The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name An Occasion For Which You Might Rehearse A Phone Call Before Making It.
date 42 job interview 28
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tags: work school animals plants adults funny category: 2 answers
2. Name Something You Would Wan’t To Run Over With Your Lawnmower.
rocks 25 animals 19 poop 17 hose 14 toys 9 sprinkler 7
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3. Name An Occupation That Might Get Tired Of Wearing The Same Thing Every Day
nurse 33 doctor 26 police officer 21 food server 13 mail carrier 4
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tags: work school animals adults food plants category: 5 answers
4. Name A Place That You Need An ID To Enter.
bar 29 airplane 19 casino 18 military base 12 school 10 work 8
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tags: school work government animals plants adults category: 6 answers
5. Finish this sentence: Thanksgiving, not a good day to ___.
diet 32 work 23 get sick 14 fight 10 sleep 10 shop 6 travel 5
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tags: food animals adults school work plants category: 7 answers
6. Name An Occupation In Which One Spends His Day Cutting.
barber 41 butcher 26 gardener 13 tailor 9 lumberjack 5 carpenter 3
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tags: work adults food plants animals school category: 6 answers
7. Name An Organization That’s Only For Females
Madd 16 Sorority 16 WNBA 14 Now 13 Girl Scouts 12 Wic Program 4
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tags: school work adults plants food animals category: 6 answers
8. Name something you would ask the Wizard for in the Land of Oz.
Money 1 Health/A New Heart 3 A Brain 2 Hot Bod 2 Peace on Earth 3 Love 1 Happiness 1 Magic Power/To Fly 3
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tags: school work plants adults funny animals fantasy entertainment literature kids magic category: 8 answers
9. Name some jobs that end with ‘er’.
Lawyer Painter Singer Teacher Farmer
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tags: adults work school animals food plants kids category: no points
10. Name a profession that you would hate your neighbor to have.
musician 48 police officer 33 mechanic 11 garbage collector 8
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11. Name something people have second thoughts about doing.
getting married 35 spending 15 cheating 11 skydiving 7 stealing 5 lending money 4 gambling 3
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tags: school work food plants adults funny category: 7 answers
12. name something that might be happening at school that makes a kid want to stay home that day
Getting Bullied Test Picture Day Talent Show Contest
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tags: school kids funny work plants adults category: no points
13. Give me a word that means the opposite of "clever".
Dumb Stupid Dunce
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tags: school work kids funny plants adults category: no points
14. Name Something Co-Workers Talk About Around The Water Cooler
Boss Sports Gossip Love Life Workload Weather TV Shows
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tags: work funny adults plants food animals category: no points
15. name a profession where you can lay down on the job
Clergy Fireman Drug Dealer Plumber Yoga/ Exercise Inst Mechanic
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tags: work adults funny animals kids plants category: no points
16. tell me a phrase used for getting fired that sounds like it would hurt
Alex Kicked To The Curb Sean Canned Billy Got The Boot Axed
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tags: work funny adults animals plants food category: no points
17. Name An Occupation That Uses A Brush
Hair Dresser Painter & Decorator An Artist Street Sweeper
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tags: work animals plants kids adults funny category: no points
18. Name a popular German word
Theater Nein Danke Eye Glasses Gesundheit Oma
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tags: work adults funny food plants animals category: no points
19. Name another word for "wet".
Soaked Damp Moist Soggy Drenched
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tags: kids adults funny school animals plants category: no points
20. Name A Profession For Someone Good With Their Hands
Carpenter Secretary / Typist Masseuse Physiotherapist Doctor
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tags: school adults animals funny cooking plants category: no points
21. Name a place you might go on thanksgiving to get away from the family for a bit.
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22. Real or fictional, name someone known for their wisdom.
albert einstein 41 mahatma gandhi 17 solomon 12 yoda 11 the dalai lama 10 martin luther king jr 8
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tags: school work kids adults hilarious plants category: 6 answers
23. Name something black
Cat 32 Night 30 Carbon 28 Hole 22 Tar 15 Coffee 4
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24. Name something that's sexier when it's bright red.
lingerie/undies 36 dress 29 lipstick 14 car 7
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tags: adults food plants animals school hilarious category: 4 answers
25. What are some things you can do with ice?
Make ice cream Make iced tea Put it in your drink Ice Skating Make ice sculptures
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tags: adults work food kids plants animals drinks category: no points
26. Name something you shouldn't photocopy, but do anyway.
id 39 pictures 31 buttocks 20 books 5 money 5
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27. Name something that starts with the words, "The Big"
Apple One Attention Kahuna Easy Lebowski
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28. Name an activity you use your hips to do
Frolicking Hula Hoop Boogieing Dancing Jog Ballet Disco
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29. Name something that has lines on it.
Paper Face Road Zebra
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30. Name a situation when you need to gather courage before taking action.
fighting 20 proposing marriage 18 quitting a job 15 asking someone out 14 ask for a raise 13 public speaking 10
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tags: school work adults scary animals funny category: 6 answers
31. Name Something That Might Accidentally Get Caught In A Paper Shredder.
tie 56 fingers 25 shirt 5
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tags: work school funny animals adults kids category: 3 answers
32. Name A Type Of Person That Wears A Name Tag
store clerks 24 waitress 22 doctor 16 police officer 16 nurse 11 teacher 3
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tags: work kids funny school animals adults category: 6 answers
33. What do you call someone who scares easily?
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tags: school work kids funny animals adults category: 4 answers
34. Name an animal that starts with the letter "R."
Rhinoceros Roadrunner Rabbit Skating Rink Raccoon
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tags: animals kids school work adults funny category: no points
35. name a good day job for a magician
Card Dealer Teacher Waiter Gift Ceftificate
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tags: work kids funny adults school animals category: no points
36. Name a specific part of a skinny dipper that usually doesn't look so skinny.
bottom 42 stomach 23 chest 11 hips 8 thighs 8
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tags: adults funny animals school work hospital category: 5 answers
37. Name something that never works just when you need it the most
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tags: work school funny adults animals food category: no points
38. Profession Where Talk To Strangers All Day
Telemarketer Hair Dresser Cab Driver Secretary Bartender Waitress Psychiatrist
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tags: work kids funny school adults animals category: no points
39. Name A Non Living Object With An Eye
Needle Potato Storm London Eye
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tags: school animals work kids funny plants category: no points
40. Name Something A Teen Might Get In Trouble Doing In A Photo
Bunny Ears Stick Out Tongue Funny Face Not Smiling
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tags: school work food animals plants funny category: no points
41. Name something That People Blow Up.
Balloon Bombs Fireworks Bubble Gum Doll
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tags: funny kids school work animals plants category: no points
42. Name an important number people often memorize.
phone number 29 911 20 social security 18 birthday 10 address 7
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tags: school work funny kids plants animals category: 5 answers
43. Name something a ghost might try before getting trapped by the ghostbusters.
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tags: food plants animals work school funny category: no points
44. Name Something A Teenager Might Try To Get Away With When Their Parents Are Out Of Town
throwing a party 36 drink 20
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tags: school work food animals plants funny category: 2 answers
45. Name A Word That You Might See Before Or After The Word Wax
ear wax 26 car watch 18 beeswax 14 hot wax 8 wax museum 8 wax paper 8 candle wax 8
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tags: school plants kids funny animals work category: 7 answers
46. Name something you stuff just as full as you can get it.
Turkey 1 Trash cans 2 Christmas stocking 2 Suitcase 1 Pillow 1 Teddy bear 2 Purse 1 Stomach 1
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tags: Food Animals Plants School Work Funny category: 8 answers
47. Name something someone does to keep from laughing
Cough Clench Your Teeth Bite Their Cheek Cover Mouth Hold Breath Bite Your Lips Think Something Sad
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tags: funny kids plants animals work school category: no points
48. Besides Food, Name Something You Buy At A Supermarket
Magazines Greeting Cards Derergent Newspapers Toilet Paper
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tags: kids school animals plants work funny category: no points
49. Name something that starts with the word "Killer"
Whale Bee Body
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tags: animals food plants school work funny category: no points
50. Fill in the blank: Whoever said money can't buy happiness never owned a _____
Big-screen TV Mansion Sportscar Yacht Penny
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tags: funny school food work plants animals category: no points
51. Name another word for "scared."
Terrified Afraid Frightened
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tags: animals funny kids plants school work category: no points
52. Name something a cartoon leprechaun might be carrying.
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tags: funny plants animals work school food category: no points
53. Name Something People Dig Up.
bones 41 dirt 20 treasure 18 flowers/plants 6 weeds 6 worms 4
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tags: plants animals food school work funny category: 6 answers
54. Name a place you might embarrassed to go after dying your hair green for st. patrick's day.
Work Church School Home Restaurant
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tags: work school animals plants restaurants funny category: no points
55. Name something a superhero could get their cape stuck in.
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tags: school work animals food plants funny category: no points
56. Name the worst thing a policeman could find in your car when he pulls you over.
drugs 59 open alcohol 23 gun/weapon 13 underwear/bra 2 dead body 2
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tags: food animals plants work school funny category: 5 answers
57. Name a physical trait that might make someone look like a leprechaun.
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tags: school kids funny work animals plants category: no points
58. Besides a rainbow, name a place where a person might imagine finding a pot of gold.
Forest Shipwreck Backyard Cave Beach Bank
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tags: kids funny school work plants animals category: no points
59. Name A Type Of Agent
Estate Secret News Travel Insurance
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tags: work school hospital plants animals funny category: no points
60. Name something that's really, really hairy
Ape Dog Skunk
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tags: animals kids funny plants school work category: no points
61. Name a place that a college student would be most surprised to see their grandparent
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tags: school work animals plants funny kids category: no points
62. Name something that is useless
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tags: kids funny school work animals plants category: 6 answers
63. Name an occupation that starts with the letter "T"
Technician Tailor Teacher Telemarketer Truck Driver
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tags: work school funny kids animals plants category: no points
64. Name a four-letter word that's something everyone wants
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tags: work school food plants animals funny category: no points
65. Name something a superhero might outrun.
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tags: kids funny work animals plants school category: no points
66. Name something a person with long fingernails might hurt themselves doing
Itching Their Nose Scratching Picking Their Nose Typing Nose Picking Nose
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tags: school work animals food plants funny category: no points
67. If You Lived In Fairy Tale Land, Someone At Grocery
Cinderella Snow White Alice In Wonderland Sleeping Beauty Rapunzel Red Riding Hood Jack N Beanstalk
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tags: food plants funny school work animals category: no points
68. Name Something People Hate To Find On Their Windscreen
Flies / Insects Bird Mess Ticket Fliers Frost
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tags: school work hospital plants animals funny category: no points
69. If Men Carried Purses Name Something Youd Find Inside Them
wallet/money 34 cell phone 20 cigarettes 17 keys 15 tools 12
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tags: work school animals food plants funny category: 5 answers
70. Name something people stick their fingers in that they shouldn't
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tags: kids funny school work animals plants category: no points
71. Name An Animal Whose Print Looks Natural On Them But Gaudy When Your Neighbor Wears It
leopard 50 zebra 29 tiger 13 cheetah 7
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tags: animals funny kids work school plants category: 4 answers
72. Name a place you'd hate to be when you receive a call from your cell phone
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tags: funny work animals plants hospital school category: no points
73. Name something people buy where "bigger is better".
vehicles 19 food 18 clothes 17 television 15 homes 11 toilet paper 5
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tags: work funny food plants animals school category: 6 answers
74. If you turned into a monster, what monster would you choose?
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tags: funny work school kids plants animals category: no points
75. Name An Occupation Where You Could Get Away With Reading On The Job
librarian 59 writer/ editor 13 teacher 13 secretary 6 security guard 5
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tags: work kids funny school animals plants category: 5 answers
76. Name a reason for people to wake up in the middle of the night.
Need to visit the bathroom Bad dream Hunger/thirst Attend a crying child Heard a noise
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tags: adults school work animals kids food funny category: no points
77. Name Something that can get tangled.
Hair Earphones Rope string Fishing net Long chains
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tags: adults school work animals food kids funny category: no points
78. Name a word that rhymes with “election.”
Selection 1 Erection 1 Perfection 1 Detection 1 Protection 1 Rejection 1 Collection 1 Section 1
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tags: school work kids food plants animals funny category: 8 answers
79. Name a smell people hate.
Skunk 37 Rotten eggs 15 Ammonia 8 Onion 8 Garlic 7
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tags: funny fun food animals household plants school work category: 5 answers
80. Name something people let pile up.
Laundry/Ironing 51 Dishes 13 Mail/Correspond 10 Bills 10
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tags: funny fun hilarious work animals food plants kids school category: 4 answers
81. me something that often doesn’t start when it’s supposed to.
Car 1 Movie 1 Wedding 1 Lawn mower 2 Meeting 1 Sporting event 2
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tags: funny fun hilarious school work hospital animals food plants category: 6 answers
82. Name gifts to surprise a person you know.
New car 2 Clothes 1 Gift card 2 Money 1 Jewelry 1
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tags: school work hospital animals food plants kids family funny category: 5 answers
83. Tell me an animal that starts with the letter "H."
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84. Name Something which people tend to misplace.
Keys Documents Jewelry Mobile Remote
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85. name something on which you might need your boss signature
Raise Pay Check Check Vacation Request Contract
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tags: work school animals adults hilarious category: no points
86. Name something you might do to refresh yourself.
take a shower 58 drinking water 10 wash face 9 sleep 8 brush teeth 5
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tags: work school animals plants hilarious category: 5 answers
87. Name a word that starts with 'post'.
Postman 50 Postmaster 14 Postpone 12 Poster 11 Postcard 11
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88. Name Something That Ends With The Word “Code.”
Area Code 29 Zip Code 20 Morse Code 16 Security Code 9 Bar Code 8 Dress Code 5 Pass Code 5
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tags: school work hospital animals plants category: 7 answers
89. Name some things that need air to work.
Balloon Tire Kite Bubble Windmill
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90. Name something that gets dull
Butcher Bowie Chopper Dagger Machete Knife Blade
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91. Name something you can't do when it is cold out.
swimming 58 sun tan 16 wear shorts 11 gardening 5
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92. Besides Throwing Them Away Name Something You Can Do With Old Newspapers
recycle 46 burn them 21 clean windows 12 wrap gifts 8 pack dishes 5 crafts 4 line bird cage 3
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93. Name Something Apart From Books You Might Find In A Library
Magazines Cassettes Computers Newspapers Films / Dvd's
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94. Name Something You Might Blame On A Headache.
stress work cold
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95. Name An Event That’s Often Held As A Fundraiser
Bake Sales Car Wash Dinner Auction Raffle Concert Walk/ Run
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96. Name something specific that people are tempted to shoplift
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97. Name Another Name For A Lie
Fib Porky Untruth Falsehood Tale Economical With The Truth
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98. Name another word for "fast".
Quick Speedy Hurry Swift Rapid
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99. Name Something People Do With Both Hands.
Drive 40 Dishes 14 Massage 12 Clap 11 Cook 10 Eat 6
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100. Name something California is famous for
Quakes Sets Shock-waves Movies Studios
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