Name Something That Could Ruin A Romantic Dinner.
passing gas 21 fight 19 bad food 18 phone call 16 kids 15 getting sick 9
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tags: dinner conversation family arguments relationships food category: 6 answers
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
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13. Name something that couples fight over the use of.
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14. Name A Place Where You Would Not Want To Get Into An Argument With Your Partner.
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Answers are hidden.
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17. We asked 100 couples: What do you do when you and your partner get into an argument in a public place
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19. Name something you might find in a person's shopping cart if they're planning on a romantic dinner
Candles Strawberries Bottle Of Wine Whipped Cream Champagne
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tags: food relationships romance dating cooking dinner category: no points
20. Name A Food That’s Associated With Romance.
Chocolate 42 Strawberries 30 Oysters 12 Spaghetti 8 Steak 5
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tags: food romance couples relationships dinner dating category: 5 answers
21. about what topic do couples most often fight
Kids Money Jealousy Intimacy
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships couples arguments communication home life daily life category: no points
22. During An Argument What Might A Teen Do That Makes Their Parents Really Angry
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Answers are hidden.
23. Name Something You Want To Know When You Run Into A Friend You Haven’t Seen In Years?
married? 31 how are you? 29 your name again...? 16 have kids? 12 what do you do? 9
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tags: relationships friends conversation starters category: 5 answers
24. Tell me something that ruins your dinner.
burnt food 25 phone call 24 bad conversation 9 fly 9 cold food 6
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25. If Someone Is Talking Too Much, What Might You Offer Them In The Hope Of Keeping Them Quiet?
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Single Number Of Partners
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basketball 57 baseball 57 football 14
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29. Name something that might ruin a date.
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31. Tell me something that you should not reveal on a first date.
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32. Name something a man might avoid revealing about himself while on a date.
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Answers are hidden.
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34. What are people talking about when they brag they've never had a single one in their lives?
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Answers are hidden.
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41. Name Something You Say At The End Of A Date, Even If You Don’t Mean It.
i love you 44 i had a good time 28 i'll call you 16 thank you 7
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tags: relationships dating funny conversation humor social category: 4 answers
42. Tell me a topic that a person should not talk about on a date.
Politics 15 Money 11 Marriage 10
Answers are hidden.
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ask for the time 37 do i know you 28 comment on weather 15 buy a drink 10 ask for directions 6
Answers are hidden.
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44. We surveyed 100 single women...What's something a guy shouldn't ask you on the first date
Answers are hidden.
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45. Name something a woman pretends to be interested in to make conversation with a man she's interested in.
sports 73 cars 10 his work 4 anything 4 computers 3 weather 2
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46. How Can You Tell That Two People Are On A First Date.
seem nervous 55 hold hands 35
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47. Name Something You Wouldnt Want Your date To Talk Too Much About
past relationships 37 intimacy 23 him/herself 14 monsy 9 family 4 work 4
Answers are hidden.
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48. Name the place where you’d most hate to be stood up.
wedding 41 at dinner 20 at a bar 15 at prom 10 at the movies 8
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tags: relationships social situations funny conversation starters dating category: 5 answers
49. What might a person do if they are nervous during a date?
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tags: dating relationships anxiety social situations communication conversation category: no points
50. Name a question that gets asked on just about every first date
How Old? How Are You? Have Kids? What Do You Do? What's Your Name?
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tags: relationships conversation starters first dates social interactions dating advice category: no points
51. Name A Food You Never Eat With Your Hands
Soup Spaghetti Ice Cream Rice Pasta
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52. Name a take-out food a family might have for dinner
Pizza Kung Pow Wings Fried Rice Chinese General Tao
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53. Tell me a dish you associate with England.
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54. Name Something You Would Get On A Thanksgiving Pizza.
turkey 52 gravy 5
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tags: food family dinner thanksgiving funny category: 2 answers
55. Name an occasion when people go out to eat.
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56. Name a type of pasta.
Spaghetti Macaroni Lasagna Fettuccine Capellini
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57. Name something you might ask to have passed to you at the dinner table
Vegetables Salt Gravy Napkins Butter
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58. Name a course people bring to a pot luck dinner
Salad Chicken Rooster Wings Hen Casserole
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tags: food cooking dinner family gatherings category: no points
59. Name Something Thats On Your Dinner Table Every Night That The Dog Wont Beg For
vegetables/ salad 45 salt 36 silverware/ plates 11 napkin/ tablecloth 6
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60. Name something that might be the main course for christmas dinner.
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tags: food christmas dinner family holiday category: no points
61. what do you do when your host for dinner serves something you dont like
Eat It Anyway Spit It Out Lip Sync Leave Pretend To Be Full
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tags: dinner guests food etiquette family category: no points
62. Name something that might be served as a side dish to corned beef and cabbage.
Potatoes Bread Salad Carrots
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tags: food cooking holiday dinner family category: no points
63. Name something you put on tacos.
beef 43 cheese 30 lettuce 12 tomatoes 6 sour cream 5 beans 4
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tags: food kids family-friendly dinner category: 6 answers
64. Name something people serve instead of turkey at Thanksgiving
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65. If someone hates to cook,name a dinner that they probably eat often.
pizza 28 noodles 26 tv dinner 14 fast food 12 soup 8 sandwich 6
Answers are hidden.
66. Name a takeout food a family might have for dinner.
Pizza 33 Chow Mein 28 Chicken 25 Hamburgers 4 Mexican 3 Hot Dogs 3 Sandwiches 2
Answers are hidden.
67. Name an image that is often used in ads at Thanksgiving.
Turkey 44 Family dinner 24 Pilgrims 17 Native Americans 10 Cornucopia 5
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tags: thanksgiving food holidays family turkey dinner category: 5 answers
68. Name A Place People Have A Holiday Dinner.
Parent’s House 37 Own House 29 Grandparents Home 20 Table 3 In Laws’ House 2 Restaurant 2
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tags: holidays family food funny kids dinner category: 6 answers
69. Name something specific you would need to make thanksgiving dinner.
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tags: food thanksgiving dinner cooking holiday family category: no points
70. Name something people like to drink after dinner is over.
Coffee Wine Brandy Beer Tea
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tags: food kids drinks dinner family funny category: no points
71. Besides turkey name a dish served at Thanksgiving.
ham 22 stuffing 21 sweet potatoes 19 cranberries 12 potatoes 11 pumpkin pie 7
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tags: food family holidays thanksgiving turkey dinner category: 6 answers
72. Name Something You Might Find On A Dinner Table
Food Plate Cuttlery Table Cloth Glasses Flowers
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tags: food family kids dinner cooking utensils category: no points
73. Name a food that leaves you with a couple of days of leftovers:
turkey 57 pasta 10 roast beef 9 meat loaf 8 chili 7 soup 5
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tags: food dinner leftovers cooking kitchen family category: 6 answers
74. Which Traditional Dish Would You Prepare For Somebody Learning About American Culture?
hamburger 39 fried chicken 20 pizza 17 hot dog 13 apple pie 8
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tags: food culture tradition american family dinner category: 5 answers
75. With no time for food shopping, name something a desperate housewife serves for dinner.
tv/frozen dinner 26 pizza 13 eggs 6 hot dogs 6 macaroni & cheese 6
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tags: food family cooking dinner kids funny category: 5 answers
76. Name a meal that even dad might wear a bib to eat.
ribs 34 wings 32 seafood 22 steak 6
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tags: food kids funny family hilarious dinner category: 4 answers
77. Name something from thanksgiving dinner that would be hard to eat in zero gravity.
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tags: food thanksgiving kids funny family dinner category: no points
78. Of all the television talk show hosts, who would you most like to have over for dinner?
oprah winfrey 34 jerry springer 13 jenny jones 12 montel williams 8 jay leno 5 jullian barberie 4 ricki lake 3
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tags: entertainment food hosting family dinner hosts category: 7 answers
79. What do moms tell their kids to do before dinner?
Wash hands Set the table Not to eat snacks Do homework Pray
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tags: kids family dinner food funny home category: no points
80. Name Something A Kid Might Do At The Dinner Table That Would Probably Get Him In Trouble
throw food 21 burp 20 play with food 14 not finish food 14 spit out food 9 spill something 9 eat with hands 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids family food funny dinner table category: 7 answers
81. What Might You Do After Eating Dinner?
Sleep Watch TV Burp Smoke Cigarette Brush Teeth Dishes Dessert/ Coffee
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tags: dinner family kids funny hilarious food category: no points
82. Besides Spaghetti, Name A Type Of Pasta.
penne 24 lasagna 19 fettucini 17 rotini 16 linguine 9 ravioli 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: food kids hilarious family dinner pasta category: 6 answers
83. Name a type of bird that you wouldn't like to eat.
Pigeon 28 Crows 24 Robin 15 Parrot 14 Vulture 11 Buzzard 8
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tags: food animals family dinner kids funny category: 6 answers
84. Name Something You Might Serve A Dinner Guest Before The Main Course
Salad 41 Appetizer 23
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tags: food cooking entertaining guests dinner family category: fast money
85. How many days do thanksgiving leftovers last?
2 3 4 5 7
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tags: food thanksgiving family leftovers dinner holiday category: no points
86. Name something specific the person cooking thanksgiving dinner might stress over.
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tags: food cooking thanksgiving family dinner stress category: no points
87. Other Than Talking, Name Something Shouldn’t Do While Eating
Laugh Burp Sing Sneeze Cough Drink Smoke
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tags: food manners etiquette dinner family kids category: no points
88. Tell me something you might eat in Mexico.
Tacos 46 Burritos 31 Enchiladas 10 Tamales 8 Tortillas 5
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tags: food travel family dinner kids funny category: 5 answers
89. Name something a thanksgiving turkey might need more of.
Stuffing Gravy Seasoning Basting Cooking Butter
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tags: food thanksgiving family dinner kids funny category: no points
90. Name A Vegetable You Would Never Make Juice Out Of
Broccoli Onion Potatoes Cucumber Celery Turnip Lettuce
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tags: food family kids funny dinner plants category: no points
91. If you could only eat one thing from thanksgiving dinner for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Turkey Stuffing Potatoes Pie
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tags: food thanksgiving family holiday dinner funny category: no points
92. Name Something That Is Often Served With Spaghetti.
Meatballs Garlic Bread
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tags: food kids hilarious funny family dinner category: no points
93. Name A Food That’s Often Served With Wine
cheese 48 meat 26 bread 21 pasta 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: family dinner food drinks party kids category: 4 answers
94. When mom's away, name something dad serves kids for dinner.
pizza 33 hot dogs 23 pasta/macaroni 16 mcdon./hamburger 7 tv dinner 5 soup 4 cake 3
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tags: kids family food dinner funny hilarious category: 7 answers
95. What are some pizza toppings?
Mushroom Bacon Pepperoni Onion Corn
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tags: fast money food cooking pizza dinner kids family category: fast money
96. Name something you might bring on a first date.
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tags: date first date relationships conversation humor funny category: 4 answers
97. Name something strangers might talk about to break the ice
Hometown Weather Children
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tags: family conversation strangers funny category: no points
98. What is something parents talk about together while their kids play?
Kids Money Work School Weather Spouses
Answers are hidden.
tags: parents kids family conversation laughter category: no points
99. What Might A Daring Thrill Seeker Suggest Do On 1st Date
Skydive Bungee Jump Roller Coaster Rock Climbing
Answers are hidden.
tags: dates relationships conversation starters first dates category: no points
100. Name Something A Parent Might Scold A Child For Interrupting
conversation 59 date 18 work/meeting 11 movie/tv show 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: family parenting conversation etiquette kids funny category: 4 answers
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