The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name a reason why your eyes might tear up.
chopping onions 27 crying 24 allergies 18 sad 15 dirt in eyes 10 cold weather 6
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2. Name something that might make a grown man cry on the 4th of july.
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tags: emotions holidays family kids funny category: no points
3. Name Something You’d Give A Five Year Old To Make Him Stop Crying
Candy 34
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tags: kids funny parenting emotions children family category: fast money
4. Name something people give to others as proof of their love.
ring/jewelry 56 flowers 29 kiss 5 money 3
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tags: gifts family emotions children funny category: 4 answers
5. name a place youd expect even a tough guy to be crying
Wedding Library Home Sappy Movie Funeral
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tags: relationships body family emotions funny category: no points
6. Name a word you might use to describe how you feel after thanksgiving dinner.
Full Sleepy Content Fat
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tags: food family emotions feelings funny thanksgiving category: no points
7. Tell me the age when a person falls in love the first time.
sixteen 36 fifteen 14 thirteen 14 twelve 11 fourteen 10 seventeen 4 six 3
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tags: relationships family love emotions kids category: 7 answers
8. What do people do when they’re happy?
Laugh Smile Jump Shout Cry
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tags: kids emotions happiness activities family category: no points
9. In the heat of the moment,what might happen that could ruin it?
phone call 37 pass gas 20 family member 12 weather 11 sneeze/cough 8 door bell 6 bad breath 3
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tags: relationships family arguments emotions kids category: 7 answers
10. Name the happiest day in a person's life.
wedding 51 birth of a child 21 debt free 6 winning the lottery 5 christmas 2 graduation 2
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tags: relationships kids family emotions happiness category: 6 answers
11. Name something that a person who just got divorced might be hesitant to do
Subway Skating Rink Date Airfare Taxi
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tags: relationships marriage divorce emotions family kids category: no points
12. Name a Disney movie that made you cry.
bambi 38 old yeller 20 lion king 10 beauty & beast 7 snow white 4 dumbo 3 little mermaid 3
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tags: movies disney kids family emotions childhood category: 7 answers
13. Name something that many women wish their husbands could talk about.
romance 40 his feelings 36 clothes 9 the marriage 5 finances 4 parenting 4
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tags: relationships communication marriage family emotions category: 6 answers
14. Name Something People Do In An Argument That Isn’t Productive At All.
be aggressive hit yell
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tags: family communication relationships emotions conflict category: no points
15. When you're upset, name a way you let off steam
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tags: stress relaxation hobbies emotions family category: no points
16. Name a talk show where you always see the guests crying.
oprah winfrey 40 maury povich 25 dr. phil 13 jerry springer 9 montel williams 6 the view 4 tyra banks 2
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tags: entertainment television emotions family drama category: 7 answers
17. Name another word for "love".
Adore Affection Care Romance Like
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tags: family relationships emotions communication love romance category: no points
18. Name something you do when you are angry.
yell 58 cry 20 curse 11 eat 6 throw things 5
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tags: family relationships emotions anger coping mechanisms category: 5 answers
19. Name an instance where two macho men might hug one another.
sporting event 34 wedding 23 family reunion 20 funeral 14 new father 8
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tags: emotions love family sports sympathy friends category: 5 answers
20. Name something men need courage to do.
propose 18 ask woman out 14 fight 12 cry 9 get married 6 cook 4
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tags: relationships health emotions finances challenges family category: 6 answers
21. Name something that might make a superhero cry.
Death Losing Mother Kryptonite Injuries Onions
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tags: emotions relationships family children pets loss category: no points
22. Name A Cartoon Movie That Makes You Cry Even As An Adult
bambi 44 lion king 22 cinderella 13 fox & the hound 7 finding nemo 5 beauty & the beast 3 dumbo 3
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tags: adults movies emotions cartoons childhood family category: 7 answers
23. Name A Reason Why A Teen Might Swear Off Love.
Broken Heart 52 Too Young 30 Scared Of It 11 Parents Foebid It 6
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tags: relationships love teenagers emotions family social category: 4 answers
24. What do parents never allow kids to skip?
Breakfast Brushing teeth Bedtime Homework Cleaning room
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25. Tell me a kind of place where you can be sure to see parents yelling at their kids.
supermarket 23 sports game 13 the mall 10 restaurant 9 at home 8
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26. Name a way that parents pose their babies in portraits that they don’t pose their older kids
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27. Name a punishment kids would love to give their parents.
time out 36 no tv 23 ground them 15 no allowance 5 spank them 4 clean 3
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tags: kids family funny punishment parents category: 6 answers
28. Name Something Parents Of Twins Do That Makes Their Children Seem Even More Similar.
dress alike 67 hair style 21 similar names 11
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29. Name something parents tell their kids not to do so loudly
Burp Play Talk
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tags: kids family parents children funny category: no points
30. [We may or may not have surveyed 100 11-year-olds...]Name someone that kids tell lies to.
parents 61 teachers 19 friends/kids 11 grandparents 4
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31. What Do People Start Having More Of In Their Car Once They Have Kids?
toys 38 trash 28 car seats 15 food/drink 13 spills 4
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tags: parents children family kids funny category: 5 answers
32. Name something grown men still ask their mommy to do for them.
cook for them 47 laundry/ironing 39 loan them money 7 shop for them 2 sing to them 2 give ride in car 2
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tags: family funny kids parents children category: 6 answers
33. Name something parents do to try and make a baby laugh
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tags: kids funny family fun parents babies category: no points
34. Name something parents do to their children to embarass them.
kiss them 35 show baby pictures 25 yell at them 18 brag 13 dance 9
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tags: parents family embarrassing funny category: 5 answers
35. Name something parents brag about their children when they're babies.
how cute they are 27 first word 14 walking 13 they're so smart 10 sleep all night 8 they smile 5
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36. tell me something about their parents that a teen finds embarrassing
Facial Hair Dancing Dirty/unkempt Clothes Hairstyles Music
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tags: family embarrassing parents funny category: no points
37. unlike a car name something of his dads that a teen wouldnt want to borrow
Clothes Watermelon Razor
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tags: family teens parents embarrassing funny kids category: no points
38. Name something the Invisible Man might put on to become visible.
clothes 32 coat 28 hat 9 paint 8 glasses 7 makeup 6
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tags: funny hilarious parents kids family games category: 6 answers
39. Name A Reason You Might Take Your Child Out Of A Movie.
Bad Language 31 Crying During Movie 17 Violence 16 Sex Scene 14 Talking 7 Got Sick 7
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tags: kids funny family entertainment theater parents category: 6 answers
40. How many hot wings do you think the average dad can eat before calling it quits?
Ten Twenty Twelve Fifteen Thirty Six
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tags: family food funny party kids parents category: no points
41. Name Something A Mom Says That Her Kids Pretend Not To Hear
clean your room 43 go to bed 18 do your homework 12 eat your vegetables 8 be quiet 7 their name 4 no 3
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tags: family kids funny hilarious parents parenting category: 7 answers
42. Name something that parents won’t let their kids skip.
school/homework 65 meals 18 religious service 15
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tags: family kids funny parents chores responsibilities category: 3 answers
43. Name A Food Parents Are Afraid To Give Their Children Due To Its Messiness
pasta 38 ice cream 28 chocolate/ desserts 22 sloppy joe 5 pizza 4
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tags: food kids funny family messy parents category: 5 answers
44. what might a child do in the grocery store that embarrasses their parent
Act Up Curse Steal Something Break Something
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tags: kids funny family embarrassing children parents category: no points
45. Name something parents choose for their kids when they’re little but not when they’re adults
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tags: family kids funny childhood parents names category: no points
46. Name a place where kids are told to hold their parent’s hand.
crossing the street 36 mall 34 parking lot 24 amusement park 5
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tags: kids school family funny parents children category: 4 answers
47. Name something mom still tries to do, even though you're grown up.
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tags: family kids funny childhood parents relationships category: no points
48. Name something dad might do if his family forgot father's day.
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tags: family funny kids parents school food category: no points
49. Name soemthing your 5 year old should be able to do but can't.
tying shoes 42 read 9 go to bathroom 5 clean 5 write name 5 counting 4
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tags: kids family funny childhood parents silly category: 6 answers
50. Name someone who lets a kid get away with things that his parents never would.
grandparents 55 babysitter 33 aunt/uncle 8 teacher 3
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tags: kids funny school family parents behavior category: 4 answers
51. How Late A Kid Might Stay Up At Sleepover
11 12 1 2 3
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tags: kids family bedtime sleepover parents funny category: no points
52. Tell me the age at which a kid no longer wants to be seen with his parents.
13 40 12 26 10 12 14 12 16 9
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tags: family parents kids funny embarrassing awkward category: 5 answers
53. Name something that a child from a large family never has to herself
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tags: kids funny family siblings parents love category: no points
54. Name something the oldest child gets more than the other kids in the family
Dessert Attention Discipline Responsibility Money
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tags: kids family parents siblings funny childhood category: no points
55. name something children use to help them pull out a loose tooth
Doorknob String Pliers Fingers
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tags: kids school health funny family parents category: no points
56. Name Something A Teen Can Do For Longer Amounts Of Time Than Their Parents.
sleep 28 exercise 26 talk on the phone 16 stay up 12 watch tv 10 play video games 4
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tags: teenagers parents kids funny family generation gap category: 6 answers
57. When you were a kid, what would happen if you brought home a bad report card?
grounded 51 got lectured 13 spanking 12 nothing 9 punished 6 made to study 2
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tags: school childhood kids funny family parents category: 6 answers
58. Name something parents do when they take Little League sports too seriously.
Scream 51 Fight 23 Argue 17 Swear 5 Cheer 4 Heckle Cry Teach Pressure
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tags: kids family sports funny embarrassing parents category: 9 answers
59. Name something parents do not trust their kids to remember.
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tags: kids funny family parents children home category: no points
60. Name something a parent might tell their child not to put in their mouth.
fingers 33 toys 25 money 24 dirt 13 paper 5
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tags: kids funny family hilarious children parents category: 5 answers
61. Name something parents tell their kids they are wasting:
Time Food Money Electricity Water Toilet Paper Youth
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tags: kids family funny hilarious parents children category: 7 answers
62. Name something that parents can't wait for their children to get out of
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tags: family funny kids parents children home category: no points
63. Something People Make For Babies Instead Of Buying
Baby Food Clothes Blanket Diapers
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tags: kids hilarious food parents funny family category: no points
64. Name Somewhere That Parents Cant Wait For Their Kids To Go
to school 58 to bed 22 to a friend's house 8 to summer camp 3
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tags: kids parents family funny school independence category: 4 answers
65. Name something that most children can operate better than their parents.
computer 57 video games 22 bike 8 dvd player 6 cellular phone 5
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tags: kids funny family parents children technology category: 5 answers
66. They say the best things in life are free. Name one.
love 26 air 16 nature 13 family 6 god 5
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tags: kids family parents funny easy outdoors category: 5 answers
67. Name Something Mom Says That Kids Pretend Not To Hear
Clean Your Room Go To Bed Do Homework Eat Vegetables Be Quiet Their Name No
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tags: kids family parents annoying funny hilarious category: no points
68. Name something a teenage boy might borrow from his father without asking.
car 36 razor/shaver 18 tie/clothes 13 cologne 7 money 6
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tags: family teenagers parents borrowing funny category: 5 answers
69. Tell me an announcement you made that startled your parents.
pregnant 40 engaged/eloped 31 quit school/univ. 7 moving away 5 joined military 3 i'm gay 3
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tags: family announcements surprising parents funny category: 6 answers
70. Name something you did as a teen that you’ve still never told your parents about.
try a cigarette 33 date 33 sneak out 20
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tags: family secrets teenagers parents funny category: 3 answers
71. What is something Dad always teases Mom about
Fat Weight Her Weight Large Rotund
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tags: family relationships parents humor funny category: no points
72. Name something teenagers pretend not to hear their parents say.
clean room/do chores 42 be home by curfew 18 no 18 go to bed 11 do your homework 5 you're grounded 3
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tags: family teenagers parents communication funny category: 6 answers
73. Name a sport you would be surprised to see your parents playing well.
Football Basketball Baseball Tennis Hockey Soccer Volleyball Rugby
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tags: family surprise parents sports funny category: no points
74. At what age does a boy start wiping off his mother's kisses?
ten 18 eight 13 twelve 12 nine 9 seven 9 thirteen 8 four 7
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tags: family relationships children parents funny hilarious category: 7 answers
75. Name something great about being an adult.
freedom 31 no curfew 23 allowed to drink 13 make decisions 12 driving 11 making money 10
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tags: family siblings parents adults funny bonding category: 6 answers
76. Name an occassion that all parents look forward to.
graduation 46 christmas 11 kid's moving out 8 birthdays 6 first day of school 6 anniversary 5 wedding 4 mother's 4
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tags: kids family family-friendly parents parenting category: 8 answers
77. Give me another word for "mad."
Pissed Off Upset Off Furious Angry Irate Crazy
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78. Name A Way You Know A Cartoon Character Is Mad
Face 35
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tags: funny cartoons kids emotions category: fast money
79. Tell me another word for "unhappy."
Miserable Bitter Sad Mad The Blues Blue Feeling Blue
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tags: emotions kids funny feelings adults category: no points
80. Name Something You Can Feel
Orange Potato Apple Carrot Banana
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tags: emotions senses feelings kids funny category: no points
81. At what age are children the most rebellious?
16 37 13 29 15 17 12 8 2 5
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82. Name The Age At Which People Stop Borrowing Money From Their Parents
35 27 25 24 21 21 18 16 never 10
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83. Tell me a common name parents give their sons
Jr James Michael Jonathan David Junior Mark
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84. Besdies A Diaper, Name Something You Might Need When Changing A Baby.
Wipes Powder
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85. Name something parents are always telling children they're lucky to have
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86. name someone who takes care of you when you are sick
Doctor Fortune Teller Parent
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87. Name something kids ask their parents' permission to do.
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88. Name something kids think is unfair that their parents can do but they cannot.
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89. Name something a woman loses that makes her cry when she finds it.
ring 57 child 13 weight 6 photograph 6 purse 4 love 4
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90. Name a superhero or villain who you would never see crying.
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tags: superheroes villains emotions funny category: no points
91. name another word for shy
Timid Noggin Bashful Quiet Coy Noodle Gray Matter
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tags: people animals character emotions kids funny category: no points
92. Name something people fall into.
hole 46 love 20 well 7 pool 7 bed 4 ditch 3
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tags: hobbies emotions sleep relationships kids funny category: 6 answers
93. name something both teens and their parents do for fun on a friday night
Sun Glasses Visit With Friends Eat At A Restaurant Play Games Watch Movies
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94. Name a place that's meant for kids but parents love it too
Chuck E Cheese The Zoo The Circus The Park Disney/theme Park
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tags: family fun kids parents leisure entertainment category: no points
95. Name something parents are always telling children they're lucky to have.
parents/family 46 home 20 food 14 education 4 toys 3 tv 2 health 2 life 2
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tags: lucky kids family parents children category: 8 answers
96. At what age do children start to appreciate what their parents do for them?
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tags: kids family appreciation parents children age category: no points
97. Name An Instance When A Parent Might Try To Distract A Child
getting a shot 34 violence & movie 20 upset/hurt 15 tooth pulled 12 sopping trip 8 hiding a gift 8
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tags: children parents kids family hilarious category: 6 answers
98. Name a place that kids beg their parents to take them.
park 36 zoo 22 amusement park 13 movie theatre 7 mall 7 fast food restaurant 7 beach 4
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tags: kids children parents family entertainment fun category: 7 answers
99. Name something you can always count on your parents for.
Love Money Support Advice Everything
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tags: family parents kids support advice help category: no points
100. Name something in the house that kids monopolize from their parents
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tags: family kids parents house entertainment category: no points
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