The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something husbands and wives should take turns doing
Bowls Saucers Washing Dishes Plates Doing Dishes
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tags: chores housework meals dishes laundry category: no points
2. Name something that you let "pile up" when you're feeling lazy.
laundry 60 dishes 12 housework 10 bills 4 newspapers 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores laundry dishes emails paperwork category: 5 answers
3. Name Something Specific That Piles Up Before You Can Get To It
laundry 28 bills 23 dishes 22 trash 11 mail 8 leaves 4 snow 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores errands work school laundry dishes category: 7 answers
4. Name something that you let "pile up" when you're feeling lazy
Dishes Turbulence Newspapers Laundry
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores laundry dishes bills emails clutter category: no points
5. Name Something That Might Pile Up When You're Feeling Lazy
Washing Ironing Dishes Work Bills / Debts
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tags: chores laundry dishes bills emails clutter category: no points
6. Tell me something people postpone doing for as long as they can.
new car 43 going to the doctor 26 diets 17 marriage 9 waking up 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores homework exercise laundry taxes category: 5 answers
7. Name Something You Spend Less Time Doing When Youre On Vacation
working 37 sleeping 28 worrying 21 watching tv 6 cleaning/cooking 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores work housework exercise cooking laundry category: 5 answers
8. Name something some people postpone doing for as long as possible.
pay bills/taxes 23 getting married 22 doctor/dentist 19 housework 16 dying/will 5 lose weight/diet 3 work/career 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores exercise taxes doctors laundry kids category: 7 answers
9. Name Something You Might Dry
Clothes Hair Towels Dishes Body
Answers are hidden.
10. Name something people let pile up.
laundry/ironing 51 dishes 13 mail/correspond. 10 bills 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: housework laundry dishes emails bills category: 4 answers
11. Name something you might wash in the sink.
dishes 43 clothes 29 babies 10 vegetables 8
Answers are hidden.
12. Name something roommates fight over.
bathroom 18 bills 12 phone 12 cleaning up 12 food 10 television 8 space 6 clothes 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores food noise privacy temperature dishes category: 8 answers
13. Name A Food That You Rinse Off Of A Dish Immediately Or It Becomes Hard As A Rock
Egg 31 Cheese Sauce 29 Pasta 18 Mashed Potatoes 12 Oatmeal/Cereal 8
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tags: food dishes parenting household chores kids funny category: 5 answers
14. Name something people say they have to catch up on.
Sleep Bills Housework Reading Homework
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15. Name Something You Shouldn’t Add Too Much Of To Your Laundry
Soap 49
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tags: laundry cleaning household chores category: fast money
16. Name something you do that you don't want to do in a hurry
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17. Name something stay-at-home moms do for their families.
Cook Clean Everything Laundry Drive
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tags: household chores meals laundry childcare category: no points
18. Name an article of clothing you can't wash in the washing machine.
send us your answers! 10 coat 34
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tags: fashion clothing laundry chores home category: 2 answers
19. Name Something From The Laundry That’s Impossible To Fold Neatly.
fitted sheets 35 socks 29 underwear 15 blouse 14
Answers are hidden.
20. Name something a new Mom spends a lot of time doing.
breast feeding 39 changing diapers 35 feeding with a bottle 12 holding the baby 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: babies feeding laundry household chores category: 4 answers
21. Name something you lose while doing laundry.
socks 57 money 22 jewelry 6 underwear 5
Answers are hidden.
22. What would a college kid do right before his parents come to visit?
clean 50 homework 30 shower 20
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tags: cleaning hiding chores food laundry snacks category: 3 answers
23. Name something moms should not have to do on Mother's Day
Make Dinner Prepare Dinner Roast
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tags: chores errands housework kids laundry work category: no points
24. Name Something That People Today Probably Wash More Than They Need To.
Hair 36 Clothes/Pants 31 Hands 15 Car 13
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tags: hygiene germs cleanliness laundry household chores category: 4 answers
25. Name something that is easy to leave behind in a laundry room
Soap Washing Powder Detergent Underwear Thermal Underwear Laundry Detergent Sock
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tags: laundry chores cleaning housework kids socks category: no points
26. Name something men put off doing for as long as they can
Surgeon Physician Seeing Doctor Housework Tidying Medico
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tags: chores repairs cooking laundry yard work category: no points
27. Name something you take to the laundry.
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tags: laundry clothes household cleaning chores kids category: no points
28. Name something women spend more time doing than men
Getting Dressed Shopping Store Dressing Hair Lock
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tags: chores cooking kids housework laundry makeup category: no points
29. Name An Article Of Clothing That Only A Neat-Freak Would Iron
Underwear 47 Socks 29 Jeans 14 Tie 5 Nightgown 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: housekeeping cleaning laundry home everyday chores category: 5 answers
30. Name Something A Woman Might Complain That Her Husband Never Wants To Do
go out 24 clean 18 be intimate 4 cook 12 talk 10 shop 5 cuddle 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores housework kids laundry shopping cooking category: 7 answers
31. Name something that married women might be sick of doing.
housekeeping 36 cooking 29
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tags: chores housework laundry cooking cleaning kids category: 2 answers
32. Name something specific in a home that might have been neglected by a working mom.
cleaning/dishes 57 laundry/ironing 12 cooking 11 children 10 plants/yard 6 spouse 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: cleaning chores housework laundry kids funny category: 6 answers
33. Name Something That You Shouldnt Have To Do On Your Birthday
work 45 clean 35 cook 12 play 3
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tags: chores school work laundry clean hospital category: 4 answers
34. Name Something You Might Need In Order To Do Your Laundry
soap 60 washing machine 19
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tags: laundry chores home cleaning daily life category: 2 answers
35. We surveyed 100 married women...Name something that wouldn't get done if you didn't do it.
cleaning/dishes 54 laundry/ironing 21 cooking 16 food shopping 3 paying bills 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores laundry cooking kids pets house category: 5 answers
36. Name something a husband does more of if his wife works.
housework/laundry 44 cooks 16 watches the kids 12 watches tv/movies 7 has affair 6 spends the money 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores cooking kids laundry yardwork adults category: 6 answers
37. Name something people postpone doing for as long as possible.
Bills 1 Cleaning 1 Getting Married 2 Going To Dentist 3 Going To Doctor 3
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tags: funny fun hilarious chores taxes laundry garbage category: 5 answers
38. Name something a mom shouldn't still have to do for her grown-up son
Cook Change Diaper Bathe Him Help Him Dress Laundry
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tags: household chores homework meals laundry transportation category: no points
39. Name something your spouse might do that ticks you off.
snores 32 nagging 24 makes a mess 20 spends too much money 16 lying 8
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tags: household chores cooking laundry pets kids category: 5 answers
40. Name something you hate to wash.
dishes 20 car 18 clothes 16 dog 16 underwear 8 socks 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores laundry kids funny animals plants category: 6 answers
41. Name something a mom shouldn't still have to do for her grown-up son.
laundry 55 cook 13 bathe him 11 change diaper 8 help him dress 7 pay bills 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: household chores laundry cooking homework babysitting category: 6 answers
42. Name Something You Avoid Doing Though You Feel Better After It’s Done.
Cleaning 52 Exercise 15 Shower 13 Laundry 10 Pay Bills 4
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43. Name Something You Find Left In The Washer
Socks Change Lint Food
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tags: laundry clothing forgotten items household chores funny category: no points
44. Name Something You Don’t Wash As Often As Should
Car Hands Hair Sheets Clothes Ears Windows
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tags: chores laundry daily life hygiene funny adults category: no points
45. Name a chore that gives people as good a workout as going to the gym
Housework Busy Work Vacuuming Laundry Chores Dusting Tidying
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tags: chores exercise housework cleaning fitness category: no points
46. Name something kept near the washing machine
Tan Dryer Ironing Board Laundry Detergent Fabric Softener
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tags: laundry cleaning home utilities everyday items household chores category: no points
47. Name Something That You Dread Doing After A Break-Up
dating again 47 seeing your ex 20 crying/loneliness 17 sorting belongings 13
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tags: relationships breakups chores routine food exercise category: 4 answers
48. What Everyday Activity Burns The Most Calories
walking/ running 67 cleaning 15 intercourse 8 laughing 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: exercise hobbies household chores food health fitness category: 4 answers
49. Name something angry wives throw at their husbands.
plates 26 insults 17 pots 16 shoes 11 food 7 vases 5
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50. Name something that might get broken while you are busy bustin' ghosts.
Lamp Window Glass Vase Mirrors Table Tv
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tags: equipment furniture dishes decorations category: no points
51. Tell Me Something You Use To Wrap Dishes When Moving.
Newspaper 55
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tags: moving packing dishes supplies kitchen category: fast money
52. Name Something You Might Wash Everyday
hands 28 hair 25 face 22 body 20
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53. If you were the world's biggest slob, name something you might go an entire year without washing
Hair Clothes Sheets
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tags: clothes dishes bedding hair body teeth category: no points
54. Name something that people soak.
feet/themselves 49 clothes/laundry 39 dishes 5 dentures 4 beans 2
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tags: food animals plants clothes dishes kids category: 5 answers
55. Name something that new ghosts might practice trying to move.
Chair Tables Beds Cups Doors Pen
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tags: objects furniture dishes curtains food pets category: no points
56. Name something you wash in a sink.
dishes 73 pantyhose 13 hands 8 lingerie 3
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tags: home daily routine cleaning dishes kids hilarious category: 4 answers
57. Name something that doesn't stay clean for long after wash it:
car 36 clothes 17 kitchen floor 12 body 6 towels 5 bathroom 4 dishes 3
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58. When Doing Laundry For The First Time, Name Something A Single Guy Might Screw Up
mixing colors 46 bleach clothes 26 too much soap 8 things for dry clean 2
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59. Name an article of clothing that you would hate to shrink in the dryer
Pull-over Sweater Cardigan T-shirt Turtleneck
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tags: laundry home appliances category: no points
60. Name Something That Comes With Your Clothes When You Pick Them Up From The Dry Cleaners.
hangers 47 plastic bag 28
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61. What might a wash machine do that would make you get rid of it?
stop working 34 leak 28 ruin clothes 11 make noise 9 overflow 8 shake 3
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tags: home appliances laundry category: 6 answers
62. Name someplace where you might find lint
In Pocket Pockets Dryer Skirt Shirts
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63. Name An Article Of Clothing That Only A NeatFreak Would Iron
underware 47 socks 29 jeans 14 tie 5 nightgown 3
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64. Name Something That Has To Be Taken Out Every Once In A While
the trash 54 the dog 28 your mate 6 teeth/dentures 4
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65. Name a type of business where you might drop something off and pick it up later.
automechanic 35 dry cleaner 31 photos 23 copy place 8 storage 2
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66. Name something you fold. ("Clothes" is not an answer, be more specific.)
t-shirt 35 towels 27 underwear 8 jeans 7 sheets 7 newspaper 5
Answers are hidden.
67. Name Something Specific That Takes Longer To Dry Than To Wash
hair 35 jeans 28 towels 14 blankets 11 car 4 dishes 4 dog 3
Answers are hidden.
68. Name Something You Need Coins To Use.
laundromat 38 pay phone 20 parking meter 14 newspaper 10 vending machine 10 arcade game 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: money arcade entertainment laundry category: 6 answers
69. Name a complaint you might have about your dry cleaner
Horrible Job Bad Job Not Cleaned Dirty Still Dirty Terrible Job Clothes Dirty
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70. Name Something You Take To The Laundrette
Clothes Washing Powder A Book A Baby Newspaper
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71. Name Something In A Pocket That Might Go Through The Laundry
Money Tissue Wallet Bank Notes Chewing Gum
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tags: laundry clothing funny kids hilarious category: no points
72. Name something that needs to be washed more often in the summer.
Swimsuit Car Hair Towels Body Feet
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tags: summer hygiene clothes laundry hot weather category: no points
73. Name something you fold, be specific
T-Shirt Towels Underwear Sheets Jeans Paper Napkin
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tags: laundry clothes paper fabric towels category: no points
74. Name a place where you might find coins.
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75. name a specific article of clothing that often comes in itchy fabric
Sweater Brassiere Coat
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tags: clothing fabrics comfort laundry materials category: no points
76. Name an article of clothing you don't wear two days in a row.
underwear 44 socks 28 shirt 14 bra 11
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tags: clothes wardrobe hygiene attire laundry category: 4 answers
77. Name Something You Associate With Socks
Shoes Holes Smelly Feet
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tags: clothing laundry feet comfort kids category: no points
78. Name something new parents have to get used to
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tags: sleep routines crying schedules laundry category: no points
79. Name A Place In The House Where People Store Old Clothes.
basement 42 attic 30
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tags: home family laundry storage closet category: 2 answers
80. Name Something A Person Might Be Told To “Hang Up.”
phone 51 jacket/clothes 29 bad job 5 boxing gloves 3
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tags: school work hospital phone laundry category: 4 answers
81. Name something that women wash more often than men do
Clothes Ronald Reagan John F. Kennedy Bed Linens Hair/body
Answers are hidden.
tags: hygiene laundry clothes cleaning habits category: no points
82. Which Item Of Clothing Will You Wear More Than Once Before Washing It
jeans 57 shirt 18 coat 9 bra 8 socks 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothing hygiene habits laundry lifestyle category: 5 answers
83. Name An Article Of Clothing That Usually Cant Be Put In The Dryer
sweater 33 bra 26 coat 19 shoes 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: laundry home clothing children household category: 4 answers
84. Name A Complaint You Might Have About Your Dry Cleaners.
Didn’t Get Out Spot 56
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tags: clothes laundry services shopping bills category: fast money
85. Where do people put their winter clothes once spring arrives?
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tags: family home laundry seasonal clothing category: 10 answers
86. Name Something You Might Fold.
Towels Laundry
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tags: clothes laundry paper cards animals category: no points
87. Name something of a baby’s that needs to be washed constantly.
Bottles Clothes Buttocks Face Bibs Paceifiers Hands Blankets
Answers are hidden.
tags: babies laundry hygiene kids hilarious category: no points
88. Name something that an army recruit has to do a lot of.
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89. Name something you do when you run out of clean underwear.
do laundry 50 don't wear it 27 buy more 12 wear dirty ones 7
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tags: laundry clothing work school embarrassing funny category: 4 answers
90. Name something people pound.
meat 30 table 21 nails 19 pavement 9
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tags: food nails meat laundry kids funny category: 4 answers
91. What’s The Worst Thing To Leave In Your Pants Pocket When They Go Through The Wash
money 63 pen 12 gum 8 phone 5 keys 4 lipstick 3 tissues 3
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tags: work laundry clothing funny embarrassing accidents category: 7 answers
92. Name something you might hang on a hook.
coat 49 picture 18 clothes 9 hat 8 keys 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: home school laundry kitchen bathroom garden category: 5 answers
93. If a man's wife did everything for him, name something in his house he'd have trouble using if they got divorced.
washer 27 stove 27 dishwasher 13 iron 9 vacuum 4 microwave 4
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tags: kitchen housework laundry cleaning appliances kids category: 6 answers
94. What Might You Ask To Borrow From Someone At The Laundromat
detergent 69 change 24 dryer sheets 6
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tags: laundry household convenience community funny borrow category: 3 answers
95. Name Something You Do If You Run Out Of Clean Pants
Go Commando Wear Inside Out Wash Them Wear Partners Wear Dirty Ones
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothing laundry cleanliness hygiene embarrassment funny category: no points
96. Name something you might clean.
bathroom 40 kitchen 27 dishes 21 clothes 12
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tags: house kitchen bathroom laundry kids funny category: 4 answers
97. Name An Item Of Clothing You Don't Usually Put On Hangers
Underwear Socks Scarf Hat
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothes laundry household daily life attire category: no points
98. Name something a person might wish they did not have to take on vacation with them.
Kids Phone Luggage Medication Work
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tags: luggage work kids pets sickness laundry category: no points
99. Name A Brand Of Laundry Detergent You Can Buy At Any Grocery Store.
Tide 77
Answers are hidden.
tags: home cleaning laundry shopping groceries kids category: fast money
100. Name An Article Of Clothing You Cant Wash In The Wash Machine
shoes 29 brassiere 21 hat 16 coat 13 sweater 9 suit 7 gown 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: laundry clothing household cleaning practical home category: 7 answers
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