All "Fruit" Related Family Feud Questions
1. If a man ran out of deodorant, name a fruit he might rub under his pits to hide the odor.
Orange 1 Lemon 1 Apple 1 Banana 1 Pineapple 1 Strawberry 1 Lime 1
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category: 7 answers
2. Name something you might climb a tree to get
Cat 1 Fruit 1 Ball 1 Kite 1
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category: 4 answers
3. Name a fruit with one seed
Plum 42 Cherry 36 Gean 25 Apricot 20 Peach 14 Lichi 7 Avocado 4
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category: 7 answers
4. What are some fruits you would find in the market?
Bananas Apples Grapes Strawberries Melons
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category: no points
5. Name a fruit-bearing tree you can grow in your backyard.
Apple Mango Guava Orange Lemon
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category: no points
6. Name something you squeeze to get more out of it.
Toothpaste Orange Lemon Ketchup Mustard
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category: 5 answers
7. Name a fruit that might be used to flavor iced tea.
Lemons 51 Peaches 25 Raspberries 11 Strawberries 9 Cherries 4 Apple Blueberry Limes Orange
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category: 9 answers
8. Name a fruit you might pick yourself.
Apples Strawberries Oranges Grapes Peaches
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category: no points
9. Name something that is transported by ships all over the world.
Food Fuel Cars People
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category: no points
10. Name a fruit that a baby cannot eat without supervision.
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category: no points
11. Name any fruit that begins with the letter "c".
Cantaloupe Cherry Coconut Cranberry
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category: no points
12. Name a fruit or vegetable that might be used in drink recipes.
Strawberries Lemons Pineapples Tomatoes Oranges Cherries Apples
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category: no points
13. Name a fruit or vegetable commonly used in thanksgiving dishes.
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category: no points
14. Name A Fruit That People Might Add To Jello
strawberry 20 apple 18 pineapple 16 peach 16 banana 14 grape 7 cherry 5
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category: 7 answers
15. Name a fruit commonly found in fruit salad.
grapes 26 apples 23 strawberries 19 pineapples 9 oranges 7 bananas 6
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category: 6 answers
16. Name A fruit That’s Hard To Eat Without Getting Messy
orange 38 watermelon 37 tomato 17 peach 5
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category: 4 answers
17. Name a fruit people eat with cheese.
grapes 43 apples 41 strawberries 11 pears 5
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category: 4 answers
18. Name a fruit that has a peel.
clementine 37 oranges 37 banana 28 plantain 28 apples 20 peach 7 kiwi 2
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category: 7 answers
19. The number one food item in the world is a fruit. Which one is it?
apple 57 banana 21 tomato 8 orange 7 strawberry 3 watermelon 2
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category: 6 answers
20. Fact or fiction, name someone connected with an apple.
adam and eve 29 johnny appleseed 26 snow white 19 sir isaac newton 9 william tell 7 steve jobs 5
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category: 6 answers
21. Name A Fruit Juice That’s Very Bitter.
grapefruit 37 lemon 32 cranberry 19 orange 10
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category: 4 answers
22. Name A Fruit That You Might Accidentally Swallow The Seeds Of.
watermelon 47 grape 24 cherry 15 orange 8 apple 4
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category: 5 answers
23. Name Something You Eat That Can Be Described As Juicy
orange 56 peach 14 steak 14 apple 12 hamburger 3
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category: 5 answers
24. Name Something You Squeeze Before You Buy It
tomatoes 24 melon 19 bread 18 orange 13 toilet paper 10 lemon 9
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category: 6 answers
25. Name A Dessert That’s Made With Fruit.
pie 46 fruit salad 13 jello 9 strawberry shortcake 9 banana split 6 fruit cake 4 sherbet 4
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category: 7 answers
26. Name a fruit you can eat with one bite.
grape 56 strawberry 17 prune 3
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category: 3 answers
27. Name a fruit that is used to describe a woman's body or part of it.
pear 38 melon 37 apple 6 peach 5 cherry 4
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category: 5 answers
28. Name A Fruit That You Squeeze To See If Its Ripe
orange 48 peach 16 melon 16 tomato 9 lemon 8
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category: 5 answers
29. Name Something Thats Usually FruitFlavored
gum/candy 44 juice 22 jell o 10 soda 6 ice cream 5
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category: 5 answers
30. Name Something Healthy That Might Be Found In A Cookie.
oatmeal 43 nuts 11
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category: 2 answers
31. Name a fruit you might buy and let ripen at home:
banana 63 tomato 12 peach 8 pear 7 apple 3 avocado 3 cantaloupe 2
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category: 7 answers
32. Name a kind of juice you'd find in a tropical fruit punch:
pineapple 60 orange 18 papaya 9 guava 4
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category: 4 answers
33. Name a fruit that's green when it's ripe.
apple 28 kiwi 14 grapes 11 pear 11 avocado 8 lime 7
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category: 6 answers
34. Name a fruit that people drink juice from in the morning.
orange 47 apple 26 lemon 9 cranberry 5 tomato 3 grapefruit 3
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category: 6 answers
35. Name a fruit with lots of seeds.
watermelon 38 pomegranate 11
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category: 2 answers
36. Name a fruit that's messy when you eat it.
watermelon 45 orange 18 peach 13 mango 10 plum 5 strawberry 2
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category: 6 answers
37. Name a fruit that would be hard to juggle.
watermelon 41 banana 27 pineapples 20 tomato 12
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category: 4 answers
38. Name A Type Of Fruit A Kid Might Have In A Lunch Bag.
apple 71 banana 20 orange 7
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category: 3 answers
39. Name a fruit that grows on a tree.
apple 38 peach 28 pear 17 plum 11 lemon 6 oranges 25 cherries 5
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category: 7 answers
40. Name a fruit that would be almost impossible to stick up your nose.
watermelon 22 banana 22 apple 16 orange 12 mango 6 grape 6
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category: 6 answers
41. Name something you might blend.
smoothie 40 fruits 38 frozen cocktail 16 cake mix 6
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category: 4 answers
42. Name something that is made with apples.
pie 65 sauce 20 cider 11 turnover 3
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category: 4 answers
43. Name a fruit found in canned fruit salad.
peach 47 pineapple 22 pear 15 cherry 5 grape 4 orange 3
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category: 6 answers
44. Name Something Specific That Is Sold By The Bunch.
bananas 29 grapes 28 flowers 22 carrots 9 onions 3 radishes 3
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category: 6 answers
45. Name a fruit or vegetable bartenders use.
lemon 18 grapes 14
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category: 2 answers
46. Name something that might be referred to as juicy.
fruit 63 gossip/news 14 steak/meat 12 lips/kiss 4 gum 2 turkey 2 person 2
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category: 7 answers
47. Name a fruit you could still eat if you didn't have any teeth.
banana 65 grape 11 peach 6 kiwi 5 watermelon 4 cherry 2
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category: 6 answers
48. Name Something That’s Made With Bananas.
Banana Split 37 Banana Pudding 26 Banana Cream Pie 18 Banana Bread 15
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category: 4 answers
49. Name Something That’s Usually Fruit-Flavored
Gum/Candy 44 Juice 22 Jell O 10 Soda 6 Ice Cream 5
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category: 5 answers
50. Name A Fruit That Starts With The Letter “P.”
Pear 28 Peach 25 Pinapple 17 Plum 15 Papaya 9
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category: 5 answers
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