name a place where you might be asked whether youre married
Work/interview Party Bar Vacation Place Of Worship Schoolyard
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tags: doctors office school workplace funny category: no points
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
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doctor's office 34 dmv 30 court 20 classroom 9 restaurant 5
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2. Name A Place Where You Would Find A Candle
Church In A Candlestick Bathroom Table
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3. Name a place where you find magazines
Office Bookstore Bathroom Newsstand
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4. Name a kind of place where you sit waiting for your name to be called.
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5. If you could miraculously become boss at work, what's the first thing you'd do
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6. Tell me something of your boss's that you'd like to have
Power Money Office Job
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7. Name something a person wishes he could fit into his cubicle at work
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8. Give me a slang term for an important person
VIP Honcho Boss Big Shot Big Cheese Prez
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Construction Nurse/doctor Hairdresser Bartender Food Server Teacher
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10. Name Something People Do In An Employee’s Lounge.
Eat 44
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11. Name something your co-workers might ask you to chip money in for
Presents Gifts Exchange Gifts Open Gifts Offerings Wedding Gifts Parcels
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12. name a way you may show your boss that you are interested in them romantically
Wink Flirt Send Flowers Send A Note Tell Them
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tags: workplace work office romance inappropriate category: no points
13. Name a place where people keep emergency candy stashes.
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tags: workplace kids funny school adults pets category: 10 answers
14. Somewhere You Might Stop On The Way To Work
Gas Station Coffee Shop Fast Food Store
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tags: transport kids travel school funny workplace category: no points
15. Name a place people work that starts with the letter "L".
Answers are hidden.
tags: work school jobs employment workplace funny category: 4 answers
16. Name A Place Where They Always Keep You Waiting.
doctor's office department store airport dentist's office restaurant dmv pharmacy
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tags: hospital office school dmv doctor's office airport category: no points
17. Name a place where kids always complain about having to go
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18. Name A Kind Of Machine A Secretary Might Use While On The Job.
Computer 64
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tags: work school office office supplies category: fast money
19. Name a kind of place where you're treated more like a number than like a human being.
dvla 41 hospital 11 work 7 prison 7 hmrc 6 restaurant 6
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20. where might you find the word caution
Crime Scene Wet Floor Sign Construction Site Street/highway Coffee Cup Jail
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21. name a reason why a child might not want to have a long last name
Have A Meeting People Can't Say It Have A Crush Hard To Spell Get Made Fun Of
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tags: school workplace paperwork convenience category: no points
22. Name a specific place where you hated to run into a school bully.
bathroom 34 playground 22 hallway 17 alley 11 cafeteria 6 locker room 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: school workplace hospital grocery store gym category: 6 answers
23. it or not, name a place people have to go.
Bathroom 1 Work 1 Hospital/Dentist 1 Grocery Store 2 Court/Jury Duty 2 DMV 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious school doctors work grocery store bank kids category: 6 answers
24. Name Something People Decorate
Christmas Tree 2 House/Rooms 1 A Cake 2 Easter Eggs 2
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tags: home school workplace food animals kids category: 4 answers
25. tell me a place where the employees sometimes talk down to you
Clothing Store Bank My Office Car Dealership Restaurant
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tags: workplace healthcare business retail school kids category: no points
26. name someplace where youd see a lot of people gossiping
Hair Salon Coffee Shop Mall Church Party
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tags: workplace school neighborhood food animals gossip category: no points
27. Name a place where it's important for children to sit still
Barber Shop Church Movie Dentist
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tags: school car restaurant doctors movie theater category: no points
28. Name something everyone tries to get out of.
Jury Duty Work Trouble Chores Lies Traffic Ticket
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tags: chores work school doctors jail kids category: 6 answers
29. Name someone a teenager would not want to show up at their party
Mothers Parents Progenitors Folks Dads Twerps Fathers
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tags: school teachers parents siblings doctors animals category: no points
30. Name something you wish they'd get a new one of at the office.
photo copier 23 computer 19 boss 19 coffee maker 13 printer 9 chair 3
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tags: work office funny office supplies humor coworkers category: 6 answers
31. Name Something Specific You Might Borrow From Your Coworker’s Desk That You’re Least Likely To Return
Pen/Pencil 43 Stapler 20 Paperclip 18 Tape 8 Paper 7 Candy 4
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tags: work office funny hilarious coworkers office supplies category: 6 answers
32. Name Something That’s Found In Just About Every Desk Drawer.
pencil 42 pen 31
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33. Name something which you will keep on your office desk.
Computer Notepad Pen stand Water bottle Picture of spouse/ child
Answers are hidden.
tags: adults work office desk belongings furniture office supplies category: no points
34. Name an office supply you'd use to pick food out of your teeth.
Paper clip 2 Paper/envelope 1 Pen/pencil 1 Staple 1 Letter opener 2 Tack/pin 1
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35. Name things in school that are often broken.
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tags: school office classroom kids funny category: no points
36. In Which Profession Would It Be Easiest To Get Away With Wearing Sweat Pants?
gym teacher/coach 51 personal trainer 39 janitor 3 babysitter 3
Answers are hidden.
37. Name a place where people keep photos
Photo Albums Money Clip Scrapbooks Wallet Drawer Shoebox Albums
Answers are hidden.
38. Name something you find on a principal's desk
Report Cards Nameplate Apple Ruler Pen Cane Paperwork
Answers are hidden.
39. Name something you shouldn't photocopy, but do anyway
ID Martin Short Pictures Buttocks
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40. Name a place people work that starts with the letter "W".
Answers are hidden.
41. Name Something Considerate That People Often Do For You In An Elevator
hold door 51 push button 28 move over 16
Answers are hidden.
42. what would you hate to learn that you did after a couple of drinks at the company holiday party
Kissed Co Worker Flashed Someone Got Into A Fight Fell Down
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tags: work embarrassing funny workplace category: no points
43. Name a gift that you'd never buy for your workplace secret Santa exchange
Underwear Alcohol Adult Toy
Answers are hidden.
44. Name a job a clumsy person might be fired from.
Food server 35 Surgeon 28 Construction worker 10 Dancer 6 Acrobat 5 Bartender 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: office work funny kids school adults category: 6 answers
45. Name something a student might ask to borrow, but does not plan on returning.
Pen Money Paper Book Tissue
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tags: school office library funny kids hilarious category: no points
46. Name something you might see on a teacher's desk
Quills Leads Pencils Pens
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tags: school work kids funny office classroom category: no points
47. Name something people do right after they sneeze
Bless You Wipe Their Nose Blow Their Nose Get A Tissue Sniffle Excuse Me
Answers are hidden.
tags: health workplace hygiene funny kids category: no points
48. Name The Job You Wouldn’t Want To Have If You Worked At The Circus
janitor 55 clown 13 lion tamer 12 human cannon ball 6 tight rope walker 4 elephant trainer 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: circus workplace animals funny work category: 6 answers
49. Name A Specific Reason Co-Worker Drinks After Work
Hard Day Birthday Promotion Date Friday
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tags: workplace alcohol coworkers relationships funny category: no points
50. Name Something You Do At Work Although You Know Youre Not Supposed To
use cell phone 35 take naps 19 surf the internet 17 smoke 11 chat online 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: work inappropriate funny workplace naughty category: 5 answers
51. Name something you find on a principal's desk.
pen 25 ruler 20 cane 10 nameplate 8 apple 6 report cards 5 paperwork 3 telephone 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work kids funny stationery office supplies category: 8 answers
52. Name an item you might save up to buy
House 31 Car 25 Wedding Ring 19 Vacation 9 Computer 8 Phone 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: work office possessions school technology kids funny category: 6 answers
53. Name something you would find in a 1st grader's school desk.
Crayons 49 Pencils 39 Papers 6 Textbooks 6
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tags: kids funny school office supplies writing learning category: 4 answers
54. Name something people brag about.
Kids 30 Income 22 Job 14 Body 12 Car 9 Sports ability 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: office work family school food animals funny category: 6 answers
55. Name questions you dread being asked at family reunions
Are you dating anyone? 30 How is the job search going? 28 When are you going to get married/have kids? 17 Can I borrow money? 13 Have you gained/lost weight? 12
Answers are hidden.
tags: work office family awkward reunion funny school category: 5 answers
56. If there was a hidden camera at work, name something your boss might catch you doing.
talking 17 surfing the net 16 working 9 picking my nose 9 eating 9 sleeping 8 playing games 5 reading 4
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tags: work funny hilarious entertainment coworkers workplace category: 8 answers
57. Name something about their boss that workers make fun of behind their back
Voice Looks Bald Gait Breath Hair
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tags: work funny bosses annoying hilarious workplace category: no points
58. What jobs are okay to yell at work?
Teacher Police Firefighter Construction worker Sports coach
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tags: fast money work humor funny workplace category: fast money
59. Name a food that might make it hard to take someone seriously while they eat.
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tags: food funny hilarious workplace meeting family category: no points
60. name a type of doctor that wouldnt need to wear gloves
Fight Eye Veterinarian Therapist
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61. Name a kind of doctor who would shock you if they asked you to get undressed.
dentist 32 optometrist 17 vet 11 podiatrist 10 psychologist 7 gp 5
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62. Who do you call when you are seeing things running through your head?
Doctor Parent Friend Spouse Ghostbusters God Nobody
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tags: doctors medical funny hilarious adults category: no points
63. Which doctor do people hate to see?
dentist 55 proctocologist 26 eye 14 ob/gyn 3
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tags: family kids funny doctors hospitals category: 4 answers
64. Name Someone Who Might Weat A Lab Coat.
Doctor Scientist Pharmacist
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tags: hospital doctors teachers kids funny category: no points
65. Name Something People Do While They’re Waiting For The Doctor.
Read A Magazine 77 Watch TV 9 Sleep 8 Eat 2 Watch A Clock 2 Talk 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: hospital doctors waiting boredom funny category: 6 answers
66. Name something that a nurse usually does before the doctor comes in for an appointment
Pulse Fever Scale Blood Pressure Weighs Pressure Temperature
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tags: hospital medical nurses doctors appointments funny category: no points
67. Name Something You Hope Your Dentist Has Done Before He Starts His Exam.
wash hands 71 put gloves on 14 gone to school 6 sterilized equipment 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: health teeth doctors funny kids hilarious category: 4 answers
68. Name something you would find at a hospital.
Doctors 55 Patients 17 Nurses 15 Beds 8 Needles 5
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tags: hospital kids funny health medical doctors category: 5 answers
69. Name a word that rhymes with "will" that's associated with doctors.
Bill 1 Pill 1 Kill 1 Chill 1 Ill 1
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tags: doctors hospital medicine health kids funny category: 5 answers
70. Name something you'd hate to see your dentist holding.
drill 62 needle 12 pliers 11 my teeth 8 bill 2 gums 2
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tags: funny hilarious adults health doctors tools category: 6 answers
71. Name something in your office that's covered in germs
Doorknobs Desk Keyboard Water Cooler Telephone
Answers are hidden.
72. Name A Kind Of Place Where You See People Killing Time
mall/store 31 train/bus stop 23 airport 12 bar 11 work job 9 restaurant 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: parks office school hospital airport category: 6 answers
73. Name An Office Supply That You’d Be Surprised To See On Your Kid’s List Of School Supplies.
computer 35 stapler 27 copier/fax 18 envelopes 5 paper clips 5
Answers are hidden.
74. Name Something You Might Find In A Briefcase
Papers Pen Calculator Money Lunch
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tags: work school business important office category: no points
75. Name a piece of equipment you'd find in any office:
typewriter 45 telephone 16 desk 15 copier 7 computer 6 calculator 3 pencil sharpener 3
Answers are hidden.
76. other than an elevator where do you often hear elevator music
Spokesperson Doctor's Office Hotel On Hold
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tags: retail hospital office school restaurant gym category: no points
77. Besides books, name something you find at a bookstore.
Answers are hidden.
tags: books school paper office supplies category: 4 answers
78. Name professions that deserve a raise
Teachers 27 Nurses 24 Farmers 21 Paramedics/EMTs 20
Answers are hidden.
79. Name something with an adhesive on it:
bandage 59 scotch tape 27 postage stamp 7 envelope 3 decal 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: school office hospital kids hilarious category: 5 answers
80. Name the most expensive item in an office
Computer Desktop On-board Computer Surf Internet Mac Pc Internet
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tags: office finance work business school category: no points
81. Name something you might see on a teacher's desk.
Apple Tests Book Pen Stapler Calendar
Answers are hidden.
82. Name a profession that works long hours.
Doctor 38 Police 17 Firefighter 15 Lawyer 12 Teacher 11 Nurse 7
Answers are hidden.
83. Name a reason people give to their bosses, when they ask for a raise.
work hard 35 cost of living 29 extra duty 11 family 9 worked for years 6 better job offer 4
Answers are hidden.
84. Name An Excuse That Bosses Are Probably Tired Of Hearing From Late Employees
slow traffic 51 wasn't feeling well 19 alarm didn't go off 15 car trouble 14
Answers are hidden.
85. Name A Place You Might See A Balcony
house 53 hotel 34 theater 6 restaurant 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: home apartment hotel restaurant office school category: 4 answers
86. Name Something A Writer Uses To Work?
pen 35 computer 33 pencil 10 paper 8 internet 2 lamp 2 type writer 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: writing tools office school inspiration creativity category: 7 answers
87. Name Something That Has A Clock On It
VCR Radio Computer Watch Microwave Wall TV
Answers are hidden.
tags: home kitchen office school work oven category: no points
88. Name something that is uncomfortable to sit on.
rock 52 saddle 29 church pew 13 steps 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: furniture home office kids school animals category: 4 answers
89. Name something you buy frequently.
food 36 toilet paper 27 milk 22 gasoline 15
Answers are hidden.
tags: grocery school office family clothing household category: 4 answers
90. Name A Product That Might Be Disposable
Diapers Razors Paper Towels Cans Trash Bags Paper Cups
Answers are hidden.
tags: home school outdoors pets kitchen office category: no points
91. Name something that comes in small, medium, and large.
clothes 60 drinks 23 people 6 fries 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: family food clothes office school grocery category: 4 answers
92. Name things people lie about on resumes
Education 28 Job title 24 Length of time worked at a job 18 Skills/experience 15 Achievements 11
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tags: work office school skills experience personality category: 5 answers
93. Name Somewhere You Might Find A Painting
Gallery House Art Studio
Answers are hidden.
tags: museum office school hospital house park category: no points
94. Name something of their mom's that kids like to play with.
Makeup Shoes Jewelry Keys Clothes Phone Hair
Answers are hidden.
tags: school makeup office toys phone hair category: no points
95. Name Someone Who Wears White Gloves
doctor 40 mickey mouse 16 nurse 14 dentist 9 band instructor 7 police officer 6
Answers are hidden.
96. Name something an office summer retreat might entail.
barbecue 31 swimming 18 meetings 14 hiking 11 camping 10 team building 9 fishing 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: work summer activities outdoors workplace category: 7 answers
97. Name a place where people watch the clock.
Work 57 School 26 Place of Worship 6 Doctor’s Office 5 Airport 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: office work school hospital prison athletics dates category: 5 answers
98. Name somewhere you might ride your bicycle to.
Answers are hidden.
tags: park store school work doctor's office library category: 5 answers
99. Name a kind of place where it's easy to catch other people's germs.
doctor 33 bathroom 28 bus 7 mall 6 movie 4 work 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work hospital public transport doctor's office gym category: 6 answers
100. Name A Place Where You Get Antsy From Sitting Too Long
church 44 school 19 movie theatre 12 waiting room 8 work/meeting 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: work school hospital concert doctor's office church category: 5 answers
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