The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something you do while driving, even though you know it's wrong.
talk on phone 46 eat/drink 16 speed 8 not use seatbelt 7 smoke cigarette 4 don't use signals 4
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2. If you were driving someone else's car, name something that would be hard to get used to.
seat 44 brakes 19 steering wheel 11 mirrors 10 stick shift 8 stereo 5
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tags: driving vehicle features car habits category: 6 answers
3. Tell Me The First Thing You Do When You Get In Your Car.
put seat belt on 54 start car 17 close car door 8 keys in ignition 5 lock doors 4 fix mirrors 3 sit down 2
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tags: driving habits cars transportation commute category: 7 answers
4. What's something people do in their cars while driving that you think is crazy
Reading Loud Music Applying Makeup Talking
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tags: driving habits vehicles road safety funny category: no points
5. If you were driving someone else's car, name something that would be hard to get used to
Seat Stick Shift Brakes Steering Wheel Stereo
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tags: cars driving funny habits kids vehicles category: no points
6. Name Something You Do While Driving That You Don't Do On A Test
Speed Eat Run A Red Light No Seatbelt Sing
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tags: driving test habits transportation funny kids category: no points
7. Name something you do while driving, even though you know it's wrong
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tags: driving habits guilty pleasures transportation funny category: no points
8. Name a bad habit that is hard to break.
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9. name a piece of info on your drivers license that changes by the time you get it renewed
Reflective Light/tape Age Address Photo Last Name Weight
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10. Name an annoying bad habit.
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11. Name something that takes time to grow on you.
hair 30 food 9 music 6 animals 6 love 5 wall color 4
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12. Besides Alcohol Drugs Or Tobacco Name Something That People Get Addicted To
love 24 gambling 20 coffee 18 eating 12 tv 11 chocolate 7 internet 6
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13. name something obnoxious some people do while chewing
Talk Mouth Open Spit Smack Drinks Mistletoe
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tags: annoying habits category: no points
14. name something more difficult to do when driving a car with stick shift
Stop Talk On Phone Eat/drink Steer Change Gears
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15. How many Mph do you usually drive over the speed limit?
Five 49 Ten 41 Fifteen 5 Twenty 5
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16. Name Something You Might Adjust When You Get Into A Rental Car.
Seat 61 Mirrors 29 Seat Belt 6 Steering Wheel 4
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17. Name something you'd like to be hypnotized to stop doing
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18. Name something you'd like to be hypnotized to stop doing.
smoking 54 overeating 14 drinking 7 snoring 4
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19. Name something people do before getting out of bed in the morning
Bend Stretch Turn Off Alarm Alarm Clock Hit Alarm Yawn Off Alarm
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tags: morning routine habits category: no points
20. Tell Me How Fast Most People Drive On The Freeway. (Numeric Only)
70 33 75 31 65 14 80 12 60 7
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tags: cars driving transportation category: 5 answers
21. Who Would You Call First If Your Car Broke Down On The Side Of The Road?
partner 30 aaa 26 tow truck 24 911 11 best friend 5 parent 3
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tags: driving emergency transportation category: 6 answers
22. What is the most common order a back-seat driver yells to the driver?
"slow down!" 46 "watch out!" 23 "stop!" 16 "turn here!" 7 "speed up!" 6
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23. Name A US City With Very Aggressive Drivers
new york 54 los angeles 22 chicago 19 boston 3
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24. Name A Place Where Someone Might Practice Driving For The First Time.
parking lot 68 driving school 11 field 8 driveway 8 country road 3
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25. Name Something Thats Currently Legal That People Should Be Banned From Doing While Driving
smoking 32 eating 23 sipping drink 20 using cell phone 18 applying make up 4
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tags: driving road safety category: 5 answers
26. Name something in your car that might distract you while you're driving.
radio 31 cell phone 26 children 21 bee 4 fly 2 smoke 2
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tags: driving distraction car safety category: 6 answers
27. What should you always be on the lookout for when driving?
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28. other than drive name something that a trucker probably does more in an average day than you do
Sit Eat Listen To Radio Fill Gas Tank Talk On Cb
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29. Name a reason your car insurance rates go up
Subway Accident Taxi Airfare Skating Rink
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30. Name Something An Impatient Person Might Do While Waiting In Line
complain 27 tap foot 25 yell 14 bite nails 12 swear 9 sigh/moan 6
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31. Name something people like to do at the same time every day
Munch Consume Snack Ingest Breakfast
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32. Name something you spend far too much time doing.
watching tv 51 daydreaming 9 sleeping 7 playing on computer 6 shopping 5 working 5
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33. Name something people do when they are nervous.
nail biting 57 sweat 22 shakes 10 eat 6 fidget 5
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34. Name something you never forget how to do.
ride a bike 34 tie shoes 28 drive 16 walk 9 cook 7 talk 6
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35. Name something people do right after they eat.
relax 24 belch 21 brush teeth 20 dishes 10 use bathroom 9 loosen belt 8
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36. Name something you do everyday that the Queen of England has never done.
housework 31 work 24 cook 9 drive 8 dress herself 5
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tags: everyday life habits activities category: 5 answers
37. Name Something People Do To Their Body That Other People Think Is Crazy.
pierce 58 tatoo 32 tan 3 shave their head 2
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38. Name something you're never too tired to do before going to bed.
use bathroom 22 watch tv 20 brush teeth 19 eat 13 pray 10 reading 8
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39. Name something you're never too tired to do before going to bed at night.
make love 21 brush teeth 17 say prayers 17 bathe/shower 11 eat snack/drink 10 watch tv/movie 6 read a book 4
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40. name something people bite on when theyre nervous
Lip Nails Leslie Stahl Pencil Tough Questions Mike Wallace
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41. name something people do for their teeth right before a dentist appointment but not otherwise
Brush Well Floss Eat Use Mouthwash
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42. what do people do with their cell phones thats annoying
Talk While Driving Talk In Public Talk Loudly Let Them Ring/ Ringtones
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tags: annoying habits everyday life category: no points
43. Tell me a bad habit that's difficult to break.
smoking 59 nail biting 18 drinking alcohol 7 gambling 6
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tags: habits psychology self-improvement funny category: 4 answers
44. Name Something People Turn Off Before They Go To Bed
lights 59 tv 28
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tags: daily routine habits relaxation category: 2 answers
45. Name the most common annoying habit among men
Tooting Snoring Messy Passing Gas Breaking Wind Scummy Gas
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tags: relationships men annoying habits humor category: no points
46. We Asked 100 Married People: What Was The Single Hardest Thing To Start Sharing Once You Moved In With Your Partner?
Bed 44 Bathroom 25
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tags: relationships marriage habits sharing category: fast money
47. Name something you're never too tired to do before going to bed
Use Bathroom Reading Watch Tv
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48. Name something you wouldn't eat with your fingers.
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49. Name Something Annoying That Men Often Do In Your Bathroom
Leave The Seat Up 34 Get Towels Dirty 21
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tags: funny hilarious bathroom men habits category: fast money
50. Name a habit that you probably won't continue once you are a ghost.
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51. What's the last thing you did before you left the house this morning?
locked door 38 kissed family bye 8 turned lights off 8 drank coffee/ate 6 brushed teeth 4 took care of pets 4
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tags: daily habits kids funny category: 6 answers
52. Name Something Doctors Are Always Telling People To Stop Doing
Smoking 69 Eating Too Much 15 Eating Junk 8 Too Much Salt 4 Drinking Alcohol 2
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tags: health habits lifestyle advice well-being category: 5 answers
53. Name A Bad Habit Some People Haves When They Are Stressed
Bite Nails Smoking Eating Yelling
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54. Name a good habit that little kids are encouraged to develop
Behavior Thank You Please Decorum Manners Etiquette
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tags: kids habits development education category: no points
55. When A Person Wants To Sneak A Cigarette, Where Do They Usually Hide
Outside/Alley Bathroom Stairway Balcony Basement Bar Garage
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56. Name something people resolve to give up for the new year.
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57. Name a habit that is hard to break.
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58. Name something annoying the person sitting next to you at a game could do.
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tags: behavior habits social interactions category: no points
59. Name A Way You Might Try to Stay Awake Whilst Driving
Open Window Coffee Loud Music
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tags: driving road safety funny category: no points
60. Name Something A Police Officer Might Ask For After Pulling Someone Over.
License 40
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tags: police traffic driving law safety category: fast money
61. Name a situation where you show your driver's license.
stopped by police 44 writing checks 39 get into a bar 12 get in accident 3
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tags: driving identification kids funny category: 4 answers
62. Name Something You Can Do In Both A Bumper Car And A Race Car
Drive 52
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tags: driving entertainment racing kids category: fast money
63. What might a teenager do to cause their parents to forbid them from using the family car?
crash it 51 drink 17 bad grades 11 speed 10 stay out 6 get ticket 5
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tags: teens driving transportation parenting category: 6 answers
64. What Do You Need To Check To Ensure That Your Car Runs Properly?
oil 44 gas 20 engine 15 brakes 6 tires 6 battery 4
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tags: car maintenance auto vehicles driving category: 6 answers
65. According to men: You should never interrupt a women when she is _______ .
on the phone 23 sleeping 10 cleaning 9 bathing 8 using the bathroom 8 reading 6 driving 5
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66. If You Moved To England Name Something That Would Take Some Getting Used To
british accent 43 weather 18 driving on other side 17 culture 12 time difference 4
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67. What Might A Teenager Do That Causes Their Parents To Forbid Them From Using The Family Car?
crash it 51 drink 17 bad grades 11 speed 10 stay out late 6 get a ticket 3
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68. Name something that nervous parents do in the passenger seat while their teen is learning to drive.
yell 43 hold on to something 14 bite their nails 13 say a prayer 10 hit their "brake" 9 close their eyes 7
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69. Why Might A Cop Who Pulls Someone Over Not Give A Ticket
Warning Nice Flirts Driver Cute Driver Cries Friend Light Out
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70. When people drive with one hand on the steering wheel, name something they do with their other hand.
cell phone 28 radio 16
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tags: driving transportation fun kids hilarious category: 2 answers
71. What Might Your Teenager Do While Borrowing Your Car That Would Break Your Trust?
accident 37 speeding ticket 34 illegal activity 16 break curfew 11
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tags: car teenagers driving trust family category: 4 answers
72. Name Something You Would Have To Be Without When Cops Pull Over
License Registration Insurance Cell Phone Seat Belt
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tags: driving car police transportation funny category: no points
73. Name something on a car that might break but wouldn't keep you from driving it
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tags: cars parts driving maintenance category: no points
74. Name Something On Everyone’s Driver’s License.
Birth Date 34 Name 25 Address 18 License Number 13 Description 10
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tags: safety transportation driving identification category: 5 answers
75. Which city do you think has the rudest drivers?
new york 56 los angeles 18 chicago 4 atlanta 4 detroit 3 boston 2
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tags: driving cities transportation traffic category: 6 answers
76. Name a city in North America that you would hate to drive in.
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77. Name a kind of weather that would cause you not to see as well.
fog 47 snow 18
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78. Name a North American city you would not like to drive in.
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tags: traffic driving cars transportation category: 4 answers
79. Name Something Youd Hate To Have Happen While Driving A New Car Home
crash 54 flat tire 15 break down 13 rain 6 run out of gas 4 speeding ticket 3 scratch it 5
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80. Name a bad habit that kids pick up from their older brothers and sisters.
swearing 46 smoking cigarette 12 fighting 10 talking back 10 bad attitude 3 lying 3
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tags: family kids childhood siblings habits category: 6 answers
81. Name a section of the Sunday paper that you hardly ever read:
classified ads 40 business 22 sports 21 comics 6 editorials 3 travel 3 obituaries 2
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tags: newspaper reading habits family home category: 7 answers
82. Name something embarrassing that you are often caught doing.
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tags: embarrassing habits funny kids hilarious category: no points
83. Name something you might ask the person sitting behind you in a movie theater to stop doing.
talk'g/cell phone 71 kicking seat 15 popping gum 4 laughing in ear 2 throwing things 2
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tags: movies etiquette funny annoying habits category: 5 answers
84. Name A Form Of Technology That Some People Refuse to Use
computer 33 cell phone 27 tv 17 microwave 9 car 7 gps 4
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tags: technology lifestyle habits preferences work category: 6 answers
85. Name Something People Do To Their Bodies, Others Think Is Madness
Pierce Tattoo Exercise Shave Tan Cosmetic Surgery
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86. Name something some people seem to do non-stop.
talk 70 eat 9 work 5 drive 4 e-mail 4
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tags: habits routines annoyances school kids category: 5 answers
87. How many times a week does the average person call their mom?
Three Twice Once Five Four Seven
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tags: family relationships communication habits adults category: no points
88. Name something you keep on doing even though you know it's wrong.
unhealthy eating 30 smoking 25 lying 10 cheating on mate 6 drinking 5
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tags: habits food relationships kids hilarious category: 5 answers
89. Name Something A Person Might Do Differently Around Their Partner Once They’re Married
Show affection Dress Clean Communicate
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tags: relationships marriage lifestyle habits family category: no points
90. Name something a teenager will not leave the house without.
mobile phone 62 money 9 ipod 8 keys 4 car 3 make-up 3
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tags: teenagers belongings habits fashion trends category: 6 answers
91. Name a way a roommate might drive you crazy.
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tags: roommates annoying habits funny household category: 5 answers
92. What Time Is The earliest You’re Willing To Get Up On A Saturday?
10 34 8 32 9 13 11 6 noon 5 7:00:00 4
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tags: sleep morning routine habits weekends category: 6 answers
93. Name Something People Check At Least Once A Day.
e mail 37 time 31 mailbox 11 hair 10 voice mail 6
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tags: habits hygiene time appearances tasks category: 5 answers
94. Name a habit that people try to break for their significant others.
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tags: relationships habits family couples funny category: no points
95. Finish this sentence: "i love my spouse so much i put up with their ___."
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96. What Is A Bad Habit A Little Kid Would Have
Pick Nose Suck Thumb Bite Nails Lying Swearing
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97. We surveyed 100 married people...What is the biggest complaint about sleeping with your spouse?
snoring 51 moving/hogs bed 24 hogs covers 16 bathroom trips 2
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tags: relationships marriage sleep habits adults category: 4 answers
98. Name Something You Would Do In A Public Restroom That You Would Never Do In Your Own Bathroom
pee on the floor 24 pee on the toilet 14 put paper on seat 12 write on wall 11 leave it messy 10 don't flush toilet 9
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tags: public bathrooms habits funny kids category: 6 answers
99. Name something a wife tells her husband he needs to change.
clothes 48 attitude 25 hair 5 staying out late 4 eating habits 3 job 3
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tags: housework chores habits clothes finances category: 6 answers
100. What Is Something Your Spouse Does To Prevent You From Sleeping
snore 45 talk 30 snuggle 17 watch tv 4 toss and turn 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships nighttime sleep habits funny category: 5 answers
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