wearers should avoid
Sticks Of Gum The Cob Gum Chewing Gum On The Cob Corn On The Cob Apples
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tags: food health seniors dentists nutrition elderly category: no points
11. Name another word for prison.
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12. if you were in jail who would you call to bail you out
Sibling Significant Other Parent
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13. on his 18th birthday what would a mom hate to hear her son say mom im _________
Movieng Out Dropping Out Going To Be A Dad Getting Married 1 Joining Military
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tags: graduation jail poverty kids category: no points
14. Name something that's routinely done to a person when he's arrested.
handcuffed 38 read rights 36 fingerprinted 10 mug shot 6 questioned 4
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tags: law enforcement police jail criminals category: 5 answers
15. Name Something From Your Ex That You Might Get Rid Of When Starting A New Relationship
pictures 46 jewelry 32 their clothes 14 letters 6
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tags: relationships exes category: 4 answers
16. Name something you might see in a prison cell
Inmates Criminals Prisoners Mattresses Culprits Convicts Suspects
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tags: prison justice crime punishment criminals jail category: no points
17. Tell me something you hope your ex never asks you.
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tags: relationships breakups exes regrets category: no points
18. When you split up with your ex, where did you dump all their stuff?
Trash Front Yard Fire Garage Driveaway Closet Thrift Shop
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tags: relationships breakups exes belongings category: 7 answers
19. When people break up, name something of their ex’s that they think of destroying.
Pictures Clothes Car Jewelry Tv
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tags: relationships exes breakups revenge funny category: no points
20. name something itd be weird for a divorced couple to continue sharing
House Washing Machine Holidays Bed
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tags: divorce exes awkward family sharing category: no points
21. When you break up with someone, name something of theirs you throw away.
pictures 59 clothes 19 letters/cards 9 ring/jewelry 8 phone number 3
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tags: relationships family funny hilarious breakups exes category: 5 answers
22. on a first date who should your date avoid introducing you to so soon
Parents Riding A Bike Friends Ex Watching Movies
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tags: first date friends family siblings exes embarrassing category: no points
23. Name something people want back from their ex after breaking up.
Jewelry Money Pets Cds Clothes Keys Gifts Pictures
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tags: relationships breakups exes belongings funny adults category: no points
24. Name something a woman has that her boyfriend might consider "baggage".
ex-boyfriend 31 kids 23 body weight 8 makeup 8 purse 6 clothes 3
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tags: relationships baggage exes family friends finances category: 6 answers
25. Name Someplace Youd Have To Be On Really Good Terms To Invite Your Ex
your wedding 40 birthday party 23 family reunion 21 your house 10
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tags: family relationships humor exes social situations category: 4 answers
26. Name Something People Might Have To Do At Traffic School.
learn how to drive 28 take driving test 20 learn rules of road 17 watch videos 11 read a book 10 take notes 7
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tags: school traffic driving education funny category: 6 answers
27. Name An Excuse People Give For Being Late
Traffic Overslept Car Trouble Someone Died Got Lost
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tags: excuses reasons school traffic weather category: no points
28. Name a place where it seems you're always in the line that isn't moving.
grocery stores 32 bank 14 discount store 10 dmv 9 amusement park 7 post office 6 traffic jams 4 public restroom 4
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tags: humorous school stores traffic kids category: 8 answers
29. Name Something You Wouldnt Miss About Daily Life If You Were Stranded On A Desert Island
work 27 tv 20 traffic 12 bills 12 telephone 10 people 8 housework 5
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30. name a place where you might be given a ticket
Vacation Highway Movie Theater Schoolyard
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tags: traffic school work police parking airport category: no points
31. Name A Place Where You Find Yourself Watching The Clock
work 57 school 26 place of worship 6 doctor's office 5 airport 3
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tags: work school waiting room traffic kids category: 5 answers
32. Name Something That Is A Real Nuisance When It Becomes Blocked
Drain Toilet Nose Sink Road
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tags: school work chores traffic pets kids category: no points
33. Where were you the last time someone tried to cut in front of you in line?
grocery store 53 movie line 7 bank line 6 department store 5 restaurant 4
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tags: school store airport traffic movies funny category: 5 answers
34. Name something from your daily life that might enrage the hulk.
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tags: home school traffic animals kids funny category: no points
35. Name a place where you're sometimes bothered by the person behind you.
movies 48 bus 21 restaurant 11 airplane 6 church 5 office 3
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tags: school work traffic food waiting room movies category: 6 answers
36. Name a reason people don't like living next door to an airport
People Remote Noise Airplanes
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37. How many Mph do you usually drive over the speed limit?
Five 49 Ten 41 Fifteen 5 Twenty 5
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38. Name something people don’t want to be caught in
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39. Name Something People In California Might Worry About
earthquake 55 fires 12 crime 10 mudslides 8 having enough money 6 sunburn 5 smog 4
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tags: earthquakes traffic crime category: 7 answers
40. what do people do to avoid getting parking ticket
Park Legally Take Public Transit Move Car In Time Flirt With Checker Pay Meter Respect
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41. Name the worst thing a policeman could find in your car.
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42. Name something you have to put up with if you live in Los Angeles.
smog 35 traffic 30 earthquakes 13 the people 11
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tags: traffic celebrities earthquakes category: 4 answers
43. Name something that gets backed up
Highway Potty Autoroute Toilet
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44. Name a kind of place where you're treated more like a number than like a human being.
dvla 41 hospital 11 work 7 prison 7 hmrc 6 restaurant 6
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45. Name a place you might see a skeleton.
closet 31 haunted house 18 science lab 17 museum 10 hospital 9 cemetery 6
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46. Other Than A Drivers License, Name Something For Which Some People Have Photo Id.
Passport 49
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tags: school work hospital gym category: fast money
47. name a person who wears a black and white uniform
Referee Food Server Priest Prisoner
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48. Name a reason people take out a loan.
buy house 57 college 8 buy car 24 open business 3 marriage 2
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49. Name a North American city you would not like to drive in.
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tags: traffic driving cars transportation category: 4 answers
50. what might a bicyclist use to keep safe at night
Neon Clothes Headlight Reflectors
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51. Why Might A Cop Who Pulls Someone Over Not Give A Ticket
Warning Nice Flirts Driver Cute Driver Cries Friend Light Out
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52. Which city do you think has the rudest drivers?
new york 56 los angeles 18 chicago 4 atlanta 4 detroit 3 boston 2
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tags: driving cities transportation traffic category: 6 answers
53. Name a reason why it would be a pain to live in a big city.
Traffic 48 Crowded 22 Noisy 16 Expensive 8 Pollution 5
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54. Name Something A Police Officer Might Ask For After Pulling Someone Over.
License 40
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tags: police traffic driving law safety category: fast money
55. Name something you do while driving, even though you know it's wrong.
talk on phone 46 eat/drink 16 speed 8 not use seatbelt 7 smoke cigarette 4 don't use signals 4
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56. Name someone who uses a baton.
majorette 60 conductor 10 police officer 9
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tags: work police traffic cheerleading category: 3 answers
57. Name a city in North America that you would hate to drive in.
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58. Name an occupation you put your trust in and hope they know what they're doing.
doctor 55 broker 8 pilot 8 auto mechanic 5 banker 4 accountant 3 police officer 3 president 3
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59. Name a kind of place you feel better leaving than going.
work 19 dentist/doctor 18 hospital 18 funeral/cemetery 14 prison 9 bathroom 5
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60. Name a situation where you might have butterflies in your stomach.
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61. name something that can be renewed
Library Book Wedding Vows Mag. Subscription Driver's License Prescriptions
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62. Name an occupation where people might confess something to you
Priest Office Worker Psychologist
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63. Name something that gets checked out.
library books 56 groceries 23 someone's body 17
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64. Name a type of book that people DO NOT read for pleasure.
dictionary 24 bible 12
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tags: work school hospital educational category: 2 answers
65. Name a situation where you would not mind having your flight cancelled.
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66. Name Something That’s Conducted
performances train electricity survey
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67. Name a professional everyone consults sooner or later.
Doctor Lawyer Teacher Dentist Accountant
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tags: school hospital law doctor dentist category: no points
68. Besides a cop, name someone who carries a badge
Security Guard Bodyguard Ward Federal Bureau Of Investi Firefighter Guard Watchman
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69. Name An Occupation That People Consider Caring.
nurse 46 doctor 24 teacher 14 childcare provider 13
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70. Which Type Of Professional Would You Least Like To Get Into An Argument With, Because You’d Never Win?
lawyer 42 boxer 17 politician 16 police 14 therapist 4 judge 3
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71. Name something you can count.
money 36 numbers 20 finggers 19 sheep 11 stars 3 people 3
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72. Name Something That Might Be Pinned To A Shirt.
name tag 48 broach 16
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73. Name a reason people might wish you good luck.
new job 21 getting married 14 job interview 11 trip 8 test 8 doctor 5 graduation 3
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74. Tell me how many pounds a newborn weighs.
7 pounds 39 8 pounds 32 7.5 pounds 9 6 pounds 9 9 pounds 3 6.5 pounds 3
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75. Name something you might do that would require you to undress.
shower/bathe 38 doctor's exam 23 make love 11 try on clothes 9
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76. Name someone who might be particularly busy on halloween night.
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tags: hospital school zoo kids halloween category: no points
77. name a term that starts with the word final
Final Exam Final Answer Whippersnapper Final Countdown Final Destination Stuffy Head
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78. Name A Profession Where You May Receive Lots Of Mail From Strangers.
celebrity 51 politician 36 customer service 7 advice columnist 5
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79. Name an occupation that thers a shortage of in the United States
Nurse Teacher Police Officer Doctor
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80. Name A Reason You Might Get A Late Night Call From Someone
Emergency Death In The Family Wrong Number
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81. Name A Person Who Might Wear A Name Tag
Waiter / Waitress Checkout Person Tour Guide
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82. Name something specific you might hide:
money 68 jewelry 7 diary 5 gifts 3 keys 2
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83. Name A Way You Might Try To Stay Awake While Driving
roll window down 30 turn music on 21
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84. Name a place where you press buttons.
elevator 42 work 21 atm 17 arcade 10 casinos 8
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85. name a place that a teenager might try to sneak into
Bedroom R Rated Movie Bar/danceclub
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86. Who Wears A Uniform With Shirt And Pants Of The Same Color?
medical professional 35 cop 31 military 11 mail carrier 8 prisoner 6 janitor 5
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87. Name a place where a christmas party might be held.
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88. Name A Public Place Where You Undress
dressing room/store 32 beach/pool 29 restroom 15 locker room 13 doctor's office 8
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89. Name Something That People Normally Dont Pay Cash For
car 53 gas 20 house 20 food 5
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90. Name something people walk out on.
a movie 37 a relationship 21 an argument 12 a deck 7
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91. Name A Place Where You Nap Just To Pass The Time.
at home work long car/bus ride airport/plane park school doctor's office
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92. Name someplace a child goes for the first time that might be traumatic.
school 42 circus 5
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93. name something on which a persons full name is used
Check Birth Certificate Driver's License Job Application Passport
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94. What are some uses of paper?
To write on Wrapping something To make cards Paper bags Arts and crafts
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95. Name Something That Might Crash.
Airplane Car
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96. Name Someone Who Make Money Off Of Giving Advice
Lawyer Therapist Doctor Financial Planner Fortune Teller
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97. Give me a man's name that starts with the letter "d".
Daniel David Douglas Dylan Derek
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98. Name A Type Of Tv Show Wouldn’t Want Grandma On
Talk Reality Dating Romantic Drama True Crime
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99. Name An Occupation In Which You Might Adopt A Fake Name
detective 53 actor 28 dancer 9 musician 6
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tags: occupation school work hospital category: 4 answers
100. Name Something People Should Never Leave House Without
Keys Money Phone Clothes Id
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