The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name A Food Parents Are Afraid To Give Their Children Due To Its Messiness
pasta 38 ice cream 28 chocolate/ desserts 22 sloppy joe 5 pizza 4
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tags: food kids funny family messy parents category: 5 answers
2. Name the messiest food to eat at a cookout.
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3. Name A Messy Food You Can tell A Kid Has Been Eating
spaghetti 30 ice cream 28 chocolate 23 pizza 10 cake 6
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4. Name Something You Hide When Unexpected Guests Arrive
Dirty Clothes Dishes Rubbish / Junk Food Money
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tags: funny hilarious embarrassing messy chaos category: no points
5. name a food thats hard to eat without making a mess
Roast Taco Sloppy Joe Ribs Spaghetti
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6. Name something a kid in kindergarten might come home with all over his hands
Cement Glue Watercolor Adhesive Paste Spray Paint
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tags: kids school food messy kindergarten funny category: no points
7. Name something that, to a slob, belongs on the floor.
clothes 76 everything 5 trash 5 food 4 dirt 2
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tags: household cleaning kids funny gross messy category: 5 answers
8. Name a food that's sloppy to eat.
sloppy joes 43 spaghetti 22 soup/chili 6 ribs 6 pizza 5
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tags: food funny kids family mealtime messy category: 5 answers
9. a food that’s sloppy to eat.
Sloppy Joes 2 Spaghetti 1 Soup/Chili 1 Ribs 1 Pizza 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious food meals messy humorous kids category: 5 answers
10. Name A Summer Picnic Food That Will Make Your Face Messy.
watermelon 56 bbq 16 ice cream 12 pie 11
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11. Name an occupation where you don't have to look your best.
trash collector 17 miner 16 construction 14 janitor 12 telemarketer 10 gardener 7
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12. Name A fruit That’s Hard To Eat Without Getting Messy
orange 38 watermelon 37 tomato 17 peach 5
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13. Spilling/dropping this in the kitchen can make a huge mess.
Oil Milk Flour Juice Eggs
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tags: adults food kitchen accidents kids hilarious messy category: no points
14. Name Something Youd Be Surprised To Find That A Frat Party Had None Of
beer 53 food 23 girls 16 music 4
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tags: party surprising college funny category: 4 answers
15. Name Something College Roommates Might Argue About.
cleaning 47 food 10 money 10 space 10 music 7 bedtime 7
Answers are hidden.
16. Name a staple of a college student's diet.
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tags: food school college students funny category: 5 answers
17. According to college students: Name the one thing from home you miss the most
Making Dinner Cuisine Baking Gastronomic Food Preparation Cooking
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tags: college family food home kids funny category: no points
18. Name Bad Reason For Picking A College
Party School Friends Are Going Parents Pressure
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tags: school family college kids funny difficult category: no points
19. We surveyed 100 college guys...Name a job you'd love to have at the Playboy mansion.
pool boy 29 butler 13 chauffeur 12 photographer 11 guard 10
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tags: college adulthood adult hilarious work funny category: 5 answers
20. Name something you might see at a frat party.
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tags: college alcohol party funny games socializing category: 4 answers
21. What are the places where college students fall asleep?
Bed Classroom Library Car/bus Couch
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tags: fast money school kids funny college sleep education category: fast money
22. Name A Class You Might Take If You Wanted To Go To Law School
political science 58 english 8
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23. Name something you regret not doing more of in college.
studying 54 partying 28 going on dates 14
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tags: college regret self-improvement category: 3 answers
24. Which college is the hardest to get into
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25. Name something a college student might eat on the run.
apple 20 sandwich 19 pizza 18 hamburger 15 granola bar 11 potato chips 10 pop tart 7
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26. Name a problem a college student might have with his roommate
Loud Hollering Racket Volume Noisy Cacophony Decibel
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27. Besides curtains name something a college student may use to cover their windows.
bedsheets 40 blinds 25 blanket 11 towels 8 newspaper 4 posters 3 clothes 3
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28. Name Something That People Normally Dont Pay Cash For
car 53 gas 20 house 20 food 5
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29. What Do College Students Do That Annoys Their Professors The Most
talk 32 fall asleep 18 skip class 17 cheat 13 text message 9 arrive late 8 chew gum 3
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30. Name something college students do between classes.
Study Eat Sleep Text Socialize
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31. Name A College Major That Begins With The Letter “A.”
Art 34 Accounting 22 Anthropology 17 Architecture 9 Agriculture 7 Archeology 4
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32. Name Something That College Students Get Stolen From Them On Campus
computer 30 money 27 book 24 car 5 bike 4 phone 4 ipod 3
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33. Name Something College Freshmen Have To Start Sharing When They Live In The Dorms.
bathroom 35 their room 26 refrigerator 19 textbooks 6
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tags: college students university roommates category: 4 answers
34. We surveyed 100 college guys...Name a job you'd love to have at the Playboy mansion
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35. Name A College That Usually Has A GReat Football Team
Finger UCLA Your Hot
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36. Name something a mother might include in a care package to her son who's away at college.
cookies/food 61 money 16 clothes 9 condoms 7
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37. Name something that college students consume a lot of.
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38. Name something People Drink To Keep Them Awake
coffee shop 71 energy drink 16 soda 9 tea 3
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39. Name something college freshmen do during their first week of school.
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40. Name something you see college kids posing with in photos
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tags: college students school friends fun category: no points
41. Name something kids buy at a college campus store.
books 49 clothes 16 pen 11 paper 9 notebooks 6 book bag 4
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tags: school college students supplies education category: 6 answers
42. Name A Big Expense That Some Parents Plan For Years In Advance
child's education 41 child's wedding 18 retirement 13 buying a house 13 family vacation 12
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tags: finance children education college kids category: 5 answers
43. name something you would find in a college students fridge
Beer Condiments Mold Soda
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tags: school food college hilarious roommates category: no points
44. Name something a mother might include in a care package to her son who's away at college
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45. Name A Reason Why A College Football Player Might Get Kicked Off His Team.
steroids 55 fighting 19 bad attitude 9 bad grades 6
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tags: school sports athletics college football category: 4 answers
46. Name a famous college that looks impressive on someone's resume.
harvard 58 yale 18 mit 3 notredame 3 usc 2 princeton 2
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tags: school work resume education college category: 6 answers
47. Name something students living in a dorm might share.
Bathroom Food Room Clothes Microwave Refrigerator Books
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tags: school kids college roommates students category: no points
48. Name a something a freshman might take to college with them.
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tags: school clothing college essentials home category: no points
49. Name A Class Every College Freshman Takes
English 39
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tags: school college education students classes category: fast money
50. What Do People Miss Most About College Once They Get A Job?
partying 44 friends 30 freedom 14 financial help 9
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tags: work college school learning friends category: 4 answers
51. Name the toughest subject a college student can study
Long Division Multiplication Addition Numbers Mathematics Subtraction Geometry
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tags: school college education academics learning category: no points
52. Name something parents sacrifice buying in order to have money for their kid's college education
New Car New House Clothes
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tags: family kids education money college category: no points
53. Name something college students spend their money on.
Books 35 Alcohol 30 Pizza 22 Clothes 7 Tuition 5
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tags: college school entertainment food nightlife category: 5 answers
54. Name Something That Might Be Advertised On The Bulletin Board At A College
roommate wanted 27 jobs 26 books 13 lecture 10 concert 8 classes 4 tutoring 4
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tags: school college work education students category: 7 answers
55. Name A Reason A College Student Would Stay With Their Parents For The Weekend Instead Of Their Own Dorm Room.
Better Food Laundry Special Occasion They’re Broke To Visit Family/Friends Peace & Quiet
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tags: university college students weekend home category: no points
56. Name Something That People Go Through A Lot Of Obstacles In Order To Get
job 38 money 23 love/married 18 degree 8 driver's license 5 house 4
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57. Besides their beds, where else do college students fall asleep
Library Class Someone's Couch Car/Bus Greedy Floor
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tags: education everyday life fun facts college sleep category: no points
58. Which Class Do Students Take In College Thinking It Would Be An Easy A
art 33 english 26 gym 24 music 5 psychology 5 cooking 4 drama 3
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tags: school education college students classes easy category: 7 answers
59. Name A Country American Kids Visit In Hope Lucky In College
Mexico France Canada England Ireland Holland Italy
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tags: education college kids travel family trivia category: no points
60. Name an Ivy League university.
yale 29 harvard 27 princeton 12 brown 7 pennsylvania 6
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tags: school education college learning academics university category: 5 answers
61. Name a factor that might influence where a student goes to college.
Grades Tuition Scholarships Location Athletics
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tags: education college future family work location category: no points
62. Name Biggest Event In A Teenager’s Life
driver's license 28 graduation 23 16th birthday 14 first kiss 13 first car 12 prom 10
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tags: school friends family romance college future category: 6 answers
63. Name a college a good football player would want to go to.
notre dame 20 univ. of miami 13 univ. of michigan 13 u.s.c. 8 u.c.l.a. 8 florida state 7
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tags: school sports football college athletics education category: 6 answers
64. Name something people get admitted to
Physician Doctors Office College Nurse Tuition Clinic Hospital
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tags: hospital school work prison party college category: no points
65. Name Something A First Year College Student Might Have To Learn How To Do On Their Own.
Do Laundry 49
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tags: school college students life skills independence adulthood category: fast money
66. Name A Class That Most Students Take In College But Not High School
Psychology Chemistry Calculus Physics Philosophy Economics
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tags: school college high school academics education learning category: no points
67. Name a public place where wimpy parents let their children act up
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68. tell me something about their parents that a teen finds embarrassing
Facial Hair Dancing Dirty/unkempt Clothes Hairstyles Music
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tags: family embarrassing parents funny category: no points
69. Name something kids are always complaining about.
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70. Name something belonging to their children that all parents are sometimes tempted to look through.
diary/journal 50 dresser/drawers 17 backpack/bookbag 12 their bedroom 8 wallet/purse 5
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71. Name something parents do to their children to embarass them.
kiss them 35 show baby pictures 25 yell at them 18 brag 13 dance 9
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tags: parents family embarrassing funny category: 5 answers
72. Tell me something kids are always complaining about.
homework 36 going to school 23 chores 16 they're bored 14 bed time 9
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73. Name something that nervous parents do in the passenger seat while their teen is learning to drive.
yell 43 hold on to something 14 bite their nails 13 say a prayer 10 hit their "brake" 9 close their eyes 7
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74. Name something parents brag about their children when they're babies.
how cute they are 27 first word 14 walking 13 they're so smart 10 sleep all night 8 they smile 5
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75. Name Something Your Teen Likes To Wear But You Hope Hell Leave Home On Picture Day
baseball cap 71 piercing 12 makeup 7 sunglasses 7
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76. Name something that parents can't wait for their children to get out of.
The house 2 Diapers 1 School/college 1 Teens/puberty 1
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77. Name something kids do just to get their parent’s attention.
cry/pout 61 throw a tantrum 20 get into fights 6 break rules 6 call names/bad word 5
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78. Name something that costs more money if you have a daughter instead of a son.
wedding 42 clothing 37
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79. Name Something Parents Let Their Kids Do In The Past, That Would Make Them Seem Like Bad Parents Today
no seatbelt 33 unsupervised play 24 no bike helmet 22 walk to school 11 sit in front seat 8
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80. Name something parents do to try and make a baby laugh
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tags: kids funny family fun parents babies category: no points
81. Name a piece of kid's playground equipment that parents would probably hurt themselves using
The Hospital Santa Claus Monkey Bars Swing Merry-go-round Seesaw
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tags: funny kids playground equipment parents category: no points
82. Name something kids do just to get their parent's attention
Cry/pout Santa Claus Get Into Fights Throw A Tantrum Break Rules Call Names/bad Words
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tags: kids parents attention behavior funny category: no points
83. Name something a teenage boy might borrow from his father without asking.
car 36 razor/shaver 18 tie/clothes 13 cologne 7 money 6
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tags: family teenagers parents borrowing funny category: 5 answers
84. Name something a parent might grill their daughter’s date about
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tags: relationships dating parents kids funny category: no points
85. Name a way that parents pose their babies in portraits that they don’t pose their older kids
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86. Name Something Parents Of Twins Do That Makes Their Children Seem Even More Similar.
dress alike 67 hair style 21 similar names 11
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87. Name a phrase parents use to make their kids feel better about losing
Not About Winning Tried Your Hardest It's Only A Game Get 'Em Next Time It's OK
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tags: kids funny parents school children category: no points
88. Name something kids must be forced to do that adults love doing
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89. Tell me an announcement you made that startled your parents.
pregnant 40 engaged/eloped 31 quit school/univ. 7 moving away 5 joined military 3 i'm gay 3
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tags: family announcements surprising parents funny category: 6 answers
90. Name something grown men still ask their mommy to do for them.
cook for them 47 laundry/ironing 39 loan them money 7 shop for them 2 sing to them 2 give ride in car 2
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tags: family funny kids parents children category: 6 answers
91. Name something parents would not want their young children doing on halloween.
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92. Name someone who might chaperone a group of trick or treaters.
Parent Sibling Neighbor Grandparent Babysitter
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93. What do parents never allow kids to skip?
Breakfast Brushing teeth Bedtime Homework Cleaning room
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94. Name a sport you would be surprised to see your parents playing well.
Football Basketball Baseball Tennis Hockey Soccer Volleyball Rugby
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tags: family surprise parents sports funny category: no points
95. Name a type of baby food that looks gross but babies love.
peas 42 peaches 9 spinach 8 carrots 7 bananas 5
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96. What Do People Start Having More Of In Their Car Once They Have Kids?
toys 38 trash 28 car seats 15 food/drink 13 spills 4
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tags: parents children family kids funny category: 5 answers
97. Tell Me An Emotion That Gets Stronger After You Have Children
love 38 fear/worry 16 anger 12 happy 11 distrustful 10 compassion 7 pride 3
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tags: family emotions parents kids funny category: 7 answers
98. Name something kids think their parents are clueless about
Courtship Going On Cool Things Dating Happening What's Cool Wooing
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tags: kids parents school funny technology category: no points
99. Name something teenagers pretend not to hear their parents say.
clean room/do chores 42 be home by curfew 18 no 18 go to bed 11 do your homework 5 you're grounded 3
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tags: family teenagers parents communication funny category: 6 answers
100. Name a punishment kids would love to give their parents.
time out 36 no tv 23 ground them 15 no allowance 5 spank them 4 clean 3
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tags: kids family funny punishment parents category: 6 answers
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