Name something people put on their feet.
Shoes 43 Socks 34 Slippers 15 Powder 8
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tags: clothing footwear comfort protection category: 4 answers
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name Something People Buy For Their Feet Apart From Shoes
Socks Insoles Laces
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tags: footwear accessories essentials comfort protection style category: no points
2. Name Something You Wear That Is Invisible
Contacts Perfume Lotion Deodorant Braces Hairspray Sunscreen
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothes accessories protection comfort kids category: no points
3. Name Something That People Wear On Their Legs
Jeans Trousers Shorts Tights Knee Pads Shin Pads
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothes footwear fashion accessories comfort style category: no points
4. Name a type of footwear often seen in Spring.
Answers are hidden.
5. Name something that helps people stay dry
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tags: rain weather protection clothing kids funny category: no points
6. Name something firefighters wear.
helmet 58 boots 20 fireproof coat 15 oxygen mask 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: work safety clothing emergency fire protection category: 4 answers
7. Name Something People Wear To Avoid A Sunburn
sunscreen 55 hat 33 shirt/coverup 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothing accessories sun protection summer beach outdoors category: 3 answers
8. Other Than Swimsuits, Name Something People Wear To The Beach.
shorts 37 flip flops 18 sunglasses 14 sunblock 10 hat 9 towel 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: summer vacation clothing footwear accessories category: 6 answers
9. Name A Type Of Footwear That Doesn’t Have Laces.
sandals 65 slippers 11 loafers 9 boots 5 clogs 4 heels 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: footwear clothing fashion style kids category: 6 answers
10. Name a brand of sneaker.
nike 45 adidas 21 skechers 17 reebok 11 converse 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: footwear fashion clothing apparel kids category: 5 answers
11. How Many Pairs Of Shoes Does The Average Man Own.
4 (Four) 10 (Ten)
Answers are hidden.
tags: fashion shoes wardrobe footwear clothing men category: no points
12. Name something people wear on their feet in the winter.
Boots Socks Slippers Snowshoes Skis
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothing weather winter footwear kids category: no points
13. Tell me a kind of shoe you would never wear to a formal wedding.
sneakers 51 sandals 9 gym shoes 9 flip flops 5 high tops 4 combat boots 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: fashion etiquette clothing wedding footwear category: 6 answers
14. Name A Type Of Shoe That Women Own At Least One Of
Heels Sneakers Boots Sandles
Answers are hidden.
tags: footwear fashion clothing shoes wardrobe category: no points
15. Name something you might find on the bottom of a shoe.
gum 58 sole 24 dirt 7 dog poop 3 tack 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: footwear fashion clothing accessories kids funny category: 5 answers
16. Name Something Women Wear That Becomes Uncomfortable After A While
brassiere 50 high heels 21 underwear 15 girdle 9 nylons 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothes footwear accessories fashion style clothing category: 5 answers
17. Name something you might wear on your legs.
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothing fashion footwear style accessories school category: no points
18. Tell me something you might forget to put on in the morning and then feel weird all day.
deodorant 39 underwear 19 watch/jewelry 12 makeup 11 socks 10 belt 4 false teeth 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothing footwear hygiene appearance routine embarrassment category: 7 answers
19. Name Something About A Person That Might Be Described As Funky
hair 54 smell 24 clothes 15 dancing 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothing footwear behavior music hair decor category: 4 answers
20. Name An Activity For Which People Wear Boots.
hiking 39 ski/snowboarding 17 hunting 15 fishing 9 sledding 8 shoveling 8 horseback riding 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothing fashion footwear outdoors weather farming category: 7 answers
21. how do you know without doubt that your jeans are too small
Can't Pull Them Up Look Tight They're Ripping Can't Button/zip Can't Breathe
Answers are hidden.
22. Name something you wear to bed.
pajamas 58 underwear 11 night gown 9 socks 7 shirt 5
Answers are hidden.
23. Name something people wear when they want to dress casual.
jeans 49
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24. Name Something You Associate With Socks
Shoes Holes Smelly Feet
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tags: clothing laundry feet comfort kids category: no points
25. Name something that is soft, warm, and costs lots of money.
coat/fur coat 58 blanket/comforter 15 dog 13 bed/mattress 4 baby/child 3 couch/sofa 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: home clothing luxury comfort expensive category: 6 answers
26. name a specific article of clothing that often comes in itchy fabric
Sweater Brassiere Coat
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothing fabrics comfort laundry materials category: no points
27. Name something people wear that is adjustable
Belt Straw Hat Bra Utility Belt Bandeau Sports Bra Ball Cap
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tags: clothing fashion accessories comfort kids category: no points
28. Name A Reason Why You Might Not Wear Wool.
itchy 46 hot 18
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tags: clothing comfort allergies animals fabric kids category: 2 answers
29. Another Word For Long Underwear
Long Johns Thermals Union Suit
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tags: clothing winter warmth comfort school kids category: no points
30. Name An Article Of Clothing That You Wouldnt Wear To Bed
shoes 31 jeans 23 hat 14 bra 9 dress 8 jacket 8 socks 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothing bedtime attire sleepwear comfort style category: 7 answers
31. Name A Sport Where The Players Don’t Wear A Helmet.
basketball 25 tennis 23 golf 14
Answers are hidden.
tags: sports safety protection category: 3 answers
32. Name something people depend on for protection.
weapons/mace 38 police 15 alarm system 10 condoms 9 dog 6 locks 5 insurance 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: protection safety security category: 7 answers
33. Name Something That Has A Lock On It
door 67 safe 13 car 8 locker 3 gate 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: security protection doors animals category: 5 answers
34. Name something that keeps people safe.
police officer 24 security alarm 23 seat belts 21 guns 19 locks 13
Answers are hidden.
tags: safety protection security kids category: 5 answers
35. At The Beach, Name Something That Might Protect You From Sun.
umbrella 38 sunscreen 36 sun hat 14 sunglasses 5 cover up 3 shade 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: summer beach sun protection family category: 6 answers
36. Name Something People Do To Prevent Getting Sunburned
Sun Tan Lotion 71
Answers are hidden.
tags: sun protection health outdoors prevention category: fast money
37. Name A Reason You Might Wear A Hat.
sun protection 32 bad hair day 30 raining 16 bald head 8 bad haircut 5 cold 3
Answers are hidden.
38. Name something valuable that people should never leave in plain sight in the car.
purse 23 money 17 wallet 13 mobile phone 10 laptop 10 ipod 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: valuables car safety theft security protection category: 6 answers
39. Name a reason a person might wear a hat.
Answers are hidden.
tags: work fashion weather animals sun protection category: no points
40. What Do Some People Refuse To Go Swimming Without
bathing suit 41 sunscreen 16 goggles 14 a swim cap 12 float/ inner tube 7 life vest/ floaties 5 a friend 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: essentials water sun protection entertainment relaxation category: 7 answers
41. Name something big you might buy to protect yourself with.
Gun Dog Insurance Bat
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tags: protection weapons violence crime self-defense category: 4 answers
42. If you were running from a vampire, name something you wish you had.
Cross Stake Garlic Weapon Holy Water
Answers are hidden.
tags: danger survival fantasy protection funny category: 5 answers
43. Name A Way You Might Know Someone Is In The Secret Service
dark sunglasses 32 the way they dress 12 haircut 12 with the president 10 have an earpiece 10 they're quiet 10 id card 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: work government security politics protection category: 7 answers
44. Name A Pastime You’d Know Someone Has, Just By Looking At Their Shoes
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tags: hobbies footwear lifestyle observation category: no points
45. name a type of footwear that you couldnt wear while bowling
Sneakers Cleats High Heels Sandals Boots
Answers are hidden.
46. other than bad vision name a reason why someone might wear glasses
Sun Look Smart Fashion Safety Spokesperson Hotel
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tags: school work fashion protection kids funny category: no points
47. Name something people carry with them at night, to make them feel safe.
Answers are hidden.
tags: safety preparedness security belongings protection fear category: no points
48. Name an occupation that requires wearing gloves on the job
Medico Surgeon Medical Assistant Physician Rn Nurse
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tags: work adults funny gloves protection safety category: no points
49. Name A Reason Someone Might Wear A Hat
Sun Bad Hair Day Raining Bald Head Like It Part Of A Uniform
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tags: fashion protection warmth religion disguise style category: no points
50. Name something you might use to ward off evil spirits.
Answers are hidden.
tags: religion superstition home protection culture mythology category: no points
51. Name Something Football Players Wear For Protection.
helmet 43 cup 25 shoulder pads 19 knee pads 5 mouth guard 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: sports football protection equipment safety kids category: 5 answers
52. Name a type of shoe you might not wear socks with.
flip flops 67 sandals 67 slippers 9 moccasins 9 stilettos 8 heels 8 high heels 8 platforms 8 pumps 8 penny loafers 4 loafers 4 clogs 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothes fashion footwear kids funny category: 12 answers
53. Name A Type Of Shoe
Sock Wellington Stiletto Winke Picker
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tags: footwear fashion style casual formal category: no points
54. Name a famous brand of sports shoes
Nike 34 Adidas 31 Puma 20 Reebok 17 New+balance 12
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tags: brands sports shoes athletics footwear category: 5 answers
55. Name Something You Hate to See On the Bottom of Your Shoe
Gum 1 Poop/Dog Doo 2 Mud/Dirt 1 TP/Tissue 1
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny footwear gross outdoors animals category: 4 answers
56. Name a sport that requires specific footwear.
Football Soccer Golf Hockey Baseball Basketball Skating
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57. Name The Worst Kind Of Footwear To Run A Marathon In.
high heels 68 boots 14 sandals 13 slippers 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny kids school sports running footwear category: 4 answers
58. Name A Type Of Shoe That Would Be Hard For A Tightrope Walker To Perform In.
High Heels 50 Boots 28 Sandals 13 Platform Shoes 5
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tags: footwear entertainment circus funny kids balance category: 4 answers
59. Name something you associate with ankles
Socks Feet Anklet Cankles
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tags: body parts fashion injuries footwear dance category: no points
60. Name An activity the Requires Special Footwear
Football Skating Tennis Running Golf
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tags: activities footwear dress code work school sports category: no points
61. Name something you might consider when buying new clothes.
Answers are hidden.
62. Name something you look for when buying earphones.
Comfort Quality Sound Price Size Color Fit
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63. Name Something You Might Adjust When You Get Into A Rental Car.
Seat 61 Mirrors 29 Seat Belt 6 Steering Wheel 4
Answers are hidden.
64. Name something to help you through a lonely night.
TV Book Food Music Pet Pillow Companion
Answers are hidden.
65. If You Were Offered A Magic Carpet Ride, Name Something You’d Want To Add To It To Make Your Trip More Comfortable.
seat/cushion 53 refreshments 15 safety belt 11 tv 7 blanket 5 bathroom 4
Answers are hidden.
66. Name something people do to make their feet feel good.
soak 54 massage 33
Answers are hidden.
tags: relaxation comfort kids category: 2 answers
67. Name a reason a married couple might sleep in separate beds
Arguing Snoring
Answers are hidden.
68. Name A Reason First Class Is Better Than Coach Class.
more room 37 free drinks 28 large seat 15
Answers are hidden.
69. Name something people wish they had on a hot summer day.
Answers are hidden.
70. name the best gift you could bring to someone who has a cold
Get Well Card Tissues Soup Medicine Hay Rides
Answers are hidden.
71. Name a reason you might want to change seats on a plane.
want window or aisle 34 annoying person 32 crying baby 11 cramped 9 bad hygiene 8 turbulence 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel comfort entertainment communication category: 6 answers
72. Tell me the average temperature in Fahrenheit at which people set their thermostat.(NUMERIC ONLY)
70 31 75 26 72 16 100 6 68 6 65 4 60 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: home temperature weather comfort category: 7 answers
73. Name A Comfort Food That Has Cheese In/On It.
pizza 47 mac and cheese 21 grilled cheese 10 nachos 9 crackers 9
Answers are hidden.
74. Name Something You Hope To Have Your Seat Near While Riding In A Plane
window 61 bathroom 20 exit 12 aisle 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel comfort entertainment food category: 4 answers
75. Name A Reason Why You Might Want To Change Seats On A Plane
Person Snores 32
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tags: travel comfort entertainment kids category: fast money
76. Name Something That Makes You Feel Better When Youre Having A Bad day
food 46 drink 29 hug 7 friend 5 music 4 watching tv 3 taking bath 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: comfort well-being children family-friendly heartwarming category: 7 answers
77. Name something you do to a room to make it smell good.
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tags: home cleaning scents ambiance comfort category: no points
78. Name Something Specific In A Hotel Handy To Have Camping
Bed Shower Soap Toilet Towel TV Room Service
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tags: travel comfort adventure convenience camping category: no points
79. Name A Fabric That Would Make Terrible Bed Sheets
Wool 51
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tags: fabrics home comfort funny school category: fast money
80. Name Something People Turn On Before They Get Into Bed
Alarm TV Light Radio Lamp
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tags: night bedtime sleep comfort relaxation category: no points
81. What's your favorite thing to do when you're home alone
Puzzles Veg Out Watch Tv Listen
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tags: home activities leisure relaxation comfort category: no points
82. Other Than Sheets, Something On Bed
Pillows Blanket Teddy Bear Hot Water Bottle
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tags: home comfort bedding bedroom sleep category: no points
83. Name something people buy to help them sleep better.
sleeping pill/med 65 good mattress 17 herbal tea 6 pillow 6 alcohol 3
Answers are hidden.
84. Name something that a child might get attached to and have a hard time giving up
Spread Quilt Blanket Comforter Duvet Plush Toy
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids childhood personal belongings comfort category: no points
85. Name An Advantage Of Working At Home.
spend time with kids 24 set own hours 17 dress casual 15 sleep in 10 rest 10 no boss 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: work home comfort productivity flexibility category: 6 answers
86. Name A Reason Someone Might Prefer To Travel By Train.
Afraid Of Flying 63
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel transportation comfort convenience relaxation category: fast money
87. Name something usually found outside that people fall asleep on.
Hammocks Benches Grass Swings
Answers are hidden.
88. Name Something Offered To First Class Airline Passesngers
Alcohol Food Movies Pillows Hot Towel
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel luxury comfort amenities flying category: no points
89. Name a reason why a person who has a car would call a cab.
been drinking 45 car trouble 40 bad weather 6 going to airport 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: transportation convenience emergency comfort experience category: 4 answers
90. What is the temperature when people start using their air conditioners?
80 75 85 90 70
Answers are hidden.
tags: home comfort weather temperature family category: no points
91. If Money Isn’t An Object, Who Do People Hire To Help Make Their Lives Easier?
maid 55 chef 20 butler 10 nanny 7 driver 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: home lifestyle services convenience comfort category: 5 answers
92. Name something cars have today they didnt’ have 50 years ago
Air Bags Seat Belt CD Player Cruise control Computer
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology entertainment safety convenience comfort category: no points
93. Name something you might take with you for an overnight stay at the hospital.
pajamas 29 clothing 18 toothbrush 17 robe 12 book 9 comb 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: hospital travel essentials health comfort category: 6 answers
94. Name something you would find in almost every room of a house
Your Chair Seat Window Bench Chair Lamp Light
Answers are hidden.
tags: home rooms furniture living comfort category: no points
95. Name Something That Would Keep You From Snuggling Up To Your Spouse In Bed.
Sick 25 Snoring 20 Bad Breath 22 Gas 13 Cold Feet 12 Body Odor 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: bedtime comfort intimacy sleep spouse category: 6 answers
96. Name a type of bed
Queensize Twin King Day Bed Bunkbed Waterbed Featherbed
Answers are hidden.
97. Name something every good couch potato needs.
Remote Control Drinks Couch Snacks TV Exercise Pillow
Answers are hidden.
tags: food entertainment home relaxation comfort category: 7 answers
98. If You Went Back In Time 10,000 Years, Name A Luxury Item You’d Probably Miss.
car 39 tv 23 air conditioning 11 telephone 8 toilet paper 6 computer 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: history luxury technology convenience comfort category: 6 answers
99. What's something waiting for you at home at the end of a hectic day?
spouse 31 good meal 22 pet 13 chair 7 bed 4 coffee 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: home family comfort relaxation kids category: 6 answers
100. If you were literally "in the doghouse" for the night, name something you'd want in there with you.
Bedding TV Spouse Food Dog Book
Answers are hidden.
tags: home animals comfort entertainment fun kids category: 6 answers
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