The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something a husband hopes his wife doesn't tell him to get rid of
Fabric Dresses Styles Suits
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tags: possessions pets friends hobbies habits entertainment category: no points
2. Name something people might only do once a week.
Laundry 1 Grocery shop 2 Exercise 1 Go to church 3 Mow the yard 3
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tags: daily routine habits hygiene chores hobbies routines daily life kids funny category: 5 answers
3. We surveyed 100 married women...Tell me something your husband does every weekend
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tags: household chores hobbies errands family time pets category: no points
4. Name something people say they have 'given up' that they still do secretly.
smoking 75 drinking 11 taking drugs 4 eating wrong foods 4 watching television 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: hobbies guilty pleasures secrets habits category: 5 answers
5. Name something that people develop.
film/photos 22 illness/disease 22 habits/addictions 10 mind/wisdom 8 attitudes 6
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tags: hobbies relationships skills habits phobias children category: 5 answers
6. Name something a wife tells her husband he needs to change.
clothes 48 attitude 25 hair 5 staying out late 4 eating habits 3 job 3
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tags: housework chores habits clothes finances category: 6 answers
7. If Water Became As Expensive As Gas Name Something Youd Do A Lot Less Of
shower 31 drink 18 water lawn 17 laundry/wash 14 swim 11 flush 5
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tags: water finances habits chores hygiene category: 6 answers
8. Tell me something that you split.
food 52 bills 14 firewood 9 trousers 8 atom 4 bowling pins 4
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tags: food chores activities hobbies work category: 6 answers
9. As Newlyweds Name Something You Disagreed On How To Do
Spend Money Cook Children Household Chores Show Affection Communicate Decorate
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tags: household chores finances parenting travel hobbies category: no points
10. Name something you don't like people doing in your car
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tags: car travel habits transportation sharing pets category: no points
11. What Everyday Activity Burns The Most Calories
walking/ running 67 cleaning 15 intercourse 8 laughing 5
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tags: exercise hobbies household chores food health fitness category: 4 answers
12. Name Something A New Parent Tries To Do While The Baby Is Napping.
nap 54 clean 27 spend time togeather 8 shower 6
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tags: household chores errands personal care work hobbies relaxation category: 4 answers
13. Other than their kids name something new that a person might “baby.”
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14. Name something you might do after coming home from work.
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15. Name Something A Father/ Son Might Have The Same
Name Eyes Hair Shirt
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16. Name Something Youd Hate To Have Happen While HouseSitting
fire 63 get robbed 14 break something 14 tornado 5
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17. What Might Someone Leave Out Of A Personals Ad, That Would Make You Think They Were Hiding Something?
Age 44 Weight 36 Marital Status 6 Gender 6 Photo 5
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tags: relationships family health hobbies pets kids category: 5 answers
18. Name something a person might complain they have too many of.
Bills Clothes Children Pets Problems Cars Aches
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19. Name Something That Always Makes You Feel Better When You’re Lonely.
candy 33 listening to music 19 pet 14 watching a movie/tv 14 friend/phone call 10 have a drink 4 reading 3
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tags: family friends pets nature hobbies category: 7 answers
20. Name something that takes up too much of your time.
Work 55 Cleaning 18 Computer 12 Television 10 Traffic 5
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tags: time management work kids pets hobbies errands category: 5 answers
21. Name something your spouse might do that ticks you off.
snores 32 nagging 24 makes a mess 20 spends too much money 16 lying 8
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tags: household chores cooking laundry pets kids category: 5 answers
22. Name something parents wish a baby could do for himself
go to bathroom 48 eat 38
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tags: food pets entertainment chores sleep kids category: 2 answers
23. We surveyed 100 married women...Name something that wouldn't get done if you didn't do it.
cleaning/dishes 54 laundry/ironing 21 cooking 16 food shopping 3 paying bills 2
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tags: chores laundry cooking kids pets house category: 5 answers
24. Name A Responsibility That Most Married Couples Share
finances 43 house chores 26 childcare 22 cooking 5
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tags: chores finances kids pets cooking cleaning category: 4 answers
25. Name A Reason Why A Married Couple May Have A Hard Time Getting Out For A Date Night
Children 44
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tags: work kids school money chores pets category: fast money
26. name a reason why you might be stuck in the house all day
Bad Weather Home With The Kids Don't Have A Car Sick
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tags: weather family illness chores pets kids category: no points
27. Before A Part-Time Job, Name A Way That Kids Earn Money.
Chores 37 Babysitting 27 Paper Route 16 Mow Lawns 14 Lemonade Stand 4
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tags: kids work school chores pets plants category: 5 answers
28. Name Something You Don't Want To Do When Tired
Cook Housework Homework Talk Walk Have Sex
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tags: chores cooking pets driving socializing kids category: no points
29. Name Something You Hope Your Friend Doesn’t Do When House Sitting For You.
party 44 steal 15 use my clothes 15 make a mess 8 smoke 8
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30. Name something dog owners wish their dogs could do without their help
Amble Trek On Foot Hike Power Walk
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tags: pets dogs housework chores kids funny category: no points
31. Name Something That Is A Real Nuisance When It Becomes Blocked
Drain Toilet Nose Sink Road
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tags: school work chores traffic pets kids category: no points
32. Name A Piece Of Info That May Be Revealed On Someones Coffee Mug
Name Age Where You Work Parent/Grandparent Sex Horoscope Sign
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tags: work family friends hobbies pets funny category: no points
33. name a profession where youd often say good job to someone
Teacher Photographer Sales Host News Reporter Police Coach
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tags: work school sports home pets hobbies category: no points
34. we asked 100 married men name something your wife can pick out for you because she knows you so well
Clothes Donkey Food Cologne/aftershave Spades
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tags: clothing food furniture hobbies pets travel category: no points
35. Name something you spend too much money on.
Clothes Food Gasoline Car Bills
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tags: shopping entertainment hobbies food travel pets category: no points
36. Tell me who you might spend Valentine's Day with if you're not in a relationship.
Friends 53 Parents 27 Children 15 Pet 5
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tags: family friends colleagues pets hobbies self-care category: 4 answers
37. Name something you might shave.
Arms Legs Chest Back Face
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tags: body home pets travel school hobbies category: no points
38. We surveyed 100 married women...Name something your husband has good taste in
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tags: food entertainment fashion pets sports hobbies category: no points
39. Name Something A Couple Starts Fighting About Once They Move In Together
money 41 space 38 cleaning 7 bathroom 7 tv 4
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tags: housekeeping chores finances pets schedules category: 5 answers
40. Tell me what most people hate.
skunk 43 onion 6 rotting food 6 ammonia 6 garlic 5 rotten eggs 4
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41. Name a chore that might come with owning a team of reindeer.
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tags: chores animals pets funny winter reindeer category: no points
42. Name a bad habit that is hard to break.
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43. Name something you're never too tired to do before going to bed.
use bathroom 22 watch tv 20 brush teeth 19 eat 13 pray 10 reading 8
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44. Name something people like to do at the same time every day
Munch Consume Snack Ingest Breakfast
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45. What's the last thing you did before you left the house this morning?
locked door 38 kissed family bye 8 turned lights off 8 drank coffee/ate 6 brushed teeth 4 took care of pets 4
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tags: daily habits kids funny category: 6 answers
46. Name a good habit that little kids are encouraged to develop
Behavior Thank You Please Decorum Manners Etiquette
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tags: kids habits development education category: no points
47. name something you do when youre driving alone that you wouldnt do while riding the bus
Pick Nose Sing Listen To Radio
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48. Besides Alcohol Drugs Or Tobacco Name Something That People Get Addicted To
love 24 gambling 20 coffee 18 eating 12 tv 11 chocolate 7 internet 6
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49. Name something that takes time to grow on you.
hair 30 food 9 music 6 animals 6 love 5 wall color 4
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50. Name an annoying bad habit.
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51. name something obnoxious some people do while chewing
Talk Mouth Open Spit Smack Drinks Mistletoe
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tags: annoying habits category: no points
52. Tell me something you do before you go to bed.
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53. Name something some people do not take off when they go to bed
Long Underwear Boxer Shorts Stockings Wristwatch Socks
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54. Name something you do when you wake up in the morning.
Brush teeth 30 Stretch 25 Yawn 20 Check phone 15 Use the bathroom 10
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55. Name something you keep on doing even though you know it's wrong.
unhealthy eating 30 smoking 25 lying 10 cheating on mate 6 drinking 5
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tags: habits food relationships kids hilarious category: 5 answers
56. Name something you usually do every night after dinner.
watch television 32 wash dishes 19 relax/sleep 13 brush teeth 12
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tags: daily habits kids television relaxation category: 4 answers
57. Name something some people seem to do non-stop.
talk 70 eat 9 work 5 drive 4 e-mail 4
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tags: habits routines annoyances school kids category: 5 answers
58. Name something some people don't take off when they go to bed.
underpants 38 socks 33 jewelry/watch 12 underwear 10 makeup 3
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59. Name Something You Would Do In A Public Restroom That You Would Never Do In Your Own Bathroom
pee on the floor 24 pee on the toilet 14 put paper on seat 12 write on wall 11 leave it messy 10 don't flush toilet 9
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tags: public bathrooms habits funny kids category: 6 answers
60. Name something people put their fingers in their mouth to do.
pick teeth 27 floss 23 bite nails 12 suck finger/thumb 10 whistle 8 eat/taste food 6
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61. What Is A Bad Habit A Little Kid Would Have
Pick Nose Suck Thumb Bite Nails Lying Swearing
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62. Name something men do not do as often as women
Wash Bathe Tub Housework Shampoo Laundry
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tags: gender habits behavior lifestyle kids category: no points
63. What is that you do before going to bed?
Brush teeth Say prayers Change into pajamas Drink water Complete homework
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tags: kids bedtime routines habits sleep category: no points
64. Name a bad habit that kids pick up from their older brothers and sisters.
swearing 46 smoking cigarette 12 fighting 10 talking back 10 bad attitude 3 lying 3
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tags: family kids childhood siblings habits category: 6 answers
65. Name the first thing we do when we get back home
Take+off+shoes 23 Put+the+keys+down 19 Greet+others 11 Look+into+the+fridge 10 Go+to+the+toilet 5
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tags: daily routine habits family kids category: 5 answers
66. Name something you think is ok to do in public, but others frown upon.
Kiss 52 Breastfeeding 18 Fart 13 Belch 12 Pee 5
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tags: habits social norms kids funny category: 5 answers
67. Name something embarrassing that you are often caught doing.
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tags: embarrassing habits funny kids hilarious category: no points
68. Name something you'd like to be hypnotized to stop doing
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69. Name something you'd like to be hypnotized to stop doing.
smoking 54 overeating 14 drinking 7 snoring 4
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70. Name something people do before getting out of bed in the morning
Bend Stretch Turn Off Alarm Alarm Clock Hit Alarm Yawn Off Alarm
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tags: morning routine habits category: no points
71. Name Something You Do Same Time Every Day
Eat Meals Wake Up/ Sleep Brush Teeth Shower Go To Work/ School
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tags: routine daily habits schedules kids funny category: no points
72. Name something other people do that you find irritating.
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tags: annoying habits funny kids work school category: no points
73. Specifically, what are you doing every morning at 8 a.m.
Waking Up Sleeping Windows Zipper
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tags: routine habits daily life work kids category: no points
74. Name something that stains your teeth.
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tags: food drinks habits health kids funny category: 4 answers
75. Name Something You Do While Driving That You Don't Do On A Test
Speed Eat Run A Red Light No Seatbelt Sing
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tags: driving test habits transportation funny kids category: no points
76. If you were driving someone else's car, name something that would be hard to get used to
Seat Stick Shift Brakes Steering Wheel Stereo
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tags: cars driving funny habits kids vehicles category: no points
77. Name Something Other People Do You Find Irritating
Queue Jump Ignorance & Stupidity Noisy Eaters Liars Loud Music Smoking
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tags: habits kids hilarious work animals food category: no points
78. Name Something You Hate About The Way People Eat
Mouth Open Smack Their Lips Chew Loudly Eat Too Fast Sloppy
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tags: food people habits family kids funny category: no points
79. Which Part Of Your Morning Routine Won’t Leave Home Without Doing
Brush Teeth Shower Makeup Fixing Hair Getting Dressed
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tags: morning routine daily habits work kids category: no points
80. name something many people do at the same time every day
Start Work Eat Meals Sleep
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tags: routine daily life habits kids funny category: no points
81. Name something trivial people fight over.
money 55 being right 14 what to eat 13 parking 7
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tags: family food habits opinions holidays kids category: 4 answers
82. Name something a man might not notice his wife has changed.
her hair 78 her nail polish 6 the furnishings 6 her weight 3 her earrings 2 her undies 2
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tags: appearance accessories routine habits kids adults category: 6 answers
83. Name something some people don't take off when they go to bed
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tags: sleep bedtime habits clothing funny kids category: no points
84. Name A Reason Why It’s Harder To Get Out Of Bed On Some Days Than On Others.
tired 37 sick 27 bad weather 17 going to work/school 12 stayed up late 3 it's monday 3
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tags: sleep health routine mood habits kids category: 6 answers
85. Complete This Sentence Id Never Date Someone Who had bad
breath 42 hair 27 manners 12 attitude 8 hygiene 5 credit 4
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tags: food style hygiene habits kids funny category: 6 answers
86. Name something a person might do before going to bed that would make it hard for them to get right to sleep.
coffee 35 eat 28 exercise 13 horror movie 9 argument 4 shower 3
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tags: bedtime sleep stress habits relaxation kids category: 6 answers
87. Tell Me Something A Person Might Ask Their Partner To Quit.
smoking 60 drinking 25 job 7 talking 5
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tags: habits relationships kids food funny adults category: 4 answers
88. Tell Me Something You Did In High School Still Do At Work
Sleep Cheat Gossip Smoke Flirt Daydream Bite Nails
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tags: school work habits routines kids funny category: no points
89. Name something a wife might change about herself that her husband would not notice
Dye Hair Hair
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tags: marriage appearance habits kids funny hilarious category: no points
90. Tell me something a person could have that makes you not want to kiss them.
bad breath 54 send us your answers! 10
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tags: hygiene food appearance habits kids funny category: 2 answers
91. Name something you do while driving, even though you know it's wrong.
talk on phone 46 eat/drink 16 speed 8 not use seatbelt 7 smoke cigarette 4 don't use signals 4
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92. Name a habit that is hard to break.
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93. Name something you spend far too much time doing.
watching tv 51 daydreaming 9 sleeping 7 playing on computer 6 shopping 5 working 5
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94. Name Something An Impatient Person Might Do While Waiting In Line
complain 27 tap foot 25 yell 14 bite nails 12 swear 9 sigh/moan 6
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95. Name Something People Turn Off Before They Go To Bed
lights 59 tv 28
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tags: daily routine habits relaxation category: 2 answers
96. Tell me a bad habit that's difficult to break.
smoking 59 nail biting 18 drinking alcohol 7 gambling 6
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tags: habits psychology self-improvement funny category: 4 answers
97. name something people bite on when theyre nervous
Lip Nails Leslie Stahl Pencil Tough Questions Mike Wallace
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98. name something people do for their teeth right before a dentist appointment but not otherwise
Brush Well Floss Eat Use Mouthwash
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99. If you were driving someone else's car, name something that would be hard to get used to.
seat 44 brakes 19 steering wheel 11 mirrors 10 stick shift 8 stereo 5
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tags: driving vehicle features car habits category: 6 answers
100. Name Something Annoying That Men Often Do In Your Bathroom
Leave The Seat Up 34 Get Towels Dirty 21
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tags: funny hilarious bathroom men habits category: fast money
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