Name a place where you’d hate to be seated near someone with an annoying laugh.
at the movies 41 on an airplane 18 at a restaurant 13 on public transit 9 at a comedy club 6
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tags: public place restaurant theater movie theater library category: 5 answers
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name A Place Where People Hope Not To Have A Baby Seated Near Them
airplanes 39 movies 23 restaurant 17 bus 8 place of worship 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: restaurant library grocery store movie theater public transportation category: 5 answers
2. Name a place where you have to keep quiet.
public library 46 church 34 hospital 14 court 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: indoors public places library classroom church movie theater category: 4 answers
3. Name a place where it's important for children to sit still
Barber Shop Church Movie Dentist
Answers are hidden.
tags: school car restaurant doctors movie theater category: no points
4. Name a place where a noisy person might hear “Shhh!”
Library Movies
Answers are hidden.
tags: library school movie theater museum hospital church category: no points
5. Name a kind of place where you hate to be seated next to a screaming baby.
movie/theater 27 restaurant 23 airplane 17 church 11 bus 9 doctor's office 4 concert 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: public transport formal event movie theater category: 7 answers
6. Name a place where kids must be reminded to mind their manners:
restaurant 58 church 30 dinner table 3 grandma's 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: school church restaurant library museum theater category: 4 answers
7. Name a kind of place you'd hate to be hearing people's cell phone go off
Answers are hidden.
tags: school hospital library theater supermarket restaurant category: no points
8. Name a place you wouldn't want to receive a cell phone call
Bathroom Washroom Toilet Latrine Mosque Loo
Answers are hidden.
tags: work school hospital library theater restaurant category: no points
9. Name someplace people go that begins with the letter "M"
Miami Museum Mall
Answers are hidden.
tags: school supermarket mall museum movie theater category: no points
10. Name A Reason To See A Movie At Home Instead Of At The Theater.
cheaper couch less crowded
Answers are hidden.
tags: home theater movie comfort convenience family category: no points
11. name a place where youre asked to turn off your cell phone
Movie Theater Airplane Hospital Library School/work
Answers are hidden.
tags: school hospital church courtroom bank movie theater category: no points
12. A What Place Would You Not want To Be Seated Next To Someone With An Annoying Laugh
Movies 38 Airplane 27 Church 13 Comedy Club 8 Restaurant 5 Bus 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: food concert library movie restaurant work category: 6 answers
13. Name A Place Where Wish People Wouldn’t Answer Their Cell Phones
movie theater 27 place of worship 27 restaurant 13 car 11 library 9 at work 7 in the bathroom 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work hospital movies theater library category: 7 answers
14. Name A Place You Might Whisper
church library
Answers are hidden.
tags: school library hospital theater church funeral category: no points
15. name a place where you wish people wouldnt answer their cell phones
At Work Place Of Worship Library Movie Theatre In The Bathroom
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work hospital church theater library category: no points
16. Name a Place Where You’re Supposed to Be Very Quiet
Library 1 Church 1 Theater/Movies 1 Bedroom 1
Answers are hidden.
tags: library theater church museum doctor's office category: 4 answers
17. Name Something That Has An Aisle
Church Cinema Supermarket Theatre A Plane
Answers are hidden.
tags: grocery hardware airplane airport theater library category: no points
18. name a place where people 50 years ago dressed up to go but people today dress casually for
Movie Theater Elevator Roller Rink Airplane Place Of Worship
Answers are hidden.
tags: school church theater formal event special occasion restaurant category: no points
19. Name a kind of place where parents are embarrassed by their misbehaving children.
store/market 40 restaurant 24 church 19 school/day care 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: school restaurant store public place grocery store kids category: 4 answers
20. Tell me a public place that's perfect for people watching.
park 40 mall/store 23 beach/boardwalk 8 bar 3 train/subway 3 restaurant 3 museum 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: public place everyday life funny socializing category: 7 answers
21. Name Someplace Were You’d See A Lot Of People Gossiping
party 24 mall 20 place of worship 18 work 14 school 10 hair saloon 5 coffee shop 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: public place neighborhood hair salon church category: 7 answers
22. name something annoying a person might do at an atm when theres a long line behind them
Talk On Phone Get A Tattoo Many Transactions Move Out Forget Pin Stay Out Late Get Married
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny annoying public place human behavior category: no points
23. Name A Public Place You Immediately Want To Wash Your Hands Immediately After Leaving
hospital 30 restaurant 25 zoo 13 shopping center 11 bar 8 gas station 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: public place hygiene germs school work hospital category: 6 answers
24. Name something you know about Tennessee Williams.
playwright 45 streetcar named desire 31 alcoholism 15 poet 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: biography literature theater category: 4 answers
25. Name a place where you're sometimes bothered by the person sitting behind you
Heights Movies Purse
Answers are hidden.
tags: cinema theater concerts restaurants category: no points
26. Name someplace where you might see sophisticated people
Gallery Opera Library Restaurant Country Club
Answers are hidden.
27. In Old Movies, Name Something That’S Done To Get A Performer To Leave The Stage.
Boo 54 Hook 28 Throw Things 13
Answers are hidden.
tags: movies theater actors stage category: fast money
28. Name a type of performer
Comedian Musician Actor Singer Dancer
Answers are hidden.
29. Name something you might see in a movie theater, but not in your own house.
Answers are hidden.
tags: movies entertainment theater kids category: 5 answers
30. If A Movie Was Really Terrible, Name Something You Might Do In The Theater To Pass The Time.
sleep 38 play on phone 24 visit snackbar 19 whisper 9 kiss 5 read 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: entertainment movies boredom theater category: 6 answers
31. Name something you'd hate to sit on, in a darkened theater
Another Person Bubble Gum Spilled Soda Vomit Floor
Answers are hidden.
32. Name A Movie Theater Food That Gets Stuck In Your Teeth. Be Specific!
pop corn 67 milk duds 12 dots 6 gummy bears 5 taffy 4 peanuts 3
Answers are hidden.
33. Name Something That Every Movie Theatre, Fancy Or Not, Has.
consession stand 36 seats 25 screen 22 bathroom 6 movies 6 customers 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: movies cinema entertainment theater category: 6 answers
34. Name A Place Where You Would Find An Usher.
place of worship 30 wedding 26 movie theatre 22 funeral 13 concert 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: church events weddings concerts theater category: 5 answers
35. Name a play a high schooler might read.
romeo and juliet 56 hamlet 14 macbeth 9 death of a salesman 6 our town 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: school kids funny literature theater category: 5 answers
36. Name Something Bad That Might Happen TO A Magician’s Assistant During A Performance.
cut in half 46 disappear 25 trip 14 get hit by a knife 13
Answers are hidden.
tags: entertainment stage magic theater funny category: 4 answers
37. Name Something Associated With Acting
Actor / Actress Movies Stage Script Drama
Answers are hidden.
38. Name a kind of place where you wouldn't want to sit in the front row.
movies 40 theater 13 concert 12 church 8 boxing 7 roller coaster 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: school concert theater funeral dentist category: 6 answers
39. name something you would rather see live than on television
Music Performance Comedy Ear Plugs Sports Nature Shows Fans
Answers are hidden.
tags: entertainment sports music theater animals category: no points
40. Name something you would need to dress up as phantom of the opera.
Mask Cape Makeup Tuxedo
Answers are hidden.
tags: costume entertainment theater music halloween category: no points
41. Name A Reason Someone Might Prefer Seeing A Movie In A Theater Instead Of Renting One At Home
Bigger Screen 50
Answers are hidden.
tags: entertainment movies family home theater category: fast money
42. Name Something You Pay A Lot For Tickets To See Professionals Do, But Very Little To See High Schoolers Do.
Sports Event 59
Answers are hidden.
tags: entertainment sports music theater funny category: fast money
43. Name some sad plays by Shakespeare.
Romeo and Juliet King Lear Hamlet Othello Antony and Cleopatra
Answers are hidden.
tags: fast money drama literature theater category: fast money
44. Name something that annoys you at movie theaters
Long Lines People Talking Kids Running Mobile Phone Baby Crying
Answers are hidden.
tags: movies theater annoying entertainment experience category: no points
45. Name a place you wouldn't want to be stuck with someone who has a cold.
elevator 35 house/bed 21 dr.'s/hospital 7 car 6 airplane 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel vacation movie hospital school public transport category: 5 answers
46. Name Something People Do In A Cinema Apart From Watch The Film
Eat Drink Snog Talk Sleep
Answers are hidden.
tags: cinema entertainment food funny kids theater category: no points
47. In Which Profession Might You Have A Large Assortment of Wigs?
actor 42 hair stylist 36 model 11 clown 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: work fashion costume entertainment beauty theater category: 4 answers
48. Name a place you go where you don't want to sit behind someone with a big head
Theater Odium Drive In Cinema Movie Theater Film Flick
Answers are hidden.
tags: movies cinema transportation sports theater concerts category: no points
49. Name A Reason You Might Take Your Child Out Of A Movie.
Bad Language 31 Crying During Movie 17 Violence 16 Sex Scene 14 Talking 7 Got Sick 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids funny family entertainment theater parents category: 6 answers
50. Name an event where you might find ticket scalpers.
concert 47 basketball 23 baseball 9 fastball 9 hockey 7 race track 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: sports concerts theater shows events tickets category: 6 answers
51. What Might somebody Do That Would Annoy Fellow TheaterGoers At A Play
talk loudly 80 use phone 6 cough 3 laugh 3 snore 3 heckle 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: etiquette theater manners annoying rude funny category: 6 answers
52. Name something London is famous for
London Bridge British Parliament Parliament Bridge Big Ben Ben
Answers are hidden.
tags: food buildings history landmarks royals theater category: no points
53. Which is a kid’s favorite snack at the movie theater?
Popcorn Nachos French fries Chips Tacos
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids food snacks family theater movies category: no points
54. Name a place where cellphones are not allowed.
Courthouses Hospital Airplanes Church School Movies Libraries
Answers are hidden.
tags: school hospital church theater funeral kids category: no points
55. What does an actor change in order to play a character?
Hair Voice Personality Clothing Weight Name
Answers are hidden.
tags: actors movies theater characters costumes makeup category: no points
56. Name a place where you're sometimes bothered by the person behind you
Bus Office Airplane Movies
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work hospital theater kids funny category: no points
57. Name Something Specific A Dancer Might Wear In An Old Hollywood Musical
Dress Tap Shoes
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothes dance movies music shoes theater category: no points
58. Name Something You’d Need If You Were Going To Impersonate Mickey Mouse
big ears 80 higher pitch voice 7 costume 5 tail 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: entertainment children funny costumes kids theater category: 4 answers
59. Name A Reason The Audience Might Start Booing At A Movie Theater.
Bad Movie Villain
Answers are hidden.
tags: movies theater entertainment frustration humor annoying category: no points
60. Name Type Of Event Where You Often See Scalpers Outside
concert 44 baseball game 42
Answers are hidden.
tags: events sports concerts theater kids hilarious category: 2 answers
61. Name A Shakespeare Character Who Most People Have Heard Of
romeo 56 hamlet 20 juliet 15 macbeth 3 othello 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: books famous people literature theater arts characters category: 5 answers
62. Name a play by Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet 30 Hamlet 25 Macbeth 19 A Midsummer Night’s Dream 14 Julius Caesar 12
Answers are hidden.
tags: work office literature school play theater drama kids category: 5 answers
63. Name a public place where you see parents disciplining their children.
store/mall 57 park/field 15 school/playground 13 restaurant 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: school park store restaurant mall library category: 4 answers
64. Name a place where people are on their best behavior
Chapel Mass Cathedral Synagogue Mosque
Answers are hidden.
tags: adults behavior church funeral library restaurant category: no points
65. Name A Place Where A Teenager Wouldn’t Want To Be Seen With Their Parent.
mall 41 school 28 movie theatre 11 party 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: school restaurant store party aquarium library category: 4 answers
66. Name a kind of place where it's especially disturbing to have someone coughing nearby.
restaurant/table 38 movie/theater 15 church 13 doctor/hospital 9 elevator 7 bus stop 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: public medical entertainment food library category: 6 answers
67. Name a place where people like to read the morning newspaper.
kitchen table 41 bathroom 24 train/subway 10 coffee shop 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: home public transportation office library category: 4 answers
68. Name A Place Where It Would Be Rude To Use Your Cell Phone
Dinner Church
Answers are hidden.
tags: public places school work hospital library church category: no points
69. Where would be an embarrassing place for your child to throw a temper tantrum?
Answers are hidden.
tags: public places work school hospital restaurant grocery store category: no points
70. Name Something Associated With A Princess In A Renaissance Movie.
Tiara 35 Prince 22 Gown 13 Castle 10 Long Hair 7 Knight 6 Frog 5
Answers are hidden.
71. What Would You Expect To See In The Audience Of A Romance Movie?
couples 46 affection 30 tears 14 tissue 9
Answers are hidden.
72. Name something the sheriff wears in a Western movie
Boots Chaps Holster Cowboy Boots Cowboy Hat Badge Hat
Answers are hidden.
73. Name a horror movie character based on a real event or person.
Answers are hidden.
74. Name something specific a stuntman does.
jumps 46 crashes 21
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75. Name a reason to see a movie at a theater rather than at home
Big Screen 56
Answers are hidden.
tags: movie home entertainment relaxation social category: fast money
76. In A Romantic Movie, What Event Often Happens At The Movie’s Finale?
kiss 50 wedding 27 couple begins dating 12 someone dies 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: movie romance events love marriage category: 4 answers
77. Name something you would expect to see at a Hollywood movie premiere
Actors Stars Performers Players Film Actors Thespians
Answers are hidden.
tags: movie hollywood celebrities paparazzi event category: no points
78. Name An Item You Might See In A Movie Star’s Home That Wouldn’t Be In Yours
academy awards 33 maids 25 home theatre 22 swimming pool 5 expensive artwork 5 grand piano 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: home movie possessions funny trivia family category: 6 answers
79. Name A Famous John
John Wayne 48
Answers are hidden.
tags: history presidents celebrities singers actors movie category: fast money
80. Name A Place You Visit Where You Arent Allowed To Touch Anything
museum/gallery 68 zoo 20 gentleman's club 5 china shop 5
Answers are hidden.
81. Name A Place Where A Man Might Be A “Regular Customer.”
bar 40 restaurant/coffee shop 21 barber shop 21 gentleman's club 16
Answers are hidden.
tags: bar hair salon library category: 4 answers
82. Name A Place Where A Teenage Girl Might Keep Her Diary.
Under Mattress 58 Underwear Drawer 17
Answers are hidden.
tags: school bedroom library category: fast money
83. Name A Place People Might Go For Peace And Quiet.
Library 48 Park 16 Church 14 Bedroom 13 Beach 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: relaxation solitude nature library category: 5 answers
84. Name a place that is usually quiet.
Answers are hidden.
85. Name a type of business where you might drop something off and pick it up later.
automechanic 35 dry cleaner 31 photos 23 copy place 8 storage 2
Answers are hidden.
86. Name a place that might be really dusty.
Answers are hidden.
87. Name A Place Where You Might Be Charged A Late Fee.
video store 44 library 37
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tags: library credit card utilities category: 2 answers
88. Name a place where you would not want to break something. (be more specific than store)
Harmonica Kazoo Museum
Answers are hidden.
89. Tell me something in a library that you can't check out.
computer 50 periodicals 21 reference books 13 librarian 12
Answers are hidden.
tags: library reading kids knowledge books category: 4 answers
90. If You Want To Read A Book Without Paying For It, Where Might You Spend Too Much time
Library Book Store School On Line Friend’s House
Answers are hidden.
91. Name a place where talking gets you a dirty look
Library Church Funeral
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny kids school hospital library category: no points
92. Name something that might be self-service.
gas station 64 car wash 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: food drinks crafts checkout library zoo category: 2 answers
93. if something is made of glass what words might be written on the sign next to it
Do Not Touch Careful Piggy Bank Caution Fragile Breakable
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work museum hospital zoo library category: no points
94. Name A Place Where Many People Go Once A Week
Church Grocery Store Gym Bank Movie Theater
Answers are hidden.
tags: store school church gym park library category: no points
95. Name a section you might find in a bookstore.
Fiction Romance Mystery Nonfiction Horror Drama
Answers are hidden.
tags: books literature reading library fiction category: no points
96. Other Than Books, What You Check Out At Library
Movies Magazines Music
Answers are hidden.
tags: library media movies music technology category: no points
97. Name A Place You Wait Where It Could Be Awkward To Make Too Much Small Talk With Others
hospital 33 bathroom 29 bus stop 15 jail 13 voting booth 4 court/lawyer 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: waiting room doctor's office library category: 6 answers
98. Name Something That’s In A Bookstore, But Not In Most Libraries.
Cafe Register
Answers are hidden.
tags: library kids books writing knowledge category: no points
99. Name a kind of place where you're embarrassed when you doze off
Answers are hidden.
tags: work school church hospital library category: no points
100. Why Might Someone Who Doesnt Like Reading Go To The Library
use computer 36 study 31 meet people 13 research 10 it's quiet 5
Answers are hidden.
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