The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something you associate with a supermarket
Trolley Queues Aisles Food Checkouts Shopping
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2. Name Something A Person Does That Slows Down The Checkout Line At The Supermarket
use coupons 30 talk 20 write check 16 price check 9 count change 6 read magazines 4 buy too many items 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: shopping checkout supermarket grocery food category: 7 answers
3. tell me something rude that people do in the checkout line
Change Shoes Talk On Phone Facial Hair Cut Train/show Them Complain/ Yell
Answers are hidden.
4. Name an extra charge you might have to pay when checking out of a hotel
Calls Overseas Call Distance Calls Tax Out Of Country Call Long Distance Calls
Answers are hidden.
5. Name something grandmothers like to knit or sew.
sweater 41 quilt 27 afghan 18 socks 9 mittens 3
Answers are hidden.
6. Name A Magazine You See At Supermarket Checkout Stands
national enquirer 30 people 22 star 12 time 9 cosmopolitan 8 seventeen 8 tv guide 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: grocery shopping reading checkout magazines category: 7 answers
7. name an excuse someone might give to get ahead of you in the checkout line
In A Hurry Emergency Not Feeling Well Late For Work/appt. Few Items Kids With Them Need To Use Bathroom
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tags: checkout excuses line people funny kids category: no points
8. Name a kind of place where it's especially disturbing to have someone coughing nearby.
restaurant/table 38 movie/theater 15 church 13 doctor/hospital 9 elevator 7 bus stop 7
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tags: public medical entertainment food library category: 6 answers
9. Name something people buy from craft stores to make 4th of july decorations.
Streamers Ribbons Flags Glitter Fabric Paint
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10. A What Place Would You Not want To Be Seated Next To Someone With An Annoying Laugh
Movies 38 Airplane 27 Church 13 Comedy Club 8 Restaurant 5 Bus 5
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tags: food concert library movie restaurant work category: 6 answers
11. Name something you wish people wouldn't borrow
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tags: household clothes library food school funny category: no points
12. Name something grandmothers knit or sew for babies.
Blanket Booties Cap Sweater Mittens
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13. Name Something You Need To Knit A Sweater.
yarn 58 thread 10
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tags: hobbies crafts clothing diy fashion category: 2 answers
14. Name Something A Craft Lover Would Have A Lot Of.
glue 38 yarn 22 construction paper 13 paint 12 beads 8 fabric 3
Answers are hidden.
15. Name Something People Use Pins For.
clothes 35 sewing 34 hold papers 10 hair 8 diapers 5
Answers are hidden.
16. name something that you need a needle in order to do
Play A Record Give Blood Knit Rug Sew
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tags: sewing medical household chores crafts art category: no points
17. Name Something Children Make For Parents In Nursery School
Handprint Collage Painting
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tags: kids school crafts nursery handmade category: no points
18. Name something kids make for their parents in nursery school.
handprint 28 card 25 finger painting 17 macaroni picture 7 drawing 6 flower 4
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19. Name a specific christmas gift people make themselves.
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tags: christmas gifts diy crafts handmade family category: no points
20. Name something kids might use to make a mess while doing arts and crafts.
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tags: kids school crafts art parents funny category: 8 answers
21. Name A Common Holiday Craft.
make ornaments tree trim card
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22. Name A Gift Children Create At School
Cards 40
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tags: school kids crafts gifts handmade category: fast money
23. Name something that might be used in an Easter arts and crafts project.
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24. Name Something You Use To Decorate A Snowman.
carrot 52 hat 16
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tags: kids winter holidays crafts creativity category: 2 answers
25. Name something you can do to get away from it all without ever leaving the house.
take hot bath 34 sleep/dream 18 watch tv/movie 10 read a book 6 go to room 6 listen to music 6 meditate 5
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tags: hobbies entertainment relaxation escape books crafts category: 7 answers
26. What's a very female hobby?
shopping 24 sewing 21 knitting 20 netball 4 fashion 3
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tags: hobbies women interests activities leisure crafts category: 5 answers
27. Name Something Some People Do By Hand, While Others Use A Machine.
sew 44 wash clothes 19 wash dishes 10 write 10 saw 5 math 4
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tags: chores crafts cooking drawing writing cleaning category: 6 answers
28. Tell me something you might buy at a flea market.
Furniture 28 Jewelry 25 Clothes 19 Antiques 17 Tools 11
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tags: shopping collectibles treasures antiques crafts vintage category: 5 answers
29. Name something you would need to make a vampire costume.
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tags: halloween costumes vampires accessories materials crafts category: no points
30. Name Something You’d Need If You Wanted To Make A Teddy Bear
stuffing 41 fur 4
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tags: hobbies crafts toys fabric sewing animals category: 2 answers
31. Name a way you could spend a rainy day that does not require electricity.
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tags: board games crafts reading games kids category: 9 answers
32. Name A Place You Visit Where You Arent Allowed To Touch Anything
museum/gallery 68 zoo 20 gentleman's club 5 china shop 5
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33. Name A Place Where A Teenage Girl Might Keep Her Diary.
Under Mattress 58 Underwear Drawer 17
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tags: school bedroom library category: fast money
34. Name A Place Where A Man Might Be A “Regular Customer.”
bar 40 restaurant/coffee shop 21 barber shop 21 gentleman's club 16
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tags: bar hair salon library category: 4 answers
35. Name A Place People Might Go For Peace And Quiet.
Library 48 Park 16 Church 14 Bedroom 13 Beach 7
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tags: relaxation solitude nature library category: 5 answers
36. Name a place where you would not want to break something. (be more specific than store)
Harmonica Kazoo Museum
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37. Name a place that might be really dusty.
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38. Name a type of business where you might drop something off and pick it up later.
automechanic 35 dry cleaner 31 photos 23 copy place 8 storage 2
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39. Name a place that is usually quiet.
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40. Name A Place Where You Might Be Charged A Late Fee.
video store 44 library 37
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tags: library credit card utilities category: 2 answers
41. Where Might You Be If Youre Sitting In A Cramped Spot For A Long Time
car 33 airplane 30 bus 19 train 5 church 4 jail 3 school 3
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tags: school work hospital airplane library category: 7 answers
42. Name a section you might find in a bookstore.
Fiction Romance Mystery Nonfiction Horror Drama
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tags: books literature reading library fiction category: no points
43. Name something people alphabetize.
address book 39 flies 23 recipes 8 lists 6 soup 4 spices 3
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44. Why Might Someone Who Doesnt Like Reading Go To The Library
use computer 36 study 31 meet people 13 research 10 it's quiet 5
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45. Other Than Books, What You Check Out At Library
Movies Magazines Music
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tags: library media movies music technology category: no points
46. Name Something That’s In A Bookstore, But Not In Most Libraries.
Cafe Register
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tags: library kids books writing knowledge category: no points
47. Name a place where talking gets you a dirty look
Library Church Funeral
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tags: funny kids school hospital library category: no points
48. Name a kind of place where you're embarrassed when you doze off
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tags: work school church hospital library category: no points
49. What Do People Use To Keep Their Place In A Book If They Dont Have A Bookmark
paper 55 fold page 18 pen 13 card 8 napkin 4
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tags: books reading library education school category: 5 answers
50. Tell me something in a library that you can't check out.
computer 50 periodicals 21 reference books 13 librarian 12
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tags: library reading kids knowledge books category: 4 answers
51. Name A Place You Wait Where It Could Be Awkward To Make Too Much Small Talk With Others
hospital 33 bathroom 29 bus stop 15 jail 13 voting booth 4 court/lawyer 4
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tags: waiting room doctor's office library category: 6 answers
52. if something is made of glass what words might be written on the sign next to it
Do Not Touch Careful Piggy Bank Caution Fragile Breakable
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tags: school work museum hospital zoo library category: no points
53. What are the places where you are not allowed to touch anything?
Museum Art gallery Zoo Gift shop Gentleman’s club
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tags: adults museum library funeral hospital zoo category: no points
54. Name A Place Where A Mom Might Go When She Says, ” I Need Peace And Quiet.”
Her Bedroom 38 Take A Bath 30 Spa 11 Place Of worship 9 Library 6 Park 3
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tags: home bathroom bedroom car library playground category: 6 answers
55. Name a situation where you might be with a group of people, but are not allowed to talk to each other.
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tags: school work hospital library church category: 7 answers
56. Name A Place Where Many People Go Once A Week
Church Grocery Store Gym Bank Movie Theater
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tags: store school church gym park library category: no points
57. If You Want To Read A Book Without Paying For It, Where Might You Spend Too Much time
Library Book Store School On Line Friend’s House
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58. what might a library start offering if they really wanted to attract patrons
Alcohol Movie Presentations Food Service Free Books
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tags: library community entertainment education technology category: no points
59. Name a place where people like to read the morning newspaper.
kitchen table 41 bathroom 24 train/subway 10 coffee shop 8
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tags: home public transportation office library category: 4 answers
60. Name Someplace People Go To Help Them Think.
library 39 place of worship 16 parking 14 bedroom 12 bathroom 11 by the ocean 6
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tags: library nature writing music solitude category: 6 answers
61. Name A Good Place To Study
Library Bedroom Study Office School Kitchen Outside
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62. Other Than Movie Tickets Name Something A Crowded Movie Theatre Might Run Out Of
popcorn 51 space 30 candy 8
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63. Name a kind of place you'd hate to be hearing people's cell phone go off
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tags: school hospital library theater supermarket restaurant category: no points
64. Other than home, name a place a student might go to do their homework.
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tags: homework education location school study library category: no points
65. Besides Books, Name Something You’d Find In Most School Libraries
Compters 39 Magazines 20 Librarian 11 Chairs 6 Desks 5 Students 5 Videos 5
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tags: school education learning library books students category: 7 answers
66. Name a public place where you see parents disciplining their children.
store/mall 57 park/field 15 school/playground 13 restaurant 8
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tags: school park store restaurant mall library category: 4 answers
67. Name A Place Where Wish People Wouldn’t Answer Their Cell Phones
movie theater 27 place of worship 27 restaurant 13 car 11 library 9 at work 7 in the bathroom 4
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tags: school work hospital movies theater library category: 7 answers
68. Name A Place Where You’re Asked To Turn Off Cell Phone
Hospital Movie Theater Church Airplane School Library Court
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tags: work school library theatre courtroom hospital category: no points
69. Name Someplace You Might Be Where It Would Be Inappropriate To Laugh Out Loud.
place of worship 46 funeral 37 classs 4 library 4 symphany 3 morgue 2 court 2
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tags: work school hospital library funeral elevator category: 7 answers
70. Name a place where people are on their best behavior
Chapel Mass Cathedral Synagogue Mosque
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tags: adults behavior church funeral library restaurant category: no points
71. Name something a student might ask to borrow, but does not plan on returning.
Pen Money Paper Book Tissue
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tags: school office library funny kids hilarious category: no points
72. Besides An Office, Place To Find Copy Machine
Grocery Store Library Convenience Store Post Office Copy Shop At Home Drugstore
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tags: school library store hospital kids funny category: no points
73. Name a popular section of a library.
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tags: library knowledge books reading learning research category: 5 answers
74. Name Something That You Need Silence In Order To Do.
read 49 sleep 19 study 17 thinik 4 meditate/pray 4 take a test 3
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tags: library school movies church kids funny category: 6 answers
75. Name Something That Has An Aisle
Church Cinema Supermarket Theatre A Plane
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tags: grocery hardware airplane airport theater library category: no points
76. Name a place where kids must be reminded to mind their manners:
restaurant 58 church 30 dinner table 3 grandma's 3
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tags: school church restaurant library museum theater category: 4 answers
77. Name A Place You’d Get A Dirty Look For Falling Asleep
Place Of Worship 47 Work 25 School 18 Public Transit 4 Theater 3
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tags: work school funeral church library hospital category: 5 answers
78. Name some place where people whisper.
church 53 library 20 movie 15 work 4 funeral 2 bedroom 2 restaurant 2
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tags: school church library hospital movies concerts category: 7 answers
79. Name A Place Where A Teenager Wouldn’t Want To Be Seen With Their Parent.
mall 41 school 28 movie theatre 11 party 7
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tags: school restaurant store party aquarium library category: 4 answers
80. Name an improper place where you found yourself cracking jokes.
church/temple 57 funeral 13 job/interview 11 court/jury duty 7
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tags: work funeral library school kids hilarious category: 4 answers
81. Name Some Place Where Not Allowed To Make Noise
Library Church Movie Theater Hospital Funeral Home Theater Court
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tags: library hospital classroom museum animals plants category: no points
82. name a place where you wish people wouldnt answer their cell phones
At Work Place Of Worship Library Movie Theatre In The Bathroom
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tags: school work hospital church theater library category: no points
83. Name A Place You Might Whisper
church library
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tags: school library hospital theater church funeral category: no points
84. name something you avoid if you dont like to hear your own voice
Fashion Microphones Talking Singing Answering Machines Pay Bills
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tags: school work hospital music library museum category: no points
85. Name a place you should never ever use foul language.
church 86 work 6 home 3 school 2 day care 2
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tags: school work church funeral hospital library category: 5 answers
86. Name a place you wouldn't want to receive a cell phone call
Bathroom Washroom Toilet Latrine Mosque Loo
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tags: work school hospital library theater restaurant category: no points
87. Name a Place Where You’re Supposed to Be Very Quiet
Library 1 Church 1 Theater/Movies 1 Bedroom 1
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tags: library theater church museum doctor's office category: 4 answers
88. Name Something You Only Consume When You Go To A Fast Food Restaurant.
French Fries 52 Burger 36 Milkshake 5 Chicken Nuggets 4
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tags: fast food restaurants food drinks kids funny category: 4 answers
89. Name something you drink for breakfast.
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90. Name something guests get hit with on "Jerry Springer."
fists/hands 35 chairs 28 pies/cakes 11 hurtful words 6 shoes 4 underwear/bras 3
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91. Name a drink that quenches your thirst.
water 37 gatorade 31 soft drink 15 lemonade 7 ice tea 6 orange juice 2
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92. Name a product that convenience stores sell the most of
Tonic Water Root Beer Pop Ginger Ale Cola Club Soda
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93. Name Something People Wait In Line For On Hot Days
ice cream 66 cold drinks 23 water park 10
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94. Name Something People Associate With Shirley Temple
Curly Hair 42 Dolls 17 Dimples 14 Good Ship Lollypop 9 Child Star 4 Singing/Dancing 4 Movies 3
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95. What kinds of foods and drinks do people acquire a taste for as they get older
Alcohol Water Turn It Upside Down Shake It
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96. We asked 100 people: name a popular soda flavor.
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97. Name something people drink that's red.
red wine 43 kool-aid 28 cranberry juice 14 fruit punch 9 tomato juice 6
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98. Name something you might put in tea.
Milk Sugar Honey Lemons Ice
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99. Name a non-alcoholic drink you can get at a bar.
soda 27 shirley temple 20
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100. Name Something That Quenches Your Thirst
Water 56
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tags: food drinks kids category: fast money
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