According to women: What do men consider more important than marriage?
career 28 money 21 other women 16 sports 12 cars 6 freedom 4
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tags: relationships family marriage divorce gender roles category: 6 answers
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
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2. Something Woman Do To Show Affection A Man Rarely Does
Kiss Cuddle Hug Hold Hands
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3. We surveyed 100 married women...If you didn't cook for your husband, what would he do
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4. Name something men think women do more of after they are married
Groan Protest Complain Remonstrate Moan Whine Grippe
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5. Name Something Men Do In The Bathroom That Really Ticks Women Off.
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6. name a bad habit associated more with men than with women
Burping/belching Drinking Alcohol Spitting Bad Language Cheating/adultery Smoking Aggression
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7. Name something some men just can't stand a woman being better at than they are.
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8. If women are born to shop, what are men born to do?
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9. We Asked 100 Women: What Do People Often Say About Men That Isn’t True In Your Experience
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10. Name a chore that used to be considered "woman's work", that dads are more likely to do now.
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tags: family chores gender roles parenting category: no points
11. Name A Job That’s Still Primarily Held By Women.
nurse 35 receptionist 29
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12. Who's usually the winner in a divorce: the husband, the wife, or the lawyer
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tags: relationships marriage family divorce law humor category: no points
13. Tell me something you might have to replace after a divorce.
house 34 furniture/elec. 17 spouse 14 car 7 cash/bank account 6 dishes 3 mind/sanity 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships family funny marriage humor divorce category: 7 answers
14. Name something a divorce couple literally cannot cut in half.
Kids House Rings
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tags: divorce separation family relationships marriage legal category: 3 answers
15. Name something that a person who just got divorced might be hesitant to do
Subway Skating Rink Date Airfare Taxi
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tags: relationships marriage divorce emotions family kids category: no points
16. Name something a woman should change after getting divorced
Family Name Last Name Surname Name Nest Egg Account Moniker
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tags: marriage love relationships family divorce legal category: no points
17. Name A Type Of TV Show You’d Be Surprised To See A Man Watching.
soap opera 74 talk shows 15 cooking 5 fashion 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: tv men surprise gender roles stereotypes category: 4 answers
18. Name a hobby that's traditionally for women, but these days men are doing it too.
sewing 41 cooking 12 yoga 10 gardening 8 scrap booking 7 nurse 5 crafts 3
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tags: hobbies men women gender roles category: 7 answers
19. We asked 100 men: Name something men think they know more about than women
Directions Cars Women Sports
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tags: gender roles trivia humor category: no points
20. In Movies, Name An Occupation That’s Almost Always Played By Men
Doctor 43 Cop 24 Lawyer 18 Detective 5 Cowboy 4 Firefighter 3 President 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: movies work gender roles category: 7 answers
21. We asked 100 married men: What do you think is the real reason so many marriages break up
Married Too Soon No Passion Money No Communicating
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tags: marriage relationships men divorce reasons category: no points
22. Name something in a divorce settlement that can't be divided in half
Sailboat Brussel Sprouts House Child
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tags: divorce marriage humor relationships category: no points
23. Name something a woman should change after her divorce.
name 67 bank account 9 hairstyle 7 address/telephone 5 phone number 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: marriage relationships divorce adults category: 5 answers
24. We surveyed 100 married women...If your husband asked you for a divorce Sunday night, what's the first thing you would do Monday morning?
see lawyer/file 35 leave house 17 kick him out 12 clean out bank 10 change locks 7 ask him why? 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage divorce funny survey category: 6 answers
25. We surveyed 100 married women...Tell me one word that always gets a man's attention
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tags: relationships marriage psychology gender communication humor category: no points
26. Name Something A Couple Stops Sharing After They Get Divorced.
bed 52 car 3
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tags: relationships marriage divorce personal belongings finances category: 2 answers
27. Name something people try to keep when they get divorced.
House Kids Money Jewelry Car Pet Sanity
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tags: relationships marriage separation divorce couples breakup category: 7 answers
28. Name something you might throw out when you get divorced.
Photos Clothes Ring Bed
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tags: relationships marriage belongings possessions clutter divorce category: no points
29. We surveyed 100 married women...If your husband asked you for a divorce Sunday night, what's the first thing you would do Monday morning
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage survey funny divorce couples category: no points
30. Name a celebrity couple who has battled through a nasty divorce
Jennifer And B... Tom And Nicole Charlie And De.. Alec And Kim Paul And Heath... Britney And Ke...
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tags: celebrities divorce marriage relationships gossip famous people category: no points
31. Name something your second spouse would not want to see from your first marriage.
pictures 35 first spouse 12 fights 11 home videos 9 kids 5 affair 4 ring 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: marriage divorce family hilarious funny category: 7 answers
32. Name a member of the wedding party.
bride 45 brides maid 15 maid of honor 15 groom 13 best man 12
Answers are hidden.
tags: wedding family party people relationships roles category: 5 answers
33. Name a Reason People Might Change Their Name
Got Married 2 Their Name is Lame 4 Witness Protection 2 Divorce 1
Answers are hidden.
34. Name a holiday that's probably more important to women than men
Mother's Day Valentine's Day Easter Opportunities Thanksgiving
Answers are hidden.
tags: family relationships holidays gender women category: no points
35. Name something a guy hates giving up in a divorce.
money 47 house 27 children/wife 9 car 7 half 5 dog 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships divorce family children funny category: 6 answers
36. Name something of Tarzan's that Jane would get if they divorced.
cheetah/animals 31 treehouse/hut 26 rope/vine 13 1/2 the jungle 10 loincloth 9
Answers are hidden.
37. If a man's wife did everything for him, name something in his house he'd have trouble using if they got divorced
Dishwasher Washer Microwave Stove Vacuum
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tags: family relationships housework divorce humor funny category: no points
38. Name Something That Stars Do During A Divorce That You Wouldnt Do
fight 28 party 28 date right away 18 go public 5 sue for large sums 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships divorce family conflict separation legal category: 5 answers
39. Name something a man might hide right before he divorces his wife.
money 69 affair 11 phone numbers 4 letters 3 wedding ring 3 photos 2 new address 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: marriage divorce secrets betrayal money assets category: 7 answers
40. Name something a man might give away so his wife couldn't get it in a divorce.
car 40 money 27 boat 7 house 5 land 3 motorcycle 2 jewelry 2 stocks 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: marriage divorce money assets comedy funny category: 8 answers
41. Name Something A Divorced Person Might Do With Their Wedding Ring
sell it 60 throw it away 20 give it back 11 keep it 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: divorce jewelry marriage personal belongings adults funny category: 4 answers
42. We Asked 100 Men: Where Do Women Just Hate To Go?
Sport Events 47 Bar 14 Work 12 Supermarket 12 Strip Club 4 Doctor/Dentist 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships gender humor survey category: 6 answers
43. We surveyed 100 men: Name something you'd better not interrupt a woman while she's doing it
Shopping Eating Sleeping Fixing Hair Watching Tv/movie Bathing/bathroom Talking/arguing
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships gender humor men women category: no points
44. Name a kind of repairman who might be more tempted to cheat a woman than he would a man.
auto mechanic 46 plumber 28 carpenter/roofer 10 washing machine 3 refrigerator 3
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tags: funny jobs gender psychology relationships category: 5 answers
45. Name something a newly divorced man might do for the first time in years
Court Club Blind Date Bar Nightclub Pub Date
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships divorce single adulthood funny category: no points
46. Name something in a divorce settlement that can't be divided in half.
child 67 house 18 pet 9 car 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships kids children lawyer parents divorce category: 4 answers
47. Pretend you're psychic and tell me whose divorce you think you'll be reading about next year
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships celebrities gossip entertainment famous people divorce category: no points
48. We Asked 100 Single People: Who In Your Life Gives You The Most Pressure To Settle Down and Marry?
Mom 55 Friends 24 Person I’m Dating 8
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tags: relationships marriage family category: 3 answers
49. Name The Youngest Age A Person Should Get Married
20 18 25 21 22
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tags: marriage relationships family funny category: no points
50. Tell me something a wife expects her husband to do on their anniversary
Present Blossoms Roses Parcel Tulips
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tags: relationships marriage anniversary family category: no points
51. Name Something Your Husband Would Like To Get Rid Of.
ball & chain 43 extra pounds 28 debt 13 pets 11
Answers are hidden.
tags: marriage relationships funny family category: 4 answers
52. Tell Me The Youngest Age When Someone Should Get Married
20 18 21
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tags: marriage age relationships family adulthood category: no points
53. We asked 100 married men…Name something you wouldn't dare buy without first asking your wife
Clothes Catnip Furniture Jewelry Car Tools
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tags: relationships marriage humor funny family category: no points
54. According to women: Name something your husband hates about your friends
Newsmongering Rumors Gossip Nightclub Backchat Empty Talk Going Out
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tags: relationships marriage friends family funny category: no points
55. Some men are placing want ads for wives. Name one of the job requirements that might be listed.
housekeeping 23 pretty 10 loving 9
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tags: family marriage humor relationships funny category: 3 answers
56. Name Something A Man Does That Gets Him In The Doghouse With His wife.
Infidelity Lie Stay Out Late Go Out Drinking Forget A Birthday Have An Argument Forget Anniversary
Answers are hidden.
tags: family marriage humor relationships funny category: no points
57. Name something women have to compete with for their husband's attention:
tv 34 sports 22 work 10 reading 7 kids 6 friends 4 car 2 computer 2 fishing 2 gardening 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships family marriage women men competition category: 10 answers
58. We Asked 100 Husbands! Name A Subject Your Wife Likes To Be The Expert On.
Cooking 33 Intimacy 20 Money 19 Parenting 16 Fashion 4 Cleaning 4
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tags: relationships family marriage humor funny category: 6 answers
59. We surveyed 100 married men...Name something about your wife you wouldn't dare criticize
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tags: marriage relationships humor funny family category: no points
60. What Might Some Women Love More Than Their Spouse
children 36 money 23 shopping 12 shoes 9 pet 8 chocolate 4 jewelry 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships family marriage funny kids category: 7 answers
61. We surveyed 100 married women...If you didn't cook for your husband, what would he do?
cook for himself 40 order out 35 complain/get mad 10 starve 10 go to his mom's 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage humor family funny category: 5 answers
62. We asked 100 married women: Which one of your husband's relatives do you like the least
Sister Water Melted H... Black Hat She's Ugly Wants Slippers
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tags: family relationships marriage humor funny category: no points
63. Name something that many women wish their husbands could talk about.
romance 40 his feelings 36 clothes 9 the marriage 5 finances 4 parenting 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships communication marriage family emotions category: 6 answers
64. We surveyed 100 married women...If you could hypnotize your husband, name something you would make him do for you
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage humor hypnosis family category: no points
65. We Asked 100 Married People: What Do You Do With Your Spouse That Reminds You Why You Fell In Love?
Kiss/Sex 40 Go On Dates 22 Snuggle 15 Dance 14 Talk 3 Laugh 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage love family communication category: 6 answers
66. People can spend years looking for the perfect what
Salesperson Gossip/talk Lover/mate
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tags: family relationships love marriage kids category: no points
67. who is the first person a man goes to if hes considering proposing
Bride's Father His Best Friend His Mom His Father
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tags: relationships marriage family romance love category: no points
68. Being unhappily married is like being trapped in what
Hell A Cage Jail Quicksand
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tags: relationships marriage prison kids family category: no points
69. name something people promise to their partners
Fidelity Love Forever Soda Marriage Financial Stability
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage family funny hilarious category: no points
70. We Asked 100 Married People: Name The Thing That Your Spouse Most Often Complains About.
Money 49 Lack Of Intimacy 20 Dinner 8 Snoring 8 Work 7 Doing Housework 6
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tags: relationships marriage family communication funny category: 6 answers
71. Name something wives complain that their husbands can never remember.
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tags: relationships family marriage love funny category: no points
72. Name something men say they hate to give when they get married.
freedom 64 partying 8 friends 8 other women 6 money 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: marriage relationships humor funny family category: 5 answers
73. Name A Time When A Man Might Be Extra Caring Toward His Wife
their anniversary 32 when she's pregnant 28 on her birthday 21 when she's sick 17
Answers are hidden.
tags: family marriage relationships love support category: 4 answers
74. Name a reason a man might brag about his spouse.
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage family couples funny category: no points
75. Name Something A Woman Should Know A Man Before Marrying Him
income 39 age 26 does he have kids 12 his name 8 past relationships 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage advice men women family category: 5 answers
76. Name a superhero who would make a good spouse.
Superman Batman Spiderman Cat Woman Wolverine
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships superheroes family marriage funny category: 5 answers
77. We surveyed 100 married women: Tell me something you'd love your husband to say to you without prompting
Lost Pounds/not Fat Let's Go Vacation You're Beautiful Let's Go Out/eat Here's Money To Shop How Was Your Day? I Love You
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships love marriage family communication category: no points
78. Name something a wife doesn't like to see her husband doing on his day off
Wants Slippers Video Game Golfing Nothing Watching Tv
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage humor funny family category: no points
79. We asked 100 women: Name a way your husband is different from the way he was on the day you married him
Kinder Worse Temper Fatter Bald Still The Same Older Looking More Mature
Answers are hidden.
tags: marriage relationships husbands women family category: no points
80. We surveyed 100 married women...Name something you wish your husband was an expert at doing.
fixing things/car 36 housework/laundry 16 cooking 13 making money 10 making love 7 driving 4 take care of kids 3 yard work 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage humor family funny category: 8 answers
81. They say the wife is always the last to know. Name something that she might be the last to know about her husband
Cheating/affair Finances/bills He's Gay/bi Gambling Problem Skating Rink Lost His Job
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage family husband wife category: no points
82. Name something a husband could do to pamper his wife.
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships family love pampering marriage category: no points
83. We Asked 100 Wives: If Your Husband Were The Incredible Hulk, Tell Me What Would Turn Him Into A Monster.
Money/Bills 36 Chores/Nagging 22 Jealousy 15 No/Bad Food 13 Naughty Kids 6 Traffic 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny family marriage relationships hypothetical category: 6 answers
84. Name A Specific Sign Of Affection Woman Wants From Husband
Kiss Hug Flowers/ Gifts Holding Hands
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships affection women marriage family category: no points
85. he may forget their anniversary but name something a man would never forget about his wife
Birthday Eye Color Name
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage family anniversaries funny category: no points
86. Name the biggest challenge of being married.
staying married 18 compromise 11 money 9 communication 7 getting alone 7 romance alive 5 spouse 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage family funny kids category: 7 answers
87. We surveyed 100 married women...Besides yourself, name someone who spends a lot of time with your husband
Answers are hidden.
tags: marriage family relationships survey women category: no points
88. Name something a man owns that he doesn't like his wife to use.
his razor 50 his car/truck 24 his tools 13 his underwear 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: adults family relationships marriage funny category: 4 answers
89. Name A Reason Why A Woman Calls Her Husband While He’s Out.
check on him 34 pick something up 26 he's late 22 emergency/sick 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: family relationships humor marriage funny category: 4 answers
90. By what age would the average person like to find true love?
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships love marriage dating age family category: no points
91. Marriage About To Fail, What Do You Do To Save It
Counseling Talk Vacation More Time Together
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage communication family couples category: no points
92. We Asked 100 Married People: How Many Times In A Week Does Your Partner Say “I Love You”
20 35 7 14
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships love marriage communication family category: fast money
93. Name something wives try to get by nagging.
money 38 chores 15 presents 12 attention 12 car 11
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage household spouses family category: 5 answers
94. We Asked 100 Husbands: Name Something Your Wife Spends More Money On Than You Do.
Clothes 58 Hair Products 27 Make Up 7 Jewelry 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny family money relationships marriage category: 4 answers
95. Name a reason you might marry someone you don't really love.
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage love family humor category: no points
96. We surveyed 100 married women...When your husband isn't home, name a place you can be sure to find him.
work 38 bar 29 friend's house 10 family's house 10 sports/event 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: family marriage humor survey relationships category: 5 answers
97. Name an event that wives get more excited about than their husbands.
wedding 50 sale 21 valentine's day 13 mother's day 5 anniversary 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: family relationships marriage humor couples category: 5 answers
98. Name something you don't like to share, even with your spouse.
food/drink 27 money 25 toothbrush 14 car 7 bathroom/toilet 6 secrets/past 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage spouses couples family category: 6 answers
99. Name something women have to compete with for their husband's attention
TV Sports
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships family marriage competition humor category: no points
100. Name Something A Person Might Do Differently Around Their Partner Once They’re Married
Show affection Dress Clean Communicate
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships marriage lifestyle habits family category: no points
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