All "Hospital" Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something a doctor might give you that you don't really want.
shot 65 exam 21 news 5 advice 4 bill 4
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category: 5 answers
2. Other than Acting Name A Profession That Celebrity Actors Might Take Up
singing 61 directing 11 modeling 10 fashion design 9 politics 3 spokeperson 3
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category: 6 answers
3. Something you hear on the news that there's a shortage of.
oil/gas 35 flu shot/vaccine 20 money 13 jobs 6 food 6 water 6 blood 4
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category: 7 answers
4. Name Something A Husband Might Forget To Take To The Hospital When His Wife Is Having A Baby.
suitcase 43 wife 19 extra clothes 18 baby bag 5 flowers 4 car seat 4
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category: 6 answers
5. Name An Occupation That People Consider Caring.
nurse 46 doctor 24 teacher 14 childcare provider 13
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category: 4 answers
6. Name A Place Where You Hear People Being Paged Over A Loudspeaker
hospital 32 airport 28 school 20 store 19
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category: 4 answers
7. Name A Word Phrase That Includes The Word Secret
secret garden 26 top secret 21 secret agent 17 secret admirer/ lover 14 secret service 6 secret santa 4 secret society 3
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category: 7 answers
8. Name An Occupation In Which People Often Use Their Middle Name Or Initial.
doctor 51 lawyer 25 actor 15 politician 5 author 4
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category: 5 answers
9. Name Something A Patient In A Hospital Might Have Trouble Doing On His Own.
bathroom 35 walking 21 bathing 13 get out of bed 11 eating 10 breath 4
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category: 6 answers
10. Name A Color Some Men Never Wear
pink 65 purple 18 yellow 9 red 5
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category: 4 answers
11. Name Something You See In Every Public Bathroom.
toilet 29 sink 26
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category: 2 answers
12. Name A Job Where You Might Have To Watch A Monitor.
security 53 tv editor 8
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category: 2 answers
13. Name A Place Where You Stand In Line, But Nobody’s In A Hurry
church 43 amusement park 14
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category: 2 answers
14. Name something some people are nervous about getting on.
airplane 49 amusement ride 15 mechanic bull 5 motorcycle 5 elevator 5 boat 2
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category: 6 answers
15. Name something you might do before an operation.
prayers 51 maka a will 13 fast 11 eat a lot 5 kiss 4 bathe 3
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category: 6 answers
16. Name somewhere you find a radio.
car 42 bedroom 18 kitchen 17 bathroom 13 work 4 shed 3
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category: 6 answers
17. Name a career more women go into than men.
nurse 53 teacher 14 secretary 9 hairdresser 4 stripper 3
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category: 5 answers
18. Name a place where people would notice if you came in late.
work 38 church/wedding 25 meeting 9 movie/theater 9 school 9 doctor's office 3
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category: 6 answers
19. Name A Place Where You Might Find A Bible.
church 53 hotel room 40
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category: 2 answers
20. Name something you fold. ("Clothes" is not an answer, be more specific.)
t-shirt 35 towels 27 underwear 8 jeans 7 sheets 7 newspaper 5
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category: 6 answers
21. Name something people get kicked out of.
school 29 bar/nightclub 28 house/apartment 20 movie theater 6 sporting event 6
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category: 5 answers
22. Name something people have delivered on a regular basis.
newspaper 34 mail 28 pizza 11 baby 9 milk 6 groceries 3
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category: 6 answers
23. Name something specific you might hide:
money 68 jewelry 7 diary 5 gifts 3 keys 2
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category: 5 answers
24. Name a specific part of a skinny dipper that usually doesn't look so skinny.
bottom 42 stomach 23 chest 11 hips 8 thighs 8
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category: 5 answers
25. Name A Job Which You Need To Wash Your Hands Often
nurse 48 cook 38
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category: 2 answers
26. Name a kind of doctor who would shock you if they asked you to get undressed.
dentist 32 optometrist 17 vet 11 podiatrist 10 psychologist 7 gp 5
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category: 6 answers
27. Name a place where people are required to show ID.
bar 50 store 20 bank 10 airport 10
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category: 4 answers
28. Name something you have in your bed at home that they might not let you keep in a hospital bed.
my mate 35 my pet 24 my blanket/sheets 13 my pillow 8 my stuffed animal 5
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category: 5 answers
29. Name something that a nurse asks you to do before the doctor comes in to examine you.
clothes off 62 step on scale 15 blood pressure 5 ask questions 4 takes temperature 3 looks in mouth 3
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category: 6 answers
30. Name a carpenter's tool that you hope a surgeon never uses.
hammer 42 saw/chain saw 34 screwdriver 5 drill 5 chisel 3 ax 2
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category: 6 answers
31. Name something people hate waiting for.
bus/transport 43 food/restaurant 18 money/paycheck 17 doctor 6 grocery/checkout 6 movie/tickets 4
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category: 6 answers
32. Name something a person may be required to wear around their neck.
tie 41 chain/necklace 26 scarf 18 identification 7 brace 5
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category: 5 answers
33. Name a job that involves telling people bad news.
doctor 39 police officer 33 coroner/mortician 9 news reporter 7 lawyer 3 collection agent 3 clergy 2
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category: 7 answers
34. Name something that makes people panic.
fire 16 tornado 16 money 14 high gas prices 8 spiders 4 natural disaster 4
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category: 6 answers
35. Name a specific door you should knock on before entering.
front door 65 bathroom door 24 bedroom door 5 office door 4
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category: 4 answers
36. Tell me how many pounds a newborn weighs.
7 pounds 39 8 pounds 32 7.5 pounds 9 6 pounds 9 9 pounds 3 6.5 pounds 3
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category: 6 answers
37. Who Wears A Uniform With Shirt And Pants Of The Same Color?
medical professional 35 cop 31 military 11 mail carrier 8 prisoner 6 janitor 5
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category: 6 answers
38. Which Type Of Professional Would You Least Like To Get Into An Argument With, Because You’d Never Win?
lawyer 42 boxer 17 politician 16 police 14 therapist 4 judge 3
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category: 6 answers
39. Where Were You The Last Time You Felt Youd Been Ripped Off
mall/ dept store 36 grocery store 15 bank 11 mechanic 10 restaurant 10 movie theatre 9 gas station 7
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category: 7 answers
40. What do many people look back on as the most frightening day of their lives?
wedding day 29 accidents 19 sept.11 9 birth of child 7 first day of new... 5 storm 4
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category: 6 answers
41. What's a good gift to take to someone who is staying in the hospital?
flowers 53 books/magazines 19 food/snacks 12 balloons 5
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category: 4 answers
42. Besides clothes, name something that has a zipper.
purse 24 backpack 22 sandwich bags 11 pillows 10 shoes 9 sleeping bag 8
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category: 6 answers
43. Give me a sure cure for a hangover.
"hair of the dog" 18 drink water 14 take aspirin 14 sleep 11 tomato juice 9 drink coffee 8
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category: 6 answers
44. name something You Often Feel Sleepy while Doing
reading 48 driving 27 watching tv 10 working 5 homework 4 eating 3
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category: 6 answers
45. Name Something Tha Can Be Pumped
gas 58 tire 24 iron 8
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category: 3 answers
46. Name A Public Place Where Even An Adult Can Get Lost Easily
mall 45 amusement park 22 park 10 fair 6 parking garage 5 airport 4 zoo 4
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category: 7 answers
47. Name Someone Whos Known For Inventing Something
albert einstein 32 thomas edison 32 ben franklin 18 alexander graham bell 13 eli whitney 3
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category: 5 answers
48. Name Something People Don’t Like To Start.
fight 28 work 6
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category: 2 answers
49. Name Someplace A Child Goes That Might Be Traumatic The First Time
kindergarten 56 dentist 13 pediatrician 10 circus 6 to get a hair cut 4 daycare 4
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category: 6 answers
50. Name A Type Of Photo That Most People Don’t Smile In.
passport 35 mug shot 32 driver's license 25 sports photo 5
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category: 4 answers
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