Name Something In Your House You Have Installed
Bathtub Ac Alarm Garage Door Opnr Cable TV Siding Toilet
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tags: home improvement diy appliances plumbing electrical lighting category: no points
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
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Sink 55
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2. Name a type of repairman you’d call in an emergency.
Plumber 79 Electrician 13
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3. Name something in your house that you need a professional to fix.
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4. What usually needs fixing in a "fixer-upper" house?
roof 20 everything 17 kitchen 12 bathroom 12 plumbing 12 floors 9
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5. Name Something A Home Might Have Energy Efficient
Solar Panels Insulation Light Bulbs Windows
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6. Tell me something you try to fix yourself, rather than having a professional fix it for you.
Cars Sink Hair Bike
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7. Name something in a person's house that stays on all night long.
refrigerator 22 clock 20 heating 10
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8. Name A Type Of Repairman You Might Call In An Emergency
Plumber Mechanic Windscreen
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9. Name something in your house you would replace if you won a $5000 gift card.
Tv Bed Couch Kitchen Carpet Washer Computer
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tags: home improvement household furniture appliances decor category: no points
10. Name something you would hate to have break down just before you host a big party.
refrigerator 29 stove 22 air-conditioner 13 car 9 electricity 7 table with food 5
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11. Name something of yours that you hope doesn't start making noises.
car 36 refrigerator 14 alarm 11 body 6 telephone 4
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12. Name An Activity Thatd Be Hard To Do By CandleLight
read 62 cook 21 write 8 sew 6
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tags: activities lighting difficult home chores funny category: 4 answers
13. Name something that gets plugged up.
sink 35 television 8 toilet 26 nose 6 ears 4 computer 3
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14. Name a type of pipe.
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tags: home construction plumbing water category: 6 answers
15. Name Something You Might Find Under A Sink
Detergent Pipes Plug Sponge Soap
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tags: plumbing cleaning home tools hidden category: no points
16. Name something people do to unclog a sink
Scalding Water Drain-o Plunger Plumber Liquid Plumber Boiling Water Fork
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tags: household home plumbing kitchen cleaning diy category: no points
17. Name something you do when your toilet overflows.
use plunger 31 call plumber 16 yell 7 turn off water 5 panic 4 throw towel on 4
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tags: home plumbing bathroom emergency cleaning disaster category: 6 answers
18. Name something around your house that might spring a leak
Sink Tap Copper Pipe Faucet Pvc Pipe Basin
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tags: home plumbing repairs household kids adults category: no points
19. an occupation in which you’d worry about leaks.
Plumber 1 Politicians/Government 1 Boat captain 2 Gas worker 2
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tags: funny fun hilarious work home plumbing disaster category: 4 answers
20. Tell me something you might keep under your sink.
cleaning supplies 43 dish soap 37 drain cleaner 9 plunger 6 toilet paper 5
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tags: home cleaning kitchen home improvement storage category: 5 answers
21. Name Something You Hang Things From In Your Home
Hook Coat Hanger Door Knob Wardrobe Chair Door
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tags: home decor organization storage home improvement diy category: no points
22. Give me a DIY project that you might take up in your house.
painting 54 remodel kitchen 17 remodel bathroom 13 make shelves 6
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tags: diy home improvement maintenance category: 4 answers
23. Name something you can do yourself at home a lot cheaper than having it done elsewhere.
Style Hair Cook Manicure Laundry
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tags: home improvement cooking category: 4 answers
24. Name Something People Do To Save Energy Around The House
turn off lights 55 set thermostat low 23 use less a/c 9 efficient bulbs 4 unplug electronics 3
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tags: home improvement kids category: 5 answers
25. Name a home improvement a cheap guy might try to do himself to save money.
plumbing 40 painting 23 roofing 11 fixing floor 9 carpeting 3
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tags: home improvement diy cheap funny category: 5 answers
26. What would you trust your husband to fix around the house.
nothing 28 plumbing 26 anything 12 television 9 roof 4
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tags: home improvement housework funny category: 5 answers
27. Name Something That’s Used To Pave A Driveway
cement 44 asphalt 38 steam roller 8 water 6
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tags: home improvement construction materials category: 4 answers
28. Tell me something people renovate in their house.
kitchen 50 bathroom 25 living room 9 basement 6
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29. Name something you need to build a house.
lumber 52 bricks 14 money 13 nails 6 a hammer 5
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tags: construction home improvement architecture diy category: 5 answers
30. Name something you might build around the house.
Fences Deck Shed Treehouse Garden
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tags: home improvement fun diy kids funny category: no points
31. Name something telephone solicitors try to sell over the phone
Home Insurance Health Insurance Long Distance Distance Phone Service Life Insurance Cell Plan
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32. Name something that most men don't do as well as they think they do.
cook 14 drive 13 clean 11 dishes 6 housework 4 talk 3
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tags: relationships housework cooking home improvement category: 6 answers
33. What is that you need to build a house?
Bricks Wood Cement Iron Sand
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tags: adults home improvement construction kids category: no points
34. Name a tool you might find in a garage
Screwdriver Wrench Lawn Mower Hammer
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tags: tools garage hardware home improvement diy category: no points
35. We Asked 100 Wives: Name A Place In The House Where Your Husband Spends More Time Than You Do
Bathroom 43 Garage 26 TV/Living Room 19 Bedroom 7 Basement 3
Answers are hidden.
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36. Name Something You Might Change When Moving Into A New House.
Paint/Wallpaper 34 Carpet 23 Contact Information 17 Locks 16 Curtains 9
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37. Name A Tool A Labourer Might Use To Build A House
Hammer Drill Saw Cement Mixer
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38. Name something a husband always says he's going to do around the house, even though he has no clue how to do it.
clean house 25 fix plumbing 17 laundry 13 change oil 7 cook 6
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39. Name something people convert their basements into.
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tags: home improvement living space hobbies fun category: 5 answers
40. Department At A Home Improvement Store
Paint Plumbing Lumber Bathroom Kitchen Electical Flooring
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tags: home improvement diy hardware construction tools category: no points
41. Name something a gardener uses that you would be scared to see your hairstylist using
Clippers Hedge Clippers Rake Shears Garden Shears Leaves Hose
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tags: gardening hair scary home improvement category: no points
42. Name Something People Remove From Their Lawn.
weeds 56 dog poop 12 grass 10 leaves 8 bugs 4 trash 3
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tags: gardening outdoors home improvement pests landscaping category: 6 answers
43. Name something husbands ask their wives advice about.
clothing/looks 35 finances 13 job/career 12 kids 10 cooking 9
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tags: home improvement cars finances travel cooking category: 5 answers
44. Name a piece of furniture you might build yourself
Table/desk 35 Chair/bench 27 Shelf/Bookshelf 20 Swing 16
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tags: work office home improvement furniture house category: 4 answers
45. Name Something You Might Need To Get A Permit Before Doing.
driving a car 42 fishing 18
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tags: home improvement construction events hunting fishing driving category: 2 answers
46. Name A Way To Get Rid Of Weeds In A Garden
pull them 51 hoe 6
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tags: gardening weeds plants yardwork home improvement kids category: 2 answers
47. what is something in your house that needs to be replaced regularly
Batteries Light Bulbs Toilet Paper
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tags: maintenance household cleaning chores home improvement essentials category: no points
48. Name a job that you hire a professional to do but your parents probably didn't
Plumbing Car Repair Lawn Care Large Appliance
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tags: home improvement technology finances healthcare education pets category: no points
49. Name something that gets accidentally run over by a lawn mower.
toy 21 person/foot 16 hose/sprinkler 16 flower 8
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tags: lawn yard gardening landscaping home improvement outdoors category: 4 answers
50. Name Something Men Enjoy Shopping For.
tools 44 cars 30
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51. Name a subject on which people are always giving you unwanted advice.
Love Life Parenting Money Health Cooking
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tags: parenting relationships finances home improvement health career category: 5 answers
52. Name Something A Gardener Might Use On The Job.
lawn mower 42 hoe 26 shovel 8 hose 7 rake 6 edger 4
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tags: gardening plants tools outdoors home improvement work category: 6 answers
53. Name Something A MAn Asks His Friends For A Second Opinion On
His Live Life Buying A Car His Career His Outfit His Finances
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tags: relationships fashion home improvement kids funny food category: no points
54. name something in your house that can be dangerous if its left on too long
Fireplace Iron Stove/oven Heater
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tags: home safety kids home appliances danger category: no points
55. Name An Electrical Item Used In The Garden
Lawnmower Fork Hedge Trimmer
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tags: garden electrical outdoors plants kids category: no points
56. Name Common Mistake People Make When Taking Pictures
Out Of Focus Leave Lens Cap On No Flash Finger In Picture
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tags: photography mistakes lighting category: no points
57. Name A Common Mistake People Make When Taking Pictures.
Out Of Focus 49 Put Finger In Lense 22 Leave Lense Cap On 14 No Flash 8
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tags: photography mistakes pictures lighting category: 4 answers
58. name a reason why you might not like a photo of yourself
Camera Adds Pounds Have A Pimple Eyes Closed Bad Hair Day Not Smiling
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tags: looks lighting clothes hair makeup category: no points
59. Name something in your house that you wouldn't want to get stuck moving by yourself
Smoke While Eating Spit Throw Butt On Ground Couch
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tags: furniture appliances home category: no points
60. Name an article of clothing that you would hate to shrink in the dryer
Pull-over Sweater Cardigan T-shirt Turtleneck
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tags: laundry home appliances category: no points
61. Name Something You Might Replace If You Are Remodeling Your Bathroom
toilet 32 sink 29 bathtub 25 tiles/floor 12
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tags: home bathroom appliances category: 4 answers
62. What might a wash machine do that would make you get rid of it?
stop working 34 leak 28 ruin clothes 11 make noise 9 overflow 8 shake 3
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tags: home appliances laundry category: 6 answers
63. Name something you'd hate to leave on in the house if you went on vacation.
stove 43 water running 13 iron 12 television 7 lights 7 air conditioner 5
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tags: home appliances plants animals category: 6 answers
64. Name an appliance you have in your home that your grandparents did not
Microwave On Television Boob Tube Dishwasher
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tags: appliances grandparents home modern category: no points
65. Name A Household Appliance You Would Actually Enjoy Receiving As A Gift.
blender 24 dish washer 17 coffe maker 17 tv 16 microwave 11 fridge 9
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tags: appliances home conversation starters category: 6 answers
66. Name an appliance you would probably try to repair yourself
Processor Blender Cd Player Toaster Juicer Food Processor Mixer
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tags: home appliances electronics diy repair category: no points
67. Besides Dishes, Name Something You Might Put In Your Dishwasher.
pot and pans 21 silverware 19 soap 17
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tags: home kitchen appliances cleaning category: 3 answers
68. Name An Appliance You Have In You Home, That Your Grandparents Didn’t
microwave 41 computer 4
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tags: home appliances technology humor category: 2 answers
69. Name something that makes strange sounds when it gets old.
car 35 person 35 refrigerator 4 door 4 pet 4
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tags: sounds old age noisy home appliances category: 5 answers
70. Name an electrical appliance most women want on a desert island
Hair Dryer Blower Icebox Blow Dryer Dryer
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tags: home appliances women humor category: no points
71. Name An Appliance You Have Only One Of.
toaster 27 stove 24 microwave 23 refrigerator 16 dishwasher 8
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tags: appliances questions home kids category: 5 answers
72. Name an appliance you keep plugged in all the time
Fridge 27
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tags: appliances home everyday common useful category: fast money
73. Name something you might strap down if you live in earthquake country
Water Heater Home Wet Rag Funiture Big Screen TV
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tags: home safety furniture appliances category: no points
74. Name Something A Home Might Have To Make It energy Efficient
solar panels 40 good insulation 21 efficient bilbs 19 new windows 18
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tags: home energy appliances windows category: 4 answers
75. Name an appliance in the bathroom that you plug in.
blow dryer 74 electric razor 15 curling iron 6 electric toothbrush 4
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tags: appliances bathroom electricity home category: 4 answers
76. Name something people put plugs in
Ears Gyproc Walls Tub Drywall Sheetrock Plasterboard
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tags: home electronics appliances vehicles category: no points
77. Name an appliance you do not use often.
blender 30 oven 7
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tags: home appliances household kids category: 2 answers
78. When the electricity goes out, name something it's hard to do in the dark.
read 33 walk 12 see 10 cook 9 find flashlight 4
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tags: chores cooking hygiene kids lighting reading category: 5 answers
79. Name A Noisy Appliance
Mower Blender / Mixer Vacuum / Hoover Hair Dryer Washing Machine
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tags: appliances household home kids funny category: no points
80. Name a kitchen utensil you could NOT live without.
kitchen knives 46 spoon 29 microwave 16 coffee pots 9
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tags: home cooking food kitchen appliances category: 4 answers
81. Name something in your house that makes a lot of noise.
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tags: home appliances technology kids funny category: 6 answers
82. name something in your house that rarely needs its battery changed
Flashlight Smoke Alarm Clock Tv Remote
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tags: home appliances household kids funny category: no points
83. Name A Specific Button On A Clock Radio
Snooze 76 Set Alarm 8 AM/FM Switch 6 Volume 5
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tags: home kitchen appliances kids funny category: 4 answers
84. Name something you might give as a wedding gift.
money 45 chinaware 26 toasters 16 blender 7 gift certificates 4
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tags: home kitchen appliances furniture decor category: 5 answers
85. Name Something That Couples Often Get More Than One Of As Wedding Presents.
toaster 65 blender 16 dishes 11 towels 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: home kitchen appliances bedding decor category: 4 answers
86. Name something modern a homemaker from 100 years ago would have loved to have in the kitchen.
microwave 53 dishwasher 35 fridge 5 blender 5
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tags: kitchen home appliances household cooking category: 4 answers
87. Name a fuel people use to cook food.
Propane Gasoline Oil Charcoal
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tags: cooking food home kitchen appliances category: no points
88. Name a kitchen appliance that might be built-in.
stove 36 microwave 19
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tags: appliances home kitchen house kids category: 2 answers
89. Name something in your home that has to be replaced every few years.
light bulbs 17 carpet 13 furniture 9 computer 8 coffee maker 6 bedding 6 television 5 curtains 5
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tags: home appliances maintenance repairs kids category: 8 answers
90. Name something in your kitchen you would hate to have break before your dinner party
Oven Range Boiler Dishwasher
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tags: home kitchen party food appliances category: no points
91. Name A Sign That You Television Is Over 40 Years Old
black and white 36 has knobs 18 no remote control 14 doesn't work 12 small screen 8 fuzzy picture 7 console cabinet 5
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tags: technology entertainment nostalgia home appliances category: 7 answers
92. Besides Lights, Name Something In Your House That Wouldn’t Work If The Electricity Went Out.
tv 40 refrigerator 27 clock 9 computer 7 telephone 6 stereo 5
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tags: home appliances entertainment kids funny category: 6 answers
93. Name Something In A Person’s House That’s Left On All Night.
night light 58 refrigerator 12 alarm clock 10 central air 8 tv 6 radio 2 computer 2
Answers are hidden.
94. Name an electrical appliance people use in the bathroom.
blow dryer 55 curling iron 10
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tags: appliances bathroom household kids home category: 2 answers
95. Name An Item In Your Home That You’d Need To Reset After Power Had Went Out
clock 35 microwave 32 tv 12 computer 10 stove 5 vcr/dvd player 4
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tags: home electronics appliances tech lights category: 6 answers
96. Name the heaviest thing in your house.
fridge 27 couch 23 television 16 piano 11 bed 9 dresser 7
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tags: home furniture appliances machinery books category: 6 answers
97. Name an appliance that is noisy
Mixer Processor Machine Blender Juicer Washing Machine Food Processor
Answers are hidden.
98. Name something most people can fix around the house.
Leak Lightbulb Toilet Door
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tags: home repairs diy maintenance household appliances category: 4 answers
99. Name an appliance that uses a lot of electricity.
Fridge Air Conditioner Oven Tumble Dryer Washing Machine Microwave Diswasher Vacuum Cleaner
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tags: appliances electricity home daily life category: 8 answers
100. Name something people clean around, but not behind or under.
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tags: home furniture appliances toys kids category: 10 answers
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