The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something you gain as you get older.
wisdom 50 patience 29 gray hair 14 children 7
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tags: wisdom experience wrinkles knowledge responsibility category: 4 answers
2. They say with age comes wisdom. Name something else that comes with age.
wrinkles 38 aches 15 experience 10 gray hair 10 hair loss 4 arthritis 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: wrinkles experience knowledge maturity wisdom category: 6 answers
3. Name a food that turns brown when it is not fresh.
banana 29 apple 22 lettuce 14 ground beef 12 avocado 6 strawberries 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: food trivia family knowledge learning general knowledge category: 6 answers
4. Name a sport women enjoy watching more than men.
tennis 40 ice skating 20 gymnastics 10 volley ball 5 basketball 4 golf 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: family feud sports gender fun trivia category: 6 answers
5. Name a holiday that's probably more important to women than men
Mother's Day Valentine's Day Easter Opportunities Thanksgiving
Answers are hidden.
tags: family relationships holidays gender women category: no points
6. Name something that chauvinistic males command their wives to do
Roast Make Dinner Cuisine Prepare Dinner Bake
Answers are hidden.
tags: gender roles marriage relationships family category: no points
7. Name a chore that used to be considered "woman's work", that dads are more likely to do now.
Answers are hidden.
tags: family chores gender roles parenting category: no points
8. Tell Me A Word People Use To Describe Female Babies But Not Male Babies
pretty 35 cute 29 beautiful 12 princess 7 precious 6 adorable 4 doll 3
Answers are hidden.
9. Name A Job That’s Still Primarily Held By Women.
nurse 35 receptionist 29
Answers are hidden.
tags: family jobs women gender roles society category: 2 answers
10. According to women: What do men consider more important than marriage?
career 28 money 21 other women 16 sports 12 cars 6 freedom 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships family marriage divorce gender roles category: 6 answers
11. Something Woman Do To Show Affection A Man Rarely Does
Kiss Cuddle Hug Hold Hands
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tags: family affection relationships gender roles love marriage category: no points
12. Name something twins sometimes do in the same way.
Dress Laugh Talk Walk Hair
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13. Name some famous brothers
Baldwin Righteous Jackson Brothers Smothers Wright Marx Jacksons
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tags: siblings family history entertainment men category: no points
14. Name Something A Younger Brother Wants To Do
Drive Play Sports Dress Date Shave Stay Up Late Talk
Answers are hidden.
15. Name something the oldest child gets more of than the other kids in the family.
attention 33 money 16 responsibilities 13 clothes 12 discipline 8 dessert 3
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16. Name Something Some Siblings Have In Common That Others Don’t
Parents Hair Eye Color Last Name Facial Features
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tags: family siblings relationships kids category: no points
17. What Are 2 Brothers Most Likely To Fight Over?
girls 45 toys 35 clothes 8 tv 8
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tags: family siblings competition fun kids category: 4 answers
18. Name a bad habit that kids pick up from their older brothers and sisters.
swearing 46 smoking cigarette 12 fighting 10 talking back 10 bad attitude 3 lying 3
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tags: family kids childhood siblings habits category: 6 answers
19. Name something big sisters teach little sisters how to do.
makeup 48 fix hair 8 date 7 kiss 5 cook 5 dress 4
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tags: siblings family relationships children learning category: 6 answers
20. Name one fact about Janet Jackson
Actress Singer
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tags: music family entertainment awards siblings category: no points
21. Name something that twins share.
clothes 28 bedroom 15 parents 14 thoughts 10 friendship 10 looks 9
Answers are hidden.
22. name something that sibling accuse one another of hogging
Tv/remote Bathroom Parents Attention
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tags: siblings food attention resources family category: no points
23. Name something that siblings might have to share.
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids family sharing siblings funny category: 4 answers
24. Name The Worst Thing To Have To Share With A Sibling
clothes 33 bedroom 25 bed 20 toys 10 food 4 bathroom 3 car 3
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tags: siblings family home sharing competition category: 7 answers
25. Name Something Twins Might Always Share.
looks 40 parents 27 birthday 24 genes 5 last name 3
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tags: kids funny family siblings childhood category: 5 answers
26. Name something that siblings accuse one another of “hogging.”
tv/remote 32 bathroom 27 toys 14 dinner/dessert 11 computer 6 bed/covers 5 parents' attention 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: siblings sharing family home games category: 7 answers
27. Name something that sisters almost always fight over
Boys Makeup Clothes
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tags: family siblings conflict relationships women category: no points
28. Name something a younger sister might hide if she didn't want her older sister to go out on a date.
outfit 35 makeup 21 purse 16 keys 9 cell phone 7 perfume 6
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tags: kids siblings family funny hilarious category: 6 answers
29. Name something twins have in common.
looks 52 parents 19 birthday 9 surname 5 genes 3
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tags: family genetics siblings kids funny category: 5 answers
30. Name something siblings might be forced to share.
Bedroom Toys Clothes Bathroom Car
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tags: kids funny hilarious family siblings childhood category: no points
31. Name something that siblings compete over.
regard 42 notice 42 parents 42 mom 42 awareness 42 grades 7 attention 42 dad 42 figurines 19 playthings 19 duckies 19 dolls 19 tv 6 toys 19 stuffed animals 19 rubber duckies 19 sports 8 soccer 8 track 8 television 6 games 8 matches 8 hockey 8 baseball 8 basketball 8 field 8 athletics 8 football 8 golf 8 competitions 8 schools 7 academics 7 marks 7 boob tube 6 tube 6 on television 6 bucks 4 cash 4 riches 4 currency 4 wealth 4 money 4 coinage 4
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tags: siblings competition family funny school resources category: 43 answers
32. on a first date who should your date avoid introducing you to so soon
Parents Riding A Bike Friends Ex Watching Movies
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tags: first date friends family siblings exes embarrassing category: no points
33. Name something kids take turns doing when they come from a big family
Going To Bathroom Toilet Lavatory Restroom Bathroom
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tags: family kids siblings chores play homework category: no points
34. Name something that a big brother teaches his little brother how to do.
throw ball 33 ride a bike 12 pick up girls 8 tie laces 7 fight 6 go to bathroom 5
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tags: kids family siblings learning teaching skills category: 6 answers
35. Name something that a child from a large family never has to herself
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tags: kids funny family siblings parents love category: no points
36. which group of people in a persons life might have given him/her a nickname
Sports Team Friends/schoolmates Family Ronald Reagan
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tags: family friends siblings coworkers nicknames childhood category: no points
37. What are people talking about when they brag they've never had a single one in their lives?
traffic ticket 25 cigarette 20 accident 17 affair 5 cavity 5
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tags: family arguments disagreements kids siblings funny category: 5 answers
38. Name Something Twins Do As Kids, But Probably Not As Adults.
Dress Alike 59
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tags: kids family childhood siblings funny twins category: fast money
39. Name A Kind Of Event A Child In A Large Family Might Have To Go To A Lot
birthday parties 30 sporting events 23 graduations 10 family reunions 10 weddings 9 recitals/plays 6 church 5
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tags: siblings family kids events party occasions category: 7 answers
40. Name something the oldest child gets more than the other kids in the family
Dessert Attention Discipline Responsibility Money
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tags: kids family parents siblings funny childhood category: no points
41. Name Something That A Child From A Large Family Never Has To Their Self
Bedroom Bathroom Time Toys Clothes TV Parents Attention
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tags: family siblings childhood kids funny relatable category: no points
42. Name A Reason Why Someone Might Make Fun Of Your Dance Moves
they're jealous 25 don't know steps 25 old fashioned moves 22 clumsy/tripping 17 no rhythm 8
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tags: family siblings funny kids adults hilarious category: 5 answers
43. Name someone you have a very hard time saying no to.
kids 44 parent 35 partner 14 boss 5
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tags: family friends kids funny siblings spouses category: 4 answers
44. Name something great about being an adult.
freedom 31 no curfew 23 allowed to drink 13 make decisions 12 driving 11 making money 10
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tags: family siblings parents adults funny bonding category: 6 answers
45. Name Something Sister Borrow From Their Brothers.
clothes/shoes 54 money 21 music/cds 7 car 6 deoderant 4 comb/brush 2
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tags: siblings borrowing family clothes jewelry toys category: 6 answers
46. In a large family,what often gets mixed up with that of your siblings?
laundry 48 names 21 toys 11 birthdays 9 food 7 toothbrush 3
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tags: siblings food family funny silly kids category: 6 answers
47. Name something kids are told to take turns using.
Toys Bathroom Phone Bike Swing
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tags: kids family home siblings sharing toys category: 5 answers
48. Name a place where kids don't like spending summer vacation.
school 41 home 29 grandparents house 23 camp 7
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tags: school homework chores family siblings summer category: 4 answers
49. Name something kids might fight over during a family road trip.
Seats Music Games Space Snacks
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tags: kids family road trip fighting siblings category: no points
50. Name Something You Were Afraid To Do For The First Time.
drive 42 kiss/intimacy 27 swim 11 ride a bike 6 go to school 5 get on a plane 4
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tags: fear experience challenge category: 6 answers
51. What do you think your approximate I.Q. is?
120 20 100 18 150 11 140 9 130 8 110 7
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tags: intelligence trivia knowledge general knowledge psychology category: 6 answers
52. Name an activity at which you failed the first time you tried it.
Driving Cycling Skiing Golf Skating
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tags: experience activities embarrassing funny category: 5 answers
53. Name A Place Of Business That You Would Not Return To After Only One Bad Customer Service Experience.
restaurant 41 bank 21 hair salon 10 doctor 10 store 9 hotel 7
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tags: retail service customers experience category: 6 answers
54. name something teens are excited to do for the first time but adults are tired of doing
Kiss Someone Intimacy Driving
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tags: teens adults excitement experience chores category: no points
55. Name something a woman might lie about while being interviewed for a job.
age 51 experience 25 skills 6 marriage status 4 education 3
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tags: work skills experience education funny category: 5 answers
56. Name a reason you might give your waiter a good tip.
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tags: service food experience kids adults category: 6 answers
57. Name Something You Need In Order To Get A Great Job
resume 34 education 30 experience 13 good looks 8 personality 5 intelligence 3 connections 3
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tags: career education skills experience resume category: 7 answers
58. Name a reason why a person who has a car would call a cab.
been drinking 45 car trouble 40 bad weather 6 going to airport 4
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tags: transportation convenience emergency comfort experience category: 4 answers
59. Name something that annoys you at movie theaters
Long Lines People Talking Kids Running Mobile Phone Baby Crying
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tags: movies theater annoying entertainment experience category: no points
60. Name things people lie about on resumes
Education 28 Job title 24 Length of time worked at a job 18 Skills/experience 15 Achievements 11
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tags: work office school skills experience personality category: 5 answers
61. what might someone hope to get by going on a reality tv show
Dates/spouses Jump Thrash Prizes Money Fame
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tags: fame money love attention adventure experience category: no points
62. if you were dating someone 10 years younger name something specific you might have more experience with
Hair Salon/barber Dating Intimacy Finances Raising Kids
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tags: dating relationships experience life lessons advice category: no points
63. Name something you have less of with age.
Hair Energy Memory Patience Money
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tags: aging time youth health wisdom experience category: no points
64. Name the worst thing about riding the bus.
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tags: transportation commute experience annoyance daily routine category: 5 answers
65. In your opinion, what occupation has the most masculine men?
construction 35 pro sports 20 firemen/paramedic 14 fitness trainer 7 police officer 5 lifeguard 5
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tags: men masculinity occupation gender category: 6 answers
66. What Topic Would You See In A Women’s Magazine That’s Never In A Men’s Magazine?
make up 37 period 29 fashion 12 cooking 10 pregnancy 10
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67. We asked 100 men: What do you most enjoy shopping for
Cars Sporting Goods Hardware Electronics
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tags: hobbies shopping men preferences gender category: no points
68. We surveyed 100 men: Name something you'd better not interrupt a woman while she's doing it
Shopping Eating Sleeping Fixing Hair Watching Tv/movie Bathing/bathroom Talking/arguing
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tags: relationships gender humor men women category: no points
69. Name A Job That’s Still More Common Among Women Than Men.
Nurse 48
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70. Name A Type Of TV Show You’d Be Surprised To See A Man Watching.
soap opera 74 talk shows 15 cooking 5 fashion 2
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tags: tv men surprise gender roles stereotypes category: 4 answers
71. We Asked 100 Men: Where Do Women Just Hate To Go?
Sport Events 47 Bar 14 Work 12 Supermarket 12 Strip Club 4 Doctor/Dentist 4
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tags: relationships gender humor survey category: 6 answers
72. Name a hobby that's traditionally for women, but these days men are doing it too.
sewing 41 cooking 12 yoga 10 gardening 8 scrap booking 7 nurse 5 crafts 3
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tags: hobbies men women gender roles category: 7 answers
73. In Movies, Name An Occupation That’s Almost Always Played By Men
Doctor 43 Cop 24 Lawyer 18 Detective 5 Cowboy 4 Firefighter 3 President 3
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tags: movies work gender roles category: 7 answers
74. We asked 100 men: Name something men think they know more about than women
Directions Cars Women Sports
Answers are hidden.
tags: gender roles trivia humor category: no points
75. Name a kind of repairman who might be more tempted to cheat a woman than he would a man.
auto mechanic 46 plumber 28 carpenter/roofer 10 washing machine 3 refrigerator 3
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tags: funny jobs gender psychology relationships category: 5 answers
76. Name A Part Of The Body Where Men Have More Hair Than Women.
chest 38 face 27 legs 13
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77. If women are born to shop, what are men born to do?
work/make money 28 watch tv/sports 28 drink/eat 7 shop/spend money 5 sleep/lounge 5 flirt/cheat 5
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tags: funny gender roles shopping relationships category: 6 answers
78. name a bad habit associated more with men than with women
Burping/belching Drinking Alcohol Spitting Bad Language Cheating/adultery Smoking Aggression
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tags: habits relationships psychology gender roles category: no points
79. Name something men do not do as often as women
Wash Bathe Tub Housework Shampoo Laundry
Answers are hidden.
tags: gender habits behavior lifestyle kids category: no points
80. Name something some men just can't stand a woman being better at than they are.
sports 38 making money 19 driving 14 fixing things 11 cards 4 math 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships competition gender roles humor category: 6 answers
81. Name something men think women do more of after they are married
Groan Protest Complain Remonstrate Moan Whine Grippe
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tags: relationships marriage gender roles humor funny category: no points
82. We surveyed 100 married women...Tell me one word that always gets a man's attention
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tags: relationships marriage psychology gender communication humor category: no points
83. We surveyed 100 married women...If you didn't cook for your husband, what would he do
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tags: relationships marriage cooking gender roles kids category: no points
84. We Asked 100 Women: What Do People Often Say About Men That Isn’t True In Your Experience
All Dogs/Pigs Talk On Phone
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships gender roles stereotypes social norms communication category: no points
85. Name Something Men Do In The Bathroom That Really Ticks Women Off.
leave seat up 34 pee on seat 26 don't clean sink 21 cut their hair 5 leave underware 4 read 3
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tags: adults bathroom funny gender roles marriage relationships category: 6 answers
86. Name a sport that doesn't include a ball.
hockey 44 swimming 36 track 8 wrestling 5 boxing 4
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tags: sports knowledge trivia family kids category: 5 answers
87. Name a sport that requires a net:
tennis 56 volleyball 23 basketball 12 fishing 4 badminton 2 soccer 2 ping pong 1
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tags: sports general knowledge kids fun family category: 7 answers
88. Name something that, once you learn how to do it, you never forget.
ride a bike 59 tie shoes 13 walk 7 drive 6
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tags: family learning skills knowledge memory category: 4 answers
89. Name a sport that might be considered "high-class".
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tags: sports trivia knowledge family kids category: no points
90. Tell me who is the smartest member of your family.
Myself Mother Father Spouse
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tags: family intelligence knowledge education kids category: 4 answers
91. Other Than School, Name A Place Where You Find
Gym Work Theme/Water Park Bus Station
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tags: places family work friends knowledge category: no points
92. Name a style of music
Classical Jazz Rock Rap
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tags: music entertainment fun knowledge family kids category: no points
93. Name the u.s. city with the most expensive restaurants.
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tags: food family knowledge travel cities trivia category: no points
94. Name something you don't need to be smart to win.
Answers are hidden.
tags: trivia fun general knowledge family games kids category: no points
95. What could an astronaut see out of the window of the space station?
Earth Moon Space Satellites Comet
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids space science knowledge family funny category: no points
96. Name an animal that is mentioned in the bible.
sheep 24 donkeys 22 snakes 17 camels 14 lions 13 doves 5 goats 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: animals kids family trivia knowledge faith category: 7 answers
97. Name something you need to play Trivial Pursuit.
cards 43 players 14 board 13 dice 11 knowledge 7 a good memory 4
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tags: games knowledge trivia family entertainment learning category: 6 answers
98. Tell Me A Pet That Lives A Long Time.
dog 32 tortoise 18
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tags: animals pets trivia knowledge kids family category: 2 answers
99. Name someone famous with the last name "Moore."
demi moore 45 mary tyler moore 16 michael moore 15 roger moore 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: celebrities family history knowledge learning kids category: 4 answers
100. Name something that a superhero’s sibling might be envious of.
Answers are hidden.
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