The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name Something Every Judge Needs To Have.
gavel 51 robe 18
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2. Name Something A King Has That The Average Person Doesn’t.
crown 44 castle 9
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tags: royalty power wealth respect authority category: 2 answers
3. Name Something A Police Officer Needs A Lot Of
Patience Bullets Courage Donuts Citations Coffee Back Up
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4. after getting pulled over what might a driver do that makes the cops really angry
Drive Off Yell Run Away Curse Get Out Of Car Argue
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tags: traffic police laws consequences authority respect category: no points
5. Why Might A Cop Who Pulls Someone Over Not Give A Ticket
Warning Nice Flirts Driver Cute Driver Cries Friend Light Out
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6. Name Something A Criminal Might Do To Avoid Being Recognized In A Police Line-Up.
shave 32 look down 16 cut hair 14 smile 12 dye hair 12 wear a disguise 9
Answers are hidden.
7. Name something a criminal would ditch if the Feds were after him.
weapon 32 car 25 disguise/mask 18 money/loot 17 accomplice 3
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tags: crime investigation police category: 5 answers
8. name a place that only the worlds dumbest thief would try to rob
Police Station White House Bank Fort Knox
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tags: security intelligence crime police category: no points
9. Name A Reason A Policeman Might Say He Had A Bad Day On The Job.
got shot 52 someone was murdered 15 couldn't catch crook 15 visited the morgue 10
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10. Name something people call the police to report.
burglary 53 noisy neighbors 19 accidents 15 a cookie 4 stolen car 2 vandalism 2
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tags: police crime emergencies safety kids category: 6 answers
11. Name something the police might use when searching for something
Pooches Bloodhounds Flashlight Pit Bulls Terriers Torch Puppies
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tags: police evidence investigation crime safety category: no points
12. What Would A Car Thief Hate To Find In The Backseat Of The Car He’d Just Stolen?
child 55 dog 25 police officer 13 owner 5
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13. Name something a robber would hate to have happen to his car while he was inside robbing a bank.
stolen 29 towed 20 not start 15 ticketed 9 accident 8 slashed tires 5
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tags: funny adults vehicles security crime police category: 6 answers
14. Name something a policeman might get out of his squad car to do.
write a ticket 66 make an arrest 10 use gun 8 get donuts 6 check driv. lic. 3
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tags: police law enforcement safety crime traffic kids category: 5 answers
15. a crime that most cops have probably committed themselves.
Speeding 1 Stealing 1 Jaywalking 1 Littering 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious police law enforcement crime speeding parking category: 4 answers
16. Name Something A King Has That Other Men Don’t
Castle Queen Crown Money Throne Servants Command
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tags: monarchy royalty authority respect category: no points
17. If you were in the Army, name something you might get yelled at for not doing
Being Lazy Saluting Superior Shining Your Shoes Making Bed Following Orders Getting Up On Time Push Ups
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tags: army military discipline respect authority category: no points
18. Tell Someone Who Parents Tell Their Kids To Have respect For. (More specific Then “Elders”)
teacher 57 grandparent 12 police officer 11 themselves 8 parent 6 clergy 5
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tags: family respect relationships authority etiquette category: 6 answers
19. Name An Occupation In Which Someone With A Baby Face Might Have A Hard Time Providing Their Authority
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20. Name someone in a kid's life who lets them get away with things their parent wouldn't
Aunt/uncle Having Children Babysitter Grandparents
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tags: family kids parents rules authority grandparents category: no points
21. Name an authority figure.
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tags: authority school work hospital kids hilarious category: 5 answers
22. Name Something Your Mother Made You Do That You Would Also Have To Do In The Army.
make your bed 55 clean up 13 wash the dishes 10 clean bathroom 5 laundry 3 obey 3 fold your clothes 3
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tags: family chores army military discipline authority category: 7 answers
23. Name another word for "strong".
Muscular Mighty Tough Powerful
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24. Name a situation where you might want to have the power of invisibility.
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tags: situations power category: no points
25. Name something about a person that might cause a judge to give him or her a break when sentencing
First Offense New Criminal Handicap Mentally Disabled Offense Parent Health
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26. Name Something A King Would Hate To Be Without.
queen 31 crown 24 his kingdom 14 throne 9 servents 8 fool 7 subjects 6
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27. Name a source of energy people used before oil:
coal 27 wood 25 water 17 wind 10 steam 8
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28. Name something you would like taken away from CEO's of big companies
Extras Bonuses Gratuities Pride Showy Tips
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29. Name something you see in a courtroom.
judge 36 lawyers 28 jury 21 bailiff 8 gavel 7
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30. Name a television show about lawyers
The Practice Order Practice Ally Mcbeal And Order Law And Order Mcbeal
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31. Besides the President, name a powerful position in the U.S. Government
Vice President House Speaker The House Vp Veep Speaker Of The House President
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tags: government politics power history category: no points
32. Name a superhero you wouldn't want to pick a fight with
The Incredible Hulk Wolverine Wonder Woman Superman
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tags: superheroes fights danger power category: no points
33. Which North Pole Resident Is Most Likely To Become Jealous Of Santa’s Power?
Elf 45 Jack Frost 31 Rudolph 14 Mrs. Claus 8
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34. Name Something That President Obama Has A Lot Of.
money 51 problems 12 supporters 11 charisma 8 security/guards 8 opponents 5 power 4
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35. Name Something Oprah Winfrey Has That The Average Woman Admires.
money 49 talk show 15 self esteem 12 charisma 11 style 8
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tags: wealth intelligence power success category: 5 answers
36. Name something that two superhero friends might fight about.
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37. Name someone who works in a courtroom
Litigator Advocate Lawyer Magistrate Solicitor Judge
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38. Give me another word for 'jail'
Slammer Lockup Clink Prison Pen
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tags: legal law enforcement prison kids category: no points
39. Name something you find in a court room.
judge 36 lawyers 28 jury 21 baliff 8 gavel 7
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40. Name something that heats up when you turn it on.
Oven Heater Kettle Iron Coffee Pot
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tags: appliances electronics heat temperature power category: 5 answers
41. Name Someone, Real Or Fictional, Who Was Very Greedy.
scrooge 75 trump 12
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tags: money wealth possessions power kids category: 2 answers
42. If Donald Trump lost all his money, name something else he'd probably lose.
wife 44 hair 16 property 11 fame 9 mind 8 dignity 3
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tags: money friends respect power status category: 6 answers
43. Name something that gives men a feeling of power.
money 36 car 9 job 8 their ego 8 women 8 gun 5
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tags: power men confidence masculinity social status category: 6 answers
44. Who was the most influential person of the 20th Century?
john f kennedy 21 martin luther king 18 bill gates 8 franklin d roosevelt 7 mother teresa 6
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tags: history famous power legacy innovation category: 5 answers
45. Name something you must be legally old enough to do.
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tags: legal age responsibility adulthood maturity rights category: 5 answers
46. Name a Type Of Document That You Might File And Save For
Taxes Birth Certificate Will Marriage Certificate Medical Bills Insurance Forms
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tags: finance medical legal education employment category: no points
47. what might a jilted lover do after a breakup that lands them in court
Stalk Vandalize Car
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tags: court love breakup relationships legal category: no points
48. Name Something The Government Knows About You But You Wouldnt Talk To A CoWorker About
income 31 tax information 26 social security 21 criminal record 15 debt 5
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49. If Your License Has Expired, How Do You Get To The DMV To Renew It?
bus 25 drive anyway 23 walk 19 ask a friend 16 take a cab 11 bike 4
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tags: driving legal transportation vehicles funny category: 6 answers
50. Name a source of power.
the sun 22 combustion 7 the wind 6 batteries 6 water 6
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tags: power work money nature family community category: 5 answers
51. Name something that a villain’s minion might go on strike for.
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tags: work money power freedom rights funny category: no points
52. Name something men worry about losing.
their hair 69 their money 7 their libido 5 a woman 5 their body 4 their job 3
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tags: hair money status power respect freedom category: 6 answers
53. If aliens visited the earth, who would they think ruled the world?
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tags: humans aliens society culture power government category: no points
54. Other Than Speeding Name A Reason A Cop Might Pull You Over
light out 35 swerving 34 failure to stop 23 no seatbelt 6
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tags: traffic safety legal driving kids funny category: 4 answers
55. After A Cop Pulls You Over, What Might You Try To Do To Avoid Getting A Ticket
cry 28 flirt 26 lie 18 smile 8 be nice 8 beg 6 apologize 3
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tags: legal traffic driving law enforcement tickets excuses category: 7 answers
56. Tell Me An Important Document You’d Hate To Lose In A Fire.
birth certificate 35 car title 13
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tags: home legal personal photos finances medical category: 2 answers
57. Name Something That Stars Do During A Divorce That You Wouldnt Do
fight 28 party 28 date right away 18 go public 5 sue for large sums 5
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tags: relationships divorce family conflict separation legal category: 5 answers
58. Name something a divorce couple literally cannot cut in half.
Kids House Rings
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tags: divorce separation family relationships marriage legal category: 3 answers
59. Name something a woman should change after getting divorced
Family Name Last Name Surname Name Nest Egg Account Moniker
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tags: marriage love relationships family divorce legal category: no points
60. name a celebrity who was proven not guilty but probably is
Michael Jackson Oj Simpson Kobe Bryant Audrey Hepburn Jackie O James Dean
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tags: celebrities legal gossip entertainment famous people category: no points
61. Name A Profession That Has To Worry About Getting Sued
doctor 54 lawyer 31 police officer 8
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tags: work legal healthcare finance education food category: 3 answers
62. Name a professional that charges for advice.
Therapist 38 Lawyer 31
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tags: fast money work business finance legal medical therapy category: fast money
63. Name something you associate with Sherlock Holmes
Solving Mysteries Pipe John Watson Mysteries Doctor Watson Smoking Pipe Watson
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64. Name A TV Show About Police.
nypd blue 41 cops 32 csi 22
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65. tell me something you might find at a crime scene that could be a major clue
Prints Blood Dna Weapon
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66. Name something a bank uses for security against crime.
CCTY Guards Alamrs Bulletproof Glass Vault
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67. Name something you associate with the sopranos.
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68. Name something the planet Earth would be better off with less of.
pollution 40 people 17 cars 10 politicians 3 mosquitoes 3 crime 3 hatred 3
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69. Name a specific crime that a vigilante could be charged with.
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70. Name Something A Bank Robber Would Hate To Be Without.
guns 66 mask 14
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71. What's something people can get away with if they have a really good lawyer
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72. Name A Place Where You Might See Lots Of Police Officers
police station 42 donut shop 18 concert 11 riot 8 parade 8 crime scene 6
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tags: crime law enforcement emergency category: 6 answers
73. Name Something A Mobster Might Have A Tattoo Of.
gun 45 mom 26 skull 9 snake 5 cross 4 money 4
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74. Name Something People In California Might Worry About
earthquake 55 fires 12 crime 10 mudslides 8 having enough money 6 sunburn 5 smog 4
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tags: earthquakes traffic crime category: 7 answers
75. Name a kind of place where people should be on the lookout for robbers.
bank/a.t.m. 53 malls/stores 15 dark street/alley 12 at home 5 subway/train 4
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76. Name Something The Police Might Look For When They Search A Suspects House
drugs 65 evidence 17 weapon 13 suspect 3
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77. name an excuse youd give to a cop to try and get out of a speeding ticket
Going To Hospital Need To Use Bathroom New In Town Late For Work
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78. what do thieves most commonly steal
Swim Cap Pose For Pictures Money Men Are Immature Jewelry
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79. Name A Famous British Serial Killer
Rose West Dr Crippin Fred West Myra Hindley Ian Brady Jack The Ripper
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80. Name a famous TV detective
Columbo Frank Columbo Theo Kojak Kojak Magnum Pi Thomas Magnum
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tags: tv entertainment famous crime investigation category: no points
81. A mugger hopes you have money. Name something he hopes you don't have.
gun/weapon 73 mace/pepper spray 17 attitude/guts 4 empty wallet 2 illness 2
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82. Name Something A Shop Might Use To Catch Shoplifters
CCTV Security Guards Tags On Items
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tags: security retail crime prevention category: no points
83. Name A City Associated With Organized Crime
New York 53 Chicago 34 Los Angeles 7 Las Vegas 5
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84. What Might A Bankrobber Wear In Order To Keep His Identity A Secret?
mask 58 gloves 13 wig 10 hat 8 sunglasses 5
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85. Name a celebrity who fought the law, but the law won.
o.j. simpson 19 willie nelson 12 charlie sheen 9 martha stewart 8 robert downe jr. 5 johnny cash 4
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tags: celebrities law famous crime justice category: 6 answers
86. what might a mobster do that gets him kicked out of the family
Dip Into Money Stash Invite Her Over Snitch Introduce Her Put Hit On Someone
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87. What's the best way for a woman to defend herself from a mugger
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tags: safety self-defense crime women category: no points
88. Name Something A Bankrobber Wants To Get Rid Of Quickly, So It Isn’t Used As Evidence.
weapon 32 mask 29 car 15 bags of money 13 gloves 8
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89. To stay undercover, what might a criminal have that's fake
Hair ID Facial Hair Name
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tags: law enforcement disguise crime fake category: no points
90. name a famous criminal twosome
Butch Cass/sund Kid Bonnie And Clyde Martin Lawrence Thelma And Louise
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tags: famous criminals history crime law category: no points
91. Name Something You Might See At A Crime Scene
blood 22 police 20 body 19 yellow tape 14 chalk outline 8 dog 6 police car 6
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tags: crime investigation evidence mystery category: 7 answers
92. Name Something The Police Use To Identify A Criminal.
fingerprints 63 drivers license 8 pictures 7 mug shot 4 computer 3 license plate 3 dna testing 3
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tags: law enforcement crime identification forensics category: 7 answers
93. Name a reason why it would be a pain to live in a big city.
Traffic 48 Crowded 22 Noisy 16 Expensive 8 Pollution 5
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94. Name a word you would use to describe a mobster.
Crook Scoundrel Shady Mean
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95. Tell me one thing you know about Rudy Giuliani.
mayor of nyc 81 ran for president 3 cancer survivor 2 fair 2 yankee fan 2 great speaker 2
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tags: politics law television crime new york category: 6 answers
96. Name something that often gets stolen.
send us your answers! 10 money 35
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tags: personal belongings security crime category: 2 answers
97. What might a mobster do that gets him kicked out of his mob family?
snitch 43 steal 29 kill 15 lie 13
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98. Name something that a bank uses for security against crime:
cameras 59 alarm system 23 guard 8 vault 7
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99. Name a reason you might have to evacuate your home.
fire 54 flood 16 hurricane 9 gas leak 6 bug infestation 5
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tags: natural disasters fire crime category: 5 answers
100. Name something most burglars never steal during a home robbery.
clothes 15 food 13 pictures 10 refrigerator 8 couch 6 dishes 4
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