The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Which Question Do You Think Is Asked The Most At A High School Reunion?
what do you do 53 how are you 16 kids 10 married yet 10 whoare you 2 where do you live 2
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tags: school nostalgia memories friends funny conversation category: 6 answers
2. Name a place where you keep pictures of your loved ones.
wallet 23 photo album 22 on the wall 11 computer 6 living room 6 desk 6
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tags: family home home decor memories nostalgia category: 6 answers
3. Name a smell you associate with your grandmother's house
Cleaning Products Cooking Mothballs Flowers
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tags: family memories home childhood food nostalgia category: no points
4. Name Something You See Or Hear That Reminds You Of An Ex
song 61 voice 13 photo 9 movie 6 name 5 car 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: memories nostalgia relationships category: 6 answers
5. How many hours per week does the average high schooler spend studying?
Ten Five Two Three Eight Twenty
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tags: education school studying homework teens high school category: no points
6. We asked 100 men: Name something you spent your money on for your high school prom
Limo Ear Tuxedo
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tags: prom high school spending money school funny category: no points
7. Name a subject you might still struggle with if you went back to high school
Addition Math Figures Multiplication Subtraction Division
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tags: school education learning high school knowledge subjects category: no points
8. Name something commonly found in high school lockers.
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tags: school teens students belongings personal high school category: no points
9. Name A Class That Most Students Take In College But Not High School
Psychology Chemistry Calculus Physics Philosophy Economics
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tags: school college high school academics education learning category: no points
10. Name Something A High School Student Might Join In Order To Become More Popular.
sports 60 cheerleading 24 band 8 student council 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: school social activities popularity teen high school category: 4 answers
11. Name something you might regret throwing away while spring cleaning.
Clothes 56 Pictures 21 Documents 12 Toys 7 Blankets 4 Jewelry Books Money Valuables
Answers are hidden.
12. Name something you never forget how to do.
ride a bike 34 tie shoes 28 drive 16 walk 9 cook 7 talk 6
Answers are hidden.
13. Name a complaint a high school teacher might have about her job
Children Kids The Kids Daughters Youth Babies
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tags: school work high school teachers teenagers category: no points
14. On average, how long do high school sweethearts stay together?
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tags: relationships school marriage love high school category: no points
15. name something that jocks in high school dont do the same as their peers
Socialize Date Eat Dress Study Play Sports
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tags: school sports high school education athletics category: no points
16. what novel did you hate reading in highschool
Kill A Mockingbird War And Peace Great Expectations Moby Dick Lord Of The Flies Catcher In The Rye Of Mice And Men
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tags: school reading high school books literature category: no points
17. What is something that can get you labeled "cool" in high school
Truck Jalopy Vehicle
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tags: school high school teenagers youth kids category: no points
18. Name Something From Childhood That Many People Save.
photos 44 toys 19 blanket 11 baby teeth 7 clothes 7 doll 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: childhood memories family nostalgia keepsakes category: 6 answers
19. Name Something From Her Childhood That A Woman Might Keep Forever.
Doll/ Teddy Bear 52 Diary 17 Pictures 13 Security Blanket 11 Piece Of Jewelry 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: childhood nostalgia memories family keepsakes category: 5 answers
20. When Visiting Hometown, Place You Would Definately Visit
Parents House Mall School Bar Church
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tags: family places memories nostalgia food category: no points
21. Name a reason teenagers brag about their high school
Professors Educators Cool Teachers Football Team Team Instructors Teachers
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tags: school bragging teenagers high school category: no points
22. Name a food served in a high school cafeteria.
chicken nuggets 38 macaroni and cheese 23 hot dogs 20 pizza 19
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tags: food school cafeteria high school category: 4 answers
23. If a pirate went to high school, what might they get detention for doing?
Fighting Stealing Cursing Drinking Talking
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tags: school high school pirates funny category: no points
24. Name something a prom queen might save as a memento.
crown 56 corsage 13 dress 10 pictures 10 flowers 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: school prom fun memory high school category: 5 answers
25. Name a type of ticket stub that you might keep for sentimental reasons.
concert 38 movie 22 sporting event 19 prom/dance 10 airplane 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: memories nostalgia events travel concerts sports category: 5 answers
26. We asked 100 people: tell us something you get nostalgic about.
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tags: nostalgia memories childhood family games entertainment category: 6 answers
27. What do people miss about being a teenager?
Time Energy Looks Freedom Friends
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tags: adults nostalgia teenagers childhood memories youth category: no points
28. Name something you will never throw away no matter how ratty it gets.
Clothes Blanket Teddy Bear Pillow
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tags: sentimental keepsakes memories nostalgia family childhood category: 4 answers
29. Name something in your house that's over fifty years old
Furniture Me Parents
Answers are hidden.
tags: household nostalgia antiques history memories family category: no points
30. Name something you haven't ridden since you were a kid.
bicycle 29 tricycle 18 horse 16 amusement ride 9 sled 3 train 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: nostalgia childhood memories transportation family kids category: 6 answers
31. Name something from your childhood that you just won't throw away.
Toy Blanket Clothes Photos Trophies Jewelry
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tags: nostalgia childhood memories sentimental kids family category: 6 answers
32. Name something people save because it has sentimental value
Photos Necklace Pictures Snapshots Shots Polaroids
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tags: sentimental memories family keepsakes nostalgia treasure category: no points
33. Which Festive Holiday Was More Fun When You Were A Kid
christmas 51 halloween 19 easter 16
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tags: childhood holidays family memories nostalgia kids category: 3 answers
34. Name something you loved to sit on when you were a small child:
someone's lap 54 rocking chair 12 floor 6 swing 6 rocking horse 5
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tags: kids childhood nostalgia memories play games category: 5 answers
35. name something you got before bed as a kid that youd like to get before bed now
Milk/ Snack Kiss/ Hug Sweaters Tucked In Bedtime Story
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tags: bedtime nostalgia comfort memories childhood relaxation category: no points
36. Name something that was better in the "good old days".
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tags: nostalgia past memories comparison childhood history category: 6 answers
37. What can make you feel like a kid again?
Disneyland Playing with kids Riding a bicycle Eating candy Jumping
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tags: fast money childhood nostalgia memories fun family kids category: fast money
38. Name an event in your life that you wouldn't mind reliving over and over.
wedding 20 vacation 14 birth 13 graduation 10 meeting spouse 5 teens 4
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tags: life events memories personal relationships nostalgia experiences category: 6 answers
39. What Clubs Would You Imagine Bill Gates Was A Member Of In High School
computer chess math
Answers are hidden.
tags: school high school clubs category: no points
40. Name A Place Where A Teenage Girl Might Keep Her Diary.
Under Mattress 58 Underwear Drawer 17
Answers are hidden.
tags: school bedroom library category: fast money
41. Name Something You Need In Order To Be Popular In High School
Money Good Looks Car Stylish Clothes Good Grades Personality
Answers are hidden.
tags: high school popularity social status friends relationships category: no points
42. Name something you'd find in a teen's room that would never be a part of your living room decor.
Answers are hidden.
43. Name a place people keep a family photo.
wall 31 photo album 25 mantle 12 wallet 10 desk 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: home living room bedroom study category: 5 answers
44. Name something you might find in a parent's room.
money 38 television 26 pictures 15 bed 14 jewelry 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: family home personal bedroom parents category: 5 answers
45. Name A Place Where A Mom Might Go When She Says, ” I Need Peace And Quiet.”
Her Bedroom 38 Take A Bath 30 Spa 11 Place Of worship 9 Library 6 Park 3
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tags: home bathroom bedroom car library playground category: 6 answers
46. Other Than Sheets, Something On Bed
Pillows Blanket Teddy Bear Hot Water Bottle
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tags: home comfort bedding bedroom sleep category: no points
47. Name Something They Might Have In A Hotels Honeymoon Suite You Wish You Had In Your Bedroom.
jacuzzi 37 heart bed 22
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tags: bedroom honeymoon hotel home decor romance category: 2 answers
48. Name something a couple might have two of after moving in together.
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tags: home kitchen bedroom bathroom living room category: no points
49. Name something you might find in a bedroom.
Bed 59 TV 18 Bedding 13 Dresser 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: home furniture decor bedroom personal storage category: 4 answers
50. Name a place you hope the invisible man is not hiding.
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tags: home bathroom shower bedroom kitchen closet category: no points
51. Name something you might find at the foot of the bed.
Slippers Clothes Bedding Furniture Dust
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tags: home bedroom furniture sleep comfort kids category: 5 answers
52. Name something you might find in a parent's room
Divorce Money Television
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tags: bedroom parents family home private kids category: no points
53. Name the most important piece of furniture in your house.
Bed Couch Chair TV Dining Table
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tags: home furniture family living room bedroom kids category: 5 answers
54. Name A School Supply That You Haven’t Used Since You Were Young.
crayon 38 ruler 25 pencil/eraser 18 paste/glue 11 compass 5
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tags: school education kids funny childhood nostalgia category: 5 answers
55. Name Something People Usually Keep From High School
yearbook 55 class ring 18 diploma 13 pictures 3 books 2 cap and tassel 2
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56. Name a school event that might be documented in the year book.
Answers are hidden.
57. Name something a person keeps for a lifetime.
photos 34 jewelry 27 memories 6 themselves 4 teddy 3 name 3
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tags: school work memories name family friends category: 6 answers
58. What is something you might do ahead of time to prepare for your high school reunion?
lose weight 33 get hair done 29 buy new clothes 18 find out who's coming 11 drink 5
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tags: school friends memories preparation gossip category: 5 answers
59. name a reason why someone might avoid their high school reunion
Ex Girlfriend/boyfriend No Job Bullies Gained Weight Preservatives
Answers are hidden.
tags: school social friends memories awkward category: no points
60. Name Something Of Her Child’s That A Mom Would Save Forever.
lock of baby hair 40 photos 27 baby teeth 18 clothes 5 blanket 5 artwork 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: school art pets kids family memories category: 6 answers
61. Name something people record.
music 34 television shows 20 voice 11 parties 7 births 5 checks 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: events occasions memories school work category: 6 answers
62. Name something people bring with them to their high school reunion.
photos 47 yearbook 30 spouse/date 18 letterman jacket 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: school friends memories pictures food drinks category: 4 answers
63. Name Something Children Forget When Leaving For School
Homework Packed Lunch Dinner Money School Tie
Answers are hidden.
tags: school kids funny hilarious childhood memories category: no points
64. what is the most memorable night of a teenagers life
Prom Graduation First Date First Kiss 16th Birthday Curse
Answers are hidden.
tags: family teenagers memories life events school funny category: no points
65. Name A Sign That You Television Is Over 40 Years Old
black and white 36 has knobs 18 no remote control 14 doesn't work 12 small screen 8 fuzzy picture 7 console cabinet 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: technology entertainment nostalgia home appliances category: 7 answers
66. Name A Common Household Item That Was A Luxury To Have 50 Years Ago
tv 48 dishwasher 32 phone 9 washing machine 8
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tags: home history inventions nostalgia lifestyle technology category: 4 answers
67. Name Something That Used To Take Up Shelf Space In Your House, But Can Now Be Stored Electronically.
music 40 photos 27 movies 17 books 12
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tags: technology storage home organization memories category: 4 answers
68. Name the gift you've gotten from your spouse that you cherish the most
Their Heart Ring Vacation Child
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tags: relationships marriage gifts sentimental home memories category: no points
69. Name a place where people keep pictures of their spouse
Money Clip Wallet
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tags: home family personal relationships memories couples category: no points
70. If You Had A Box In The Attic labeled “Wedding,” Name Something That Would Be In It.
dress 37 photos 24 cake topper 15 veil/bridal accessry 13 invitations 5 video tape 4
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tags: home marriage sentimental wedding planning memories keepsakes category: 6 answers
71. what is something a divorced couple will stop sharing
Bed Wrestling House Rugby
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tags: relationships home finances memories children social media category: no points
72. Name something you might find under people's beds.
shoes 28 clothes 11
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73. Name A Bug Keeps You Up All Night In Bedroom
Cricket Fly Mosquito Bee
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74. We surveyed 100 women...Name something, late at night, you might ask your husband to do for you
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tags: adults bedroom funny hilarious relationships category: no points
75. We surveyed 100 married women...Name a reason you'd sleep in a separate bed
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tags: sleep marriage relationships bedroom habits category: no points
76. Name something you put on a bed.
sheets 52 pillows 23 comforter 19 chocolate 6
Answers are hidden.
77. Name Something A Bachelor Might Buy For His Bedroom To Make It More Romantic.
candles 35 mirrors 25 colored lights 16 silk sheets 11 stereo system 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: bedroom romance valentine's day dating love category: 5 answers
78. Name something you might find in a teenage girl's bedroom
Posters Magazines Diary Mirror Makeup Photos Stuffed Animal
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79. Name a way that you can tell a kid’s bedroom apart from their parents’ room
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tags: kids family bedroom parenting design category: no points
80. Fill in the blank: In the bedroom, my husband's superhero name would be ____ Man.
Iron Man 2 Superman 1 Minuteman 1 Macho Man 2 Batman 1 Spider-Man 1
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tags: funny family relationship bedroom heroes category: 6 answers
81. Name Something A Slob Might Never Clean
Bedroom 46 bathroom 25 kitchen 8 Car 7 Clothes 7 Himself/Herself 6
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tags: house kitchen bathroom bedroom car closet category: 6 answers
82. Name something a woman keeps by her bed:
alarm 26 tissues 22 book 19 telephone 14 lamp 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: bedroom sleep personal comfort women category: 5 answers
83. Besides the bed name something you and your partner usually stick to your own sides of.
couch 51 car 27 dinner table 14 closet/dresser 4
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tags: bedding relationships habits bedroom hygiene couples category: 4 answers
84. Name something people push around.
cart 50 baby stroller 27 vacuum 8 lawn mower 5
Answers are hidden.
85. where might you find the word caution
Crime Scene Wet Floor Sign Construction Site Street/highway Coffee Cup Jail
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86. Name something that has holes in it.
colander 23 swiss cheese 21
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87. Name something you might think twice about getting rid of.
Clothes Spouse Car Pet
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88. Name Something You Might Use Bricks To Build.
house 78 wall 5 barbecue grill 4 fireplace 4 patio 2 doghouse 2 stairs 2
Answers are hidden.
89. Name a place where people keep or hide their good luck charms.
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90. Name something that people frequently trip over.
work 36 jail 29 hospital 17 home 13 church 5
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91. Name something people break into.
car 26 piggy bank 17 bank 17 home 15 cold sweat 5
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92. Name Something You Never Leave Unlocked. (More Specific Than “Door”.)
car 36 safe 30 house 27 diary 5
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93. Name A Place Where You See A Scale
doctor's office 27 gym 26 a fish 19 bathroom 14 truck stop 6 butcher/deli 5
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tags: home school work gym kitchen bathroom category: 6 answers
94. Name A Place Where You Would Find A Candle
Church In A Candlestick Bathroom Table
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tags: home school doctors office church category: no points
95. Name Something That Is Square In Shape
Box Window Dice Tv Cube
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96. Name something you might do at a gym.
use the treadmill 54 exercise 25 lift weights 21
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tags: home school fun fitness exercise health category: 3 answers
97. Name a place where you would expect to see a lot of christmas decorations.
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98. Name someplace a teenager complains about having to go.
School/college 1 Church 1 Family function 2 Dentist/doctor 1 Grocery store 2 Work 1
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99. Besides your house, name something you hope never becomes haunted.
Car Office School Children Pet Me
Answers are hidden.
100. Name Something You Can Buy In A Cordless Version
telephone 74 shaver 10 drill 8 screwdriver 3
Answers are hidden.
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