The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name a piece of equipment a plastic surgeon might use if he was going to give Mount Rushmore a face-lift
Electric Drill Jack Hammer Chisel Rock Chisel Drill Jackhammer
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2. Name a place you have to apply to get into.
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tags: school work hospital adults kids funny category: no points
3. in which profession are you most likely to find lots of people with tattoos
Tattoo Artist Shirt Professional Sports Music Industry Towel Bartender
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tags: school work hospital kids funny adults category: no points
4. Name a famous woman you wouldn't want to see wearing a thong.
oprah winfrey 30 martha stewart 9 hillary clinton 9 laura bush 9 roseanne 8 barbara walters 5 rosie o'donnell 4
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tags: funny adults school work hospital hilarious category: 7 answers
5. Name Something That Kids Are Bummed To Get, But Is Worse To Get As An Adult.
chicken pox 43 cavity/pulled tooth 30 braces 13 acne 9
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tags: kids adults school work hospital funny category: 4 answers
6. Name a place where people are required to show ID.
bar 50 store 20 bank 10 airport 10
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tags: adults funny places school work hospital category: 4 answers
7. Name a specific part of a skinny dipper that usually doesn't look so skinny.
bottom 42 stomach 23 chest 11 hips 8 thighs 8
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tags: adults funny animals school work hospital category: 5 answers
8. Which Office Supply Is Most Likely Cause An Injury
Stapler Scissors Paper Writing Utensils Paper Cutter Paper Shredder Letter Opener
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tags: work school hospital kids funny adults category: no points
9. Name A Way You Might Try To Stay Awake While Driving
roll window down 30 turn music on 21
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10. Name an occupation where you hear a lot of people's problems
Alienist Counselor Guidance Counselor Therapist Psychiatrist Shrink Analyst
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11. Name a word people use to avoid swearing.
Darn 38 Shoot 29 Dang 15 Fudge 8 Gosh 5
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tags: adults work school hospital kids food category: 5 answers
12. Name Something That Requires Your Signature
Check 56
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tags: school work hospital food adults kids category: fast money
13. Which job requires a uniform?
Police Doctor Pilot Nurse Military
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tags: adults work school hospital restaurant police kids category: no points
14. What is something that requires your signature?
A check An agreement Shipment acknowledgment Authorization letter Email
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tags: fast money work school hospital finance adults category: fast money
15. Name something you would ask the Wizard for in the Land of Oz.
Money 1 Health/A New Heart 3 A Brain 2 Hot Bod 2 Peace on Earth 3 Love 1 Happiness 1 Magic Power/To Fly 3
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tags: school work plants adults funny animals fantasy entertainment literature kids magic category: 8 answers
16. Name A Public Place Where You Undress
dressing room/store 32 beach/pool 29 restroom 15 locker room 13 doctor's office 8
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17. Name Someone Who Works In A Hospital
Nurse Doctor Cleaner Porter
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18. Name the last place you’d want to be when your child has a tantrum.
shopping center 41 place of worship 33 restaurant 16
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tags: kids funny adults work animals hospital category: 3 answers
19. Name Someone Who Wears Gloves
Boxer Doctor
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tags: work hospital animals food adults funny category: no points
20. Name a specific part of a skinny dipper that usually doesn't look so skinny
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tags: funny adults work hospital animals kids category: no points
21. Name A Day Of The Week Many People Consider To Be The Busiest
Monday Friday Saturday Thursday Tuesday
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tags: work kids funny hospital adults animals category: no points
22. Name a place where you see adults carrying sleeping children:
mall 41 fair 14 church 13 movie 11 airport 7 zoo 7
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tags: kids adults family funny school hospital category: 6 answers
23. Name something an adult might save their money to buy.
cars 40 house 33 vacations 18 having children 9
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tags: adults kids funny school hospital food category: 4 answers
24. Fill In The Blank: “Raging ____”?
Bull 1 Waters 1 Fire 1 Hormones 1 River 1 Rapids 1
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tags: funny adults kids animals school hospital category: 6 answers
25. Name something you might lose as you get older.
Memory 41 Hair 27 Teeth 11 Sight 9 Hearing 6
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tags: adults kids work hospital funny food hilarious category: 5 answers
26. Name a job that involves telling people bad news.
doctor 39 police officer 33 coroner/mortician 9 news reporter 7 lawyer 3 collection agent 3 clergy 2
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27. name a type of professional who could not get away with having dirty hands
Nurse Cleaning Person Doctor Police Chef Accountant
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28. Name Something Most Doctors Carry With Them On Their Rounds
stethoscope 32 clipboard 23 thermometer 15 gloves 12 pen/pencil 1 beeper 5
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29. Name an occupation you put your trust in and hope they know what they're doing.
doctor 55 broker 8 pilot 8 auto mechanic 5 banker 4 accountant 3 police officer 3 president 3
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30. Name a specific occupation in which you might have to hurt someone
Fuzz Police Officer Five-o Cops Pro Athlete Player Officer
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tags: hospital work violence medical adults category: no points
31. Name an expense that's much bigger if you have kids
Politics Clothes Wearing Make-up Grocery Bill
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tags: kids school food adults hilarious hospital category: no points
32. Name A Comedian That Gets On Peoples Nerves
Carrot Top Chris Rock Jim Carrey Dane Cook Adam Sandler
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tags: adults comedians entertainment funny hilarious work category: no points
33. Name Something That A Child Star Has To Do That The Average Kid Doesn’t.
Work 44
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tags: kids work career adults entertainment funny category: fast money
34. Name A Place Where You Nap Just To Pass The Time.
at home work long car/bus ride airport/plane park school doctor's office
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35. name something on which a persons full name is used
Check Birth Certificate Driver's License Job Application Passport
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36. Name a place where a christmas party might be held.
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37. Without speaking, tell me a way people say thank you
Nod Shake Hands Hug Army Tank Flower
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38. Name An Item You Associate With The Word Expensive
Car 53 Jewelry 26 House 13 Clothes 5
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39. Name Something That Might Crash.
Airplane Car
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40. Name A Profession Where You May Receive Lots Of Mail From Strangers.
celebrity 51 politician 36 customer service 7 advice columnist 5
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41. Name Someone Who Make Money Off Of Giving Advice
Lawyer Therapist Doctor Financial Planner Fortune Teller
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42. Name a downside to getting a tattoo.
permanent 64 painful 23
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43. Name something specific you might hide:
money 68 jewelry 7 diary 5 gifts 3 keys 2
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44. tell me a place where you might accidentally walk off with a pen
Work Doctor's Office Soup Kitchen Bank
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45. Name a place where you press buttons.
elevator 42 work 21 atm 17 arcade 10 casinos 8
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46. Name something you can count.
money 36 numbers 20 finggers 19 sheep 11 stars 3 people 3
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47. Name Something You Can Only Do Naked
Bath Shower Streak Make Love Skinny Dip Be Born
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48. Name A Pair Of Something That You Can Not Wear
Twins Dice Eyes Tires Scissors Tweezers
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49. Name something specific that you file:
income tax papers 38 nails 29 bills 8 receipts 4 insurance papers 3 letters 3
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50. Name Something A Woman Would Be Foolish To Apply Makeup Before Doing
swimming 34 showering 28 going to sleep 14 washing her face 12 aerobics 7
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51. Name a kind of place you feel better leaving than going.
work 19 dentist/doctor 18 hospital 18 funeral/cemetery 14 prison 9 bathroom 5
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52. Name Something A Boy Scout WouldnT Need To Start A Fire But You Do
matches 46 lighter 25 gasoline 12 kindling 11 newspaper 4
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53. Name Someone Who Knows A Lot About You Because It’s Their Job.
Doctor 41 Parent 25 Teacher 11 Detective 8 IRS Auditor 7 Psychiatrist 4
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54. Name A Reason You Might Get A Late Night Call From Someone
Emergency Death In The Family Wrong Number
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55. Name Someone Who Carries A Clipboard
Coach 46
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tags: work school hospital plants funny category: fast money
56. Name An Occupation In Which You’d Need To Wear Comfortable Shoes.
doctor/nurse 55 food service 28 teacher 5 mail carrier 5
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tags: school work hospital animals funny category: 4 answers
57. Name something people file.
taxes 35 papers 30
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58. Tell me what you might use to dry your hands in a public restroom.
Hand Dryer Paper Towels Clothes Shake them Toilet Paper
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59. Name something people swap.
Clothes/Shoes 1 Phone Numbers 2 Stories/Gossip 1 Spit/Germs 1 Books 1 Recipes 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious school work hospital category: 6 answers
60. Name a time when you have to have your picture taken
Wedding Driver's License License
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61. Name Something People Don’t Like To Start.
fight 28 work 6
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62. Name a kind of bag
Paper Brown Paper Bag Market
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63. Name Something Tha Can Be Pumped
gas 58 tire 24 iron 8
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64. Name the worst thing to fall off of
Bungalow House Condos Roof Skyscraper Highrise
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65. Name a Type of Building Where It Always Seems to Be Cold
Doctor Office 2 Work 1 Classroom 1 DMV 1 Hotel Room 2 Igloo 1
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66. Name A Phrase On Signs That Starts With The Word “No.
No Parking 41 No Smoking 30 No Entry 8 No Turns 7 No Trespassing 7 No Loitering 4
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67. Name An Occupation You Associate With Having A Positive Attitude
Teacher 31 Doctor 24 Customer Service 14 Food Server 8 Therapist 7 Nurse 5 Salesperson 5
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68. Name A Place Where You Might Have To Stand
Queue Elevator Bus / Bus Stop Church Crossing
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69. Name an occupation where there is no room for error
Doctor Medico Bookkeeper Accountant Certified Accountant
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70. Tel me a word that completes the phrase "Get to..."
Work The Point Bed It School Church
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tags: school work hospital together kids funny category: 6 answers
71. Tell me job where you might be working at 4 o'clock in the morning.
police officer 20 doctor 12 nurse 11 security guard 6 baker 6 postman 5
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72. Name Someone Who Might Make You Pretend You're Not At Home
Religious Groups Saleman Police Bill Collector Mother In Law
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73. Name A Profession Youd Shoot For If You Wanted To Be Famous
actor 54 musician 26 model 7 politition 6 athlete 4
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tags: work school funny tv cinema hospital category: 5 answers
74. name A fear parents Have For Their Child When She Moves Out Of The House
money 35 drugs 23 death 14 safety 11 coming back 10 lonely 5
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75. Name a man who thinks he's the greatest.
donald trump 18 tom cruise 15 george w. bush 12 muhamad ali 11 bill clinton 4 kobe bryant 3
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76. Fill in the blank: Lady _____.
Lady Gaga 2 Lady Luck 2 Lady Godiva 2 Lady parts 2 Lady-killer 1 Ladybug 1
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77. A Mans Name That It 3 Letters Long
Bob Ben Jim Dan Tim Sam Ted
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tags: school work hospital animals funny category: no points
78. Name A Place That Has Alarms Installed
Bank Shop Office Car Factory
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79. Name Something You Usually Can’t Use If You Don’t Have Any Change.
Pay Phone Meter
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80. Name Someone Who Might Wear A Pointy Hat
Witch Wizard
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81. Name a four-letter word that's something everyone wants.
love 36 cash 22 food 22 gold 4 hope 4 luck 3
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82. Name a kind of place where people let their attention wander.
church 21 work 15 school 11 movie theater 9 beach 7 park 6 shopping mall 5
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83. Name A Place Where You Often Yawn
In Bed At The Movies At Work In Church School
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84. Name something people make up a phony excuse to get out of doing.
going to work 33 jury duty 12 housework 9 helping move 8 party 7 visiting in-laws 5
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85. Name a phrase that starts with the word "Make..."
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86. Name something people use to swat a fly
Newspaper Flyswatter Shoe Hand
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tags: school work hospital animals funny category: no points
87. What do kids aspire to become when they grow up?
Astronaut Race car driver Police officer Pilot Firefighter
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88. Name Someone Who Might Give A Lecture
Teacher Parent Professor Police Partner
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89. Name something you'd hate to be doing when you hear the call of mother nature.
driving in car 29 sleeping 11 making love 8 on the job 6
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90. Name a place you wouldn't want to be stuck with someone who has a cold
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91. Name something that might be called "foul."
John F. Kennedy Poultry/fowl Foul Language Ronald Reagan "foul Ball!" Foul Odor
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92. Name a body part a pirate might be missing.
leg 46 eye 27 hand 22 arm 5
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93. Name something proud parents hang on their refrigerator.
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94. Name A Reason A Person Might Pretend To Be Older
Buy Beer See Music Drive FJob Interview Impress Someone Buy Cigarettes Date
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tags: school work hospital funny relationships age category: no points
95. Name a carpenter's tool that you hope a surgeon never uses.
hammer 42 saw/chain saw 34 screwdriver 5 drill 5 chisel 3 ax 2
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96. name Something You Carry with You Just In Case But Hate to Get Stuck Carrying
jacket 31 purse/wallet 19 cell phone 17 camera 14 umbrella 12 water bottle 6
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tags: school work hospital kids family funny category: 6 answers
97. Name Something You Might Leave A Message On
Answering Machine Paper Telephone Door The Fridge
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tags: school work hospital animals kids funny category: no points
98. name something you wouldnt want to be caught red handed doing
Smoking Cheating Lying People Telephone Shoplifting
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tags: work school hospital animals food funny category: no points
99. name something that gets filed
Divorce Papers Taxes Nails Paperwork
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tags: work school animals hospital kids funny category: no points
100. Name Something That Left Handed People Need To Use A Special Version Of
Scissors 39 Baseball Glove 17 Golf Club 15 Guitar 11 Desk 7 Computer Mouse 6
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tags: school work hospital food kids funny category: 6 answers
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