Name A Reason Why The Speed Limit Might Suddenly Go Down In One Area.
school zone 49 town 17
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tags: construction animals pedestrians safety category: 2 answers
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
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Of Dog Sale Rottweiler Mongrel For Sale
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5. Name a complaint people have about city streets
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8. Name something you look out for when you're driving
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11. Name an occupation where there's no sitting down on the job
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12. Name something that has many wheels.
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13. What Might You Encounter On The Freeway That Would Make You Pull Off For A While
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14. Tell Me The Occupation Of Someone Who Might Wear A Headlamp
miner 65 doctor/dentist 23 police/detective 4 construction worker 3
Answers are hidden.
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15. name a job that gets more work in winter
Heating Repair Ski Resort Employee Construction Snow Plow Driver
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16. Name a profession that uses a ladder.
firefighters 45 painter 31 roofer 13 carpenter 11
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tags: work construction category: 4 answers
17. Name a situation where you might need to wear ear plugs.
send us your answers! 10 concerts 37
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tags: sleeping concert construction category: 2 answers
18. Name a person who uses a ladder at work
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19. Name A Reason Why Somebody Would Be Underground
Dead Mining Subway Hiding Tornado
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tags: hiding exploration construction farming category: no points
20. Name an activity where you need to wear a helmet.
Football Bicycling Construction Baseball
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tags: sports construction cycling adventure category: no points
21. Name something you need to build a house.
lumber 52 bricks 14 money 13 nails 6 a hammer 5
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tags: construction home improvement architecture diy category: 5 answers
22. Which Tool Would You Not Want To Be Without When Building A House?
hammer 40 saw 29
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tags: home tools building construction diy category: 2 answers
23. Name a reason why a house might be built with gold walls.
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tags: architecture construction design history category: no points
24. Name something that was built better in the good old days.
cars 36 houses/buildings 35 furniture 19 stoves 3 families 3
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tags: construction history nostalgia buildings category: 5 answers
25. What could cause a traffic jam?
Rain Fog Accident Broken traffic signals Narrow roads
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tags: adults accidents construction weather category: no points
26. Name a type of pipe.
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tags: home construction plumbing water category: 6 answers
27. Name something you might dig up.
treasure 24 soil 19 bones 18 gold 13 flowers 10 weeds 9
Answers are hidden.
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28. Name Something That’s Used To Pave A Driveway
cement 44 asphalt 38 steam roller 8 water 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: home improvement construction materials category: 4 answers
29. Name something a construction worker often uses.
a hammer 42 hard hat 28 bull dozer 14 crane 9 drill 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: work tools building home construction category: 5 answers
30. Name a power tool.
drill 66 circular saw 18 jigsaw 5 chainsaw 4 scroll saw 3 table saw 2
Answers are hidden.
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31. Name a kind of tape
Tape Music Tapes Video Tape Duct Tape Scotch Tape Vhs Camcorder
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tags: home office medical packing construction category: no points
32. Name something you'd hate to discover your house was built on top of.
graveyard 62 dump 10 toxic waste 5 swamp 4 sinkhole 3 volcano 3
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tags: home construction property horror funny category: 6 answers
33. Name a kind of wood
Birch Mahogany Pine Oak Rattan
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tags: plants construction furniture nature hobbies category: no points
34. Name something that is made out of aluminum
Foil Soup Pots Can Pans The Can Tin Pots And Pans
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tags: household kitchen transportation construction kids category: no points
35. Name something that might give you road rage.
being cut off 48 slow driving 25 traffic 19 other drivers 8
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36. Department At A Home Improvement Store
Paint Plumbing Lumber Bathroom Kitchen Electical Flooring
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37. Name an occupation that uses a drill.
builder 38 carpenter 31 electrician 14 dentist 9 plumber 6
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38. Name a place where you might find sand.
beach 49 hourglass 25 desert 19 construction site 9 sandbox 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: beach desert ocean playground construction category: 5 answers
39. Name Someone Who Might Wear Big Boots To Work
Builder Fireman Farmer Butcher Santa Clause
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40. What is that you need to build a house?
Bricks Wood Cement Iron Sand
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tags: adults home improvement construction kids category: no points
41. Name a kind of place where you might see a portapotty.
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Answers are hidden.
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42. Name A Tool A Labourer Might Use To Build A House
Hammer Drill Saw Cement Mixer
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tags: home improvement tools construction diy work category: no points
43. Name something that has channels
TV Radio
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tags: tv internet radio water body construction category: no points
44. Name Someone Who Might Knock On Your Hotel Room Door.
housekeeping 40 bellman 25
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tags: guests staff delivery neighbors construction utilities category: 2 answers
45. Name Something You Might See On A Front Door
Knockers Numbers Letterbox Bell Lock Handle
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tags: home goods decor hardware construction architecture category: no points
46. Name Something Youd Probably See At A Construction Site
men 28 hard hats 16 tractors 13 big trucks 12 bulldozer 9 hammers 9 wood 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: work construction tools equipment materials buildings category: 7 answers
47. Name a type of professional that wears sunglasses a lot.
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tags: work outdoors adults funny police construction category: no points
48. Name something a construction worker uses often.
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tags: construction tools kids work jobs building category: 5 answers
49. Name A Reason Why Big City Bad Place For A Marathon
Traffic Smog Too Many People Crime
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tags: traffic pollution crowds crime construction weather category: no points
50. Name An Occupation Where You’d Hear A Lot Of Swearing
Comedian 28
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tags: work school military construction sports driving category: fast money
51. Name A Profession In Which Rain Can Ruin A Day’s Work.
construction 38 house painter 21 landscaper 16 farmer 12 athlete 5 postal worker 3 lifeguard 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: work rain outdoor construction farming photography category: 7 answers
52. Name a great toy for a child who likes to build things.
lego 47 blocks 31 building blocks 31 erector set 9 set 9 tinker toys 7 toys 7 lincoln logs 4 log cabin 4
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tags: kids toys building construction play imagination category: 9 answers
53. Name Something You Find On A Wall
Picture Clock Paint Graffiti A Fly
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tags: home decor architecture nature kids construction art category: no points
54. Name a job where you would use a flashlight.
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tags: work security camping outdoors hiking construction category: no points
55. Name a machine that lifts you up.
elevator 70 forklift 13 escalator 4 roller coaster 3 airplane 2 crane 2
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tags: home transportation construction exercise kids funny category: 6 answers
56. Name a creature that's known for carrying diseases.
rat 30 mosquito 25 monkey 10 fly 9 dog 6 rabbit 3
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57. Name Something You Might Need To Get A Permit Before Doing.
driving a car 42 fishing 18
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tags: home improvement construction events hunting fishing driving category: 2 answers
58. Name A Place That You Wouldnt Want To Go After Having A Few To Drink
place of worship 32 work 26 police station 13 home 10 parents' house 6 in laws' house 3 court 3
Answers are hidden.
59. Name Something People Wear To Protect Themselves.
coat 22 helmet 22 jockstrap 13 bulletproof vest 11 hat 11 sunscreen 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: safety clothing outdoors animals kids category: 6 answers
60. Name Something You Would Do If A Dog Was Chasing You.
run 59 scream 31 climb a tree 3 stand still 3
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61. Name something grown ups tell kids to be careful of in the summer.
Sun Snakes Swimming Strangers Bees Heat Mosquitoes
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tags: summer kids safety outdoors plants animals category: no points
62. Name a place where it's important for children to sit still.
church 53 dentist 10 school 9 restaurant 9 barber shop 5 movie 5
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tags: kids school animals plants food safety category: 6 answers
63. Safety Advice Parents Give Kids
Don’t Talk To Strangers Look Both Ways Wear Helmet Be Careful
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tags: family safety kids home school animals category: no points
64. What Might A Mail Carrier Keep On Hand To Deal With Unfriendly Dogs?
Mace 43 Stick 23 Treats 16 Bone 8 Meat 5 Whistle 3
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tags: work dogs animals safety mail humor category: 6 answers
65. Name a job that someone who cannot swim should avoid.
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tags: work swimming safety animals water funny category: 4 answers
66. Name something you teach children to be careful with.
scissors 29 knives 20 fire 19 crossing the street 10 glass 9 money 7 pets 5
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tags: safety danger kids school home animals category: 7 answers
67. Name something you might try not to park your car next to
Fire Hydrant Semi Pick Up Moving Truck Big Rig Hydrant
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tags: parking vehicles cars safety animals kids category: no points
68. Name something you keep in your car.
Money/Coins 1 Food/Water 1 First Aid Kit 3 Spare Tire 2 Map 1 Jumper Cables 2 Spare Clothes/Shoes 2 Gas Can 2 Flare 1
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tags: car travel safety convenience kids funny cars shopping animals food category: 9 answers
69. Name something you would need if you were going to start your own fire department
Truck Hoses Firefighters Ladders Firetruck Fire Hoses Engine
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70. Name a professional who blows a whistle
Umpire Cop Officer Traffic Cop Fuzz
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71. What's the best way for a woman to defend herself from a mugger?
mace/pepper spray 38 hit/kick him 24 yell/scream 12 gun 9
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tags: safety self-defense category: 4 answers
72. What Might You Find Out About A House That Would Make You Back Out Of Buying It?
haunted 38 termites 28 mold 18 price went up 6 leaky roof 5 bad foundation 3
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tags: neighborhood safety category: 6 answers
73. Name Something Thats Currently Legal That People Should Be Banned From Doing While Driving
smoking 32 eating 23 sipping drink 20 using cell phone 18 applying make up 4
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tags: driving road safety category: 5 answers
74. What should you always be on the lookout for when driving?
Answers are hidden.
75. If A Con Man Approached You, What Do You Think He’d Immediately Want To Know?
your name 53 your income 20 your age 18 your address 7
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tags: psychology deception safety category: 4 answers
76. Name the first item people would take with them if their house was on fire
Pets Photos Photograph Wallet Snapshot
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77. Name a job that can be dangerous.
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78. Name something in your car that might distract you while you're driving.
radio 31 cell phone 26 children 21 bee 4 fly 2 smoke 2
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tags: driving distraction car safety category: 6 answers
79. Name Something In The House That You Shouldnt Leave On When You Go Out
lights 35 oven 34 coffeemaker 12 tv 5 iron 3
Answers are hidden.
80. Name A Sport Where The Players Don’t Wear A Helmet.
basketball 25 tennis 23 golf 14
Answers are hidden.
tags: sports safety protection category: 3 answers
81. Name something people depend on for protection.
weapons/mace 38 police 15 alarm system 10 condoms 9 dog 6 locks 5 insurance 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: protection safety security category: 7 answers
82. Name Something That You Don’t Want Your Dog To Chew On Over The Holidays
the tree 31 gifts/gift wrap 20 ornaments/figurines 18 lights 11 turkey/bones 10 stockings 6
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83. Once A Baby Can Crawl, Name Something You Make Sure Is Baby-Proofed In Your House
stairs 34 outlets 24 cabinets/bleach 22 table corners 11 medication 3 stove/oven 3
Answers are hidden.
84. What Do You Check Before Going To Bed?
Doors/ Locks Lights Alarm Clock Stove Kids
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85. Name a kind of place where people should be on the lookout for robbers.
bank/a.t.m. 53 malls/stores 15 dark street/alley 12 at home 5 subway/train 4
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86. Name something you would keep in your house in case of an emergency
Candles Water Control Of Remote Flashlight Fire Extinguisher
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tags: survival home safety first aid category: no points
87. name an accessory you might be given on your first day working at a factory
Name Tag Gloves Hard Hat Retail Ear Plugs Safety Glasses
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88. Name a place where you might have to pass through a metal detector
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89. Name something you should not wear while riding a motorcycle.
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90. Where In Your House Might You Find Something Labeled Poisonous
under kitchen sink 47 garage 23 medicine cabinet 21 laundry room 7
Answers are hidden.
91. Name something specific that keeps a race car driver from injury.
helmet/suit 48 seat belt/harness 33 roll cage/bars 7 pads/padded seat 6 being careful 3 air bags 2
Answers are hidden.
92. Name something you might strap down if you live in earthquake country
Water Heater Home Wet Rag Funiture Big Screen TV
Answers are hidden.
tags: home safety furniture appliances category: no points
93. Name a type of weather advisory you may see in the summer.
Thunder Heat Tornado Hurricane Flood
Answers are hidden.
94. How Can A Kid Get A Bully To Stop Picking On Them
Fight Back Tell Adult Stand Up To Them Ignore Them
Answers are hidden.
95. Name something you should keep in the trunk of your car, just in case.
spare tire 48 jumper cables 13 first-aid kit 10 blanket 8 flashlight 5 tools 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: car emergency safety preparedness kids category: 6 answers
96. Name a city you would be afraid to go trick or treating in.
new york city 46 detroit 24 chicago 17 new orleans 8 salem 5
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97. Name A Dangerous Hobby You Wouldn’t Want Your Partner To Have
skydiving 48 hunting 16 flying 16 rock climbing 14 car racing 3 motorcycling 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships hobbies safety dangerous category: 6 answers
98. Name a kind of weather that would cause you not to see as well.
fog 47 snow 18
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99. Name something people put a padlock on.
backyard shed 23 garden shed 23 shed 23 locker 22 bike 14 bicycle 14 cycle 14 the door 10 door 10 entrance 10 strongbox 7 safe 7 vault 7 coffer 7 chest 7 gate 6 carport 6 garage 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: security safety kids funny category: 18 answers
100. Name Something You Find Out About A Hotel Ahead Of Time, When Decided Whether To Stay There.
price 39 pool 22 location 22 star rating 7 includes breakfast? 5 clean? 3 vacancy 3
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