The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Tell me something that kids brag about regarding their fathers.
big and strong 52 cool job 22 takes them places 8 cool vehicle 6
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tags: kids family fatherhood parenting achievements category: 4 answers
2. Name Something New Dads Do Immediately After The Birth Of Their New Baby.
Hand Out Cigars 35
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tags: parenting babies dads fatherhood family category: fast money
3. Name the most important skill a dad could have.
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tags: parenting fatherhood skills family relationships kids category: no points
4. Tell Me Something A Man Teaches His Son To Do
play ball 34 fish/hunt 23 shave 15 drive 13 ride a bike 8 use a bathroom 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: family tradition fatherhood parenting wisdom boys category: 6 answers
5. Name something many people learned to do from their Dad.
drive 33 fish/hunt 21 shave 19 ride bike 16 curse 3 fix things 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: family life lessons parenting fatherhood childhood learning category: 6 answers
6. Name Something You Might Do To A Moustache
Trim It Shave It Twirl It Comb It Wax It
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7. Name something a man does in front of the mirror
Brush Comb Hair Flexing Razor Shave Trim
Answers are hidden.
8. Name A Reason Why A Man Would Wax Hair Off Part Of His Body
too hairy 34 for spouse/date 28 body builder 19 swimmer 16
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tags: grooming hygiene appearance shaving skincare category: 4 answers
9. Name a place on a man's face he often nicks while shaving
Chin Neck Throat Jowl Goatee Cheek Lips
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tags: face shaving grooming funny adults category: no points
10. Name a way of removing hair.
shave 39 wax 28 laser 10 hair removal cream 6
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tags: beauty hair grooming hygiene shaving category: 4 answers
11. Name a brand of men's aftershave.
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tags: grooming hygiene men personal care bathroom shaving category: no points
12. Something You Use To Shave That Can Be Replaced At A Drug Store
Razor Shaving Cream Aftershave
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tags: personal hygiene grooming shaving toiletries adults category: no points
13. Name Something A Man Might Do If He Nicks Himself While Shaving.
put toilet paper on it 44 curse 19 put bandaid on it 12 says ouch 11 let it bleed 7 put alcohol on it 5
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tags: hygiene injuries shaving accidents grooming kids category: 6 answers
14. Name Something You Might Find In A Mans Toiletry Bag
Aftershave Razor Shaving Cream Comb Deodorant
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tags: grooming hygiene toiletries bathroom shaving travel category: no points
15. Name something you need for shaving.
razor 46 cream 42 hair 3
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tags: hygiene bathroom grooming personal care daily routine shaving category: 3 answers
16. Way To Remove Hair
Wax Pull Out Shave
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17. Name Something People Do To Their Hair That Makes Them Look Silly.
Dye It 64 Mohawk 14 Get A Bad Haircut 6 Curling 5 Bleach 5
Answers are hidden.
18. Name an occassion that all parents look forward to.
graduation 46 christmas 11 kid's moving out 8 birthdays 6 first day of school 6 anniversary 5 wedding 4 mother's 4
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tags: kids family family-friendly parents parenting category: 8 answers
19. Name The Age When Youngsters Really Start Rebelling Against Their Parents.
13 44 12 16 16 12 14 7 15 7 10 7
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20. We asked 100 men. What is your pride and joy
Big Tv Missing Person Pet Kids Girlfriend Car
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21. How old is the average daughter when her parents let her get her ears pierced?
Thirteen Ten Twelve Fifteen Sixteen Six Five
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22. Name a child's toy that a dad might wish he had
Remote Control Car Toy Train Set Action Figure Video Game System
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23. Name a reason a child might throw a tantrum.
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24. When it comes to raising kids, what's the one thing you need the most of
Love Patience Discipline
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25. Name Something A Woman Might Do To Her 12 Year Old Son That Would Cause Him To Say, “Mom, I’m Too Old For This!”
Kiss Him 48
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tags: kids family funny parenting mom son category: fast money
26. When it comes to raising kids, name something grown children say they are going to do differently then their parents
Punishment Diligence Control Discipline Firmness Grounding
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27. Name something kids do to annoy their parents.
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28. Name something kids hope to someday have just like their parents.
car 36 house 26 money 20 their own family 7 job 3
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29. Name Something New Parents Have To Agree On Before their Baby Is born
name 52 religion 29 room color 8 childcare 5 discipline 3
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30. What Diaper Bag Item Would A Parent Hate To Be Without
diapers 49 wipes 33 bottle 13 pacifier 3
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31. Besides Your Mother, Name A Female Who Told You What To Do While You Were Growing Up
grandmother 32 aunt 30 teacher 19 older sister 15 babysitter 4
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tags: family childhood parenting learning category: 5 answers
32. Name a celebrity Britney should follow around to be a good mother.
angelina jolie 16 reese witherspoon 16 julia roberts 8 madonna 8 brooke shields 5 jennifer garner 5
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tags: parenting celebrity mothers family category: 6 answers
33. At What Age Does It Become Embarrassing To Still Live With Your Parents (Numeric Only)?
25 33 20 17 21 15 30 11 18 7 22 5 24 4
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tags: family parenting adulthood embarrassment category: 7 answers
34. Name something a father might do in the delivery room when his wife gives birth.
Faint Cry Take Pictures Hold Hands
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35. Name a command people give their dogs that they might wish they could give to their teenagers.
sit 32 stay 24 come here 16 fetch 14 speak 9 quiet 5
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36. Name something a mother might give the kids more of than a father would
Kisses Snogs Hold Pecks Smooches Hugs Embraces
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37. Name A Toy Parents Have To Put Together.
Bicycle 46 Doll House 12 Train Set 11 Race Track 11 Kite 10 Jungle Gym 8 Play House 2
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38. Name Something A Teenage Daughter Parent Hope Fromn Boyfriend
Car Tattoo Motorcycle Piercings Kid Criminal Record His Own Place
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tags: family parenting teenagers relationships category: no points
39. Name something about her infant son that a new mother talks about often.
sleep schedule 37 crying 18 how cute 14 feeding 13 changing diapers 11 weight 3
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40. What Do Parents Do As Part Of Their Childrens bedtime Routine
read 43 tuck them in 17 brush teeth 10 give bath 9 pray 6 sing 6 kiss goodnight 5
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tags: kids bedtime routine parenting family category: 7 answers
41. Name Something Parents Do To A Child Who Won’t Eat His Supper
Wishes Giggle A Lot Job Interview No Dessert Ask For An Autograph Smile Cry
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42. At what age does the average kid get their first cellphone?
Twelve Thirteen Ten Fourteen Fifteen Eleven
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tags: kids family parenting technology children category: no points
43. Tell Me A Way That A Babysitter Knows The Parents Are Nervous About Leaving.
hesitate to leave 28 calling repeatedly 21 crying 19 lots of questions 12 leave phone numbers 10 lots of instructions 7
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tags: parenting childcare family anxiety questions category: 6 answers
44. Name a sport you would be proud to watch your child play.
Baseball Basketball Soccer Football Hockey
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tags: family sports children parenting education category: no points
45. Tell me a way a parent rewards a well behaved child.
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tags: kids parenting rewards discipline family category: no points
46. name something a teens dad would ask her date when he came to the door
Name When Will You Be Home Age Where Are You Going
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tags: family teens parenting relationships humor category: no points
47. name something parents do to their kids and then tell their kids not to do
Yell Spank Swear
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tags: parenting advice family funny childhood category: no points
48. What Might You Name Your Son If You Wanted Him To Grow Up To Be A Magician.
houdini 49 merlin 30
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49. Name someone in a kid’s life who lets them get away with things their parent wouldn’t.
grandparents 55 babysitter 31 aunt/uncle 6 teacher 3
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tags: school kids funny parenting family category: 4 answers
50. Name a gift people often get for newborns.
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tags: kids family funny infants parenting category: no points
51. Name a superpower that an overworked dad might find useful.
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tags: work adults family funny parenting category: no points
52. Name something parents cannot wait for their kids to be old enough to do
Move Out Leave Home Get Apartment Relocate
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tags: parenting family kids chores funny category: no points
53. Tell me something parents blame for their kids' bad behavior.
tv/movie video 35 friends 30 school/daycare 8 other parents 8 not feeling well 7 music/music video 4
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tags: parenting family children behavior kids category: 6 answers
54. Name something a stay-at-home parent might miss about working a regular job.
paycheck 57 friends/coworkers 22 dressing up 12 out of the house 6
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tags: work family adulting funny parenting category: 4 answers
55. Name something specific that parents might encourage their kids to pursue.
College Sports Dreams Career
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tags: parenting kids advice children family category: no points
56. Name Something Specific About Your Parenting That Your Mother-In-Law Thinks You Should Do Differently
Discipline Children’s Eating Children’s Dress Bed Time Teach Manners
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tags: parenting family advice relationships funny category: no points
57. At what age do parents stop walking their kids to the bus stop?
Ten Eight Twelve Six Nine Thirteen
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tags: school family children parenting humor category: no points
58. What is something your parents/grandparents tell you often?
1. “Do your chores” 10 2. “I love you” 5 3. “Be quiet” 3 4. “Do the right thing” 3 5. “Don’t do that” 2
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tags: kids family advice wisdom parenting category: 6 answers
59. Why Might Parents Wait Until After The Baby Is Born To Give It A Name?
Find Out Sex Looks Personality Indecisive
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tags: parenting babies family tradition culture category: no points
60. Name a chore that used to be considered "woman's work", that dads are more likely to do now.
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tags: family chores gender roles parenting category: no points
61. Name the superhero that you think would make the best parent.
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tags: parenting superheroes family kids funny category: no points
62. At what age would you let your kids go trick or treating unsupervised?
Twelve Thirteen Ten Fifteen Fourteen Eleven Never Sixteen
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tags: kids parenting halloween safety family category: no points
63. Name a reason why a baby might be cranky.
hungry 39 tired 6 teething 20 dirty diapers 19 gas 8 sick 4
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tags: babies kids funny parenting family category: 6 answers
64. If A Bachelor Had To Suddenly Take Care Of A Baby, Name Something He’d Have To Learn How To Do Fast.
change diapers 87 feed 8
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65. At what age does a child first stay home alone?
12 35 13 26 10 14 14 9 11 7 15 6
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tags: family children parenting home safety category: 6 answers
66. Name something parents teach their children in the summer.
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tags: kids family learning parenting summer category: no points
67. Name something parents might offer their child in exchange for Easter candy.
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tags: family parenting easter candy kids category: 10 answers
68. At what age do kids stop sitting at the kids' table?
Twelve Ten Thirteen Fifteen Eight Eighteen
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tags: family kids children parenting age table category: no points
69. Finish the sentence: "every parents wants to be there for their baby's first _____."
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tags: family parenting kids heartwarming funny category: no points
70. Tell me something that a teenager still needs from their parents.
love 38 guidance 30 rides 17 rules 8 shelter 7
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tags: parenting family teens support teenagers category: 5 answers
71. Name A Fact About A New Boyfriend That A Woman Might Wait To Tell Her Parents.
his age 46 his job 21 old relationships 18 criminal record 6
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tags: relationships family parenting awkward funny category: 4 answers
72. which superhero would you least trust to babysit your children
Incredible Hulk Wolverine Batman Spiderman
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tags: kids family parenting superheroes babysitting category: no points
73. When kids complain that they're bored, name something parents tell them to do.
play 37 chores 27 read book 24 homework 7 watch tv 3
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tags: kids family children parenting funny category: 5 answers
74. Name something you'd hate to forget to put in a baby change bag.
Nappies Wipes Milk Baby Powder
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tags: baby parenting essentials kids family category: 4 answers
75. When kids ask where babies come from name an answer that parents give.
the stork 56 heaven 16 a cabbage patch 7 mom's tummy 7 the hospital 6 santa claus 3
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tags: kids family funny parenting education category: 6 answers
76. Name A Reason Why Parents Want Know Sex Of Baby
Clothes Name Decorate Room Curious
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tags: parenting pregnancy family genetics anatomy category: no points
77. Name a reason why fathers want sons.
carry a family name 58 play 11 pass on legacy 6 be just like them 5 ego 3 live vicariously 3
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tags: family kids funny parenting fathers category: 6 answers
78. Name a specific game parents stop letting their kids win at once they are older.
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tags: family childhood games parenting competition category: no points
79. name a baby item that you wouldnt want to buy from a rummage sale
Bottle Bib Pacifier Mattress/crib Secret Society Secret Santa Diapers
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80. Name An Instance When Parents Are Likely To Ask Their Children If They Need To Use The Bathroom.
bedtime 45 before a trip 33 before church 14 at the movies 7
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tags: kids family funny hilarious parenting category: 4 answers
81. Name something mom made you do as a kid that you are grateful for now.
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tags: family life lessons gratitude parenting category: no points
82. Name An Extracurricular Activity That Parents Say Is Good For A Child.
team sports 36 music lessons 22 dance class 21 theatre 12 martial arts 3
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tags: school education parenting kids family category: 5 answers
83. Name Something Parents Wouldnt Want To Find Under Their Childs Bed
magazines 62 moldy food 24 dirty clothes 5 boogieman 4 trash 3
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84. Name something Mom doesn’t let her kids do that Grandma might do
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tags: kids family fun funny parenting grandparents category: no points
85. Name something that parents think is important but kids might not.
School Money Homework Sleep Jobs
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86. Something Teenagers Do That Makes Parents Angry
Stay Out Late Talk Back Smoke Lie Drink
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tags: teenagers parenting family conflict school category: no points
87. Name a way that you can tell a kid’s bedroom apart from their parents’ room
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tags: kids family bedroom parenting design category: no points
88. Name something their children do which parents brag about
Good At Sports Good Grades Win Awards Graduate
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tags: parenting kids family bragging children category: no points
89. Name something that parents point out to their toddlers while on a walk
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tags: kids outdoors parenting family learning category: no points
90. Name A Specific Expense That You’d Save On If You Didn’t Have Any Kids
Food 58 Clothes 18 Diapers 6 Education 5 Toys 5 Childcare 3 Vacation 3
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tags: finance kids family expenses parenting category: 7 answers
91. Name one thing that parents wish that their newborn babies would be able to do right away.
talk 35 use bathroom 24 sleep through night 18 walk 15 drink bottle 8
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tags: kids family parenting babies newborns category: 5 answers
92. Name something a kid might think his dad is better at than other dads.
sports 47 everything 13 building 11 fighting 10 makign money 7 being smart 3 being strong 3
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tags: kids family funny dad skills parenting category: 7 answers
93. Name Something Annoying Kids Say On A Long Car Trip
are we there yet? 71 i need to go to the bathr 21
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tags: family travel kids funny parenting car category: 2 answers
94. Name Something Your Child Knows About You That You Hope Shes Not Telling Strangers
age 42 weight 26 address 12 phone number 6 income 4 drinking habits 3 sleep naked 3
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tags: kids funny family relationships parenting category: 7 answers
95. Name something children do when they are in the "Terrible Two's."
Tantrums Sob Throw Tantrums Freak Out Fit Melt Down
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tags: kids family hilarious children parenting category: no points
96. We Asked 100 Moms How Much Are You Like Your Mom. Scale 1-10.
10 9 8 7 5
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tags: family moms parenting relationships lifestyle category: no points
97. Besides babies, tell me someone or something whom you baby-talk to.
pet 62 lover 28 older child 3 elderly people 2 doll 2
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tags: affection nicknames relationships family parenting category: 5 answers
98. When kids complain that they're bored, name something parents tell them to do
Chores Play Homework Read Book
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tags: kids family boredom parenting advice category: no points
99. Name a holiday or occasion that's fun for kids but work for parents.
christmas 57 halloween 15 easter 8 birthday 8
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tags: kids family parenting holidays work category: 4 answers
100. When A Kid Says “I’M Bored”, Name Something A Parent Often Suggests.
Read A Book Go Out Side Clean Finish Homework Play Game
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids family parenting bored activities category: no points
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