The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something you might donate.
money 35 clothes 33 blood 15 kidney 7 heart 3
Answers are hidden.
2. Name a charity that has been around for years and years.
red cross 42 salvation army 17 amer. cancer soc. 7 united way 6 musc. dyst. assn. 4
Answers are hidden.
3. Name something people donate.
Used clothes Blood Old toys Books Money
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tags: fast money charity fundraising giving category: fast money
4. Name a food that people give as gifts during the holidays.
fruitcake 28 cookies 23 pies 12 fruit basket 10 chocolates 8 nuts 8 cheese 5
Answers are hidden.
5. Name The Month Most People Start Shopping For Holiday Presents.
November 48 October 20 September 9 December 8 August 6 January 3 June 3
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tags: holiday shopping seasonal giving gift family category: 7 answers
6. Name a type of flower you might give someone on valentine's day.
Roses Carnations Tulips Daisies Lilies
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tags: plants valentine's day flowers love giving romance category: no points
7. What Do You Do To Help Out The Less Fortunate At The Holidays?
give money 44 donate canned goods 24 serve meals 12 donate toys 8 invite to dinner 4
Answers are hidden.
8. Name someone famous for helping the poor.
mother teresa 35 oprah winfrey 24 jimmy carter 6 princess diana 5 bill gates 4 angelina jolie 4
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tags: charity philanthropy poverty category: 6 answers
9. Name Something People Donate To The Red Cross
Blood 45
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tags: charity donations disasters category: fast money
10. Name something people put money in.
bank account 66 wallet 11 jar 8 stocks 4
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tags: savings investments charity retirement category: 4 answers
11. Name something telephone solicitors try to sell over the phone
Home Insurance Health Insurance Long Distance Distance Phone Service Life Insurance Cell Plan
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tags: home improvement insurance charity category: no points
12. Tell Me A Cause That A Movie Star Might Support.
peace 31 environment 21 voting 15 animal rights 11 poverty 9 abortions 5 gun or gun control 4
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tags: donations charity celebrities entertainment movies category: 7 answers
13. Name Something People Donate That Can Save A Life
organ 47 blood 38
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tags: charity blood food animals kids funny category: 2 answers
14. Name something people donate to charity during the holidays.
Food 29 Money 28 Clothing 24 Toys 18
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tags: holiday charity holidays donations food kids category: 4 answers
15. Name something Oprah's fans can't wait for her to do.
give gifts/cars 58 get married 19 book of month 7 lose weight 4 become president 3 have children 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: talk shows giveaways charity books advice kids category: 6 answers
16. Name The First Person You Call When You Have Great News.
parent 47 spouse 22
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tags: family relationships communication support category: 2 answers
17. Who Do You Like To Know Is Available In Case Of Emergency
Doctor Police Mom Spouse
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tags: family emergency relationships safety support category: no points
18. Name A Good Reaon To Live Near In-Laws
Babysitting Eat Over Close For Holidays Visit Often
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tags: family relationships convenience support location category: no points
19. Name An Acticity That Requires Someone To Hold On Whey They Are First Learning To Do It
Swimming Skating Riding A Bike Dancing Walking
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tags: activities learning support kids funny category: no points
20. Name A Time When A Man Might Be Extra Caring Toward His Wife
their anniversary 32 when she's pregnant 28 on her birthday 21 when she's sick 17
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tags: family marriage relationships love support category: 4 answers
21. Name something you can always count on your parents for.
Love Money Support Advice Everything
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tags: family parents kids support advice help category: no points
22. Name a favor friends do for friends.
lend/borrow money 32 baby-sit children 26 drive/give ride 18 house/pet-sit 6 help them move 5
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tags: relationships favors friends friendship help support category: 5 answers
23. Name a person people go to when they feel worried.
doctor 32 psychiatrist 16 mother 13 friend 13 counsellor 11 priest 10
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tags: mental health support advice therapist category: 6 answers
24. Tell me something that a teenager still needs from their parents.
love 38 guidance 30 rides 17 rules 8 shelter 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: parenting family teens support teenagers category: 5 answers
25. If you were to open “Heartbreak Hotel,” name something you’d offer your brokenhearted guests.
chocolate/sweets 35 love/company 23 a drink 15 tissue 12 flowers 6
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tags: food drinks activities games support advice category: 5 answers
26. Name a time when even a grown-up wants their mom
Break-up Having Children Wedding Not Feeling Well
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tags: family support comfort nostalgia childhood funny category: no points
27. We asked 100 women: Name someone you might call if you needed advice
Friend Mom Sister
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tags: advice relationships women support friends family category: no points
28. Where Do People Usually Seek Parenting Advice?
Parents Other Parents Friends Books Church Doctor Online
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tags: parenting family kids advice support relationships category: no points
29. name a time when even a grownup wants their mom
Sick Having A Baby Flop Wedding Break Up
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tags: kids family comfort love support funny category: no points
30. If A Husband Found Out That His Wife Had A Bad Day At Work, Name Something He Might Do To Make Her Feel Better.
cook dinner 48 give a massage 17 giver her flowers 16 prepare a bath 8 take her out 4 comfort her 4
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tags: relationships marriage work support family funny category: 6 answers
31. Name A Place People Go To Discuss Their Relationship Problems.
Therapist 42
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tags: relationships communication family therapy support couples category: fast money
32. Name someone you might go for advice.
Parents Partner/ spouse Best friends Boss/ manager Relatives
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tags: adults relationships communication advice family support personal category: no points
33. Besides fighting, name a specific skill you’d want your side-kick to have.
Answers are hidden.
tags: teamwork intelligence communication problem-solving support leadership category: no points
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