The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. name something people own many of but only use their few favorites
Articles Of Clothing Soda Cds
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2. Name something specific you take off when you get home so you will be more comfortable.
shoes 72 bra 11 trousers 8 shirt 5 jewelry 2
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3. name something of her husbands that a woman might wear
Hat Shirt Boxers
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tags: wardrobe accessories jewelry clothing handbags shoes category: no points
4. Name something Michael Jackson wears:
glove 38 sunglasses 29 black clothing 15 earring 5 makeup 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothing fashion music shoes hats jewelry category: 5 answers
5. Name something you might wear a pair of.
Shoes Socks Pants Gloves Earrings Eyeglasses
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tags: clothing fashion attire shoes jewelry accessories category: no points
6. Name something you wear two of at the same time.
Socks 49 Shoes 22 Earrings 12 Gloves 9 Shirts 6
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7. Name Something You Don’t Feel Comfortable Doing At A Neat Freaks House
Eating Smoking Using A Bathroom Sitting On Furniture Keeping Shoes On Helping To Clean Up
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tags: food drinks feet shoes dirt clutter category: no points
8. Tell me an occupation in which you deal with people's feet
Masseuse Reflexologist Manicurist Shoes Saleman Podiatrist
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tags: work people feet shoes health funny category: no points
9. Women can never have too many purses. What's something men can never have enough of
Clothes Tools Women
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tags: men socks underwear ties tools shoes category: no points
10. Name something women use that comes in different colors. ("Makeup" is not an answer. Be more specific.)
Wax Eye Shadow Polish Lipstick Enamel Nail Polish Eyeshadow
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11. Name Something A Man Would Wear If He Were To Impersonate A Woman
Dress 30 Wig 26 High Heels 12
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tags: clothes accessories shoes makeup jewelry category: fast money
12. Name something that husbands think their wives spend too much money on
Fur Shirt Garment Dress Jacket Jeans
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tags: shopping clothes shoes jewelry makeup category: no points
13. Name something a woman sees and thinks, "I Gotta Have It".
shoes 28 purses 19 clothes 18 jewelry 13 cute guy 6 chocolate 6
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tags: fashion shoes handbags jewelry makeup category: 6 answers
14. Name something you might polish.
shoes 28 car 22 nails 22 silverware 7 furniture 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: home clothes shoes furniture jewelry car category: 5 answers
15. Besides clothes,name something the 50 Foot Woman might have trouble finding in her size.
shoes 54 car 12 a 50 foot man 11 bed 8 sunglasses 5 house 4
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tags: clothes shoes jewelry cars furniture pets category: 6 answers
16. What is something women buy which men think is a waste of money
Soap Cosmetics Eyeshadow
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tags: fashion makeup shoes accessories jewelry handbags category: no points
17. Name Something Women Often Compliment Their Friends On
Hair/Makeup Outfit Weight Loss Significant Other
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tags: fashion hair nails shoes accessories jewelry category: no points
18. Besides clothing, name something people wear every day:
watch 32 jewelry 27 shoes 16 deodorant 13 eyeglasses 8 makeup 2 smile 2
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tags: accessories jewelry glasses hats scarves shoes category: 7 answers
19. name something specific youd never buy without trying it on
Bathing Suit Pants Shoes
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tags: clothes shoes jewelry hats sunglasses watches category: no points
20. Name something women get excited about
Purchasing Buying Mall Boutique Store Jewelry Shopping
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tags: shopping shoes jewelry hair gossip friends category: no points
21. Name something women spend too much money on.
clothes 45 shoes 38 cosmetics 8 haircuts 3
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tags: clothes shoes handbags jewelry makeup hair salon category: 4 answers
22. Name Something You Associate With Socks
Shoes Holes Smelly Feet
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tags: clothing laundry feet comfort kids category: no points
23. Name A Design You Often See On Socks, But Not On Sneakers
stripes 32 animals 17 argyle 14 flowers 12 polka dots 10 hearts 9
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24. If the socks that you are wearing could talk, what would they say to you?
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25. Name something you wear that you don't take to the dry cleaners
Jeans T-shirt Underwear
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tags: clothing accessories hats underwear socks category: no points
26. Name An Article Of Clothing That Most People Have 10 Of.
pairs of shoes 57 pairs of socks 21 shirts 17
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tags: fashion clothing everyday objects wardrobe socks category: 3 answers
27. Name something that becomes more comfortable the longer you have it.
Shoes Clothes Chair Spouse Pillow Couch
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tags: clothing shoes relationship category: 6 answers
28. Name Something People Try Yo Squeeze Into.
Pants 58
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tags: clothing shoes cars jeans category: fast money
29. Name A Type Of Shoe That Women Own At Least One Of
Heels Sneakers Boots Sandles
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tags: footwear fashion clothing shoes wardrobe category: no points
30. name something you have to wear in order to be let in to some restaurants
Shoes Suit Jacket Tie Shirt Sweaters
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tags: clothing rules restaurants style shoes category: no points
31. How Many Pairs Of Shoes Does The Average Man Own.
4 (Four) 10 (Ten)
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tags: fashion shoes wardrobe footwear clothing men category: no points
32. Name A Kind Of Footwear Worn By Both Men And Woman
Trainers Sandals Slippers Boots Socks
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tags: shoes fashion style clothing wardrobe category: no points
33. Name Something That Has Strings On It
guitar 39 puppet 19 violin 16 kite 7 yo yo 6 balloon 4 cello 2
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tags: music instruments puppets toys shoes clothing category: 7 answers
34. Name something people wear when going on a hike
Backpack Knapsack Rucksack Schoolbag Cowboy Boots Sack Boots
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tags: clothing outdoors nature hiking shoes hats category: no points
35. Name Something You Put Around Your Neck
Necklace Scarf A Pen
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tags: clothing jewelry accessories scarves category: no points
36. Name something that some men wear and others don't
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tags: clothing accessories jewelry ties category: no points
37. Name something that you wear out completely before replacing it.
Shoes 54 Car 16 Socks 11 Underwear 7 Toothbrush 6 Tires 5
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tags: clothing shoes household items kitchenware electronics kids category: 6 answers
38. Name something a woman might describe as gorgeous.
person 33 clothes 17 jewelry 16 hair 9 house 7 flowers 7
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tags: clothing jewelry makeup flowers scenery category: 6 answers
39. Name Something Some Women Wear Too Much Of
Make Up Perfume Jewelry
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tags: makeup jewelry clothing accessories perfume category: no points
40. Name a type of jewelry you would be more likely to see a woman wearing than a man
Wristband Sautoir Bracelet Earring Pendant Wedding Rings
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tags: fashion accessories jewelry clothing women category: no points
41. Things we tend to use until they are worn out.
Jeans Shoes Loofa Mobile charger Cooking pans
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tags: fast money household items clothing shoes utensils furniture category: fast money
42. Name Something That Looks Attractive On A Woman, But Not A Man
Dress Jewelry Makeup Bra Skirt High Heels Bikini
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tags: fashion beauty appearance clothing jewelry makeup category: no points
43. Name Something Of Her Mom’s A Kid Might Wear
Shoes Make Up Hat Jewelry Bra
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tags: clothing accessories school jewelry shopping kids category: no points
44. Name Something That Can Be Put On Your Hands
Cream Gloves Ring
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tags: clothing jewelry tools gloves tattoos kids category: no points
45. Name something you'd find on a person's arm:
watch 49 tattoo 23 hair 16 sleeve 3 bracelet 2 freckles 2
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tags: body clothing jewelry tattoos scars injuries category: 6 answers
46. What would you find on a man’s arm?
Watch Bracelet Tattoo Hair Scar
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tags: kids body parts clothing jewelry gadgets tattoos category: no points
47. Name some stores you’d see in a mall.
H&M Nike GAP New Balance Lee Cooper
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tags: adults shopping fashion retail kids clothing jewelry category: no points
48. Name something Fred Flintstone has that real cavemen did not
Automobile Jalopy
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tags: pop culture cartoon work feet category: no points
49. Name Something You Can Stand On
A Chair Ladder Stool Feet Table
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50. Name a job where you're on your feet all day long.
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51. Besides shoes, name something you might buy at a shoe store.
socks 29 laces 22 polish 12 innersoles 9 slippers 6 bag 4 shoe cleaner 3
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tags: accessories socks category: 7 answers
52. Name a place you'd hate to find toenail clippings.
My food/plate 2 My bed 2 On floor/in rug 3 Table/counter 1 On couch 2
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tags: hygiene cleanliness feet gross funny category: 5 answers
53. Name Something A Shoe Salesman Might Complain About.
stinky feet 78 ugly feet 7 returns 3 big feet 3 backache 2
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54. Name something that people "pull down".
shades 52 trousers 33 windows 4 sheets 2 zipper 2
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55. Name Something Ugly That Can Grow On Your Feet
corn 38 athletes foot 30 wart 19 bunion 7 ingrown toenail 6
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tags: feet health body parts nature plants category: 5 answers
56. Tell me an occupation in which you deal with people's feet.
podiatrist 63 manicurist 11 shoes saleman 10 masseuse 8 reflexologist 6 nurse 2
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tags: work adults funny health medical feet category: 6 answers
57. Name a profession you wouldn't want to have if you don't like touching people's feet.
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tags: work people feet dislike kids funny category: no points
58. Name a part of the body that karate experts use to break boards
Thumbs Skull Knuckles
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tags: body parts martial arts feet hands category: no points
59. In one word describe your feet.
big 31 small 23 cute 14 sore 8 ugly 5 strong 4 average 3 flat 2
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tags: family funny feet work school kids category: 8 answers
60. Name a way people warm up their cold feet in bed.
put on socks 42 put on spouse 26 rub them 14 cover with blanket 14 hot water bottle 3
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tags: family nighttime winter cold feet warmth category: 5 answers
61. Name Something You Put On Your Face That Youd Never Dream Of Putting On Your Feet
makeup 52 lotion 29 cold cream 11 mask 5
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tags: face feet hygiene grooming beauty funny category: 4 answers
62. Name Something A Batchelor Might Turn Inside Out
Shirt Underwear Socks Pants
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63. Name Something That A Child Often Loses
teeth 35 toys 34 money 13 homework 7 gloves 4 jacket 3 temper 3
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64. Name something a woman will never wear if it's dirty, but a man would
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tags: clothes socks underwear funny kids category: no points
65. Name something a man pulls up.
trousers 73 socks 6 weeds 6 zipper 3 body 2 car 2
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66. Name something that is easy to leave behind in a laundry room
Soap Washing Powder Detergent Underwear Thermal Underwear Laundry Detergent Sock
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tags: laundry chores cleaning housework kids socks category: no points
67. Name something people change on a regular basis.
Clothes 1 TV Channel 2 Their Minds 2 Hair 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious clothes socks underwear towels category: 4 answers
68. Name something you don't like to share, even with your spouse
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tags: secrets food money belongings socks privacy category: no points
69. Name something parents say is too short.
Childhood 1 Daughter’s skirt 2 Summer 1 Money 1 Life 1 Temper 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious kids school pants socks hair category: 6 answers
70. Name something women wear that hurts
Girdle/corset Ronald Reagan Thong John F. Kennedy Shoes/heels Bra
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71. Name a sport for which athletes wear special shoes.
american football 25 bowling 19 soccer 17 golf 15 baseball 10 basketball 7
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72. name something that needs to be shiny if you want to impress people at the bowling alley
Shirt Jewelry Shoes Ball
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73. Name Something People Try To Squeeze Into (More Specific Than “Clothes”).
jeans 40 gown 27 car 22 elevator 7
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74. Name something associated with cinderella.
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tags: fairytales shoes ball category: no points
75. Name something guests get hit with on "Jerry Springer."
fists/hands 35 chairs 28 pies/cakes 11 hurtful words 6 shoes 4 underwear/bras 3
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76. what would you wear to a job fair but not to a county fair
Tie Graduation Tassel Suit High Heels
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77. Name Something That Still Fits Even If You Put On A Few Extra Pounds
shoes 28 hat 17 socks 17 stretch pants 13 sweats 1 underware/bra 7
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78. Name something in nature that a leprechaun might use to shine their shoes.
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79. Name something women have with a strap on it.
bra 56 purse/pocket book 34 dress/gown 4 shoes 2
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tags: women fashion accessories shoes category: 4 answers
80. Name Something You Might Find In A Wardrobe
Clothes Dress Shoes Coat Hanger Shirts
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tags: clothes shoes accessories kids category: no points
81. Name A Sport In Which Competitors Wear Funny Looking Shoes
Bowling Soccer Golf Track Football Basketball Wrestling
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82. Name Something On You That Might Be Tied In A Knot.
shoe laces 48 hair 17 tounge 16 stomach 12
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83. Name A Complaint People Have About Shoes With Laces
come untied 42 length 25 knots 15 too tight 9
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84. name a type of footwear that you couldnt wear while bowling
Sneakers Cleats High Heels Sandals Boots
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85. name something that youre more likely to have happen when you wear high heels
Blister Fall Sore Feet Twist Ankle
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86. Other Than Himself, Name Something A Man Cleans Before A Big Date (More Specific Than “House”).
car 45 bathroom 22 kitchen 19 bedroom 6 clothes 6
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tags: hygiene teeth car shoes clothes body category: 5 answers
87. Name something a person might forget to put on if they leave the house in a hurry
Sports Coat Fur Coat Parka Windbreaker Blazer Coat Jacket
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88. Name a famous brand of sports shoes
Nike 34 Adidas 31 Puma 20 Reebok 17 New+balance 12
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tags: brands sports shoes athletics footwear category: 5 answers
89. Name something a ballet dancer has that most people do not.
tutu 29 ballet shoes 25 balance/poise 17 strong legs 14 talent 7 callused feet 5
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tags: body dance shoes flexibility strength category: 6 answers
90. Name Something A Pet Might Do To Its Owners Shoes
chew/bite them 54 relieve thenselves 28 hide them 7 drool/lick them 7 smell them 3
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91. Name Something Found On The Bottom Of A Shoe.
gum 52 sole 26 lint 12 taps 3 heel 3 dog poo 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothes shoes fashion accessories kids category: 6 answers
92. Name something women love to share with their friends.
gossip 77 food 6 clothes 6 shopping tips 3 makeup 2 time 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: gossip secrets fashion recipes shoes category: 6 answers
93. Name something you need if you want to go bowling.
ball 66 bowling shoes 30
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94. If a baby was six feet tall, name something you'd have a hard time buying for him.
clothes/shoes 47 diapers 39 crib 10 car seat 2
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tags: clothes shoes bed diapers toys books category: 4 answers
95. Name something of yours that's falling apart
Body Life
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tags: home furniture clothes car shoes relationships category: no points
96. Name something a woman is always shopping for
Tee-shirts Blouses
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tags: clothes shoes home goods accessories cosmetics category: no points
97. Name something you associate with Dorothy from "The Wizard of Oz."
Man Slippers Red Shoes Ruby Slippers Kansas Toto
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tags: kids movies animals shoes friends home category: no points
98. Men hunt for animals. What do women hunt for?
men/husbands 68 clothes/shoes 13 bargains 12 big bank account 5 diamonds/jewelry 2
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tags: funny food shopping clothes shoes sales category: 5 answers
99. Name A Prop used By Tap Dancers
cane 65 top hat 28 baton 5
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tags: performance dancing shoes music entertainment instruments category: 3 answers
100. name something men trade in for a new one once it gets old
Troll Pair Of Shoes Wife Car Beast
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tags: marriage husbands wives clothes shoes cars category: no points
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