The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something that always breaks down at the worst possible time
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2. Name a word you would use for the sound a dog makes when it barks
Bow Wow Arf Ruff Woof
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tags: animals pets funny kids humorous family category: no points
3. Name a reason you’d suspect that your babysitter was actually Mary Poppins.
umbrella 49 likes to sing 27 british accent 7 same dress 3
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tags: kids family funny humorous babysitter parenting category: 4 answers
4. Give Me Another Name That Kids Use For “Father”
Dad 51 Daddy 28 Papa 10 Pop 8
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tags: kids family funny humorous children fathers category: 4 answers
5. what would you pat on a babys body that you would never pat on an adult you dont know
Black Eye Head Bottom Foot Tummy
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tags: kids adults family parenting funny humorous category: no points
6. Name a place where people air their dirty laundry
Bar Employment Pub Labor
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tags: family laundry gossip secrets humorous funny category: no points
7. Tell me a slang word or phrase used to refer to husbands.
Old Man Hubby Better Half Other Half Big Daddy
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tags: marriage family humorous funny adults relationship category: 5 answers
8. Name Something That Drives You Potty On Your Answer Machine
Hang Up No Message Long Messages Sing Don't Leave Number
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tags: family feud humorous funny hilarious random category: no points
9. Name a clothing store that you would be embarrassed to see your parent shopping at.
victoria's secret 59 hot topic 12 abercrombie & fitch 10 forever 21 9
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tags: funny clothing embarrassing humorous family generation gap category: 4 answers
10. Tell Me The Worst Way For Someone To Wake You Up
scream 39 splash with water 37 shake you 10 jump on bed 6 use the alarm 5
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11. What Might Some People Do While Playing Cards That Would Annoy Everyone Else At The Table
Tap Fingers Smoke Cheat Talk Too Loud Annoying Laugh
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12. Name something your child might do to annoy you.
cry 31 whine 27 slam door 15 scream 12 tantrum 9 repeat what i say 6
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tags: kids family parenting funny annoying children category: 6 answers
13. Name An Instrument Parents Hate To Hear Their Children Play
Drums Clarinet Trumpet Recorder
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tags: music instruments family kids funny annoying category: no points
14. Name Something Mom Says That Kids Pretend Not To Hear
Clean Your Room Go To Bed Do Homework Eat Vegetables Be Quiet Their Name No
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tags: kids family parents annoying funny hilarious category: no points
15. Name something that always gets on your nerves.
rude people 27 kids 24 crying babies 18 noise 16 traffic 15
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tags: family funny annoying entertaining relatable category: 5 answers
16. Name A Reason Why You’d Wake Your Spouse Up In The Middle Of The Night
heard a noise 41 "in the mood" 17 snoring 16 you're sick 9 had a nightmare 5
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tags: family sleep annoying funny silly relationships category: 5 answers
17. Name something around the house that your family members use the last of and don't replace
Toilet Paper Milk Close Their Eyes Toothpaste
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tags: household items funny family annoying habits kids adults category: no points
18. We surveyed 100 women...Name something you can do better than your mother could
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tags: family comparison abilities relationships humorous category: no points
19. Name An Occasion Or Place Where You Would Not Admit That You Don’t Like The Food.
Wedding 38 Family Dinner 28 Birthday Party 12 On A Date 6 Church Picnic 3
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tags: family food social situations humorous category: 5 answers
20. Name An Appliance You Avoid Using When People Are Sleeping
vacuum 34 blender 32 tv 10 dishwasher 7 washer/dryer 6 microwave 5
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tags: appliances night humorous family friends home category: 6 answers
21. We Asked 100 Husbands: If Your Wife Had A Personal Assistant, Name Something They’d Be Asked To Do.
Cook 39 Clean 25 Laundry 17 Shop 12 Make Coffee 4
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tags: relationships marriage lifestyle humorous family chores category: 5 answers
22. which person in your life were you most nervous to introduce a partner to
Best Friend Dad Ex Mom
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tags: relationships family social anxiety first impressions humorous category: no points
23. Tell me something you have that has lasted longer than most of your relationships.
Shoes/clothes 1 Jewelry/watch 1 House 1 Car 1 Friendships 1 Pet 1 Children 1 Job 1
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tags: family relationships longevity possessions personal humorous category: 8 answers
24. Name something kids do to annoy their parents.
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25. Name Someone You Wish Wouldn’t Call So Often
telemarketers 30 in laws 23 bill collectors 16 mother 10 girlfriend 5 crank callers 5 boyfriend 5
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tags: phone annoying family friends kids category: 7 answers
26. Name Something That Children Always Complain About
Homework School Bed Time Hungry Boredom
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27. Name a reason a kid might wake up his parents in the middle of the night
Spooked Nightmare Startled Bad Dream Fear Afraid Scared
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tags: kids family bedtime annoying hilarious category: no points
28. Tell me something you would not want to come home to.
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tags: home family relationships annoying chores kids category: no points
29. Name a noise some people are able to sleep through while others find it impossible.
Snoring TV Thunder Train Rain Pet Alarm Clock Siren
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tags: sleep annoying family humor trivia category: 8 answers
30. Name something that many women hate doing but they do it anyway.
housework/laundry 55 cooking 22 grocery shopping 7 shave legs/wax 6 going to work 3 going to doctor 2 exercising 2 making love 2
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tags: women household chores annoying family category: 8 answers
31. We surveyed 100 married women...Name something that wouldn't get done if you didn't do it
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tags: family home children daily life annoying category: no points
32. Name an animal with a big mouth.
Hippopotamus 28 Lions 25 Alligators 19 Elephants 13 Sharks 9 Humans 5
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33. Name something you don't want to run over with a vacuum
Cat Cord Marble Coin Nail
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34. If a 10-year-old became President, name the first thing he would outlaw.
school 37 bedtime 20 punishment 11 parents 9 vegetables 6
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tags: kids politics school funny humorous category: 5 answers
35. Name something you only want to do once.
Die 1 Get married 2 Skydive 1 Go on trip 3 Surgery 1 Go to jail 3 Bungee jump 2
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tags: funny fun hilarious humorous kids food category: 7 answers
36. Name an animal that could bite off a pirate's arm.
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tags: animals pirates humorous funny kids category: no points
37. Name An Excuse You Give To Get Off The Phone
Somebody At Door Need The Loo Dinner Ready Call Waiting Going Out
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tags: kids funny humorous children excuses category: no points
38. name something every good joke needs
Joke Teller Choke Audience Punchline Nose Runs
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39. Name An Animal That Could Probably Beat Carl Lewis In A Race
cheetah 41 jaguar 24 tiger 13 cougar 5 horse 5 bird 4
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tags: animals entertainment funny humorous category: 6 answers
40. Name a stationery item people sneak home from the office:
pens 56 paper clips 14 paper 11 envelopes 10 stamps 3 tape 3 rubber bands 2 staples 1
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tags: work office stationery humorous funny kids category: 8 answers
41. Name something a dog might have in its mouth.
bone 62 ball 20 teeth 11 tongue 3 mailman 2
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tags: animals pets dogs kids funny humorous category: 5 answers
42. Name something a kid might leave behind on a school bus.
lunchbox 37 books 26 backpack 21 coat 14
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tags: school kids funny humorous childhood transportation category: 4 answers
43. Name something you own that you talk to as if it were a person.
pets 49 plants 16 car 15 television 11
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tags: funny humorous conversation pets relationships category: 4 answers
44. Name A Piece Of Paper You Were Nervous To Sign
Marriage License Employment Contract Mortgage Loan Divorce Will
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tags: adults funny humorous personal work category: no points
45. Tell me something you would NOT like to get as an anniversary gift from your spouse.
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tags: gifts relationships humorous anniversary funny category: 5 answers
46. a food that’s sloppy to eat.
Sloppy Joes 2 Spaghetti 1 Soup/Chili 1 Ribs 1 Pizza 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious food meals messy humorous kids category: 5 answers
47. Name Something A Woman Might Have A Hard Time Doing In Her Last Month Of Pregnancy
sleeping 38 tying shoes/ bending 29 walking 19 eating 6
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tags: pregnancy comfort activities household humorous funny category: 4 answers
48. Name Someone Specific In Your Life Who Has Tried To Set You Up On A Blind Date.
best friend 41 sister 31 mother 20 brother 4
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tags: relationships blind dates funny humorous dating category: 4 answers
49. Tell Me An Excuse A Man Might Give For Showing Up Late For A Date.
stuck in traffic 43 car trouble 29
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tags: excuses dating tardiness funny humorous late category: 2 answers
50. Name The Worst Place You Could Have A Sneezing Fit.
church 55 work 13 movies 10 library 9 driving a car 7 restaurant 6
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tags: embarrassing awkward funny humorous public uncomfortable category: 6 answers
51. Name a gift a man would give his wife that she might consider an insult.
vacuum cleaner 23 appliance 9 drill 8 cookware 7 cook 6 exercise bike 5 mop 5 gym membership 4
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tags: relationships marriage gift ideas humorous adults funny category: 8 answers
52. Name a kind of place you're embarrassed when your stomach rumbles.
church 34 restaurant 19 movie/theater 16 work/meeting 7
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tags: embarrassing moments humorous public spaces social situations -funny category: 4 answers
53. Name the worst person to be seated next to on a plane.
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54. Name Something That You’d Be Asked To Stop Doing In A Movie Theater
Kissing 20 Throwing Popcorn 7 Smoking 6 Laughing 5
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55. Tell me something that makes you mad when youre watching TV
commercials 30 background noise 28 phone rings 18 bad reception 15 violence 7
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56. Name a punishment children get for bad behavior that wouldn't be very effective to use on criminals.
time out 38 spanking 29 grounded 15 no tv 7 sent to bed 5 no toys/games 4
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tags: kids punishment humorous category: 6 answers
57. Name a sport with annoying tv commentators.
Football Baseball Golf Basketball Soccer Hockey Wrestling Boxing
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58. Name something you do when a telemarketer calls.
hang up 55 do not answer phone 14 say no 6 answer phone 5
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59. Name Something An Employee Sitting In The Cubicle Next To You Might Do That Annoys You.
talks too loud 35 tap pen/pencil 29 sings 14 cough 10 chew gum 6
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60. Tell Me Worst Way To Be Woken Up
Scream Splash Water Shake Jump On Bed Use Alarm
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61. name something annoying that happens to you on a very windy day
Skirt Blows Up Dust In Eyes Lose Hat Messy Hair Parking
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tags: funny kids outdoors weather annoying category: no points
62. a house you never want to be in.
Haunted house 2 House of horrors 3 House of mirrors 3 House of cards 3 House of straw 3
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tags: funny fun hilarious house annoying kids category: 5 answers
63. Name an animal you hope never sits on you
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64. Name Something On TV That Causes People To Yell At Their Screens
ball game 46 commercials 17 boxing match 12 news 10 politics 5 horror movie 5 game show 3
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tags: tv entertainment humorous category: 7 answers
65. Name something that might get bigger the older a person becomes.
stomach 47 nose/face 12 bottom 12 ears/ear lobes 7 feet 5 bank account 3
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66. Name Something That People Find Annoying
Snoring Ringtones Smoking While Eating Parking Tickets Telesales Junk Mail & Spam
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67. Name something people do in bed that might annoy the person they are sleeping with.
snore 62 steal blanket 14 pass gas 8 read 7 eat 2
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tags: bed sleep relationships funny annoying category: 5 answers
68. Name something that's hard for a little kid to sit through
TV Show Movie Class
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tags: kids funny hilarious annoying uncomfortable awkward category: no points
69. Tell me something that is harder to do with braces on your teeth.
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tags: funny kids school food adults annoying category: no points
70. Name an occupation you'd hate for your upstairs neighbor to have.
Musician Dancer DJ Police Officer
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tags: work annoying neighbors loud funny kids category: 4 answers
71. Name A Specific Sound That Has Woken You Up Before You Felt Ready To Be Awake
alarm clock 31 birds 24 phone call 17 kids 12 dog barking 9 traffic 6
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tags: morning sleep sounds annoying funny kids category: 6 answers
72. Name something other people do that you find irritating.
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tags: annoying habits funny kids work school category: no points
73. Name an animal that many people think of as a pest
Kitten Rat Housecat Mouse Feline Ferrel Cat Stray Cat
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tags: animals knowledge kids funny silly annoying category: no points
74. Name the worst thing a policeman could find in your car.
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75. name an article of clothing thats too sexy for a woman to wear to the office
Swimsuit Mini Skirt Bra
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76. Name Something You Associate With Betty White.
Golden Girls/Acting 50 Comedienne 21 Her Age 17 White/Blonde Hair 10
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tags: animals celebrities entertainment kids tv humorous category: 4 answers
77. Name a place where it seems you're always in the line that isn't moving.
grocery stores 32 bank 14 discount store 10 dmv 9 amusement park 7 post office 6 traffic jams 4 public restroom 4
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tags: humorous school stores traffic kids category: 8 answers
78. Name a breed of dog you can only describe as annoying:
chihuahua 27 poodle 26 pit bull 19 doberman pinscher 4 pekingese 4
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79. Name something a guest could do to never be invited back to your house.
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tags: etiquette guests annoying habits funny category: no points
80. Name something you might ask the person sitting behind you in a movie theater to stop doing.
talk'g/cell phone 71 kicking seat 15 popping gum 4 laughing in ear 2 throwing things 2
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tags: movies etiquette funny annoying habits category: 5 answers
81. Name something a friend might do in your car that would irritate you.
smoke 50 play with radio 8 leave/throw trash 7 talk/be loud 6 eat 6 throw up 4
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tags: driving friends annoying humor funny category: 6 answers
82. Name a way a roommate might drive you crazy.
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tags: roommates annoying habits funny household category: 5 answers
83. Name a type of business people would not want to live next to.
chemical plant 24 night club 23 farm 9 dump 7 funeral parlor 4 airport 3
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tags: neighbors annoying home business funny category: 6 answers
84. Name Something A Person Sitting Next To You At A Bar Might Do To Annoy You.
Smoke Flirt Talk Too Much Get Drunk Burp Stare Get Too Loud
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tags: annoying drinks friends funny society category: no points
85. name a noise your neighbor might complain about if you were hosting a new years party
Music Noisemakers Guests
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tags: noise party neighbors annoying funny category: no points
86. Name something you always lose on vacation.
Money 44 Accessories 21 Clothes 9 Luggage 8 Wallet 7 Keys 6 Camera 5
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tags: funny ridiculous vacation annoying hilarious category: 7 answers
87. Name Something You Might Drive Over That Would Cause A Bumpy Ride
Bumps 39 Pot Holl 27 Gravel Road 12 Rocks 11 Railroad Track 4
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tags: road conditions transportation humorous category: 5 answers
88. Name a power you might get if you were bitten by a radioactive frog.
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tags: animals abilities biology kids humorous hypothetical category: no points
89. name something annoying a person might do at an atm when theres a long line behind them
Talk On Phone Get A Tattoo Many Transactions Move Out Forget Pin Stay Out Late Get Married
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tags: funny annoying public place human behavior category: no points
90. Name Something A Bartender Probably Tired Custmr
Getting Drunk Not Tipping Fighting Yelling Complaining Vomiting Flirting
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tags: bartenders customers funny drinks alcohol annoying category: no points
91. What Might somebody Do That Would Annoy Fellow TheaterGoers At A Play
talk loudly 80 use phone 6 cough 3 laugh 3 snore 3 heckle 3
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tags: etiquette theater manners annoying rude funny category: 6 answers
92. Name something about their boss that workers make fun of behind their back
Voice Looks Bald Gait Breath Hair
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tags: work funny bosses annoying hilarious workplace category: no points
93. What are some bad qualities of neighbors?
Noisy Messy Disrespectful Nosy Unfriendly
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tags: adults neighbors annoying funny people community category: no points
94. Which Famous Painter Would You Ask To Paint Your Portrait?
picasso 49 van gogh 15 da vinci 12 monet 12 michaelangelo 10
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tags: art painting famous people humorous hypothetical category: 5 answers
95. Name a sport with rowdy fans
American Football 27 Hockey 26 Soccer 25 Race Car driving 22
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96. Name Something A Hitchhiker Might Do To Get Noticed.
stick thumb out 47 hold out a sign 41 wave 6 shout 2
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tags: travel transportation quirky adventure humorous category: 4 answers
97. What Do A Barber And Butcher Have In Common
cutting 46 own a shop 30 often male 13 white coat 9
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98. Name Something You Wish People Wouldn’t Do In An Elevator.
smoke 34 pass gas 22 sneeze 12 talk 8 kiss 7 stand too close 4 cough 4
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tags: social etiquette annoying habits public transportation funny category: 7 answers
99. Name Something You Might Do On A First Date That Ruins It.
pass gas 42 throw up/get sick 18 talk too much 11 go home together 9 get drunk 7 talk about ex 6
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tags: dating romance relationships humorous hilarious first date category: 6 answers
100. Name Something A Man Might Do At A Bar That He’d Probably Get In Trouble For Doing At Work
drink 54 flirting 16
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tags: work inappropriate social situations humorous adult category: 2 answers
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