Name something you associate with a barn
Horse Farm Cows Hay Chickens
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tags: animals farm rural agriculture category: no points
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
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milk cows 44 feed animals 41 collect eggs 10 bail hay 4
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2. Which Article Of Clothing Do You Suspect Every Farmer Owns?
overalls 53 cowboy hat 16 blue jeans 13 boots 8 suspenders 7
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3. Besides animals, name something you would see on a farm
Stable Tractor Barn Thresher Farmer Harvester Rancher
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4. Name something you'd hate about living on a farm
Smell Isolation Animals Chores Waking Early
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5. Name Something Cowboys Are Good At
riding horses 15 roping 20 rodeo 3
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6. Name something you would see a lot of in Kansas
Heifers Sunflowers Wheat Grain Flat Land Corn Land
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7. other than growing vegetables name something a farmer probably does better than most people
Wake Up Early Milk Cows Cook Entertainment
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8. Name a reason most people would not want to be a farmer
Early Mornings Low Income Difficult Long Hours Hard Dirty
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9. Name something you would see at a county fair
Pigs Sheep Animals Livestock Cows Cattle
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10. Name an animal that ruins a farmer's crops.
crow 24 gophers 10
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tags: animals plants food farming agriculture kids category: 2 answers
11. If You Live In The Country Name A Type Of Lights That You Dont See At Night
street lights 64 traffic 21 neon light 10
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12. Name an animal you would find on a farm.
cow 57 chicken 2
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13. Name something you see on a country property.
cows 38 sheep 15 horses 10 fence 7 animals 4 trees 4
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14. Name a baby animal that a farmer might have to help deliver.
Calf 50 Foal 20 Piglet 11 Goat 9 Lamb 6 Donkey 4 Chicken Duck Puppy Kitten
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tags: animals farm kids funny category: 10 answers
15. Name a baby animal you would expect to see on a farm.
Piglets 30 Calves 29 Chicks 24 Lambs 8 Goats 5 Foal 4 Rabbit Duck Baby Kitten
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tags: kids animals farm entertainment category: 10 answers
16. Name something you associate with the song "Old McDonald"
E-I-E-I-O Farm Farmer
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17. Name A Scent You’d Smell In A Barn
manure 45 hay 21 horses/animals 19 oil/gasoline 15
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18. Name a beast of burden.
donkey 44 ox 23 mule 13 horse 8 elephant 6 camel 6
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19. Name A Scent You’d Smell In A Barn
Manure 45 Hay 21 Horses/animals 19 Oil/Gasoline 15
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20. name a term or phrase with the word horse in it
Stuffy Head Horsing Around Horseshoe Whippersnapper Charley Horse Horseplay
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21. Name The Most Gentle Farm Animal.
Lamb/Sheep 33 Cow 25 Horse 13 Pig 11 Bunny 8 Cat 5 Chick/Duckling 3
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22. Name thing you see on a farm.
cows 47 pigs 18 sheep 16 horses 8 tractor 3
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23. Name The First Animal You Picture When You Think Of A Farm
Cow 49 Pig 32 Horse 8 Chicken 8
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24. Name Something You Associate With Old McDonald. (Be More Specific Than Animals)
Farm 36 Pig 6 Cow 5 Chick 2
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25. Name Something Associated With A Pig
Mud / Dirt Bacon A Sty Pork Smell
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26. Name a farm animal.
Horse Cow Chicken Pig Sheep
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27. Name an animal sound you hear in a barnyard
Oink Rooster Cluck Moo Cockadoodledoo Low
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28. Tell Me Something People Do With Horses But No Other Farm Animals
ride 54 race 21 brush them 11 train/show them 5 change shoes 3
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29. Name something specific you need to make a scarecrow.
Straw Clothes Pole
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30. Name something a cow might be doing that might make it a bad time to milk her.
eating/grazing 41 she's going potty 25 she's sleeping 16 giving birth 11 she's mating 2
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31. Name something a farmer has on his farm that he might end up eating.
pig 34 cow 24 chicken 19 grain 12 vegetables 9
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32. Name an animal old macdonald has on his farm.
Cow Pig Duck Chicken
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tags: animals kids family farm childhood category: no points
33. Name Something That Starts With The Word “Goose”
Bumps 43
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tags: animals birds farm funny kids pets category: fast money
34. Name something chickens have that people do not
Wings Beaks Combs Feathers
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tags: animals farm food kids funny hilarious category: no points
35. Name Something Every Farmer Needs
Tractor 31
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tags: farm animals food plants kids funny category: fast money
36. Name something 'Old McDonald' had on his farm
Pig Cow Chicken Duck
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tags: animals farm kids funny hilarious school category: 4 answers
37. Name a common farm animal.
Cows 51 Pigs 19 Chickens 12 Goats 8
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tags: animals kids family farm common food category: 4 answers
38. Name a farm animal you will never see pulling a plow
Sow Ham Pig Wings Hog
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tags: school animals kids funny food farm category: no points
39. Name Something Associated With A Scarecrow
Hay / Straw Crows / Birds Corn Hat Farm
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tags: farm animals birds autumn fall halloween category: no points
40. What animal does the farmer's wife wish the farmer wouldn't act like?
Pig Cow Horse Chicken Donkey Goat
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tags: animals funny kids farm family questions category: 6 answers
41. Name something that hatches.
eggs 42 birds 38 reptile 11 plans 7
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tags: animals farm kids birds reptiles insects category: 4 answers
42. Name a us state that is known for its agriculture.
California Iowa Florida Idaho Texas Nebraska
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tags: usa states agriculture farming crops category: no points
43. Name something that's disastrous for crops:
cold 34 insects 33 drought 17 hail 11
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tags: plants agriculture nature environment farming category: 4 answers
44. Name Something Specific Farmers Grow In Their Fields
corn 46 wheat 17 cotton 13 carrots 6 tomatoes 5
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tags: food plants agriculture farming crops category: 5 answers
45. Name a device farmers use
Digger Tractor Pitchfork Fork Hoe Shovel Plow
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tags: farming agriculture machinery equipment tools kids category: no points
46. Name Something That Farmers 100 Years Ago Did By Hand, But Now Do With Machines.
plow the field 36 plant seeds 24 milk cows 23 harvest crops 11 water crops 5
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tags: farming agriculture technology food history innovation category: 5 answers
47. If You Wanted To Marry A Cowboy Where Would You Start Hanging Out?
rodeo 31 saloon 30 farm 27 texas 7
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tags: rodeo farm bar country music category: 4 answers
48. Name a gift a farmer might want for christmas.
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49. Name Someone Who Might Wear Big Boots To Work
Builder Fireman Farmer Butcher Santa Clause
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tags: work farm construction firefighters fishing category: no points
50. in which occupations might you take care of someone
Towel Childcare Hitman Nurse Doctor Shirt
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tags: healthcare childcare pets farm teachers service category: no points
51. Name something you associate with sunflowers.
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tags: plants nature summer farm kids flowers category: no points
52. Name Something About A Teddy Bear Thats Different From A Real Bear
huggable 29 stuffed 19 smaller 16 softer 12 no teeth 10 safe 7
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tags: animals kids funny stuffed animals childhood toys category: 6 answers
53. Name Something Associated With Winnie-the-pooh.
Hunny 54 Tigger 26 Piglet 5
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tags: animals forest stuffed animals category: fast money
54. Name an animal that can kill with its bite.
snake 38 tiger 19 lion 15 bear 9 shark 6 alligator/croc. 6
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55. Name an animal that has horns.
bull 38 goat 20 rhino 12 cow 9 deer 7 ram 6
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56. name an animal that would make a good bodyguard
Lion Gorilla Alligator Tiger Dog
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57. Name an animal that is an astrological sign.
Lion Bull Ram Scorpion
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58. Name a clever animal.
cat 37 owl 30 elephant 18 fox 9 squirrel 6
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59. Name an animal that likes to play in the mud.
Pig Dog Elephant Turtle
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60. If There Was An Award For “Loudest In The Zoo,” Which Animal Would Win It?
lion 41 elephant 34 monkey 19
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61. Name Something People Do That Ticks Off Animal Activists
wear fur 48 hunting 22 eat meat 14 tests 12
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62. Name an animal people find graceful
Stray Cat Domestic Cat Feline Gazelle Housecat Kitten Ferrel Cat
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63. Name An Animal That Travels In Groups.
birds 37 wolves 19 fish 17 lions 12 elephant 9 deer 4
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64. Besides golfers, name something you would see on a golf course
Balls Spheres Caddies Carts Helpers Tennis Balls Golf Carts
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65. Name an animal you would be surprised to see at the zoo
Pit Bull Another Dog Puppy Dog Mutt Mongrel
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tags: animals zoo surprising category: no points
66. What single thing frightens small children the most?
dark 53 monster 17 strange noises 6 thunder 6 strangers 4 dog 2
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67. Name something that might cause your car not to start.
dead battery 39 no gas 28 cold weather 17 engine trouble 9 no water 7
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68. Name an animal that doesn't have a leg to stand on
Snake Fish Seal Worm Whale
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69. While driving, name something you rubberneck to look at.
accident 35 sexy man/woman 31 hot cars 13 stores/sales 6 nice house 4 billboard/sign 4
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70. Name An Animal Small Enough To Put In Your Pocket
Mouse Hampster Chihuahua Spider
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71. If an angry dog was chasing you, what would you do?
run 44 stop/stand still 24 jump on something 14 kick/attack it 9 scream/yell 6 pray 2
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72. Name a creature whose gender you're never sure of.
Fish Snake Bird Turtle Lizard
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73. Name an animal that gets around by hopping.
Rabbits 49 Kangaroos 35 Frogs 12 Grasshoppers 4 Fleas Spiders Bharal Tigger Penguins
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74. Name an animal that's easy to imitate in charades.
Monkey/ape 1 Dog 1 Cat 1 Bird 1 Elephant 1 Kangaroo 1 Rabbit 1
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75. Name an animal who would be jealous of wolverine’s claws.
Bear Cat Lion Wolf Tiger Dog
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76. Name an animal you hope never sits on you
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77. Name Something You Might Find At the End Of A Fishing Line
Fish Bait Hook Boot Bag
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78. Name an animal with long ears.
Rabbit Dog Elephant Donkey
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79. Name an animal that has claws.
Cats 43 Bears 25 Tigers 14 Lions 12 Raccoons 4
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80. Name a reason you might suspect your neighbor is a werewolf.
Howl Hairy Teeth Nocturnal
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81. Name something gorillas do all day.
scratch 26 eat/bananas 25 beat their chests 19 grunt/make noise 14 groom each other 6 jump around 6
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82. Name an animal that is known for being black and white.
zebra 47 panda 21 skunk 19 dalmatian/dog 5 cat 4 cow 2
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83. which animals are likely to be considered evil
Bat Snake Tiger Lion
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84. Name an animal that a zoo usually has a lot of
Monkeys Chimpanzees Apes Gorillas Parakeets Hawks
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85. Name an animal we eat that would never eat us.
cow 58 chicken 26 pig 4 rabbit 3 sheep 2 deer 2
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86. Tell me a place where you'd see a group of cardinals
Tree/forest Ronald Reagan Vatican/church John F. Kennedy Baseball/st.louis
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87. Name a command a dog whisperer might find themselves using on humans.
Sit Stay Roll Over Fetch Quiet Heel Come here Lie down
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88. Name Something A Caveman Might Use To Fight A Sabre-Toothed Tiger.
club 68 spear 8
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89. Name a breed of dog that reminds you of your boss.
Pitbull German Shepherd Golden Retriever Poodle
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90. Name an animal that likes to stick out its tongue.
dog 40 snake 20 lizard/iguana 9 anteater 8 monkey 5 frog 5
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91. Name something people often open their mouth to do.
talk/yell 42 eat/drink 41 yawn 8 sing 4 dental work/clean 3
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92. Name the loudest animal at the zoo.
lion 41 elephant 34 monkey 22 tiger 3
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93. Name something you would do if you had cat-like agility.
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94. Name an annoying animal you wish Noah would have left off the ark.
birds 17 insect 11 skunks 11 snakes 9 mice 8 pigs 4
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95. Name an animal that you think of as dirty.
pig 55 rat 16 skunk 7 dog 6
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96. Name an animal whose mouth trainers and vets put their heads in.
Lion Alligator Tiger Horse
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97. Name an animal at the zoo you would not like to be compared to.
Monkey Lion Elephant Hippo Donkey Pig Giraffe Bear
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98. Name an animal you might see at Seaworld.
dolphin 40 killer whale 31 sea lion 13 seal 10 manatee 6
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99. If bulls went on strike name another animal that people would pay to see a matador ride.
horse 45 cow 24 lion 12 elephant 8 pig 4 tiger 4
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100. Name a large breed of dog.
Great Dane Saint Benard Labrador German Shepard Pitbull Irish Wolfhound
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