The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. If you couldn't live in the U.S., what country would you choose to live in?
canada 22 england 12 ireland 10 spain 8 australia 8
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tags: countries travel relocation lifestyle preferences category: 5 answers
2. Name the best U.S. state to raise a family.
florida 23 texas 20 california 18 washington 11 virginia 9 tennessee 8 colorado 6 georgia 5
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tags: family living education lifestyle safety category: 8 answers
3. Name a reason a person might need to move
Job Transfer Transfer Work Transfer Reassignment
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tags: moving home relocation distance family work category: no points
4. How do people move from one place to another?
Walk Drive Train Swim Ride
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tags: kids family moving travel transportation relocation category: no points
5. Name the us state you would like to live in.
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tags: location living lifestyle community education employment category: no points
6. If you could not live in the US, which country would you want to live in?
australia 40 canada 10 france 10 united kingdom 5 germany 4
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tags: countries relocation category: 5 answers
7. name a reason why people move to california
Weather/sun Lots Of Jobs Preservatives To Become Famous Live Near The Ocean
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tags: relocation california reasons moving housing category: no points
8. When you move to a new city, name something that you have to fine a new one of
House Bank Doctor
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tags: relocation home daily life amenities local category: no points
9. Name Something Associated With An Iceberg.
Titanic 51 Ice 17
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10. Name a country where you may need to wear a jacket all year round.
Russia Iceland Canada Greenland England Sweden Switzerland
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tags: geography weather travel clothing climate category: no points
11. Name an animal who should be very worried about global warming.
polar bear 66 penguin 15 human 4 fish 4 seal 2 dolphin 2
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tags: animals environment climate nature wildlife category: 6 answers
12. Name a city where it rains a lot
Honolulu London Miami Portland Chicago Windy City Seattle
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tags: geography weather rain cities climate category: no points
13. Name a reason people give for not wanting to live in California
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tags: housing expenses jobs traffic climate schools category: no points
14. Name a us state that gets a lot of rain.
Washington Maine Illinois Louisiana
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tags: geography weather states climate travel nature category: no points
15. Name a country where it's hot all year round.
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tags: geography climate countries travel vacation summer category: 6 answers
16. name some dangers of taking a vacation to the north pole
Polar Bears Blizzards Freezing Temperature Housewife Hussy Frostbite Girl
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tags: animals food work climate cold travel category: no points
17. Name A State Where It Hardly Ever Snows.
California Arizona Texas
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tags: geography weather travel climate kids funny category: no points
18. Name a reason parents might not approve of their daughter's boyfriend
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tags: relationships family dating lifestyle category: no points
19. How many days would the average person's ideal vacation last?
Fourteen Seven Ten Thirty Forever
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tags: family demographics statistics lifestyle travel category: no points
20. Name the number one state people want to live in.
california 32 florida 27 new york 13 hawaii 8 washington 6 pennsylvania 5
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tags: lifestyle family relationships survey geography category: 6 answers
21. Name Something That Might Break A Couple Up If They Disagreed About It
finances 44 having kids 31 showing affection 8 religion 6 fidelity 5 parenting 4
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tags: relationships lifestyle values family home category: 6 answers
22. We Asked 100 Moms How Much Are You Like Your Mom. Scale 1-10.
10 9 8 7 5
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tags: family moms parenting relationships lifestyle category: no points
23. Name Something A Person Might Do Differently Around Their Partner Once They’re Married
Show affection Dress Clean Communicate
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tags: relationships marriage lifestyle habits family category: no points
24. What Traffic Signs Describe Your Life Style?
Stop 44 Green Light 17 Yield/Slow Down 13 Dead End 8 Do Not Enter 7 Curves Ahead 6 Caution 3
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tags: relationships lifestyle family humor pop culture traffic category: 7 answers
25. Name something you might replace after a divorce.
house 31 spouse 30 bed 22 car 11 furniture 6
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tags: relationships home lifestyle family funny life category: 5 answers
26. Name a problem you’d have to deal with if you won the lottery
Taxes 26
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tags: money family friends work lifestyle adults category: fast money
27. If Barbie And Ken Broke Up, What Might Barbie Do With All The Extra Time?
shop 36 date 23 model/get a job 15 party 12 go to the beach 8 cruise in corvette 3
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tags: relationships lifestyle self-care hobbies family kids category: 6 answers
28. What is heaven to you?
Peaceful Afterlife Paradise Eternity Beautiful
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tags: family heaven funny lifestyle spirituality beliefs category: no points
29. We asked 100 wives: If you could be single again for one day, name something you'd do
Date/flirt Party/go Clubbing Bonbon Spend Money
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tags: relationships family marriage humor women lifestyle category: no points
30. name a part of table manners that most people learn from their parents
Say Grace Elbows Off Table Mouth Closed Use Napkin Elbows
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tags: family lifestyle manners etiquette home culture category: no points
31. We Asked 100 Husbands: If Your Wife Had A Personal Assistant, Name Something They’d Be Asked To Do.
Cook 39 Clean 25 Laundry 17 Shop 12 Make Coffee 4
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tags: relationships marriage lifestyle humorous family chores category: 5 answers
32. name a popular topic of a blog aimed at women
Fashion Pregnancy Relationships Weight Family
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tags: family humor relationships lifestyle women funny category: no points
33. Name something some parents have that makes other parents jealous
Big House Patience Nanny Loving Family Money Good Kids Nice Car
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tags: parenting lifestyle family humor childcare envy category: no points
34. Name a reason people move from the city to live in the suburbs
Hushed More Quiet Quieter Subdued Cheaper Silent Jam
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tags: family lifestyle housing commute schools space category: no points
35. We surveyed 100 men...Name something that you'd enjoy about being Mr. Mom
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tags: family kids funny lifestyle parenting relationships category: no points
36. Name A Habit That Would Be Impossible To Hide From Your Spouse
smoking 64 drinking 12 biting nails 7 gambling 7 shopping 4
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tags: marriage relationship habits family lifestyle funny category: 5 answers
37. We surveyed 100 married women...Name something you wish your husband was an expert at doing
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tags: family marriage relationships humor lifestyle funny category: no points
38. We asked 100 parents: What was the hardest change to make when you had kids
Expenses Close Their Eyes Lack Of Sleep Not Going Out Balance Work And Home No Free Time
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tags: parenting family kids lifestyle home relationships category: no points
39. Name things you would post on social media.
Selfie 1 Vacation pictures 2 Pictures of friends 3 Your meal 2 Your coffee 2
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tags: social media lifestyle friends family entertainment category: 5 answers
40. We surveyed 100 men...Name something that you'd enjoy about being Mr. Mom.
take care of kids 40 cooking 20 being at home 11 watching tv 8 cleaning/laundry 8
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tags: family parenting chores time management lifestyle social category: 5 answers
41. Name something a high school student might do in gym class.
run 48 push-ups 18 rope climbing 15 jumping jacks 11 sit-ups 8
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tags: school education kids exercise physical education sports category: 5 answers
42. Name something a student might be forced to do in gym class.
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tags: school kids hilarious funny education physical education category: no points
43. Name A Class that Parents Enroll Their Kids In Before They Turn 3 Years Old.
swimming 40 dance 34 art 10 gymnastics 8 music 3
Answers are hidden.
44. Name an animal that starts with the letter "S"
Squirrel Snake Skunk Brut
Answers are hidden.
45. Name A Reason Parents Might Want Their Kid To Go To A Particular College.
Alma Mater 43 Better Academics 19 Reputation Of School 16 The Cost 12 Close To Home 9
Answers are hidden.
46. Name a college you'd like to send your children to.
harvard 33 yale 17 stanford 4 ohio state 3 princeton 3 nyu 3
Answers are hidden.
47. Tell me who is the smartest member of your family.
Myself Mother Father Spouse
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tags: family intelligence knowledge education kids category: 4 answers
48. Name an animal you expect to see at the zoo.
send us your answers! 10 monkeys 31 tigers 7
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tags: animals kids family education learning fun category: 3 answers
49. At What Age Do People Usually Learn To Play Their First Musical Instrument
5 16 6 12 7 9 8 16 10 27 12 12 13 4
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tags: music age education learning children family category: 7 answers
50. When kids ask where babies come from name an answer that parents give.
the stork 56 heaven 16 a cabbage patch 7 mom's tummy 7 the hospital 6 santa claus 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids family funny parenting education category: 6 answers
51. Name something a grandmother might want her grandkids to learn.
manners 31 family recipes 22 knitting/sewing 15 family history 7 native language 3
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tags: kids school learning family education category: 5 answers
52. Name Something That A Man Teaches His Grandson To Do.
fish 56 drive 18 play sports 9 ride a bike 5 hunt 5 read 3
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tags: family education tradition life lessons category: 6 answers
53. Name a sport you would be proud to watch your child play.
Baseball Basketball Soccer Football Hockey
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tags: family sports children parenting education category: no points
54. Name something that you now wish had been forced to do as a child.
study 28 exercise 19 play instrument 12 eat right 9 care for teeth 9 work hard 6 house work 4
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tags: family regrets childhood skills education category: 7 answers
55. Name a country in Asia.
Japan China India South Korea Indonesia
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tags: kids geography trivia education family fun category: no points
56. Give me an American city that begins with the letter "H."
Houston Honolulu Harrisburg Wine/alcohol Cigars
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tags: cities geography trivia education family category: no points
57. What animal can we meet in the forest?
Deer 44 Bear 37 Hare 27 Boar 21 Fox 12 Hedgehog 2
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tags: animals kids family education nature category: 6 answers
58. Name a time that might be proudest moment in a person's life
Giving Birth Gifts Buying A House New Job Graduation
Answers are hidden.
59. Name something parents get for their kids to help them with school.
Tutor Computer Calculator Books Pencils Backpack
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tags: school kids work help education family category: no points
60. If you couldn’t be smart, what would you prefer to be?
Beautiful Rich Athletic Strong Wise
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tags: family funny adults kids education category: no points
61. Besides Christmas, Tell Me A Holiday That Kids Get Off From School.
thanksgiving 41 4th of july 6
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tags: school kids family holidays education category: 2 answers
62. Name something parents sacrifice buying in order to have money for their kid's college education
New Car New House Clothes
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tags: family kids education money college category: no points
63. What are some things to do at school?
Play Talk to friends Eat lunch Draw or color Learn
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tags: kids school education learning family category: no points
64. Name An Extracurricular Activity That Parents Say Is Good For A Child.
team sports 36 music lessons 22 dance class 21 theatre 12 martial arts 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: school education parenting kids family category: 5 answers
65. Name Something That Young Children Memorize
Alphabet 62 Spell Their Name 13 Phone Number 8 Address 4 Nursery Rhymes 4 Pledge Of Allegiance 3
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tags: kids family memory fun learning education category: 6 answers
66. name something specific a parent wishes for their child on the first day of kindergarten
Safety No Crying Make Friends Good Teacher Mask
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tags: school kids family education kindergarten category: no points
67. If A Child Were Raised By Squirrels Name Something He’d Be Good At.
climbing 49 cracking nuts 35 running 7 storage in cheeks 4
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tags: kids animals nature family funny education category: 4 answers
68. Give me a North American city that begins with the letter 'M'.
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tags: geography cities trivia kids education family category: 7 answers
69. Other Than Love Name Something That Money Cant Buy
happiness 38 health 22 friendship 14 family 8 time 7
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tags: happiness time health education friends family category: 5 answers
70. What would a parent most want to see his child spend the afternoon doing?
reading 61 playing 22 chores 5 sleeping 4 crafts 2 sports 2 helping people 2
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tags: parenting family children activities hobbies education category: 7 answers
71. Name something that might be taught in a new parents course.
feeding 49 changing diapers 30 discipline 11 cpr 10
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tags: parenting education babies childcare family relationships category: 4 answers
72. Name a country that's an island or islands
Cuba Australia Iceland Philippines
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tags: geography travel world kids family education category: no points
73. Name something gifted children do at an early age
Read Walk Play Instrument Talk Sing
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tags: education kids school adults intelligence family category: no points
74. Name a place parents bring their children to learn new things.
Museum School Library Zoo
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tags: education kids family learning places children category: no points
75. Give me a word that rhymes with "sound."
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tags: rhymes wordplay language kids education family category: no points
76. Name a school subject most parents couldn't help their kid do
Science Math Computers
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tags: school kids family parents education homework category: no points
77. Name A Reason Your Parents Might Want You To Join The Army
Earn A Living See The World Make Them Proud Grow Up No Other Prospects
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tags: family military career responsibility discipline education category: no points
78. name a reason you may dread going to your childs parent teacher conference
Boring Skipping Class Bad Kid Don't Like Teacher Bad Grades
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tags: school education kids teachers family parenting category: no points
79. If you could speak any foreign language, which one would you choose?
spanish 41 french 33 italian 10 japanese 5
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tags: languages funny kids family travel education category: 4 answers
80. Everyone wants the best for their kids; specifically the best what
Everything School Couch Health Life
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tags: family children parenting education health future category: no points
81. Name a word that rhymes with "tree".
Free Bee Three Me Knee See
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tags: kids funny education family games language category: no points
82. Name A Country American Kids Visit In Hope Lucky In College
Mexico France Canada England Ireland Holland Italy
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tags: education college kids travel family trivia category: no points
83. When You Were A Little Kid, Where Did You Think Babies Came From.
stork 56 mother's stomach 23 heaven 7 already knew 6 cabbage patch 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids childhood funny family healthcare education category: 5 answers
84. Name something parents buy for their children when they are going back to school
Tops Hoodie Clothes Pants
Answers are hidden.
tags: school kids family education children parents category: no points
85. Name a holiday that ends in the word "day"
Columbus Day Thanksgiving Day Valentine's Day New Year's Day Memorial Day Mother's Day Labor Day
Answers are hidden.
tags: holidays family kids funny food education category: no points
86. Name a school subject most parents couldn't help their kid do.
math 75 science 9 gym 4 history 2 reading 2 computers 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: school kids parents homework family education category: 6 answers
87. Name a factor that might influence where a student goes to college.
Grades Tuition Scholarships Location Athletics
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tags: education college future family work location category: no points
88. Name the best U.S. state to raise a family
Colorado Tennessee Florida Texas Virginia
Answers are hidden.
tags: family education jobs healthcare nature food category: no points
89. Name something new students get for the first day of school.
Clothes Backpack Shoes Notebook Pens
Answers are hidden.
tags: school kids funny family education homework category: no points
90. Name a popular U.S. landmark
Statue Of Liberty Of Liberty Lady Liberty Rushmore Liberty Island New York Harbor Mount Rushmore
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel kids education history family geography category: no points
91. Name a paris tourist attraction.
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tags: landmarks kids education family travel culture category: no points
92. Name Something Many Parents Want Children Learn Young Age
Read Manners Talk Walk Alphabet Name Toilet Training
Answers are hidden.
tags: parenting kids family education learning childhood category: no points
93. Name something a grandmother might want her grandchildren to learn.
manners 31 family recipes 22 knitting/sewing 15 family history 7 native language 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: family education grandparents children wisdom skills category: 5 answers
94. Give Me a Word That Rhymes With “Buckle”
Knuckle 1 Suckle 1 Chuckle 1 Huckle 1
Answers are hidden.
tags: words rhymes games family kids education category: 4 answers
95. At what grade does the average parent start having trouble helping their kids with homework?
Seventh Sixth Fifth Eighth Ninth Tenth
Answers are hidden.
tags: school kids parents homework education family category: no points
96. Name something many dads teach their children how to do.
drive 38 ride a bike 30 fish 17 play sports 8 read 4 walk 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: family fathers parenting education skills life lessons category: 6 answers
97. Name A Piece Of Information That Post People List In Their Personal’s Ads.
age 46 name 22 phone number 10 sex 9 status 4 height 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: hobbies interests education occupation physical appearance family category: 6 answers
98. If you moved to Los Angeles, what would be the first thing youd have to get used to.
Traffic Weather Smog Lots Of People Noise Crime Prices
Answers are hidden.
99. If you wanted to simplify your life, name something you'd give up
Telephone Work
Answers are hidden.
tags: decluttering lifestyle category: no points
100. Name An Activity That’s Good To Do In Moderation, But Not All The Time
Drink Exercise Eat Sleep
Answers are hidden.
tags: balance self-care well-being lifestyle category: no points
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