The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name an occupation where it would be terrible to lose your license
Taxi Courier Driver Cab Mailman Delivery
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tags: work adults funny hilarious serious category: no points
2. Name Something About Their Job That Most People Would Change If They Could.
Pay 46
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tags: work hilarious funny adults category: fast money
3. What might you do right after your boss says, "You're fired"?
cry 22 leave 22 look for a job 15 tell them off 9 clean out desk 9 hit him/revenge 6 ask/wonder why 4 say "i quit" 3
Answers are hidden.
4. Name an occupation in which you meet a lot of drunk people.
bartender 82 police officer 6 bouncer 4 waitress 3 rehab/aa 2
Answers are hidden.
5. Name a profession people make mean jokes about.
lawyers 41 teachers 4 actors 3
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6. Name something you could ask during a job interview that might make the person think twice about hiring you.
salary 48 vacation 20 long hours 9 breaks 3
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7. name something you wouldnt want the co worker next to you to do non stop
Sing People Telephone Smoke Talk
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tags: work funny office adults hilarious category: no points
8. Name the last thing you would say to your boss if you quit your job.
goodbye 37 i quit 18 i hate you 15 thank you 11 good luck 10 shove it 9
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9. the most embarrassing thing to happen during a job interview?
Accidentally calling the interviewer “Mom” 5 Forgetting the company’s name/interviewer’s name 5 Tripped and fell 3 Wearing mismatched socks 3
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tags: funny fun hilarious work embarrassing adults category: 4 answers
10. name someone whose office people are afraid to enter
Boss Lawyer Principal
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tags: work funny office hilarious adults category: no points
11. Name a part of their body where men start to grow hair about the same time they start losing it on their heads.
ears 43 back 14 chest 12 nose 11
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tags: adults health funny work hilarious category: 4 answers
12. When you're on a plane flight, name something you worry the pilot is doing in the cockpit
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tags: funny work hilarious adults travel category: no points
13. Name something a movie director might yell on set.
cut 55 action 36 quiet 4 five 3 take five 3
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14. Name an occupation where telling lies is all in a day's work
Lawyer Politician Telemarketer Reporter CIA Agent
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15. Name An Occupation In Which You Might Be Able To Get Away With Breaking The Law.
police officer 51 lawyer 34 judge 8 politician 5
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tags: law work adults funny hilarious society category: 4 answers
16. Name something that is not heavy but still hard to carry.
children 39 box 23 tv 12 mattress 7 groceries 7 burden 6
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17. Name an occupation in which someone would have their hands insured.
Medical Practitioner Model Musician Athlete
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18. Name A Complaint A Circus Clown Might Have About His Job
bad kids 29 too many kids 13 low pay 13 smells bad 10 no one laughs 10 costumes are hot 10 gets tired 7
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tags: work funny hilarious animals adults category: 7 answers
19. Name a slang expression for the phrase "be quiet."
Up Can It Shut Up Shh Hush
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tags: funny work school hilarious adults category: no points
20. what complaint might a rockstar make about his life
Not Enough Sleep Never Home Too Busy No Privacy Party Lifestyle
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tags: work adults funny hilarious lifestyle category: no points
21. Name a job mostly performed by men
Firefighter Building Carpenter Auto Mechanic Grease Monkey Mechanic Construction
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22. Name Something You Lie To Your Boss About.
sick/absence 52 lateness 39 resume/expeirience 3 can't work overtime 2
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23. Name Someone Who You’d Hate To Accidentally Forward A Personal Email To
boss 59 parent 25 ex 10 grandparent 4
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tags: work school funny hilarious adults category: 4 answers
24. Name A Fancy Word For “Barber”
Hair Stylist 63
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25. Name something you might hear someone at work just got.
raise 52 new car 28 fired 11 sick 4
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26. Name a profession that starts with the letter ‘T’.
Teacher Tailor Technician Telemarketer Truck driver Therapist
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27. what would you do if your suit was wrinkly and your iron broke right before a job interview
Buy A New One Wear It Anyway Steam It Put In Dryer Change Clothes
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tags: work job adults life funny hilarious category: no points
28. Name Something Many People Do In Response To Compliment
Say Thank You Blush Smile Brush It Off
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29. Name an occupation whose people have big egos
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tags: work adults funny hilarious occupation category: no points
30. name a job that a robot wouldnt be entertaining enough to do
Construction Dancer Stand Up Comedian
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tags: work adults hilarious funny entertaining category: no points
31. Name Something You Did Every Day in Kindergarten That You Wish You Could Do Every Day Now
Nap 1 Play/Toys/Recess 1 Color/Paint 1 Get Free Snacks 3
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tags: kids funny school work hilarious adults category: 4 answers
32. Job You Shouldnt Apply For If You Dont Like Waking Up Early
Baker Doctor Newspaper Deliverer Bus Driver Mail Carrier Construction Milk Deliverer
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tags: work school kids hilarious adults funny category: no points
33. Name another word for "happy".
Excited Glad Joyful Elated Cheerful
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tags: school kids work hilarious funny adults category: no points
34. name a reason you may quickly go on an unscheduled vacation
Boring Stress Business Trip Family Emergency Running From The Law
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tags: vacation work school adults funny hilarious category: no points
35. Name A Comedian That Gets On Peoples Nerves
Carrot Top Chris Rock Jim Carrey Dane Cook Adam Sandler
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tags: adults comedians entertainment funny hilarious work category: no points
36. Name something accidentally gets stuck on the roof:
frisbee 34 ball 33 cat 10 kite 10 leaves 4 newspaper 3
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tags: funny kids animals work adults hilarious category: 6 answers
37. Name something you'd skip if you were late for work
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tags: work food kids adults funny hilarious category: no points
38. Name an occupation whose members could literally say their job stinks
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tags: work adults hilarious jobs funny occupations category: no points
39. Name an occupation in which you’d get lousy tips if you weren’t friendly.
waiter 45 bartender 32 dancer 10 cab driver 3
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tags: work funny adults food kids hilarious category: 4 answers
40. Name A Piece Of Technology That People Hate, But Need.
computer/internet 59 cell phone 36
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tags: technology work hilarious funny adults school category: 2 answers
41. Name Something You See In A Jail Cell
Bed Toilet Inmate Bars
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tags: adults funny kids school work hilarious category: no points
42. Name A Coffee Drink That’s Easy To Mispronounce.
Latte 66 Mocha 16 Cappuccino 9 Espresso 8
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tags: food drinks funny hilarious work adults category: 4 answers
43. Name a bad job for someone who is accident-prone.
Driver Construction Police officer Surgeon Electrician
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tags: fast money work funny adults hilarious category: fast money
44. We surveyed 100 men: Name something of yours that's dirty
My Car My Clothes/shoes My Body My Mind My Dishes My Floor/room
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tags: funny hilarious adults work kids animals category: no points
45. Name a sport that someone in a three piece suit would still be able to play.
Golf Bowling Tennis Baseball
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tags: work funny family adults kids hilarious category: no points
46. Name something santa might be good at if he were forced to get a regular job.
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tags: work kids funny hilarious adults plants category: no points
47. Name a famous woman you wouldn't want to see wearing a thong.
oprah winfrey 30 martha stewart 9 hillary clinton 9 laura bush 9 roseanne 8 barbara walters 5 rosie o'donnell 4
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tags: funny adults school work hospital hilarious category: 7 answers
48. Name a way to stay awake when you're dead tired:
drink coffee 63 take a walk 8 cold shower 4 listen to music 4 sing 4
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tags: work school hilarious funny kids adults category: 5 answers
49. Name A Good Gift For Someone Who Is Always Late.
watch 58 alarm clock 34 calendar 3
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tags: work funny kids school adults hilarious category: 3 answers
50. the weirdest thing you’ve found at the bottom of your bag?
A forgotten sandwich from last summer 6 A sock that went missing three years ago 8 A love letter to a fictional character 7 A portal to an alternate dimension 6
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tags: funny fun hilarious adults weird school work category: 4 answers
51. Name A Reason A Game Show Host Might Get Fired
cursing 30 intoxicated 25 rude 19 cheating 15 not funny 8
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tags: work funny kids hilarious animals adults category: 5 answers
52. Name A Good Job For Someone Who Asks A Lot Of Questions
lawyer 27 reporter 21 telemarketer 17 doctor 11 detective 10 teacher 6 therapist 4
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tags: work school adults kids hilarious funny category: 7 answers
53. Name An Occupation In Which You’d Be Very Embarrassed To Get An Embarrassed Ticket.
Police 49
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tags: work adults hilarious funny unexpected embarrassing category: fast money
54. Name the smelliest place someone can work.
garbage dump 43 funeral parlor 32 farm 18 gym 7
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tags: work funny adults plants kids hilarious category: 4 answers
55. Name A Specific Food Or Drink That A Waiter Would Hate Most To Spill
MIT Red Wine Shorts
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tags: food work funny adults kids hilarious category: no points
56. Name a job that doesn't allow you to be very creative.
police officer 30 accountant 28 secretary 15 fast food worker 15 cashier 10
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tags: work school kids adults hilarious funny category: 5 answers
57. Name Something You Do To Keep Yourself From Laughing.
hold breath 34 cover mouth 24 bite lip 21 think of something sad 7 look away 6 pinch yourself 6
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tags: funny hilarious kids adults work school category: 6 answers
58. Name A Profession You Shouldn’t Go Into If You Have Bad Aim.
Police 44
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tags: work funny hilarious adults kids animals category: fast money
59. When you rush out the door for work in the morning, name something you are apt to leave behind.
lunch 25 mobile phone 20 keys 19 coffee 8 brief case 5 money 5
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tags: work kids adults funny hilarious household category: 6 answers
60. Name something a person with overly large feet might have a hard time doing.
buying shoes 45 dancing 17 walking 15 running 6 jumping rope 4 putting shoes on 3
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tags: funny work kids school hilarious adults category: 6 answers
61. Name A Piece Of Personal Information They Might Ask On A Job Application
Age 26
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tags: work school funny hilarious kids adults category: fast money
62. Name a profession with a bad reputation.
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tags: work adults hilarious funny jobs professions category: 4 answers
63. Name something at which many people fail the first time they try it.
driving test 67 riding a bike 6 dieting 6 cooking 4 sports 3
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tags: school kids funny hilarious work adults category: 5 answers
64. Name an occupation where people talk trash.
Athlete Garbage Collector Politician Construction Worker DJ Car Salesperson
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tags: work adults hilarious funny inappropriate jobs category: 6 answers
65. name a job you need a license for
Medicine Bartender Real Estate Pilot Driver
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tags: work school kids adults hilarious funny category: no points
66. name a famous doctor you wouldnt want as your physician
Dr. Who Dr. Phil Dr. Spock Dr. Jeckyl Dr. Frankenstein Dr. Dolittle Dr. House
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tags: work adults funny hilarious medical health category: no points
67. Name a job that men can do shirtless
Lifeguard Gardener Landscaper Carpenter Rescuer Building
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tags: funny adults hilarious work food kids category: no points
68. Name something a grown man might ask santa for.
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tags: adults funny hilarious kids school work category: no points
69. Name something you might lose as you get older.
Memory 41 Hair 27 Teeth 11 Sight 9 Hearing 6
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tags: adults kids work hospital funny food hilarious category: 5 answers
70. an occasion for which you might wear your lucky underwear.
Hot Date 2 Job Interview 2 Casino/Gambling 1 Sporting Event 2 Wedding/Night 1 Anniversary 1 Valentine’s Day 2 Exam/Finals 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious adults party work special occasion luck category: 8 answers
71. Name a reason why someone might want to enlist in the army.
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72. name a highly respected occupation that deserves a higher salary than they earn
Nurse Stereo Teacher
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73. Name a job that involves secrecy.
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74. Tell me something that's harder to do backwards than forwards
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75. Name A Way You Might Be Able To Tell Someone Giving A Speech Is Really Nervous.
Sweat 32
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tags: school work adults hilarious category: fast money
76. name an age at which people dont want to get any older
40 25 21 30 50
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77. name an occupation that should be paid much better
Nurse Custodian Teacher
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78. After a dentist appointment, name something that is hard to do when your mouth is numb from novocaine
Straw Sip Milk Juice Slurp Beverage
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tags: food talking work adults hilarious category: no points
79. Name An Occupation That Uses A Microphone
Musician / Singer Disc Jockey Tv Announcer MC Radio Announcer
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tags: work music tv kids adults hilarious category: no points
80. When Batman retires, name something he'll probably give to Robin
Batmobile Batsuit Batcave
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81. Name a tool a man can't live without
Soap Screwdriver Wrench Hammer
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82. Name A Workplace You Would Get Used To Stress
Hospital Police Dmv Law Office Post Office Fast Food Retail
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tags: work adults stress office hilarious category: no points
83. name something on which you might need your boss signature
Raise Pay Check Check Vacation Request Contract
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tags: work school animals adults hilarious category: no points
84. Tell me something it would be impossible to do standing up.
sleep/lie down 50 drive 13 go 2! 9 socks/shoes on 5 make love 4
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tags: kids adults hilarious work school animals category: 5 answers
85. Name an occupation that you think is underpaid.
Teacher Nurse Firefighter Cleaner Police Officer
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tags: work school adults hilarious money career category: 5 answers
86. Name An Occupation That Keeps You On Your Feet
Shop Assistant Nurse Waiter / Waitress Police Officer Hairdresser Runner
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tags: work adults kids school animals hilarious category: no points
87. Real or fictional, name someone known for their wisdom.
albert einstein 41 mahatma gandhi 17 solomon 12 yoda 11 the dalai lama 10 martin luther king jr 8
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tags: school work kids adults hilarious plants category: 6 answers
88. Name an occupation in which you have to put up with a lot from other people.
sales 17 customer service 16 waiter 12 police officer 7 cashier 5 doctor 4
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tags: work kids adults hilarious teachers parents category: 6 answers
89. Name a famous american dish.
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tags: food family kids hilarious adults work category: no points
90. Name A Profession Where Neatness Counts
doctor/nurse 35 maid 23 teacher 16 secretary 14 accountant/banker 9
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tags: work school home kids hilarious adults category: 5 answers
91. Name something you might find in the trunk of the car.
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tags: kids work adults hilarious animals food category: 4 answers
92. Name a US State that starts with the letter A
Alabama 25 Arizona 24 Alaska 23 Arkansas 22
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tags: work office school geography kids states adults hilarious category: 4 answers
93. Name something people are afraid to ride on.
Roller Coaster Plane Horse Motorbike Bull Ferris Wheel
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94. Name a type of receipt that a wife might find in her cheating husband's pocket
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95. Name something slobs use as a napkin.
shirtsleeve/tail 88 shirt sleeve 88 hand 7 tablecloth 3 bib 2
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96. Name something you can swallow without chewing
Tablet Sherbert Pill Capsule Aqua
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97. Name a kind of test you'd never want to fail.
driving 34 medical 16 i.q. 12 school subject 11 lie detector 6 s.a.t. 6
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98. this sentence. The key to a successful marriage is ____ing together.
Sleep 1 Work 1 Talk 1 Laugh 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious adults marriage category: 4 answers
99. Name a part of a women's body that men prefer to be small
Feet Nose Waist
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tags: funny hilarious adults relationship category: no points
100. Name A Specific Meat That Would Be Hardest To Eat If You Didnt Have A Knife
steak 53 ribs 22 ham/pork 14 chicken 8
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