The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. me something that can be frustrating to use for the very first time.
Computer/Internet 1 DVD Player/VCR 2 Car 1 Tools 1 Video game 2 Can opener 2
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2. Name something people fall out of.
Love 1 Bed 1 Chair/Seat 1 Airplane 1 Car 1 Boat 1
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3. Name something you might catch up on.
Reading 1 Sleep 1 Bills 1 Housework/Chores 1 Soap Opera/TV 2 Work 1
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4. an activity that many people do while half asleep.
Watch TV 2 Snore 1 Talk 1 Walk 1 Read 1
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5. Name something SPECIFIC you would try to hide if you were in a police line-up.
tattoo 32 eyes 30 scar 25 height 6 hands 5
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6. Name something snowmen might have nightmares about.
Sun/Beach Weather 2 Fire/Flame Throwers 2 Blow Dryers 2 Rain 1 Snowplow/Shovel 1 Drought 1 Snowballs 1 Peeing Dogs/Pee 2
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7. a place you’d hate to be when you receive a call from your cell phone.
Bathroom 1 Church 1 Car/Driving 1 Movie/Theatre 1 Work 1
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8. Name something you don’t want people to ask you for.
Money/Donations 1 Age 1 Weight 1 Advice 1
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9. an excuse people give for being late that’s too ridiculous to be true.
Got stuck in a time warp 6 Alien abduction 2 Chased by a swarm of bees 6 Accidentally joined a parade 4
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10. Name something that shakes.
Jello 1 Person/Dancer 1 Earth/Earthquake 1 Baby’s rattle 2 Leaves/Tree 1 Dog 1 Old Car 2
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11. than feet, name something that runs.
Water 1 Engine/Car 1 Refrigerator 1 Nose 1 Pantyhose 1 Clock 1
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12. Name something you’d hate to discover had expired.
Driver’s license 2 Milk 1 Credit card 2 Insurance 1 Car registration 2 My own life 3
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13. Name something that egon might use to impress a date.
Flowers Brain Gun Cologne Invisibility Charm
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14. things you never want your kid to bring home.
Lice 1 Cat/Dog 1 Bad report card/failing grade 4 Germs 1 Cops 1 Boyfriend/girlfriend 1
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15. your cell phone rings while you’re at church, who had better be calling?
The Lord 2 My kids 2 My mother 2 My sibling 2 My spouse 2 My boss 2 The doctor 2
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16. Name something people take out.
Trash 1 Food 1 Money/Loan 1 Dog/Pet 1 Spouse/Mate 1 Library books 2 Life insurance 2
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17. would you do if you saw a ghost?
Scream 1 Talk To It 3 Run 1 Pray 1 Faint 1 Pinch Myself 2
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18. Name an exercise that no one looks good doing.
yoga 37 sit-ups/crunches 29 jogging/treadmill 15 squats 12
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19. Name something you'd hate to discover you'd been sitting on.
gum 28 tack 16 food 7 dog 6 wet paint 6
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20. Name something people are afraid to ride on.
Roller Coaster Plane Horse Motorbike Bull Ferris Wheel
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21. Name An Occupation You’d Be Tempted To Enter If You Liked To Snoop
Espionage 34 Police 26 News Reporter 22 Housekeeping 10
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22. Name something you would not like to receive as a prize on a game show.
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23. Name Something People Race.
Cars 64 Horses 21
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tags: funny hilarious kids category: fast money
24. Give Me Another Word People Say For “Rear End”
Butt/Buttocks 1 Arse 1 Backside 1 Derriere 1 Bottom 1 Heine 1
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25. Name a type of receipt that a wife might find in her cheating husband's pocket
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26. What is something a pilot would get fired for doing in the cockpit during a flight?
drinking alcohol 73 sleeping 12 having sex 5 smoking cigarette 3 doing drugs 3 leaving cockpit 2
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27. Name Something You’ve Seen Your Neighbor Doing Outside While Wearing a Bathrobe
Getting Newspaper 2 Watering Grass 2 Taking Out the Trash 4 Washing the Car 3 Kissing Spouse 2 Gardening 1
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28. Tell me a kind of place where it's acceptable to scream.
amusement park 33 sports event 26 home 15 movie/theater 12 concert 6 dr./delivery room 3
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29. Tell me a day that you hate going to the mall.
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30. Name something you do in front of the mirror that you wouldn't want anyone to see.
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31. Name Something You Tell Someone Is Going To Hurt You More Than Them.
spanking 46 breaking up 28 shot 14 loss of privileges 9
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tags: relationships funny hilarious category: 4 answers
32. Name something that might unexpectedly fly open.
door 47 zipper 20 shirt 6 car trunk 4
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33. Name something embarrassing that might happen while you are laughing.
wet pants 19 snort 17
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tags: hilarious funny embarrassing category: 2 answers
34. On what day of the week are most banks held up
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35. Name a food you'd love to throw at your worst enemy
Eggs Tomatoes Pie Spaghetti
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36. Name an occupation that should only be done by very smart people.
doctor 45 lawyer 14 scientist 13 accountant 8 teacher 7 president 4
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37. Fill in the blank: My man is a love ____.
Machine 1 Bug 1 Muffin 1 Addict 1 Hound 1 Magnet 1 Boat 1
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38. Name a weather condition that would be a good name for a wrestler.
Tornado 1 Stormy/storm 1 Thunder/thunderstorm 1 Hurricane 1 Tsunami 1
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39. Roses are red. Violets are blue. What kind of flowers do cheap guys buy you?
Daisies 1 Carnations 1 None/invisible 1 Tulips 1 Dandelions 1 Plastic/fake 1
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40. a reason that men give for going bald.
Stress 1 Virility 1 Hereditary 1 Old Age 2 Intelligence 1 Wife 1
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41. If Your Boss Finds You Sleeping On The Job What Excuse Might You Give For Having Your Closed Eyes
thinking/ concentrating 53 headache/ allergies 24 praying/ meditating 8 something in eye 5 contact lens/ dry eyes 5
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42. Name something you might cheat on if you knew for sure that you wouldn't get caught.
Test Tax Spouse Diet
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43. What might the kids be doing in the backseat to make mom say she’s turning the car around?
fighting 62 crying 21 complaining 9 kicking seat 8
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44. Name something a really cheap person might reuse.
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45. Name something slobs use as a napkin.
shirtsleeve/tail 88 shirt sleeve 88 hand 7 tablecloth 3 bib 2
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46. Name a food you'd love to throw at your worst enemy.
eggs 29 tomatoes 18 pie 16 spaghetti 7 cake 5
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47. Name something you'd hate to be in when it breaks down
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48. Name something you do when a telemarketer calls.
hang up 55 do not answer phone 14 say no 6 answer phone 5
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49. As Harry Potter gets older, name a part of his body that gets more hairy.
face 38 chest 35 arm 8 ears 5 head 3 back 3
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50. Name A Way To Make someone Laugh Without Speaking To Them
Backpack Tickle Computer
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51. Name something you'd do at work if you really wanted to get fired.
disrespect boss 28 steal 20 don't work/sleep 16 not show up 14 in late/out early 12 alcohol/drunk 4
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52. Name Something Pros Do On A Golf Course, That You’d Look Silly Doing For Mini Golf
Practice Swing 26 Wearing Golf Gloves 17 Having A Caddy 14 Using A Tee 13 Driving Golf Cart 10 Yelling Fore 8
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53. Name an embarrassing place for a superhero to rip their costume.
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tags: funny hilarious embarrassing costumes category: no points
54. Tell me something people often break.
glass 50 promises 13 dishes 13 hearts 10 bones 8 phones 6
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tags: relationships funny hilarious kids category: 6 answers
55. name a comedian who probably doesnt write their own jokes
Purple David Letterman Yellow Eddie Murphy Jay Leno Jimmy Fallon
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56. Name something you might lose during a wild roller coaster ride
Wallet Glasses Loose Change Your Stomach
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57. What might a pirate do if he pulled his boat ashore?
dig up treasure 31 party 16 sleep 15 bury treasure 15 swim 11 sunbathe 7 bathe 5
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58. name a cuddly animal
Koala Rabbit Kitten Panda/teddy Bear
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59. Name something that people get removed from their body.
Mole 1 Tattoos 1 Teeth 1 Tonsils 1 Warts 1 Hair 1 Appendix 1 Gall Bladder 2
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60. Name a reason why a superhero party wouldn't be very fun.
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61. if A Mouse Pad Were A Place Where Bachelor Mice Lived What Would You Likely Find Inside
cheese bar 63 beer 18 dirty clothes 6 female mice 3 mini tv 3
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62. Tell Me The Worst Way For Someone To Wake You Up
scream 39 splash with water 37 shake you 10 jump on bed 6 use the alarm 5
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63. Name something you could ask during a job interview that might make the person think twice about hiring you.
salary 48 vacation 20 long hours 9 breaks 3
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64. Name A Type Of TV Show That You Wouldn’t Want To See Your Grandma On
Reality TV 33 Talk Show 33 Dating Show 14 Romantic Drama 9 True Crime 5
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tags: tv funny inappropriate hilarious embarrassment category: 5 answers
65. Name something you pop
Helium Balloons Popcorn Balloons Bubblegum Gum Chewing Gum
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66. other than floats name something people ride on in parades
Trucks Motorcycles Bikes/unicycles Hairdresser Horses
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67. Name Something That Gets Saved
Money People Food Data Pictures Soul Video Game
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68. Name an activity that maight cause a man's toupee to fall off
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tags: funny hilarious accidents embarrassment category: no points
69. Name something you have a one in a million chance of experiencing.
lottery win 63 true love 21 fame 6 lightning strike 4
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70. Name something a husband usually asks his wife's permission to do.
out with the guys 66 spend money 15 trip/camping 8 go golfing 5
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71. What might a pirate drink if they ran out of rum?
Water Beer Whiskey Wine
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72. Name something a customer might do to annoy a waitress.
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73. If Fred Flintstone Was Your Neighbor Name Something You Wouldnt Ask To Borrow
car 45 clothes/shoes 24 food 15 lawn mower 8 phone 3
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74. Name another way to say 'go away'.
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75. Name an occupation where telling lies is all in a day's work.
politician 35 lawyer 26 sales 17 telemarketer 3 cia agent 2 reporter 2
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76. Name something that women carry more often than men do.
Purse 69 Baby 19 Lipstick 5 Kleenex 3
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77. Name something that birds do.
they fly 51 they chirp/sing 21 they poop 7 they peck 7 they build nests 6
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78. finally moving the couch for the first time in ten years, name something you might find underneath it.
Money/Change 1 Dust 1 Food 1 Toys 1 Remote 1 Clothes/Shoes 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious lost items category: 6 answers
79. Besides food and drink, name something that people serve
Footballs Subpoenas Notices Spheres Balls
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80. Name something pack rats have a hard time throwing out.
photos 32 letters 21 clothing 19 books 9 reading material 7
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81. Name a popular type of salad.
caesar 55 chef 14 garden 9 tuna 5 waldorf 4 potato 3
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82. name something you might plan to do but then chicken out at the last minute
Go On A Date Bungee Jump Ride Roller Coaster Skydive Get Married
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tags: procrastination funny kids hilarious category: no points
83. Name an occupation whose members it seems are being paid to do nothing.
politics 38 ceo 10 road work 6 manager 6 security guard 4 telemarketer 3 principal 2 dmv worker 2
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84. Name something you'd hate to be in when it breaks down.
car 57 airplane 19 boat 6 elevator 5 bus 5 subway/train 5
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85. Fill in the blank: Mel Gibson is not getting older he is getting ______
Stupider Dumber More Stupid Sexier Crazier More Dumb Meaner
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86. Whats The Worst Thing About School
Homework Teachers Going Lessons Exams Bullying
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87. What might you wear to a job interview in order to appear smarter?
glasses 46 blazer 37 tie 8 dress 3
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88. Name something you might find in a basement.
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89. Name a type of cheese Americans like the best.
cheddar 40 american 39 swiss 15 mozzarella 2 provolone 2
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90. Tell me something impossible to do standing up.
Sleep 59 Driving 15 Sitting 9
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91. this sentence. The key to a successful marriage is ____ing together.
Sleep 1 Work 1 Talk 1 Laugh 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious adults marriage category: 4 answers
92. name something you might be asked to put on your head at a party
Crown Party Hat Lamp Shade
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93. Name something personal of yours that you deliberately burn:
letters 53 pictures 18 diary 6 credit card 5 bra 3 draft card 2 old clothes 2
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tags: personal belongings funny hilarious category: 7 answers
94. Name Something You Might Find On A Horse
Saddle Rider Mane Hair Tail
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95. Name a possession of yours they'd never try to bury you with
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tags: possessions funny hilarious kids category: no points
96. Motor-Mouth is a one word of expression that ends in "mouth". Name another.
big mouth 32 loud mouth 17 potty mouth 12 dirty mouth 8 blabber mouth 6 bad mouth 3
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97. Name something children bring home from school.
homework 43 lunch 19 pantings 10 books 8 bag 5 lice 4 friend 3
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98. Name A Way You Can Tell Someone Is Skating At An Ice Rink For The First Time
Fall A Lot Iceberg Drug Test
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99. Name A Place Where Its Okay To Be Loud
concert 48 outdoors 16 bar 14 party 11 athletic event 9
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100. Name a kind of test you'd never want to fail.
driving 34 medical 16 i.q. 12 school subject 11 lie detector 6 s.a.t. 6
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