The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name Something A Kid Passes Out To All Of His Classmates.
sweets 45 valentines 18 notes 11 schoolwork 10 germs 5 invitations 4
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tags: school kids hilarious classroom teacher category: 6 answers
2. what can students do to make their teacher like them
Bring An Apple Study Pay Attention Campanion Good Grades
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tags: education teacher classroom school teaching category: no points
3. name a place where kids are instructed to sit still
Dentist/doctor Place Of Worship School Car/bus
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tags: school kids funny classroom chaos teacher category: no points
4. Name someone who might help a high school student with his homework
Mother Dad Parent New Parent Father Tutor Step-parent
Answers are hidden.
5. Name something you could find in an art class.
paint 58 paintbrushes 8
Answers are hidden.
6. Name something you see on a student's desk.
pen 49 pencil 12 books 11 computer 6 calculator 3 paper 3
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tags: school classroom education kids learning category: 6 answers
7. Name an animal that a class might have as a pet.
Hamster Goldfish Turtle Rat Rabbit Gerbil Snake
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tags: school animals kids classroom pets category: no points
8. Name things in school that are often broken.
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tags: school office classroom kids funny category: no points
9. Name something found in a Grade Three classroom
Chalkboard Pencil Crayons Dictionaries Blackboard Colored Pencils Novels Crayons
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tags: school kids classroom education learning children category: no points
10. Name something teachers threaten to do when a class is misbehaving.
detention 69 no recess 9 call parents 7 send to principal 6 extra homework 4 suspend them 3 pop quiz 2
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tags: school kids funny hilarious classroom education category: 7 answers
11. name something at the front of most elementary school classrooms
Teacher's Desk Chalkboard Teacher Flag Alphabet
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tags: school kids education classroom learning teachers category: no points
12. Name something new that kids might get at the start of a school year
Rucksack Backpack Notebook Knapsack Bookbag Sack
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tags: school education kids learning classroom students category: no points
13. Name something you might see on a teacher's desk
Quills Leads Pencils Pens
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tags: school work kids funny office classroom category: no points
14. What are some things you find in a classroom?
Chairs Tables Chalkboard/Blackboard Teacher Students
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tags: kids classroom school work learning education category: no points
15. Name a reason a kid might have to raise his hand up in class.
washroom 42 ask question 13
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tags: school education kids classroom children learning category: 2 answers
16. Name something in school that students might have to buy themselves.
Lunch Books Pens Notebooks Calculators
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tags: school students supplies classroom education category: no points
17. Name something you might find in a classroom.
Desks 36 Chalkboard 20 Teachers 18 Students 15 Books 11
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tags: classroom school learning education knowledge supplies category: 5 answers
18. Name A Reason Why A Student Would Raise His Hand In Class
Bathroom 42
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tags: school education students teachers classroom learning category: fast money
19. Name someone who has to listen to problems all day long
Analyst Alienist Social Worker Aid Worker Shrink Therapist
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tags: therapist customer service teacher category: no points
20. Name Someone Other Than Family And Friends That You Would Confide In
pastor 45 teacher 26 doctor 9 co worker 7 therapist 5
Answers are hidden.
21. Name A Reason Why A Student Might Be Moved To The Front Of The Class
poor vision 46 in trouble 23 teacher's pet 23 hear better 5 attractive teacher 3
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tags: education classroom learning discipline students category: 5 answers
22. Name Some Place Where Not Allowed To Make Noise
Library Church Movie Theater Hospital Funeral Home Theater Court
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tags: library hospital classroom museum animals plants category: no points
23. Name a place where you have to keep quiet.
public library 46 church 34 hospital 14 court 6
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tags: indoors public places library classroom church movie theater category: 4 answers
24. What is something that can get you labeled "cool" in high school
Truck Jalopy Vehicle
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tags: school high school teenagers youth kids category: no points
25. Name Something A High School Student Might Join In Order To Become More Popular.
sports 60 cheerleading 24 band 8 student council 4
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tags: school social activities popularity teen high school category: 4 answers
26. Name a subject you might still struggle with if you went back to high school
Addition Math Figures Multiplication Subtraction Division
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tags: school education learning high school knowledge subjects category: no points
27. Name something commonly found in high school lockers.
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tags: school teens students belongings personal high school category: no points
28. What Might A Man Have In His Bedroom That Tells You He’s Still Re-living His High School Days.
old posters 27 trophies 25 pictures 4
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tags: home bedroom high school school memories nostalgia category: 3 answers
29. We asked 100 men: Name something you spent your money on for your high school prom
Limo Ear Tuxedo
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tags: prom high school spending money school funny category: no points
30. Name A Class That Most Students Take In College But Not High School
Psychology Chemistry Calculus Physics Philosophy Economics
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tags: school college high school academics education learning category: no points
31. How many hours per week does the average high schooler spend studying?
Ten Five Two Three Eight Twenty
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tags: education school studying homework teens high school category: no points
32. On average, how long do high school sweethearts stay together?
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tags: relationships school marriage love high school category: no points
33. name something that jocks in high school dont do the same as their peers
Socialize Date Eat Dress Study Play Sports
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tags: school sports high school education athletics category: no points
34. what novel did you hate reading in highschool
Kill A Mockingbird War And Peace Great Expectations Moby Dick Lord Of The Flies Catcher In The Rye Of Mice And Men
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tags: school reading high school books literature category: no points
35. Name a complaint a high school teacher might have about her job
Children Kids The Kids Daughters Youth Babies
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tags: school work high school teachers teenagers category: no points
36. Name something a prom queen might save as a memento.
crown 56 corsage 13 dress 10 pictures 10 flowers 10
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tags: school prom fun memory high school category: 5 answers
37. Name a reason teenagers brag about their high school
Professors Educators Cool Teachers Football Team Team Instructors Teachers
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tags: school bragging teenagers high school category: no points
38. If a pirate went to high school, what might they get detention for doing?
Fighting Stealing Cursing Drinking Talking
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tags: school high school pirates funny category: no points
39. Name a food served in a high school cafeteria.
chicken nuggets 38 macaroni and cheese 23 hot dogs 20 pizza 19
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tags: food school cafeteria high school category: 4 answers
40. What Clubs Would You Imagine Bill Gates Was A Member Of In High School
computer chess math
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tags: school high school clubs category: no points
41. Name a place where kids have a hard time sitting still.
place of worship 54 school 19 movie theater 11 car 8 restaurant 4 waiting room 3
Answers are hidden.
42. Name a reason kids love summer.
no school 66 swimming 15 sports 9 weather 6
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43. Name something one of the characters from the Wizard of Oz wanted to get
Brain Heart Ticker Noodle Thumper Cerebellum Ventricle
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44. Give me a name that rhymes with "Nora."
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45. Name something that people start up.
Car Business Conversation Lawn Mower
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46. Name a way that students get to school.
Bus Walk Car Bike
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tags: school transportation kids category: no points
47. name something kids and their teachers both get lazier about at the end of the school year
School Rules Washing Machine Timeliness School Work Appearance/dress Attendance
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48. Name something people push around.
cart 50 baby stroller 27 vacuum 8 lawn mower 5
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49. When kids don't want to go to school, name an illness that's easy for them to fake.
stomach ache 57 sore throat 12 fever 9 cold 9 headache 7
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50. Name a place in schools where kids are not allowed to go.
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51. Besides food, name something you would expect to see in a school cafeteria.
Tables Students Trays Milk Soda Chairs
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52. Name A Specific Type Of Math Class Offered In High Schools.
algebra 50 geometry 23 calculus 15 trigonometry 8
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53. Give me another word for zero
Nothing 39
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tags: school kids funny category: fast money
54. Name a wild animal found in the U.S.
bears 38 wolves 25 mountain lions 18 deer 11 foxes 8
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55. Name something that comes in threes.
triplets 25 death 24 bad luck 11 blind mice 4 wishes 4 clothes 3 clover 3 holy trinity 2
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56. Name something from an art class that young children might take a taste of.
Glue/Paste Paint Clay Crayon Chalk
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57. Besides Books, Name Something You’d Find In Most School Libraries.
computer 40 magazines 21
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58. Name A Club A High School Student Might Belong To
glee club 23 chess club 16 debate club 14 drama 13 art 6 foreign language 5
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59. Name Something A Student Has To Do When Running For Class President
Campaign 46 Give Speeches 16 Make Posters 10 Shake Hands 8 Say Hello 7 Draft Platform 6
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60. Name a literary device.
Metaphor 45 Foreshadowing 27 Simile 19 Alliteration 9
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tags: literature school kids category: 4 answers
61. name something a person might be scared to do at their first swim lesson
Head Under Water Go To Deep End Pillow Get In Water Dive Trash
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62. Name a sport that requires a track.
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63. In art class, name something a kid might use cotton balls to make.
snowman 47 clouds 30 rabbit 9 sheep 5 santa's beard 3
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tags: art school kids creativity category: 5 answers
64. Name A Game You Played In Gym Class But Doesn’t Offer Much Exercise?
dodgeball 54 tag 21 volleyball 8 duck duck goose 6 ping pong 4 bowling 3
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65. Name a food item you peel.
orange 42 banana 35 potato 10 apple 8 onion 5
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66. Name something people associate with Yankee Doodle
Horse Dandy Song Filly Feather Macaroni Pony
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67. Name an image that might accompany an article about teachers.
apple 40 books 24 blackboard/chalk 21 classroom/desks 9 map/globe 5
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68. Name A Shape Other Than A Square
Triangle Circle Hexagon Cube
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69. Name Something Kids Might Get All Over Their Hands
Mud / Dirt Chocolate Food Ice Cream
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70. Name something children need to memorize
Abc Number Phone Number Telephone Number Letters
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71. Name something you would want to bring alive with mood slime.
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72. Name An Animal You Would Find In The Ocean But Not In A Pond
shark 44 whale 24 dolphin 16 octopus 7 seal 6
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73. Name an animal that has paws.
dog 36 bear 27 cat 15 tiger 12 lion 10
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74. Name another word people say for “rear end.”
Butt/Buttocks 1 Arse 1 Backside 1 Derriere 1 Bottom 1 Heine 1
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75. Name Something Students Would Not Want The Teacher To Catch Them Doing.
cheating 66 smoking 11 passing notes 6 talking 3 sleeping 2 chewing gum 2
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76. Name something a kid with a broken arm would have a hard time doing at school.
writing 57 playing sports 18 carrying things 7 going to bathroom 4 raising hand 3
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77. Name a place parents leave notes for their kids before sending them to school.
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78. Name something embarrassing a student might do in front of their class.
Fart Fall Vomit Stutter Burp
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79. Tell me the age when a kid gets braces.
twelve 41 ten 31 thirteen 9 fourteen 4 eight 3 eleven 3 nine 3 six 3
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80. Name something that kids don’t want to be teased about wearing.
glasses 47 braces 36 clothes 17
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81. Name Something Kids Are Afraid To Get From Their Teacher
bad grade 43 detention 25 homework 17 test 6 letter sent home 6
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82. If cigarettes are the currency of prison, what would be the currency of the school yard?
Candy Gum Pens Lunch
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83. Name Something A Teacher Might Make Students Do During An Emergency Drill.
leave classroom 40 duck and cover 30 form a line 18 stay calm 9
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84. Name An Act Of High School Rebellion That You Cant Imagine A Kindergartener Doing
smoking 39 fighting 21 alcohol/drugs 17 skipping school 14 swearing 5 breaking curfew 3
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85. Besides a sandwich, name something a mom might pack into her child's lunchbox
Plum Melon Apple Strawberry Raspberry Peach
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86. Name A Job Children Do To Earn Pocket Money
Do Dishes Wash The Car Mow The Lawn Trim Hedges Tidy Their Room Polish
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87. Name an animal that has no problem with moving in the dark
Bat 34 Cat 27 Owl 25 Mole 14 Mouse 4
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88. Tell me a game that kids might play at recess.
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89. Name A Type Of Book That You’re Not Expected To Read All Of.
bible 36 dictionary 28 encyclopedia 15 text book 10 phone book 8
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90. Tell me something the human body has lots of.
Hair 25 Blood 20 Bones 20 Cells 18 Water 17
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91. Name A Word That Begins With “Comp.”
Computer 39 Competition 17 Company 12 Complimentary 11 Composition 7 Compensation 7 Complete 4
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92. Name something people accidentally leave in a taxi.
mobilephone 32 wallet 27 bag 16 purse 7 jacket 5 umbrella 4
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93. Name something a student might do to pass a test.
Study 51 Cheating 44 Homework 5
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94. Name a Phrase That Begins With The Word “Double.”
trouble 52 jeopardy 24 dutch 11 dare 10
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95. Name A Drink The Designated Driver Might Order
Soda 65
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tags: kids school food funny category: fast money
96. What Name Would You Give Your Daughter If You Wanted To Name Her After A Queen
elizabeth 56 victoria 14 mary 12 cleopatra 5 anne 4
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97. Name A Place That’s Usually More Crowded On Fridays Than The Rest Of The Week
Movie Theatre 18
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tags: work school food kids category: fast money
98. Name a crop that requires a lot of water to produce.
Watermelons Rice Tomatoes Lettuce Corn
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99. Name Something That A Child Often Loses
teeth 35 toys 34 money 13 homework 7 gloves 4 jacket 3 temper 3
Answers are hidden.
100. Name a country kids study in ancient history class.
egypt 32 greece 27 italy 19 china 8 japan 3 mexico 3 france 3
Answers are hidden.
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