The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. name a beverage that is clear or almost clear in color
Vodka Water Citrus Soda
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tags: food drinks kids family summer party category: no points
2. Name something that might be added to a summer cocktail.
Ice Pineapples Alcohol Umbrellas Strawberries Lemons
Answers are hidden.
3. Name a fruit people eat with cheese.
grapes 43 apples 41 strawberries 11 pears 5
Answers are hidden.
4. Name A Dessert That’s Made With Fruit.
pie 46 fruit salad 13 jello 9 strawberry shortcake 9 banana split 6 fruit cake 4 sherbet 4
Answers are hidden.
5. Name a kind of juice you'd find in a tropical fruit punch:
pineapple 60 orange 18 papaya 9 guava 4
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tags: food drink party fruit gathering kids category: 4 answers
6. Name a type of fruit juice people use in mixed drinks
Tomato Lime Pineapple Orange Cranberry
Answers are hidden.
7. Name a fruit that lollipops are flavored like
Cherry Strawberry Grape Apple Orange
Answers are hidden.
8. Name a fruit found in canned fruit salad.
peach 47 pineapple 22 pear 15 cherry 5 grape 4 orange 3
Answers are hidden.
9. Name a fruit that people drink juice from in the morning.
orange 47 apple 26 lemon 9 cranberry 5 tomato 3 grapefruit 3
Answers are hidden.
10. Name Something That’s Usually Fruit-Flavored
Gum/Candy 44 Juice 22 Jell O 10 Soda 6 Ice Cream 5
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11. Name a fruit or vegetable bartenders use.
lemon 18 grapes 14
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tags: food bartenders drinks fruit vegetables category: 2 answers
12. Name Something That Has A Bitter Taste
Lemon Orange Lime
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tags: food plants drinks vegetables fruit kids category: no points
13. Name a fruit or vegetable that might be used in drink recipes.
Strawberries Lemons Pineapples Tomatoes Oranges Cherries Apples
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tags: food plants drinks recipes fruit vegetables category: no points
14. Name A Fruit That Is Squeezed To Get The Juice
Orange 72
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tags: food fruit kids drinks nature family category: fast money
15. Name Something Eaten At A Luau.
pork 48 pineapple 38
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16. Name A Food People Often Eat With Champagne
strawberries 25 caviar 24
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tags: food drinks party celebrations category: 2 answers
17. Name Something Frothy
Beer Milkshake Cappuccino Soap Drink
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18. Name something commonly associated with New Year's Eve.
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tags: party food drinks fireworks celebrations category: 4 answers
19. Name A Drink That Tastes Disgusting When It’s Warm.
beer 35 milk 26 soda 14 coffee 13 milkshake 8 juice 4
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20. name something every party should have
Customers Food Balloons Music Guests
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tags: party celebration gifts food drinks fun category: no points
21. Name Something You Might Find An Olive In.
Martini 67 Salad 18 Pizza 10 Jar 3
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22. Name A Beverage You Might During At A Typical Holiday Party.
egg nog 55 wine 16
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tags: food party drinks beverages holidays category: 2 answers
23. Name something people do at parties.
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24. Name a food you might serve with champagne.
caviar 23 strawberries 22 cheese 16 steak 9 lobster 6 pasta 5 duck 3
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tags: food drinks party celebration fancy category: 7 answers
25. Name Something You Might Need When Serving Corn-On-The-Cob.
Butter 59
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tags: food kids family party summer picnic category: fast money
26. Name something you might take home from a 4th of july party.
Leftovers Flag Fireworks Date Taxi Hat
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tags: food kids funny hilarious summer party category: no points
27. Name something you might buy for a backyard barbecue.
charcoal 26 table 12 barbecue sauce 10 lawn chairs 10 hamburgers 8 soda 6
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tags: food outdoors summer family party friends category: 6 answers
28. Name something specific you might see at a new year's party.
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tags: party celebration holidays food drinks entertainment category: no points
29. Name something you see at a party that lets you know you’ll have a great time
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tags: party people atmosphere food drinks music category: no points
30. Name Something That’s Served At Room Temperature.
red wine 35 cake/pie 27 bread 25 fruit 9
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tags: food drinks home kids party school category: 4 answers
31. Name something it would be unwise to do at the office Christmas party
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tags: work office funny party food drinks category: no points
32. Tell Me A Food That Goes Great With Beer
pizza 40 nuts 22 pretzels 17 chips 14 chicken wings 4
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tags: food drinks party grilling trivia family category: 5 answers
33. Name A Food That’s Often Served With Wine
cheese 48 meat 26 bread 21 pasta 3
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tags: family dinner food drinks party kids category: 4 answers
34. Name A Famous Cocktail
Caesar / Bloody Mary Cosmopolitan Margarita Manhattan Pina Colada Sex On The Beech
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tags: drinks food party socializing nightlife adults category: no points
35. Name something in your home that's used when you entertain company
Chinaware Coffee Pot TV Stereo Glasses
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tags: home entertainment party guests food drinks category: no points
36. Name something people do during the time between christmas and new year's.
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tags: holidays family celebration party food drinks category: no points
37. Name a country where they drink a lot of wine.
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tags: food drinks culture geography party humor category: 5 answers
38. Name Something Specific You Need If You Want To Make Coffee For Your Guests.
coffee beans 30 coffee maker 21 water 14 sugar 13 mugs 10 creamer/milk 8 filter 3
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tags: food drinks kitchen party hosting guests category: 7 answers
39. Name a soda that people like to drink.
Coca Cola 2 Diet Coke 2 Pepsi 1 Dr. Pepper 2 Mountain Dew 2
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tags: food drinks groceries kids party adults families category: 5 answers
40. Name something people use to carry water:
bucket 42 canteen 16 thermos 15 jug 13 bottle 6 pitcher 4 glass 2
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tags: kids daily life food drinks party beach category: 7 answers
41. Name a beverage that might be served at a 4th of july party.
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42. Name something that goes well with lemonade.
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43. Name A Food Or Beverage You Wouldn’t Consume After It’d Been Sitting Out In Hot Weather
milk 40 beer 18 soda 13 ice cream 10 water 3 meat 3
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tags: food drinks health hygiene summer safety category: 6 answers
44. Name Something You Associate With Strawberrys
Cream Wimbledon Sugar
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tags: food drinks desserts summer kids sweet category: no points
45. Name something you like to eat on hot days.
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tags: food summer heat drinks ice cream kids category: no points
46. Name something you might toss at a beach party.
Beachball Football Frisbee Volleyball
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47. Name something you might win at a carnival.
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48. Name something you might do at an anti-valentine’s day party.
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tags: holidays friends drinks party single category: no points
49. Name Something You Do At An Office Party.
drink 44 exchange gifts 10 dance 7
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tags: work party funny office coworkers drinks category: 3 answers
50. Name a drink you might stir.
coffee 38 tea 15 martini 9 chocolate milk 8 kool-aid 6 tang 5
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tags: drinks beverages party kitchen cooking hospitality category: 6 answers
51. Name something people do not want to drink on a hot day.
coffee 48 hot cocoa 36 tea 11 milk 5
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tags: drinks hot weather beverages summer category: 4 answers
52. Name a beverage you drink to cool off.
water 34 iced tea 28 soda 17 lemonade 9 beer 5 gatorade 4
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53. Name something a kid might complain about at summer camp.
food 37 bugs 24 home sick 18 too hot 5 poisonivy 4 loneliness 3
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tags: food kids summer camp summer funny category: 6 answers
54. Name a fruit you might pick yourself.
Apples Strawberries Oranges Grapes Peaches
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55. Name A Fruit You Might Find In A Pastry.
Strawberry 36 Apple 28 Cherry 18 Raspberry 7 Blueberry 5 Peach 4
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56. Name something that sexy women are compared to
Automobiles Vehicles Fox
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57. Name A Fruit Juice That’s Very Bitter.
grapefruit 37 lemon 32 cranberry 19 orange 10
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58. Name a fruit that's messy when you eat it.
watermelon 45 orange 18 peach 13 mango 10 plum 5 strawberry 2
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59. Name something that is made with apples.
pie 65 sauce 20 cider 11 turnover 3
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60. Name A Fruit That People Might Add To Jelly
Strawberry Orange Lemon
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61. Name Something You Eat That Can Be Described As Juicy
orange 56 peach 14 steak 14 apple 12 hamburger 3
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62. Name A Fruit That You Squeeze To See If Its Ripe
orange 48 peach 16 melon 16 tomato 9 lemon 8
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63. Name Something You Would Do To See If Fruit Was Ripe
Squeeze Smell Cut Open Feel It Taste It
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64. Name a fruit with one seed
Plum 42 Cherry 36 Gean 25 Apricot 20 Peach 14 Lichi 7 Avocado 4
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65. name a fruit that changes color as it ripens
Apple Frozen Pizza Strawberry Pear Banana
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66. Name A Fruit That Starts With The Letter “P.”
Pear 28 Peach 25 Pinapple 17 Plum 15 Papaya 9
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67. Name A fruit That’s Hard To Eat Without Getting Messy
orange 38 watermelon 37 tomato 17 peach 5
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68. Name a fruit with lots of seeds.
watermelon 38 pomegranate 11
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69. Name Something Healthy That Might Be Found In A Cookie.
oatmeal 43 nuts 11
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70. Name A Fruit That Comes In A Can
Peaches 15
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71. Name a fruit that grows on a tree.
apple 38 peach 28 pear 17 plum 11 lemon 6 oranges 25 cherries 5
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72. What are some fruits you would find in the market?
Bananas Apples Grapes Strawberries Melons
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73. Name a fruit that would be hard to juggle.
watermelon 41 banana 27 pineapples 20 tomato 12
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74. Name Something Specific That Is Sold By The Bunch.
bananas 29 grapes 28 flowers 22 carrots 9 onions 3 radishes 3
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tags: food plants flowers fruit vegetables category: 6 answers
75. Name a fruit that is dried
Apples Prune Raisin Plum Apricot
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76. Name something that might be referred to as juicy.
fruit 63 gossip/news 14 steak/meat 12 lips/kiss 4 gum 2 turkey 2 person 2
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77. Name A Type Of Fruit A Kid Might Have In A Lunch Bag.
apple 71 banana 20 orange 7
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78. Name something you might blend.
smoothie 40 fruits 38 frozen cocktail 16 cake mix 6
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tags: food fruit vegetables cooking kids category: 4 answers
79. Name A Fruit That You Might Accidentally Swallow The Seeds Of.
watermelon 47 grape 24 cherry 15 orange 8 apple 4
Answers are hidden.
80. Name a fruit commonly found in fruit salad.
grapes 26 apples 23 strawberries 19 pineapples 9 oranges 7 bananas 6
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81. Name a fruit often found in fruit salad
Apples Oranges Grapes Watermelon Pineapple Clementine
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82. Name A Food That Does Not Stay Fresh For Long
Milk Bread Meat Fruit Fish
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83. Name a fruit that is used to describe a woman's body or part of it
Melon Pear Peach Cherry
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84. Name something you squeeze to get more out of it.
Toothpaste Orange Lemon Ketchup Mustard
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85. Name a type of berry
Raspberry Strawberry Boysenberry
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tags: food plants kids fruit nature garden category: no points
86. Name a fruit that's green when it's ripe.
apple 28 kiwi 14 grapes 11 pear 11 avocado 8 lime 7
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tags: food fruit plants school kids funny category: 6 answers
87. The number one food item in the world is a fruit. Which one is it?
apple 57 banana 21 tomato 8 orange 7 strawberry 3 watermelon 2
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tags: food trivia fruit general knowledge kids category: 6 answers
88. Name Something You Squeeze Before You Buy It
tomatoes 24 melon 19 bread 18 orange 13 toilet paper 10 lemon 9
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tags: food produce grocery store fruit vegetables category: 6 answers
89. Name Something People Might Put On Cottage Cheese
Peaches 21 Pineapple 18 Oranges 15 Pepper 15 Blueberry 12 Salt 10 Jelly 8
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tags: food breakfast fruit sweet kids hilarious category: 7 answers
90. Fact or fiction, name someone connected with an apple.
adam and eve 29 johnny appleseed 26 snow white 19 sir isaac newton 9 william tell 7 steve jobs 5
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tags: fruit food mythology history education health category: 6 answers
91. If a man ran out of deodorant, name a fruit he might rub under his pits to hide the odor.
Orange 1 Lemon 1 Apple 1 Banana 1 Pineapple 1 Strawberry 1 Lime 1
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tags: food fruit humor people funny hilarious category: 7 answers
92. Name any fruit that begins with the letter "c".
Cantaloupe Cherry Coconut Cranberry
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tags: food plants easy kids learning fruit category: no points
93. Name A Fruit That People Might Add To Jello
strawberry 20 apple 18 pineapple 16 peach 16 banana 14 grape 7 cherry 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: food kids fruit desserts cooking family category: 7 answers
94. Name a fruit you could still eat if you didn't have any teeth.
banana 65 grape 11 peach 6 kiwi 5 watermelon 4 cherry 2
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tags: food fruit kids funny plants family category: 6 answers
95. Name a fruit you can eat with one bite.
grape 56 strawberry 17 prune 3
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tags: food fruit kids healthy eating trivia category: 3 answers
96. Name a fruit that has a peel.
clementine 37 oranges 37 banana 28 plantain 28 apples 20 peach 7 kiwi 2
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tags: food fruit kids funny school plants category: 7 answers
97. Name Something Thats Usually FruitFlavored
gum/candy 44 juice 22 jell o 10 soda 6 ice cream 5
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tags: food fruit kids hilarious funny family category: 5 answers
98. Name something that is transported by ships all over the world.
Food Fuel Cars People
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tags: food animals plants cars minerals fruit category: no points
99. Name Something That’s Made With Bananas.
Banana Split 37 Banana Pudding 26 Banana Cream Pie 18 Banana Bread 15
Answers are hidden.
tags: food kids cooking plants fruit funny category: 4 answers
100. Name a fruit or vegetable commonly used in thanksgiving dishes.
Answers are hidden.
tags: food thanksgiving kids fruit vegetables common category: no points
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