The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name A Dangerous Hobby You Wouldn’t Want Your Partner To Have
skydiving 48 hunting 16 flying 16 rock climbing 14 car racing 3 motorcycling 3
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tags: relationships hobbies safety dangerous category: 6 answers
2. Name Something That’s Dangerous To Do One-Handed.
Drive 34 Cook 14 Ride A Bike 13 Cut/Carve 12 Swim 8 Use Tools 5
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tags: dangerous common sense safety funny category: 6 answers
3. Name something drivers spend time looking at with their eyes when they should be on the road.
other people 36 radio 17 billboard/sign 16 cell phone 10 self in mirror 5 accident 4
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tags: distractions dangerous driving safety kids category: 6 answers
4. Name Something That people Do That Distracts Them While Driving.
Talk On Cell Phone Eat/Drink Adjust Radio Smoke Put on Makeup
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tags: driving distractions vehicles transportation safety dangerous category: no points
5. Name a profession that might be considered dangerous.
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6. Name Something Thats Dangerous To Do OneHanded
drive 34 cook 14 ride a bike 13 cut/carve 12 swim 8 use tools 5
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7. If You Commuted To Work By Jet Pack Name Something Dangerous That Could Happen Be Specific
fall to earth 37 run out of gas 18 hit a plane 11 blow up 8 collide with a bird 7 hit a tree 5 hit a building 3
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tags: commuting work dangerous travel funny category: 7 answers
8. Tell Me An Occupation In Which It Could Be Disastrous To Fall Asleep On The Job.
Truck Driver 43 Airplane Pilot 28 Machinist 10 Bus/Taxi Driver 8 Security Guard 6
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9. Name Something A Policeman Has
Truncheon Helmet Police Car Horse Radio
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tags: school work kids food funny dangerous category: no points
10. Name a job so dangerous, you wouldn't want it
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tags: work dangerous animals school plants kids category: no points
11. Name a sport mom might not think is safe for her kids.
Football Hockey Skateboarding Boxing Wrestling
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12. Name a hobby that could kill you:
skydiving 44 auto racing 15 hang gliding 8 mountain climbing 7
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tags: hobbies fun dangerous activities category: 4 answers
13. Name Something Fierce Animals Have That Makes Them Threatening
sharp teeth 50 claws 18 roar 14 horns 5 venom 5
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14. Name something that might be kept in a cage.
Birds Tigers Snakes Dogs Lions
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15. Name something specific a stuntman does.
jumps 46 crashes 21
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16. Name An Animal That Looks Cuddly, But Would Probably Eat You Alive.
panda 30 polar bear 25 lion 25
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tags: animals nature cute dangerous funny category: 3 answers
17. other than a shark name something youd hate to encounter while scuba diving
Whale Stingray Wreckage Jellyfish Octopus Eel
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tags: animals scary creepy underwater dangerous category: no points
18. Name A Place You Would’t Want To Be Alone At Night
alley 37 graveyard 16 woods 16 park 16 home 12
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tags: creepy spooky scary dangerous dark category: 5 answers
19. Name An Animal That Is Small But Very Dangerous
Spider Snake Rat Scorpion Piranha
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tags: animals dangerous small nature wildlife trivia category: no points
20. Name Something You Associate With A Hippopotamus
Water Big / Fat Mud Big Teeth Jungle
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tags: animals kids funny food dangerous water category: no points
21. Besides a baseball bat, name a piece of sports equipment that could be used as a weapon.
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tags: sports weapons violence dangerous hilarious kids category: no points
22. Name a sea creature you should be afraid of
Piranha Great White Shark Manta Ray Barracuda Hammerhead
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tags: animals water dangerous funny kids family-friendly category: no points
23. Name A Specific Object On Which You Might See The Word “Caution.”
Road Sign 51 Yellow Tape 20 Wet Floor Sign 10 Hot Drink 15 Poisonous Substance 4
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24. Name something a lifeguard should know how to do.
swim 49 cpr 35 save a life 14 spot danger 2
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25. Name something specific that keeps a race car driver from injury.
helmet/suit 48 seat belt/harness 33 roll cage/bars 7 pads/padded seat 6 being careful 3 air bags 2
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26. Name something a fireman keeps with him at all times.
pager 19 radio 18 axe 13 helmet 12 fire suit 6 boots 5 water 4 badge 3
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27. name an accessory you might be given on your first day working at a factory
Name Tag Gloves Hard Hat Retail Ear Plugs Safety Glasses
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28. Name Something Construction Workers Wear
hard hat 67 tool belt 14 boots 8 orange vests 4 overalls 4
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tags: work construction safety tools building category: 5 answers
29. Name something a cop might carry.
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tags: work police safety weapons equipment category: 5 answers
30. Name something you check if you're last one to leave the office at night
Computers Off Doors Are Locked Lights Off
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31. Name Something An Elevator Operator Probably Gets Tired Of Saying
which floor? 43 going up? 36 hello 14 have a nice day 3
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tags: funny work adults safety politeness category: 4 answers
32. Name an occupation that someone with a fear of heights should never consider
Pilot Flier Window Washer Aeronaut Roofer Washer
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33. Name something you might see a firefighter carrying
Axe Ladder Victim Person Garden Hose Hose
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tags: firefighters equipment safety work kids category: no points
34. Name a good gift for a lifeguard.
sunscreen 34 bathing suit 32 whistle 12 sunglasses 9 bullhorn 4 life preserver 3
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tags: work water safety humor fun summer category: 6 answers
35. name something most police officers carry with them
Gun Baton Badge Flashlight Handcuffs
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tags: work safety outdoors kids hilarious category: no points
36. Name something that for safety's sake, everyone should know how to do
Fire Exit CPR Call 911 Use Seat Belts Swim
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37. Name Something A Police Officer Might Wear Or Use For Protection
Vest 60
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tags: work safety weapons clothing equipment category: fast money
38. Name Something Commercial Pilots Can’t Fly Without
lisence 34 airplane 21 radar 14 flight attendant 11 gas 9 passengers 7 uniforms 4
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tags: work travel transportation navigation safety category: 7 answers
39. Name something a motorcycle cop needs.
helmet 66 motorcycle 19 pen 5 gun 5 sunglasses 3
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tags: work safety transportation kids funny category: 5 answers
40. Name something you might see in a fire station.
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41. Name something you might see a firefighter carry.
a hose 61 an axe 29 a ladder 4 a victim 2 an oxygen tank 2
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tags: work safety fire equipment firefighters category: 5 answers
42. Name something you check if you're last one to leave the office at night.
doors are locked 42 lights off 40 computers off 5 security alarm 4 coffee 3
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tags: work funny safety lights doors windows category: 5 answers
43. Name a job that someone who cannot swim should avoid.
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tags: work swimming safety animals water funny category: 4 answers
44. Name something a fireman always keeps with him at all times
Cd Player Stereo Beeper Pager Ghetto Blaster
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tags: work kids funny tools safety equipment category: no points
45. Name Something A Firefighter Needs A Lot Of
Water 75 Strength 9 Rest 4 Ladders 4 Air 2
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tags: work safety water bravery danger family category: 5 answers
46. Why might parents not let their kids go on a spring break trip?
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tags: school work money safety responsibility plans category: 10 answers
47. Tell me something people worry about.
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tags: work school money relationships health safety category: no points
48. Name something firemen carry that regular people don't.
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49. What Might A Mail Carrier Keep On Hand To Deal With Unfriendly Dogs?
Mace 43 Stick 23 Treats 16 Bone 8 Meat 5 Whistle 3
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tags: work dogs animals safety mail humor category: 6 answers
50. Name A Reason Why Someone Might Not Ride Their Bike To Work
Raining Dangerous Too Far Get Sweaty Lazy
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tags: work weather safety health convenience time category: no points
51. Name an occupation that requires wearing gloves on the job
Medico Surgeon Medical Assistant Physician Rn Nurse
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tags: work adults funny gloves protection safety category: no points
52. Name Something A Construction Worker Would Hate To Forget To Bring With Him To Work.
hard hat 44 tools 20
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tags: work construction tools equipment safety funny category: 2 answers
53. Name something firefighters wear.
helmet 58 boots 20 fireproof coat 15 oxygen mask 3
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tags: work safety clothing emergency fire protection category: 4 answers
54. Name an appliance you might forget to shut off before leaving the house
Oven 40 Hair iron/blow dryer 23 Television 21 Space heater 16
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tags: work office home appliances safety daily life household chores kids category: 4 answers
55. Name a professional who blows a whistle
Umpire Cop Officer Traffic Cop Fuzz
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56. What Might You Find Out About A House That Would Make You Back Out Of Buying It?
haunted 38 termites 28 mold 18 price went up 6 leaky roof 5 bad foundation 3
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tags: neighborhood safety category: 6 answers
57. Name something you would need if you were going to start your own fire department
Truck Hoses Firefighters Ladders Firetruck Fire Hoses Engine
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58. What's the best way for a woman to defend herself from a mugger?
mace/pepper spray 38 hit/kick him 24 yell/scream 12 gun 9
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tags: safety self-defense category: 4 answers
59. Name Something Thats Currently Legal That People Should Be Banned From Doing While Driving
smoking 32 eating 23 sipping drink 20 using cell phone 18 applying make up 4
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tags: driving road safety category: 5 answers
60. Name something in your car that might distract you while you're driving.
radio 31 cell phone 26 children 21 bee 4 fly 2 smoke 2
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tags: driving distraction car safety category: 6 answers
61. Name A Sport Where The Players Don’t Wear A Helmet.
basketball 25 tennis 23 golf 14
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tags: sports safety protection category: 3 answers
62. Name the first item people would take with them if their house was on fire
Pets Photos Photograph Wallet Snapshot
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63. Name something you would keep in your house in case of an emergency
Candles Water Control Of Remote Flashlight Fire Extinguisher
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tags: survival home safety first aid category: no points
64. Name a kind of place where people should be on the lookout for robbers.
bank/a.t.m. 53 malls/stores 15 dark street/alley 12 at home 5 subway/train 4
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65. Name something people depend on for protection.
weapons/mace 38 police 15 alarm system 10 condoms 9 dog 6 locks 5 insurance 3
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tags: protection safety security category: 7 answers
66. Name Something That You Don’t Want Your Dog To Chew On Over The Holidays
the tree 31 gifts/gift wrap 20 ornaments/figurines 18 lights 11 turkey/bones 10 stockings 6
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67. If A Con Man Approached You, What Do You Think He’d Immediately Want To Know?
your name 53 your income 20 your age 18 your address 7
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tags: psychology deception safety category: 4 answers
68. Name Something In The House That You Shouldnt Leave On When You Go Out
lights 35 oven 34 coffeemaker 12 tv 5 iron 3
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69. What Do You Check Before Going To Bed?
Doors/ Locks Lights Alarm Clock Stove Kids
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70. What should you always be on the lookout for when driving?
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71. Once A Baby Can Crawl, Name Something You Make Sure Is Baby-Proofed In Your House
stairs 34 outlets 24 cabinets/bleach 22 table corners 11 medication 3 stove/oven 3
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72. Name a kind of weather that would cause you not to see as well.
fog 47 snow 18
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73. Name something you might strap down if you live in earthquake country
Water Heater Home Wet Rag Funiture Big Screen TV
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tags: home safety furniture appliances category: no points
74. If your shirt accidentally caught on fire, what would be the best thing to do?
drop and roll 69 rip it off 17 splash water 8 jump in pool 3 jump in shower 2
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tags: home safety emergencies humor category: 5 answers
75. Name Something Many People Would Be Sacred To Do Alone At Night
walk home 47 sleep 35 drive 7 watch scary movie 5 go for a jog 4
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76. Name something you should keep in the trunk of your car, just in case.
spare tire 48 jumper cables 13 first-aid kit 10 blanket 8 flashlight 5 tools 3
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tags: car emergency safety preparedness kids category: 6 answers
77. name something you should always have handy in your car in case of emergency
Spare Tire Jumper Cables Phone Flares First Aid Kit Lashlight
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tags: safety emergencies preparedness survival first aid category: no points
78. Name a creature that's known for carrying diseases.
rat 30 mosquito 25 monkey 10 fly 9 dog 6 rabbit 3
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79. what might a bicyclist use to keep safe at night
Neon Clothes Headlight Reflectors
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80. name something on a boat that might save your life
Life Boat Good Swimmer Life Jacket Float 2 Way Radio
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81. What's the best way for a woman to defend herself from a mugger
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tags: safety self-defense crime women category: no points
82. Name something that might be missing from your car if you parked it in a bad neighborhood.
stereo 30 tires 19 radio 16 hubcaps 10 wheels 6 whole car 4
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tags: car safety neighborhood theft missing category: 6 answers
83. Name a place people keep money on vacation.
wallet 29 suitcase 11 bank 10 sock 9 pocket 8
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84. Tell me a form of transportation you wouldn't want to use in a rainstorm.
motorcycle 44 bicycle 23 airplane 20 boat 8 walking 5
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tags: rain transportation weather safety category: 5 answers
85. Name A Piece Of Equipment Many Bikers Dont Use But Ought To
helmet 51 knee pads 18 gloves 12 horn 8 brakes 5 reflective light/tape 3
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86. Name a foreign country Americans feel safe visiting
Paris France Mexico Canada Great Britain United Kingdom
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tags: travel safety international destinations category: no points
87. Name Something People Put In The Microwave That They Shouldn’t.
foil 71 plastic 10 fork 5
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tags: food kitchen safety appliances category: 3 answers
88. Name Something A Police Officer Might Ask For After Pulling Someone Over.
License 40
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tags: police traffic driving law safety category: fast money
89. Name a city you would be afraid to go trick or treating in.
new york city 46 detroit 24 chicago 17 new orleans 8 salem 5
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90. Name something a chemistry class might have in case of emergency.
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91. Why Might Someones Phone Number Be Unlisted
privacy 35 famous 17 avoid telemarketers 12 occupation 11 getting prank calls 10 just moved 5 bill collectors 5
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92. Name Something You Find Out About A Hotel Ahead Of Time, When Decided Whether To Stay There.
price 39 pool 22 location 22 star rating 7 includes breakfast? 5 clean? 3 vacancy 3
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93. What are the things that must be handy in case of an emergency?
Flashlight Phone First aid kit Tool kit Warm clothing
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tags: fast money home safety first aid category: fast money
94. Where In Your House Might You Find Something Labeled Poisonous
under kitchen sink 47 garage 23 medicine cabinet 21 laundry room 7
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95. Name something you insure your house against.
Fire 55 Flooding 22 Theft 8 Hurricanes 5
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96. Other Than Water Name Something People Use To Put Out A Fire
A Fire Extinguisher Blanket Sand
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tags: home safety emergencies plants category: no points
97. Name an activity you shouldn't take up, unless you know how to swim
Water Skiing Scubadiving Swimming Lifeguard
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98. When you hear a strange noise in the house during the night, exactly what do you do about it?
investigate 60 nothing 12 get scared 8 wake up mate 7 call police 4 get weapon 4
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99. Name a safety device you would find on a car.
airbags 40 seatbelt 31 safety belt 31 alarm 8 decelerators 9 brakes 9 car alarm 8 security alarm 8
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100. Name a place where you might have to pass through a metal detector
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