The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something a new Mom spends a lot of time doing.
breast feeding 39 changing diapers 35 feeding with a bottle 12 holding the baby 9
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tags: babies feeding laundry household chores category: 4 answers
2. Name something you might wear again without washing it.
Underwear Socks Coat Shirt Hat Jeans
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tags: clothes hygiene laundry personal care kids category: 6 answers
3. Name something people might wash once a week
Sheets Napery Bedding White Goods Linens
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tags: home laundry hygiene clothing kids funny category: no points
4. Which Item Of Clothing Will You Wear More Than Once Before Washing It
jeans 57 shirt 18 coat 9 bra 8 socks 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothing hygiene habits laundry lifestyle category: 5 answers
5. Name an article of clothing you don't wear two days in a row.
underwear 44 socks 28 shirt 14 bra 11
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothes wardrobe hygiene attire laundry category: 4 answers
6. Name something that needs to be washed more often in the summer.
Swimsuit Car Hair Towels Body Feet
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tags: summer hygiene clothes laundry hot weather category: no points
7. Name something that women wash more often than men do
Clothes Ronald Reagan John F. Kennedy Bed Linens Hair/body
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tags: hygiene laundry clothes cleaning habits category: no points
8. Name a piece of laundry a woman might have drying on her shower rod
Leggings Stockings Thermal Underwear Hose Pantyhose Underwear Nylons
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tags: laundry bathroom clothes hygiene household funny category: no points
9. Name something you'd hate discover you didn't have a clean one of, in the whole house
Bathroom Clothes Dish Tower
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tags: essentials hygiene household clothing laundry family category: no points
10. Name An Article Of Clothing That You Dont Wash Every Time You Wear It
coat 34 jeans 26 sweater 21 bra 5
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tags: clothing laundry daily hygiene personal lifestyle category: 4 answers
11. name the piece of clothing that you wash least often
Brassiere Coat Jeans
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tags: clothes laundry hygiene home family funny category: no points
12. Name Something You Do If You Run Out Of Clean Pants
Go Commando Wear Inside Out Wash Them Wear Partners Wear Dirty Ones
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tags: clothing laundry cleanliness hygiene embarrassment funny category: no points
13. Name Something That People Today Probably Wash More Than They Need To.
Hair 36 Clothes/Pants 31 Hands 15 Car 13
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tags: hygiene germs cleanliness laundry household chores category: 4 answers
14. Name something besides yourself, that you wash.
Clothes Car Dishes Kids Pets
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tags: laundry kitchen cleaning home hygiene daily routine category: 5 answers
15. Name Something You Don’t Wash As Often As Should
Car Hands Hair Sheets Clothes Ears Windows
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tags: chores laundry daily life hygiene funny adults category: no points
16. Name something a toddler sits on
Chair Potty Floor
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17. Name something you fold. ("Clothes" is not an answer, be more specific.)
t-shirt 35 towels 27 underwear 8 jeans 7 sheets 7 newspaper 5
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18. Name something a baby does that you don't have to teach him
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tags: kids family babies funny hilarious category: no points
19. Name Something In A Pocket That Might Go Through The Laundry
Money Tissue Wallet Bank Notes Chewing Gum
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tags: laundry clothing funny kids hilarious category: no points
20. Name Something A Baby Spends A Lot Of Time Doing.
Sleeping 66 Crying 22 Eating 6 Going To The Bathroom 2
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tags: babies family kids funny hilarious parenting category: 4 answers
21. What would you name a boy born on Thanksgiving?
Tom Pilgrim
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tags: family kids babies funny hilarious thanksgiving category: no points
22. Name something you hope doesn’t happen when you’re holding a baby
Fall 24
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tags: babies family funny parenting kids hilarious category: fast money
23. Name Something On A Baby That Might Be Described As “Chubby”.
cheeks 48 legs 32 belly 7 arms 5 hands 3 feet 3
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tags: babies body parts kids funny family hilarious category: 6 answers
24. Name something you’d find in a superhero’s laundry basket.
Cape with dry cleaning tag 5 Spandex costume 2 Utility belt 2 Mask with eye holes cut out 6 Invisible socks 2
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tags: funny fun hilarious superheroes laundry clothing kids household category: 5 answers
25. Name something people postpone doing for as long as possible.
Bills 1 Cleaning 1 Getting Married 2 Going To Dentist 3 Going To Doctor 3
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tags: funny fun hilarious chores taxes laundry garbage category: 5 answers
26. Name something you might accidentally shrink in the wash.
Favorite sweater 2 Lucky socks 2 Towels 1 Jeans 1 Your hopes and dreams 4
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tags: funny fun hilarious laundry clothes household accident category: 5 answers
27. Name something that people who are afraid of catching colds will refuse to do.
shake hands 44 kiss 14 share drink 10 near sick person 10 out in cold 4 take medicine 3
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28. Name something you hate to use it it's not clean.
towel 35 silverware 21 dishes 16 bathroom 15 socks 7
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tags: hygiene cleanliness health kids hilarious category: 5 answers
29. Name Something Specific That Doesn’t Get Cleaned Between Flights On An Airplane
seats 54 bathroom 21 floor 10 pillows/blankets 6 windows 3 tray tables 3
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tags: travel airplanes cleaning hygiene kids hilarious category: 6 answers
30. Name something you'd hate to see on the kitchen counter.
bugs 35 dirty dishes 11 cat 10 mouse 7 shoes 5 crumbs 5 left out food 4
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tags: food hygiene kids hilarious cleaning kitchen category: 7 answers
31. Name something you wouldn't want to find in your beard.
Food Snot Bugs Makeup
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tags: hygiene animals food gross hilarious category: 4 answers
32. If you were the world's biggest slob, name something you might go an entire year without washing.
hair 45 clothes 34 sheets 9 dishes 6 car 4 bathroom 2
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tags: hygiene cleanliness habits funny hilarious category: 6 answers
33. If you ran your fingers through a man's hair, what would you hate to find in it?
Lice/bugs 1 Dandruff 1 Dirt 1 Oil/grease 1 Gel 1 Extensions 1 Food 1
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tags: Gross Personal Hygiene Animals Food Hilarious category: 7 answers
34. Name something that you might find in a bathtub.
Water 1 Soap 1 Rubber duck 2 Shampoo 1 Bubbles 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious bathroom hygiene bathing kids animals toys category: 5 answers
35. Name something you do to your nose.
Blow 1 Pick 1 Scratch/Rub 1 Wipe 1 Pierce 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious nose face body parts hygiene health kids category: 5 answers
36. Name A Reason Why A Baby May Be More Fussy Than Usual.
hungry 32 teething 22 tired 14 sickness 13 wet diaper 10 colic 3
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37. Name something babies require a lot of.
attention 30 milk 22 love 14 sleep 9 nappies 8 cuddles 6 care 6 food 3
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38. Name Something On A Baby That Often Looks Big Compared To The Rest Of Their Body.
head 51 ears 11 eyes 10 stomach 6
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39. Name Something A Baby Doesn’t Have That Most Adults Do
teeth 49 hair 34 car 7 money 4 job 3
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40. Name something a baby does that you don't have to teach it
Crawl Cry Eat Dribble
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41. Name something grandmothers knit or sew for babies.
Blanket Booties Cap Sweater Mittens
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42. Name a part of a baby's body that is chubby
Gut Cheeks Visage
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43. Name a place babies have been born when mom can't make it to the hospital in time.
car/taxi 78 subway/train 8 at home 5 bus 5 elevator 2
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tags: babies unexpected mom hospital kids category: 5 answers
44. Name something that doesn't stay clean for long after wash it:
car 36 clothes 17 kitchen floor 12 body 6 towels 5 bathroom 4 dishes 3
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45. Name something parents do to get a baby to stop crying.
rocking 34 feed 24 pacifier 15 walk them 9 make faces 6
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46. Besides Their Kids, Name Something That Might Keep New Parents Awake At Night.
dog 35 each other 23 tv 19 worry 18
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tags: babies parenthood category: 4 answers
47. Name Something Chubby Thats Cute On A Baby But Not On An Adult
cheeks 62 legs 19 belly 12 butt 3
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48. Name Something Babies And Puppies Have In Common.
cute 34 drooling 17 need attention 13 playful 9 sleep alot 8 cry 8
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49. Name something babies throw out of the crib
Blanket Pillow Rattle Philippines Bottle Pacifier
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50. If you were a baby, tell me a reason you'd cry
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51. When Paris Hilton was a baby, what do you think her first word was
Cash Coinage Currency Wealth Bucks Riches
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tags: funny babies kids language celebrities category: no points
52. Name Something a Baby Might Do When You Kiss its Tummy
Laugh/Smile 1 Squeal/Shriek 1 Fart 1 Kick 1
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53. Name something that almost everyone is born with a natural fear of:
darkness 24 falling 14 snakes 11 heights 10 death 9 fire 8 water 6 loud noise 5 bugs 5 pain 2
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54. Name Something About Babies That Makes You Think Twice About Becoming A Parent.
crying 43 diapers 22 expensive 11 sleepless nights 9 college tuition 4 kids grow up 4
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tags: parenthood babies kids family funny category: 6 answers
55. What Are Some Milestones That A Baby Reaches In Their First Year?
walking 60 crawl 15 first word 13 first tooth 5 sitting up 3 smiling 3
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tags: kids babies milestones growth development category: 6 answers
56. Tell Me A Word People Use To Describe Female Babies But Not Male Babies
pretty 35 cute 29 beautiful 12 princess 7 precious 6 adorable 4 doll 3
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57. Name a summer activity that is harder to do with a baby.
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tags: kids summer babies family activities category: no points
58. Name a way that parents pose their babies in portraits that they don’t pose their older kids
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59. Name something babies have that their parents think is adorable.
dimples 39 sweet smile 21 chubby cheeks 14 baby fat 13 tiny toes/feet 5 curls/hair 3
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60. What Might You Want To Bring With You, When Babysitting An Infant Who Cries A Lot?
pacifier 38 ear plugs 36 toys 19 headphones 6
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tags: babies kids parenting laughter funny category: 4 answers
61. Name something parents do to try and make a baby laugh
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tags: kids funny family fun parents babies category: no points
62. Name one thing that parents wish that their newborn babies would be able to do right away.
talk 35 use bathroom 24 sleep through night 18 walk 15 drink bottle 8
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tags: kids family parenting babies newborns category: 5 answers
63. Name a reason why a baby might be cranky.
hungry 39 tired 6 teething 20 dirty diapers 19 gas 8 sick 4
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tags: babies kids funny parenting family category: 6 answers
64. Name a type of business where you might drop something off and pick it up later.
automechanic 35 dry cleaner 31 photos 23 copy place 8 storage 2
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65. Name Something Specific That Takes Longer To Dry Than To Wash
hair 35 jeans 28 towels 14 blankets 11 car 4 dishes 4 dog 3
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66. Name Something That Has To Be Taken Out Every Once In A While
the trash 54 the dog 28 your mate 6 teeth/dentures 4
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67. Name Something A Couple With A Baby Might Take Turns Doing.
Feeding 30
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tags: babies responsibilities feeding category: fast money
68. name something some babies have that other babies dont
Teeth Hair Dimples Fuller Brushes Birthmarks Colic
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tags: kids funny babies silly newborns childhood category: no points
69. Name Something A Parent Wants To See Baby Do 1St Time
Walk Talk Smile Crawl
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tags: babies kids development milestones parenting family category: no points
70. If Stuck With No Diapers, What Might A Desperate Parent Use Instead?
towel 48 shirt 14 napkins 13 rag 12
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tags: kids family parenting funny babies diapers category: 4 answers
71. Name a place parents should not be allowed to bring babies.
movies 43 church 12 restaurant 5 work 5 concerts 4 store 4
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tags: children parents family babies kids places category: 6 answers
72. Name Something A Baby Can’t Do On Own At Birthday Party
Blow Out Candles Sing Eat Open Presents Cut Cake Drink Make Small Talk
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tags: babies birthday kids funny family party category: no points
73. Name something from her old life that a mom might miss after the baby arrives.
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tags: parenting motherhood babies family time kids category: no points
74. Name Something Most Parents have Pictures Of Their Child Doing
bathing 29 playing 25 eating 14 smile/laugh 13 sleeping 13 openig presents 4
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tags: kids photos babies family memories childhood category: 6 answers
75. Name Something That Needs To Be Fed
dog 54 bird 17 children 8 people 7 fish 4 horse 3
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tags: animals plants food babies pets kids category: 6 answers
76. Name something moms take pictures of their babies doing.
Walking Smiling Sleeping Bathing Eating Playing Crawling Everything
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tags: kids babies milestones cute funny heartwarming category: no points
77. How Many Times A Mother Changes Newborns Diaper
4 5 6 7 8 10 12
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tags: kids family babies childcare daily life category: no points
78. Name Something That Parent Of A Baby Is Constantly Listening For
crying 62 breathing 32 first words 5
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tags: babies kids parenting family children newborns category: 3 answers
79. What Do New Parents Wish Baby Learn Quickly
Potty Train Walk Talk Sleep Eat
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tags: parenting babies milestones learning development kids category: no points
80. Name a place parents take a baby where they hope it doesn't start crying.
Church Theatre Restaurant Doctor Shopping Plane Bus
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tags: kids funny parents babies crying public category: 7 answers
81. Name something that seems to make babies very happy.
bottle 34 attention 23 their moms 10 lots of loving 7 rattle 5 smiling faces 4
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tags: babies kids food animals happiness funny category: 6 answers
82. Name a Halloween costume you often see on babies and rarely on their parents.
Pumpkin 67 Bunny 12 Clown 6 Angel 5 Princess 4
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tags: halloween kids babies parents costumes funny category: 5 answers
83. name a keepsake that people put in their babys scrapbook
First Tooth Booties Pictures Hospital Bracelet Foot/hand Print Lock Of Hair
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tags: babies kids family memories sentimental milestones category: no points
84. Name something a baby does that you don't have to teach it.
cry 43 eat 16 smile 8 crawl 7 dribble 5 walk 3
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tags: babies kids family funny learning development category: 6 answers
85. Tell me something that smells great when it's new
Sneakers Car Upholstery Microwave Chain-link Leather
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tags: cars babies books food flowers kids category: no points
86. Name something a baby animal might do while its mom is looking for food.
Sleep 55 Cry 17 Play 9 Explore 6 Hide 4 Milk Wait Eat Follow
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tags: animals babies food family funny kids category: 9 answers
87. If babies could talk, name something they might ask for
Suppers Nutrients Food Tucker Lunches Sandwiches Meals
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tags: family babies humor kids funny language category: no points
88. Name a reason why a babysitter might swear never to come back.
kids misbehave 66 low pay 17 parents late/hours 7 messy home 3
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tags: babies kids family babysitter parents children category: 4 answers
89. Name Something Babies Need A Lot Of.
Milk Love Attention Diapers Sleep
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tags: kids funny babies sleep diapers food category: no points
90. Name something parents do for their children when they are babies, but not when they are teenagers.
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tags: kids funny family parenting babies teenagers category: no points
91. Name something some women do with their little babies, that other women do with their little dogs.
dress them 40 hold 15 baby talk 14 stroller 10 carry 7 kiss them 7
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tags: dogs babies animals family funny kids category: 6 answers
92. Name a spot on their baby that new parents like to tickle.
Belly Feet Neck Cheek
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tags: babies kids funny family parenting newborns category: no points
93. Name Something You Associate With Socks
Shoes Holes Smelly Feet
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tags: clothing laundry feet comfort kids category: no points
94. Name Something From The Laundry That’s Impossible To Fold Neatly.
fitted sheets 35 socks 29 underwear 15 blouse 14
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95. Name something you lose while doing laundry.
socks 57 money 22 jewelry 6 underwear 5
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96. Tell me someone who’s allowed into the delivery room when a woman is having a baby.
baby's father 40 doctor 28 nurse 13 baby's grandma 11
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97. Name something about her infant son that a new mother talks about often.
sleep schedule 37 crying 18 how cute 14 feeding 13 changing diapers 11 weight 3
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98. Name Something You Hope Doesn’t Happen When Holding Someone’s Baby.
Have To Change diaper 43 Drop It 24 Spit Up On You 16 Cry 9 Snneze/Cough On Baby 8
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99. Name a reason a baby might be cranky that is also a reason some grown-ups are cranky
Peckish Sleepy Famished Snoozy Starving Needs Nap Hungry
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100. What’s The First Thing New Parents Buy After Finding Out They’re Having A Baby?
crib 48 clothes 30 diapers 10 stroller 4 bottles 3 car seat 3
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