The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something that you now wish had been forced to do as a child.
study 28 exercise 19 play instrument 12 eat right 9 care for teeth 9 work hard 6 house work 4
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tags: family regrets childhood skills education category: 7 answers
2. Although It Was Nice To Be A Kid, Name A Part Of Childhood You’d Never Want To Go Through Again.
school 42 puberty 24 acne 17 potty training 15
Answers are hidden.
3. Tell me something you wish you could do over again.
school 35 marriage 30 childhood 24 life 11
Answers are hidden.
tags: regrets mistakes life choices childhood adulthood category: 4 answers
4. Name A Color A Teenager Might Dye Her Hair That Would Annoy Her Parents.
green 32 blue 16 pink 15
Answers are hidden.
tags: fashion teenager family parents hairstyle category: 3 answers
5. Name something you've done and now wish you'd never done it.
smoking 21 married 19 moved 14 stole something 12 credit card 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: regrets mistakes embarrassing funny kids family category: 5 answers
6. Name Something You Do When Alone
Sleep Read Bath / Shower Sing Computer / Internet
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tags: kids funny hilarious family friends childhood category: no points
7. Name something siblings might be forced to share.
Bedroom Toys Clothes Bathroom Car
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tags: kids funny hilarious family siblings childhood category: no points
8. Name Something Kids Do On A Farm
Ride Horses Milk Cows Play Feed Animals Collect Eggs
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tags: animals kids family childhood funny hilarious category: no points
9. Name something you might find in a teenage girl's bedroom
Posters Magazines Diary Mirror Makeup Photos Stuffed Animal
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10. Name Something In The Car 16 Year Old Should Know
Brakes Radio Mirrors Head Lights Accelerator Seat Belt Turn Signals
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tags: teenager driving parents knowledge safety category: no points
11. Name something a teenager might bring to school.
phone 58 backpack 17 books 12 mp3 player 8 lunch 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: school kids education homework supplies teenager category: 5 answers
12. Name Something A Teenage Girl Might Do If She Met Leonardo DiCaprio In Person.
scream 43 faint 27 kiss him 9 cry 5 ask for an autograph 5 smile 3 giggle a lot 3
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tags: relationships celebrity entertainment teenager love romance category: 7 answers
13. What Might You Do At A Party That Youd Regret The Next Day
drink too much 48 kiss someone 31 dance all night 4 get naked 3 put foot in mouth 3
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tags: hangover decisions embarrassing regrets funny category: 5 answers
14. Name a decision people might have second thoughts about.
marriage 45 career 6
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tags: decisions regrets funny work relationships school category: 2 answers
15. Tell me something little kids hate.
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tags: kids funny hilarious dislike childhood category: 7 answers
16. name a mistake youve made in your life that you are determined never to make again
Get Pregnant Smoking Drugs Not Finish School Date Wrong Person Cheating Get Married
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tags: mistakes regrets self-improvement category: no points
17. Name a common tattoo that a man is likely to regret later in life.
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18. Name something a kid might leave on the school bus.
Backpack Coat Lunch Book Homework
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tags: school kids funny hilarious transportation childhood category: no points
19. Name Something Of Your That The Dog Likes To Play With.
shoes 40 socks 30 ball 25 newspaper 3
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tags: pets animals kids funny hilarious childhood category: 4 answers
20. Name Something Children Forget When Leaving For School
Homework Packed Lunch Dinner Money School Tie
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tags: school kids funny hilarious childhood memories category: no points
21. Name something parents regret buying for their children.
toys 32 video games 19 car 15 musical instrument 9 candy 4 computers 4
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tags: parenting regrets children purchases category: 6 answers
22. Name A Movie You Walked Out On Or Wish You Had.
Titanic 28
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tags: movies entertainment annoying regrets category: fast money
23. Tell me something you hope your ex never asks you.
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tags: relationships breakups exes regrets category: no points
24. Tell me something people regret getting.
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tags: regrets mistakes life lessons relationships category: 6 answers
25. Name The Age Most Middle Age Men Would Like To Return To.
25 31 21 16
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tags: youth nostalgia relationships career regrets category: 2 answers
26. Name something you wish you had the willpower to do.
lose weight 26 money 11 change the world 9 exercise 8 stop the war 4 move away 3
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tags: goals regrets habits personal growth health procrastination category: 6 answers
27. Name a person who might call you by a childhood nickname even after you’ve outgrown it.
parent 52 old friend 24 grandparent 13 sibling 4
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28. Give me another word for "weird"
Strange Wacky Crazy Odd Queer Bizarre Different
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29. Tell me a nickname someone might give their mother.
Mom Mommy Ma Mama
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30. Name Something Your Mum Made You Do That You'd Do In The Army
Make Your Bed Clean Up Dishes Laundry Obey
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tags: family childhood chores military funny category: no points
31. Name Something Twins Might Always Share.
looks 40 parents 27 birthday 24 genes 5 last name 3
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tags: kids funny family siblings childhood category: 5 answers
32. Which job would a boy love for his dad to have on take-your-child-to-work day?
cop 39 firefighter 23 astronaut 19 pilot 10 pro athlete 5
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33. name something parents do to their kids and then tell their kids not to do
Yell Spank Swear
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tags: parenting advice family funny childhood category: no points
34. Name Someone Who Children Believe In
santa claus 50 god 27 tooth fairy 10 easter bunny 6 parents 5
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tags: family kids funny childhood entertainment category: 5 answers
35. If you were to write a memoir,name a specific topic that would come up a lot.
love/marriage 45 family/children 27 childhood 12 work 7
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tags: family memories childhood humor funny category: 4 answers
36. Name something little kids are told not to play with
Matches Blades Knives Machetes Switch Blades Hunting Knives
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tags: kids funny family childhood naughty category: no points
37. Name a celebrity with a big nose
Bob Hope Streisand Jimmy Durante Barbra Streisand Malden Hope Durante
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tags: celebrities appearances childhood family looks funny category: no points
38. Name Something You Would Do If You Heard That Your Favorite Cereal Was Discontinued
get upset 32 stock up 30 complain 27 switch brands 7
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tags: family food breakfast childhood funny category: 4 answers
39. Name Something Kids Say They’d Do If They Were An Adult, But That Adults Rarely Do.
stay up late 34 party 20 become rich 13 sleep in 10 no house rules 8 eat junk food 6 travel 5
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tags: kids funny family childhood adulthood category: 7 answers
40. When do kids close their eyes?
Sleep Prayer Horror movie Hide and seek Making a wish
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tags: kids family funny silly childhood games category: no points
41. Name soemthing your 5 year old should be able to do but can't.
tying shoes 42 read 9 go to bathroom 5 clean 5 write name 5 counting 4
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tags: kids family funny childhood parents silly category: 6 answers
42. Name A Food With Cheese That’s A Childhood Favorite.
pizza 43 grilled cheese 27 macaroni 21 cheeseburger 7
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tags: food family childhood cheese kids funny category: 4 answers
43. Name Something Twins Do As Kids, But Probably Not As Adults.
Dress Alike 59
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tags: kids family childhood siblings funny twins category: fast money
44. Tell me a word a child uses to describe a bruise.
boo-boo 63 owie 21 ouchy 8 sore 4 hurt 2
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tags: kids family funny childhood language words category: 5 answers
45. Name something parents choose for their kids when they’re little but not when they’re adults
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tags: family kids funny childhood parents names category: no points
46. Name something a little boy might do that would make you suspect his father is Tarzan
Swing From Tree Beat His Chest Yell Climb A Tree Way He Dresses Run Around Barefoot
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tags: kids father animals funny childhood family category: no points
47. Name An Expression Little Kids Use When They Have To Go To The Bathroom
I Have To Go Pee Pee Potty Tinkle
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tags: kids family funny bathroom humor childhood category: no points
48. Name Something Naughty That A Grandpa Might Secretly Let His grandson get Away With
looking at girls 26 sipping beer 22 eating sweets 21 staying up late 20 bad language 8
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tags: funny kids family naughty grandparents childhood category: 5 answers
49. Name Something A Kid Gets A Ride In, That An Adult Would Look Ridiculous Inside.
Wagon 41
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tags: kids family funny vehicles childhood parenting category: fast money
50. up late at a sleepover what might kids do when they hear mom coming to check on them
Donkey Be Quiet Lights Off Pretend To Sleep Spades
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tags: sleepover kids funny family humor childhood category: no points
51. Name something kids say they'll never do like their parents
Drive Lose Temper Smoke Parent
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tags: kids funny parenting humor childhood family category: no points
52. Name something mom still tries to do, even though you're grown up.
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tags: family kids funny childhood parents relationships category: no points
53. When You Were A Little Kid, Where Did You Think Babies Came From.
stork 56 mother's stomach 23 heaven 7 already knew 6 cabbage patch 3
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tags: kids childhood funny family healthcare education category: 5 answers
54. name something youd hate to forget about a person you know
Birthday Towed Parking Ticket Name Flat Tire Age
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tags: work family childhood hobbies events funny category: no points
55. Name something the oldest child gets more than the other kids in the family
Dessert Attention Discipline Responsibility Money
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tags: kids family parents siblings funny childhood category: no points
56. name something specific you do when talking to a child but not when talking to an adult
Change Pitch Make Faces Speak Slowly Use Small Words Bend Down
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tags: kids parenting communication childhood family funny category: no points
57. Name a sound kids make when they sing "Old MacDonald".
oink 32 moo 31 quack 29 e-i-e-i-o 6 cluck 2
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tags: kids animals music funny childhood family category: 5 answers
58. When you were a kid, what would happen if you brought home a bad report card?
grounded 51 got lectured 13 spanking 12 nothing 9 punished 6 made to study 2
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tags: school childhood kids funny family parents category: 6 answers
59. Name a time when even a grown-up wants their mom
Break-up Having Children Wedding Not Feeling Well
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tags: family support comfort nostalgia childhood funny category: no points
60. Name Something That A Child From A Large Family Never Has To Their Self
Bedroom Bathroom Time Toys Clothes TV Parents Attention
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tags: family siblings childhood kids funny relatable category: no points
61. Tell me someone you would be embarrassed to swear in front of.
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tags: family kids funny embarrassment relatives childhood category: no points
62. Name Something At The Playground Wish Adult Size
Slide Swings Monkey Bar See Saw Merry Go Round
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tags: playground adult childhood funny kids family category: no points
63. Name A Halloween Costume You See On Babies But Rarely See On Their Parents
pumkin 67 bunny 12 clown 6 angel 5 princess 4
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tags: kids halloween funny family costumes childhood category: 5 answers
64. Name An Age Children Stop Believing In The Tooth Fairy
8 7 6 9 10 12
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tags: kids funny family childhood beliefs fairy tales category: no points
65. Which junk foods do kids love?
Chips Nuggets French fries Burgers Pizza
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tags: fast money kids food family funny childhood category: fast money
66. Name a kid’s “first” you might want to catch on video
Steps 34 Words 33 Birthday 18 Christmas 15
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tags: work office kids milestones childhood family memories funny category: 4 answers
67. Name something your kids get excited about long before it happens.
christmas 51 birthday 35 trip 8 start/end of school 3
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tags: family kids excitement anticipation childhood family time category: 4 answers
68. Name a favorite game from your childhood.
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69. Name a game that kids have played for generations:
hide & seek 24 tag 23 hopscotch 15 baseball 10 monopoly 8 checkers 2 jump rope 2 tic tac toe 2
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70. Besides Your Mother, Name A Female Who Told You What To Do While You Were Growing Up
grandmother 32 aunt 30 teacher 19 older sister 15 babysitter 4
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tags: family childhood parenting learning category: 5 answers
71. We asked 100 people: name a popular family guy character.
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tags: tv characters family comedy childhood category: no points
72. What Do People Miss About Their Youth
energy 29 looks 28 fun 19 going to school 12 freedom 10
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tags: nostalgia childhood growing up family fun category: 5 answers
73. Name a toy you would give a baby
Teddy Bear Beanie Baby Animal Rattle Stuffed Animal Plush Toy Shakers
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74. Tell me something mom did for you when you were a baby.
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tags: kids family memories love childhood category: no points
75. Name something kids like to do on Saturdays.
cartoons 47 movies 12 park 10 toys 9 swimming 5 sleepovers 4
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tags: kids family entertainment childhood weekends category: 6 answers
76. When you were a kid, name a place your parents would take you kicking and screaming.
Medical Appointment Church Swimming Pool Hairdresser School Bahtroom
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tags: family childhood parents memories kids category: 6 answers
77. Name a Christmas movie people are tired of.
A Wonderful Life 24 White Christmas 22 Miracle on 34th Street 22 Home Alone 12 Nightmare Before Christmas 6 Christmas Story 6
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tags: christmas movies popular childhood family category: 6 answers
78. At what age might a kid have their first boy or girlfriend?
Thirteen Twelve Fifteen Sixteen Fourteen
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tags: kids family relationships childhood dating category: no points
79. Name a board game you're never too old to play.
monopoly 55 scrabble 20 checkers 11 chess 5 parcheesi 2 life 2
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tags: games family kids childhood entertainment fun category: 6 answers
80. Name the top things children tend to lie about.
homework 43 grades 28 breaking things 16 stealing 7 brushing teeth 4 house chores 2
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tags: kids family childhood honesty behavior category: 6 answers
81. Name a kind of pet you had during your childhood.
Dog Cat Bird Turtle Hamster Rabbit Fish
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tags: kids family animals childhood pets category: 7 answers
82. Name a bad habit that kids pick up from their older brothers and sisters.
swearing 46 smoking cigarette 12 fighting 10 talking back 10 bad attitude 3 lying 3
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tags: family kids childhood siblings habits category: 6 answers
83. When You Were a Kid, Name Someone Who Could See Right Through Your Lies
Mom/Dad 1 Grandma/Grandpa 1 Teacher 1 Friend 1
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tags: family kids childhood lying honesty category: 4 answers
84. Name Something From Her Childhood That A Woman Might Keep Forever.
Doll/ Teddy Bear 52 Diary 17 Pictures 13 Security Blanket 11 Piece Of Jewelry 5
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tags: childhood nostalgia memories family keepsakes category: 5 answers
85. Name something from childhood that people hate to sell or give away.
toys/dolls 66 clothes 14 blanket 11 baseball cards 3
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tags: kids toys childhood sentimental family category: 4 answers
86. Name Something From Childhood That Many People Save.
photos 44 toys 19 blanket 11 baby teeth 7 clothes 7 doll 6
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tags: childhood memories family nostalgia keepsakes category: 6 answers
87. Name an animal old macdonald has on his farm.
Cow Pig Duck Chicken
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tags: animals kids family farm childhood category: no points
88. Name something you associate with Walt Disney
Mickey Mouse Donald Duck Disneyland
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tags: cartoons entertainment movies childhood family category: no points
89. Name a specific game parents stop letting their kids win at once they are older.
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tags: family childhood games parenting competition category: no points
90. Name Something That A Person Doesn’t Remember As They Get Old
Names Peoples Ages Birthdays The Past Where They Put Items Phone Numbr Grocery Items
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tags: memory aging childhood health family fun category: no points
91. Siblings fight over this.
Remote Chocolates Clothes Who is more loved Sharing a room
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tags: adults family kids childhood silly category: no points
92. Name a sport kids play when they’re growing up.
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids family games sports childhood category: no points
93. Name Something That Kids Play In But An Adult Would Not.
mud/dirt 43 sandbox 21 kiddie pool 13 ball pit 8 tree/playhouse 5 bath tub 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids family childhood imagination play games category: 6 answers
94. Name a Disney movie that made you cry.
bambi 38 old yeller 20 lion king 10 beauty & beast 7 snow white 4 dumbo 3 little mermaid 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: movies disney kids family emotions childhood category: 7 answers
95. Tell Me The Age When Boys Stop Playing With Stuffed Animals
3 8 4 9 5 11 6 10 7 22 8 19 10 15
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tags: kids family boys childhood toys development category: 7 answers
96. Name Something You Dreaded Talking To Your Parents About As A Teen, And Still Do?
birds and the bees 50 drinking 15 relationships 14 money 12 smoking 3 politics 3
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tags: family parents teenagers childhood secrets communication category: 6 answers
97. Name Something A Child Does To Prove They’re Too Sick For School.
cough 50 vomit 25 cry 13 take temperature 10
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tags: school kids humor health childhood family category: 4 answers
98. Name Something A 10-Year-Old Boy Might Ask Santa For
bike 51 video game 21
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids family gifts christmas childhood toys category: 2 answers
99. Name A Cartoon Movie That Makes You Cry Even As An Adult
bambi 44 lion king 22 cinderella 13 fox & the hound 7 finding nemo 5 beauty & the beast 3 dumbo 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: adults movies emotions cartoons childhood family category: 7 answers
100. We asked 100 people: tell us something you get nostalgic about.
Answers are hidden.
tags: nostalgia memories childhood family games entertainment category: 6 answers
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