The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something that husbands think their wives spend too much money on
Fur Shirt Garment Dress Jacket Jeans
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tags: shopping clothes shoes jewelry makeup category: no points
2. Name a place where you might find pushy salesmen
Auto Dealership Used Car Sales Shoe Store Telemarketing Car Dealership Dealership Phone Sales
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tags: shopping retail stores business sales funny category: no points
3. Name something you brush.
teeth 46 hair 39 pet 10 paint 5
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tags: teeth animals clothes hair food shoes category: 4 answers
4. Name something you try out before buying
Wool Shoes Heels Fashions
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tags: clothes shoes furniture food cars appliances category: no points
5. What Might You Do To Avoid Being Approached By A Pushy Salesperson At A Car Lot?
walk away 35 leave store 24 no eye contact 13 use cell phone 11 hide 7 ask to be alone 4
Answers are hidden.
6. When Shopping, Name A Way You Can Tell If Someone Is A Sales Clerk
name tag 59 wears uniform 32 follows you 3 offers help 3
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tags: retail shopping sales observation category: 4 answers
7. Name An Expensive Item That’s Often Marked Way Down At A Pre-Christmas Sale
TV 40 Computer 24 Jewelry 24 Camera 4 Video Game System 3 Article Of Clothing 3
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8. Name a holiday that is associated with big sales.
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9. Tell Me A Holiday When Stores Have Special Sales.
Christmas Thanksgiving 4Th Of July
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tags: holidays retail sales shopping seasonal discounts category: no points
10. Name something you might pay extra for so that it is water proof.
Cellphone Watch Boots Camera Coat Sunscreen
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tags: phones electronics clothes shoes kids funny category: no points
11. Name something that might be uncomfortable to wear during a long night of trick or treating.
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tags: clothes shoes weather kids funny halloween category: no points
12. Name something department stores don't allow you to do in them
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tags: shopping food activities clothes kids funny category: no points
13. Name Something People Often Buy In Large Quantities At The Department Store
toilet paper 35 socks 35 food 12 soap 7 soda 4
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tags: shopping home clothes kids food funny category: 5 answers
14. Name Something That Still Fits Even If You Put On A Few Extra Pounds
shoes 28 hat 17 socks 17 stretch pants 13 sweats 1 underware/bra 7
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15. Name Something People Try To Squeeze Into (More Specific Than “Clothes”).
jeans 40 gown 27 car 22 elevator 7
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16. what would you wear to a job fair but not to a county fair
Tie Graduation Tassel Suit High Heels
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17. Name Something On You That Might Be Tied In A Knot.
shoe laces 48 hair 17 tounge 16 stomach 12
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18. Name something you wear two of at the same time.
Socks 49 Shoes 22 Earrings 12 Gloves 9 Shirts 6
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19. Name Something You Might Find In A Wardrobe
Clothes Dress Shoes Coat Hanger Shirts
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tags: clothes shoes accessories kids category: no points
20. Name Something A Man Would Wear If He Were To Impersonate A Woman
Dress 30 Wig 26 High Heels 12
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tags: clothes accessories shoes makeup jewelry category: fast money
21. If a baby was six feet tall, name something you'd have a hard time buying for him.
clothes/shoes 47 diapers 39 crib 10 car seat 2
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tags: clothes shoes bed diapers toys books category: 4 answers
22. Name something you might polish.
shoes 28 car 22 nails 22 silverware 7 furniture 3
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tags: home clothes shoes furniture jewelry car category: 5 answers
23. Other Than Himself, Name Something A Man Cleans Before A Big Date (More Specific Than “House”).
car 45 bathroom 22 kitchen 19 bedroom 6 clothes 6
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tags: hygiene teeth car shoes clothes body category: 5 answers
24. Name something of yours that's falling apart
Body Life
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tags: home furniture clothes car shoes relationships category: no points
25. Name Something Found On The Bottom Of A Shoe.
gum 52 sole 26 lint 12 taps 3 heel 3 dog poo 3
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tags: clothes shoes fashion accessories kids category: 6 answers
26. Name something a person might forget to put on if they leave the house in a hurry
Sports Coat Fur Coat Parka Windbreaker Blazer Coat Jacket
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27. Name Something Specific A Dancer Might Wear In An Old Hollywood Musical
Dress Tap Shoes
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tags: clothes dance movies music shoes theater category: no points
28. Name something a woman is always shopping for
Tee-shirts Blouses
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tags: clothes shoes home goods accessories cosmetics category: no points
29. name something men trade in for a new one once it gets old
Troll Pair Of Shoes Wife Car Beast
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tags: marriage husbands wives clothes shoes cars category: no points
30. name something specific youd never buy without trying it on
Bathing Suit Pants Shoes
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tags: clothes shoes jewelry hats sunglasses watches category: no points
31. Besides clothes,name something the 50 Foot Woman might have trouble finding in her size.
shoes 54 car 12 a 50 foot man 11 bed 8 sunglasses 5 house 4
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tags: clothes shoes jewelry cars furniture pets category: 6 answers
32. name something youd never buy without seeing it in real life first
Pet Bread Article Of Clothing Car House
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tags: shopping clothes furniture food cars electronics category: no points
33. Name something women spend too much money on.
clothes 45 shoes 38 cosmetics 8 haircuts 3
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tags: clothes shoes handbags jewelry makeup hair salon category: 4 answers
34. Name something women get excited about
Purchasing Buying Mall Boutique Store Jewelry Shopping
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tags: shopping shoes jewelry hair gossip friends category: no points
35. Name something that some women's lives seem to revolve around
Spouse Clothes Kids Job
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tags: family kitchen makeup shoes shopping children category: no points
36. Name a place where shoplifters stash the goods, until they're out of the store.
clothes 87 purse 8 backpack 2
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37. Name Something Men Buy To Wear That Don’d Try On In A Fitting Room
underwear 55 t-shirts 14
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38. Name America's most famous department store
Macy's Walmart Jc Penney Penney Kmart Sears
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39. Name Something That You’d Test Out Before Buying Second-Hand.
car 46 tv 31
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tags: shopping clothes appliances furniture category: 2 answers
40. Name A Complaint You Might Have About Your Dry Cleaners.
Didn’t Get Out Spot 56
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tags: clothes laundry services shopping bills category: fast money
41. Name a type of store where a man might feel out of his element.
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tags: shopping women kids fashion clothes jewelry category: no points
42. name a job that requires you to knock on a strangers door
Construction Sales Person Mail Carrier Pizza Delivery
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43. Name a phrase that starts with "Two for..."
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tags: deals retail discounts sales funny category: no points
44. Name something guests get hit with on "Jerry Springer."
fists/hands 35 chairs 28 pies/cakes 11 hurtful words 6 shoes 4 underwear/bras 3
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45. Name an impulse purchase you might make because they are practically giving it away.
house 32 car 26 tv 9 computer 7 furniture 5 clothes 4 food 3
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46. Tell me a type of salesperson that is known for being pushy.
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47. Why Might A DoorToDoor Salesperson Skip A Particular House
barking dog 46 no one's home 26 no soliciting sign 17 run down house 7
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tags: sales marketing neighborhood category: 4 answers
48. Name something that seems to fall apart about the time you pay it off.
car 69 house 10 furniture 7 television 3 computer 2 refrigerator 2
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tags: loans cars appliances shoes food pets category: 6 answers
49. Name Something You Don’t Feel Comfortable Doing At A Neat Freaks House
Eating Smoking Using A Bathroom Sitting On Furniture Keeping Shoes On Helping To Clean Up
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tags: food drinks feet shoes dirt clutter category: no points
50. Name something schools sell to raise money
Pies Licorice Candy
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tags: school fundraising money sales category: no points
51. Name a profession where networking is key.
Sales 46 Lawyer 17 Realtor 14 Finance 14 Politician 9
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52. Name something that is sold by pushy salespeople
Vehicles Cars Suvs Automobiles Phone Services Vans
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53. Name Something A Shoe Salesman Might Complain About.
stinky feet 78 ugly feet 7 returns 3 big feet 3 backache 2
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54. Name Something A Telemarketer Probably Hates About Their Job.
people hanging up 51 rude people 22 getting rejected 12 making phone calls 4 asking questions 2 boring 2
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tags: work phone rejection sales persuasion category: 6 answers
55. Job That Requires You To Talk All Day Long
Telemarketer Receptionist Teacher Customer Service Salesperson
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56. Name a holiday that's no day off for salespeople
New Year's Day Labor Day Christmas Thanksgiving
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57. Name something school kids sell door to door
Cookies Magazines Candy Wrapping Paper
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tags: kids school fundraising sales community category: no points
58. Name A Product Door-To-Door Salesmen Used To Sell.
vacuum cleaner 46 cosmetics 28 encyclopedia 11 bible 5 knives 4
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tags: sales products history home goods marketing category: 5 answers
59. Why Might A Door-To-Door Salesperson Skip A Particular House?
Barking Dog 46 No One’s Home 26 No Soliciting Sign 17 Run Down House 7
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tags: sales house people neighborhood safety manners category: 4 answers
60. Name a holiday that's no day off for salespeople.
labor day 18 christmas 14 fourth of july 14 thanksgiving 12 new year's day 9 memorial day 9 president's day 8 valentine's day 8
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tags: work holidays thanksgiving sales family kids category: 8 answers
61. What Type Of Product Has Commercials That Make You Want What They’re Selling?
food 30 beer 24 car 18 hair care products 12 toy's 7 make up 7
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tags: products commercials advertising marketing sales kids category: 6 answers
62. name something that needs to be shiny if you want to impress people at the bowling alley
Shirt Jewelry Shoes Ball
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63. Name a stain children get on their clothes
Grass Grime Soil Cut Grass Mow Lawn Lawn
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64. name a type of footwear that you couldnt wear while bowling
Sneakers Cleats High Heels Sandals Boots
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65. Name A Sport In Which Competitors Wear Funny Looking Shoes
Bowling Soccer Golf Track Football Basketball Wrestling
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66. name something that youre more likely to have happen when you wear high heels
Blister Fall Sore Feet Twist Ankle
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67. Name A Complaint People Have About Shoes With Laces
come untied 42 length 25 knots 15 too tight 9
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68. Name something in nature that a leprechaun might use to shine their shoes.
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69. Name Something You Do To The Products At The Grocery Store, But Not At A Clothing Store
Smell Squeeze Taste Test Weigh Them
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70. Name a food that shouldn't be put at the bottom of a grocery bag.
Eggs Bread Bananas Tomatoes
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71. Tell Me Something Youd Be Reluctant To Buy From A Rummage Sale
underwear 51 shoes 12 tv 10 food 9 car 6 bed 5 computer 4
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tags: household clothes food kids adults funny category: 7 answers
72. Name a slang term for 'underpants'.
undies 41 knickers 25 pants 18 jocks 6
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tags: clothes kids family funny animals food category: 4 answers
73. Name something a woman wears when she's feeling fat.
girdle 26 sweats 22 big shirt 18 black clothes 13 muumuu 13
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tags: food funny hilarious adults clothes fashion category: 5 answers
74. Name something you like that starts with the letter 'D'.
Dogs 30 Doughnuts 29 Diamonds 15 Dessert 12 Dance 8 Dinner 6
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tags: food animals clothes movies kids funny category: 6 answers
75. Name something you might use to make a scarecrow.
Hay Clothes Hat Broom
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tags: plants clothes animals food kids funny category: no points
76. Name something you wish people wouldn't borrow
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tags: household clothes library food school funny category: no points
77. Name Something A Wrestler Would Probably Never Wear During A Match?
Suit Shirt Jewelry Dress Tutu Glasses Pants
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tags: clothes jewelry school animals food funny category: no points
78. Name something that's good when it's dry
Clothes Towel Food Weather
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tags: food drinks clothes weather kids funny category: no points
79. Name Something That Siblings Accuse You Hogging
TV Bathroom Toys Food Computer Bed Parents Attention
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tags: kids funny food toys clothes attention category: no points
80. Name something you need if you want to go bowling.
ball 66 bowling shoes 30
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81. Name Something A Pet Might Do To Its Owners Shoes
chew/bite them 54 relieve thenselves 28 hide them 7 drool/lick them 7 smell them 3
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82. name a food thats often sold in a mall food court
Chinese Hamburger Pizza Roast Soft Pretzel
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83. Name A Reason Why It Takes You Forever To Get Out Of The Grocery Store.
long lines 54 shopping with kids 16 crowded 13 chatting 10 sales 4
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84. Name the first thing you buy at the grocery store.
vegetables 41 bread 27 meat 16
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85. name a grocery store item that you buy by weight
Their Shoulders Meat Fruit Vegetables
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86. Tell me an occupation in which you deal with people's feet
Masseuse Reflexologist Manicurist Shoes Saleman Podiatrist
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tags: work people feet shoes health funny category: no points
87. When in Las Vegas, name something a wife might do while her husband gambles
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tags: adults funny entertainment shopping food nightlife category: no points
88. Name a place that offers senior citizen discounts.
restaurant 50 movie theater 14 department st.. 10 hotel 10 grocery store 5 drug store 4 airline 2
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tags: food travel shopping entertainment kids funny category: 7 answers
89. Name something that slows down a line at the supermarket.
check writing 22 price check 17 too much stuff 10 coupons 9 cashier 7 food stamps 7
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tags: shopping food time people kids funny category: 6 answers
90. if you had to live in a department store which department would be best to live in
Housewares Food Clothing Bedding
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tags: home shopping entertainment food kids funny category: no points
91. Other Than Clothing Store, Name A Type Of Business You Find In A Mall
restaurant 49 shoe store 25 jewelry 11 cell phone 5 music store 4 pet store 4
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tags: shopping entertainment food services kids funny category: 6 answers
92. Name Something Specific A Child Might Do In A Store To Make Mom Mad
have a temper tantrum 28 run around 20 cry 19 eat candy 12 scream 7 hide 6
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tags: kids family food shopping funny parenting category: 6 answers
93. Name A Desert That’s Sold In Plastic Packages
cookies 34 snack cake 24 pudding 19 ice cream 14
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tags: food shopping desert groceries kids funny category: 4 answers
94. name a type of product thats often advertised in magazines
Perfume Clothes Make Up Weight Loss Products Hair Product
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tags: home office food kids funny shopping category: no points
95. Name something women wear that hurts
Girdle/corset Ronald Reagan Thong John F. Kennedy Shoes/heels Bra
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96. Name something you keep in your car.
Money/Coins 1 Food/Water 1 First Aid Kit 3 Spare Tire 2 Map 1 Jumper Cables 2 Spare Clothes/Shoes 2 Gas Can 2 Flare 1
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tags: car travel safety convenience kids funny cars shopping animals food category: 9 answers
97. Name something that becomes more comfortable the longer you have it.
Shoes Clothes Chair Spouse Pillow Couch
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tags: clothing shoes relationship category: 6 answers
98. Name something associated with cinderella.
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tags: fairytales shoes ball category: no points
99. Name a sport for which athletes wear special shoes.
american football 25 bowling 19 soccer 17 golf 15 baseball 10 basketball 7
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100. Name Something That Often Looks Better In Advertised Pictures Than In Real Life.
food 56 clothes 20 people 14 cars 8
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tags: food clothes cars furniture makeup category: 4 answers
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