All "Police" Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name another term for "detective."
Private Eye Tv Show Smiles Singing Inspector Investigator Sleuth
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2. Name a vehicle that has lights on top of it
Squad Car Paramedic Car Patrol Car Cruiser Police Car Cop Car
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3. Name something the police might use when searching for something
Pooches Bloodhounds Flashlight Pit Bulls Terriers Torch Puppies
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4. Name an occupation where there's no sitting down on the job
Waiter Factory Worker Cashier Traffic Cop
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5. Name something a rookie police officer would be embarrassed to admit he misplaced
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6. after getting pulled over what might a driver do that makes the cops really angry
Drive Off Yell Run Away Curse Get Out Of Car Argue
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7. name a less interesting part of the job that the tv show cops probably doesnt show
Booking Pudding Lunch Traffic Violation Tomato Sauce Paperwork Driving/waiting
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8. name a place that only the worlds dumbest thief would try to rob
Police Station White House Bank Fort Knox
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9. name a place where you might be given a ticket
Vacation Highway Movie Theater Schoolyard
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10. name an excuse youd give to a cop to try and get out of a speeding ticket
Going To Hospital Need To Use Bathroom New In Town Late For Work
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11. name something a burglar would hate to have in the car when the cops pull him over
Weapon Stolen Goods Crowbar/tools Newspaper
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12. name something police cars do that youd be ticketed for doin
Tailgate Run Red Light Speed U Turns Tie
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13. name something you could do in a police car that you cant do in most cars
Umbrella Speed Water Bottle Turn On Siren Run Red Lights Talk On Radio
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14. what do drivers do when they see a police car behind them
Panic Text Message Slow Down Arrive Late Pull Over Look In Mirror Chew Gum
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15. what might a man be wearing that makes you suspect hes a burglar
Black Clothing Hood Up Mask Buy You A Drink?
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16. whats the first thing you do when a cop pulls you over
Get License Roll Down Window Swear Panic
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17. why might a cop who pulls someone over not give them a ticket
Dirver Is Cute Driver Cries Just A Warning Light Out Driver Flirts Cop Is Nice Cop Is A Friend
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18. Name a moving violation you might get ticketed for
Boogers Speeding Hostile Running A Red Light Running A Stop Sign Broken Tail Light
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