The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name a reason a student might not like spring break.
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tags: school work budget travel kids hilarious category: 10 answers
2. Name something a student might be forced to do in gym class.
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tags: school kids hilarious funny education physical education category: no points
3. Name A way To Travel For Free
Walk Hitchhike Bike Airline Miles Stowaway
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tags: travel vacation budget kids funny hilarious category: no points
4. a place you stop going to when you’re broke.
Restaurants 1 Store/mall 1 Bar/nightclub 1 Casino 1 The movies 2 The bank 2 Ball game 2 Racetrack 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious money finances budget poverty expenses category: 8 answers
5. Name something you might find in a school.
Desks 35 Books 25 Teachers 20 Students 10 Chalkboard 5
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tags: school education kids fun funny hilarious category: 5 answers
6. Name a book that could knock you out if you were hit over the head with it.
dictionary 39 encyclopedia 25 bible 14 phonebook 14 war and peace 6
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tags: school education kids funny hilarious books category: 5 answers
7. Name something that kids bring to school but might not use for school work.
Phones Lunch Backpacks Computers Pens
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tags: school kids funny hilarious education learning category: no points
8. Name an animal whose name children mispronounce
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tags: animals kids funny education school hilarious category: no points
9. Name Something Kids Get Away With In Schools Today That They Wouldnt Have Years Ago
talking back 28 swearing 26 cheating 17 chewing gum 10 use cell phone 8 skipping class 4 arriving late 4
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tags: school education children kids funny hilarious category: 7 answers
10. Name something kids pick up from school.
germs/sickness 61 homework 16 lice 11 bad habits 6 swears 3
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tags: school kids funny hilarious education learning category: 5 answers
11. Name something teachers threaten to do when a class is misbehaving.
detention 69 no recess 9 call parents 7 send to principal 6 extra homework 4 suspend them 3 pop quiz 2
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tags: school kids funny hilarious classroom education category: 7 answers
12. Name something a really cheap airline might make passengers do for themselves.
get food/drinks 35 load luggage 30 find own seat 17 blanket/pillows 7 fly the plane 5
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tags: travel airlines cheap budget passengers hilarious category: 5 answers
13. Name a high school subject that was a total waste of time.
gym 18 history 13
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tags: school education students homework funny hilarious category: 2 answers
14. einstein failed a subject in school, what might it have been?
English/language 1 Physical ed 2 Art 1 History 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious school knowledge education intelligence genius science category: 4 answers
15. Name something a high school student might do in gym class.
run 48 push-ups 18 rope climbing 15 jumping jacks 11 sit-ups 8
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tags: school education kids exercise physical education sports category: 5 answers
16. Name something that always ends up costing more money than you expect it to.
auto machanic 31 food 19 home renovations 14 clothes 7 vacations 6 medical visits 4
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tags: money budget expenses shopping funny unexpected category: 6 answers
17. Way To Save Money On Groceries
Coupons Eat Less Sales Buy In Bulk Buy Generic Brands
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18. What Kind Of Comments Do You Think Mike Tyson Had On His Kindergarten Report Card.
Poor Social Skills 54
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tags: school kids funny education category: fast money
19. If Students Ran Schools,Name Some Things They Would Probably Get Rid Of
Teachers Principal Homework Rules Tests Detention Bell
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20. Name A Monthly Bill Where The Amount Changes Every Month.
electric 41 phone 24 gas bill 21 credit card 7 water 4
Answers are hidden.
21. whats a term used to describe someone who is very careful with money
Cheap Stingy Tight Penny Pincher Frugal Thrifty Scrooge
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22. Name something that should cost less than $5.
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23. When money is tight, people go out less often. Name something that's fun to do at home.
play games 50 watch television 30 bbq 6 read 2 computers 2
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24. Name the class that students fall asleep in the most.
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tags: school students education funny kids category: no points
25. At what grade does school stop being fun and start being work?
Ninth Sixth Fifth Seventh Third Fourth Tenth
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26. What do you hate the most about school?
Homework Getting up early Math Teacher Bullies
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tags: kids school education learning funny category: no points
27. In A Spelling Bee, What Might A Kid Ask About A Word Before Spelling It?
Definition Origin Use In A Sentence Repeat It
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tags: spelling school kids education funny category: no points
28. Besides books, name something you would find in the average student’s backpack.
Notebook Pen Lunch Phone Calculator Folders
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tags: school kids funny education students category: no points
29. What do kids learn to make at nursery school?
Drawing Painting Dancing Singing Clay molding
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tags: kids school education funny children category: no points
30. Name A College That Smart People Attend.
harvard 38 yale 18 mit 15
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31. Name a subject you took in school and never used again:
algebra 29 history 13 geometry 10 art 5 french 5 latin 4 spanish 4 biology 3 calculus 3 geography 3 chemistry 3 phys ed 3
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tags: school funny kids trivia education category: 12 answers
32. Name something at school that a student would not want to miss.
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tags: school education students fun kids funny category: no points
33. Give me another term for "nerd."
Wimp Geek Dork Weirdo Dweeb Jerk
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tags: education intelligence school kids funny category: no points
34. Name something students ask teachers for.
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tags: school kids funny education homework help category: no points
35. In these recessionary times, name an inexpensive food that many people have for dinner
Chicken Pasta
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36. Name something a guy saves money on if he's bald.
shampoo 49 haircut 25 comb 6 hair gel 3 hair spray 3 hat 3 transplant 3 rogaine 3
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tags: grooming budget frugal appearance category: 8 answers
37. When money is tight, people go out less often. Name something that's fun to do at home
Play Games BBQ Watch Television Read Pets
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tags: family friends kids adults budget home category: no points
38. How much do you pay your baby sitter by the hour?
10 5 8 7 15
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tags: family childcare budget kids parents babysitting category: no points
39. Name a place a student might go on a field trip.
museum 48 zoo 28 white house 11 state capitol 7 theater 6
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tags: school education kids funny places learning category: 5 answers
40. Name something a kid picks up from school.
illness 34 profane language 28 homework 25 books 7 head lice 6
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tags: school kids education learning children funny category: 5 answers
41. Which subject would most elementary school kids say is their favorite
gym 35 english 21 art 20 math 20
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tags: school kids funny education learning subjects category: 4 answers
42. Name something new students get for the first day of school.
Clothes Backpack Shoes Notebook Pens
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tags: school kids funny family education homework category: no points
43. Name something you might find in an elementary school.
Students 38 Teachers 14 Desks 12 Books 12 Chalkboard 11 Crayons 8 Playgrounds 5
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tags: school kids funny education work childhood category: 7 answers
44. Name a way a student might get to school
Bus Trek Amble On Foot Stroll Power Walk Speed Walk
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tags: school transportation education commuting kids funny category: no points
45. Name a musical instrument a child might learn at school.
Flute 30 Recorder 18 Drums 13 Trumpet 11 Clarinet 10 Piano 8
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tags: school kids funny music education instruments category: 6 answers
46. Besides Math Name The Most Difficult Subject In School
science 48 english 27 history 18 foreign language 3
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tags: school learning education homework kids funny category: 4 answers
47. How might a parent reward their child for acing a test.
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tags: school kids funny rewards education parenting category: no points
48. Name A Way You Know Your Teacher Is Having A Bad Day
yells a lot 36 grumpy 22 extra homework 19 gives punishments 16 facial expression 3
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tags: education school teachers work funny kids category: 5 answers
49. When kids don't want to go to school, name an illness that's easy for them to fake
Headache Stomach Ache Sore Throat Cold
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tags: school kids funny illness health education category: no points
50. Name A School Supply That You Haven’t Used Since You Were Young.
crayon 38 ruler 25 pencil/eraser 18 paste/glue 11 compass 5
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tags: school education kids funny childhood nostalgia category: 5 answers
51. Name Something Teachers Give Their Students.
homework 40 grades 32 tests 9 knowledge 3 stickers 3 encouragement 3 candy 2
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tags: school kids funny education work learning category: 7 answers
52. If Einstein Failed A Subject In School, What Might It Have Been?
English/Language 41 Physical Ed 34 Art 13 History 9
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tags: school education science history kids funny category: 4 answers
53. Name something parents sacrifice buying in order to have money for their kid's college education.
new car 38 clothes 19 new house 17 vacation 7 toys 6 food 3 television 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: school kids funny education work money category: 7 answers
54. Name a subject in which a 5th grader may be smarter than you are.
math 40 history 18 science 17 geography 12 english 5 computers 2
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tags: education kids school students trivia funny category: 6 answers
55. Name the most important person in American history.
george washinton 45 abraham lincoln 28 martin luther king jr 16 thomas jefferson 6 christopher columbus 5
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tags: history school kids funny education presidents category: 5 answers
56. Name A High School Subject That Kids Consider Difficult. Be Specific.
Algebra 36 English 20 Calculus 14 Chemistry 10 Geometry 8 Physics 5
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tags: school kids education funny teens learning category: 6 answers
57. Name Something A Teacher Can Do To Ruin A Students Day
Keep Them Late Give Test Pop Quiz Yell Them Them Embarrass Them Homework Send To Principal
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tags: school work kids funny teachers education category: no points
58. Name a monthly bill that is usually less than a hundred dollars
Cable Phone Power
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tags: bills money expenses budget household category: no points
59. Name something you wear that you should never spend more than $20 on?
socks 32 undergarments 29 t shirt 12 hat 8 makeup 7 sunglasses 5 tie 4
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tags: clothing accessories fashion budget shopping category: 7 answers
60. Name something that's a lot more expensive this year than it was last year.
gasoline 73 food 6 everything 5 cars 4 rent 3 clothes 2
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tags: inflation economy shopping spending budget category: 6 answers
61. Name something people do with their first paycheck.
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tags: finances work money budget adulting category: no points
62. Name something you worry you won't have money for
Entertainment Retirement Bills New Car College
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tags: money expenses bills savings budget category: no points
63. Name a city that's too expensive for most people to live in
Los Angeles New York City Philadelphia
Answers are hidden.
64. When money is tight, name something families postpone doing.
vacation 62 movie 10 shopping 9 eating out 8 remodeling 3 paying bills 3
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tags: finance budget money spending savings category: 6 answers
65. Name something new you just can't afford to buy right now.
car 57 house 20 ipad 5 furniture 4 boat 3 computer 3 big tv 2
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tags: money expensive budget shopping finances category: 7 answers
66. Name a reason dads get upset about money.
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tags: money budget finances savings investments category: no points
67. Name a Halloween costume you can make at home for cheap.
ghost 54 witch 15 hobo 6 cat 5
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tags: halloween diy costume budget easy home category: 4 answers
68. Name Something People Might Have To Do At Traffic School.
learn how to drive 28 take driving test 20 learn rules of road 17 watch videos 11 read a book 10 take notes 7
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tags: school traffic driving education funny category: 6 answers
69. Which Person In A School Building Is Likely To Get The Biggest Ego
principal 54 teacher 16 star athlete 13 bully 13
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tags: school education staff students funny category: 4 answers
70. Name a profession that requires you to speak in front of people.
teacher 51 lawyer 16 politician 15 preacher 12
Answers are hidden.
tags: work school kids funny public speaking education category: 4 answers
71. tell me how much a room at a cheap motel costs
$50.00 $30.00 $40.00 $15.00 $25.00 $35.00 $20.00
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tags: travel money hotel cost accommodation budget category: no points
72. What do people do at home on a Saturday night if they can't afford to go out?
watch tv/movie 77 play games 10 sleep/relax 5 cook/eat dinner 3 have friends over 2 make love 2
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tags: home entertainment family weekend budget relaxation category: 6 answers
73. Name something you could save money on if you didn't have any teeth.
toothpaste 36 food 33 dentist 17 toothbrush 5 gum 4 dental floss 4
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tags: food cooking eating money cheap budget category: 6 answers
74. What Was The Last Item On Which You Spent At Least $500?
Car 41 TV 37 Computer 15 Clothes 5
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tags: shopping money spending budget finance purchases category: 4 answers
75. Name a food that does not cost a lot
Cheeseburgers Tacos Legumes Lentils Burgers Chick Peas Hamburgers
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tags: food frugal budget meals home cooking category: no points
76. Name something you might budget for.
a new car 39 send us your answers! 10
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tags: budget money expenses savings bills finances category: 2 answers
77. Name Something Related To Finances That Its Hard To Explain To A Kid
taxes 37 credit 25 interest 12 budget 8 stocks 7 mortgage 6 loans 5
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tags: money savings investments banking credit budget category: 7 answers
78. Name something new you just can't afford to buy right now
Car Furniture House Boat Ipad Big TV
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tags: money expenses budget financial economy savings category: no points
79. Which Of Your Usual Bills Increase Over The Holidays?
credit card 31 electric/lights 23 food 19 phone 11 transportation/gas 8 heat 5
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tags: holidays bills finances family budget money category: 6 answers
80. Name something that quickly gets more expensive as your currency becomes weaker.
Gasoline Food Housing Cars Gold
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tags: money finances budget shopping economics inflation category: no points
81. Which of your bills seems to be going up for no reason at all?
Energy Phone TV Subscription Credit Card Food
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tags: bills money utilities budget expenses inflation category: 5 answers
82. Besides nevada, name a state you would spend a lot of money on a trip to.
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tags: travel vacation money budget planning destinations category: no points
83. Name something people do when they are short on cash
Loan Lend Iou Borrow Visa Owe
Answers are hidden.
tags: money finances frugal budget spending saving category: no points
84. Name the most valuable item that students bring to school.
Phones Computers Books Calculators Cars Themselves Backpacks
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tags: school education students items valuables funny category: no points
85. How many days into the school year do teachers wait before giving a test?
Seven Five Ten Thirty Fourteen
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tags: school education teachers students tests funny category: no points
86. Name A Profession That Would Help You Be Good At Solving Crossword Puzzles
teacher 58 writer 17 librarian 13 editor 8 journalist 4
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tags: language books reading education school funny category: 5 answers
87. What are the places where college students fall asleep?
Bed Classroom Library Car/bus Couch
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tags: fast money school kids funny college sleep education category: fast money
88. How many hours per week does the average high schooler spend studying?
Ten Five Two Three Eight Twenty
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tags: education school studying homework teens high school category: no points
89. Name a subject you might still struggle with if you went back to high school
Addition Math Figures Multiplication Subtraction Division
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tags: school education learning high school knowledge subjects category: no points
90. Name A Class That Most Students Take In College But Not High School
Psychology Chemistry Calculus Physics Philosophy Economics
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tags: school college high school academics education learning category: no points
91. name something that jocks in high school dont do the same as their peers
Socialize Date Eat Dress Study Play Sports
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tags: school sports high school education athletics category: no points
92. Name something teachers consider when determining a student's final grade.
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93. Name A Reason A Student Might Have To Raise Their Hand In Class.
bathroom 42 ask question 13
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94. Name a school supply kids are always running out of
Lined Paper Pencils Erasers Papers Leads Pens
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95. Tell me something you might do to prepare for your first day of school.
haircut 38 pick an outfit 25 pack backpack 20 sleep 17
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tags: school kids education preparation category: 4 answers
96. Name a subject taught in high schools.
Math English History Science Spanish
Answers are hidden.
97. Name something a high school student looks forward to.
graduation 64 prom 18 summer/vacation 8 going to college 4
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98. Which high school subject do kids consider tough?
Math Physics Chemistry Biology English
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99. Name A Type Of Book That You’re Not Expected To Read All Of.
bible 36 dictionary 28 encyclopedia 15 text book 10 phone book 8
Answers are hidden.
100. Name a department in schools that is often underfunded.
Music Art Athletic Drama Science
Answers are hidden.
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