The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Tell Me A Symbol Used To Represent Love
heart 59 cupid 17 kiss 6 ring 5 rose 4
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tags: love symbols relationships marriage hearts category: 5 answers
2. Name a place to avoid, if you do not want to be reminding of valentine's day.
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tags: relationships love romance valentines hearts flowers category: no points
3. Name something you associate with Valentine's Day
Cards Hearts Cupid Candy
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tags: love relationships romance chocolate flowers hearts category: no points
4. Name Something People Are Said To “Break.”
legs 27 hearts 25 glass 18 promise 14 rules 7 the bank 5 habbits 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: school food relationships laws records hearts category: 7 answers
5. name something the baby of a family gets passed down to him
Crib Article Of Clothing Clothes
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tags: toys clothes traditions category: no points
6. If a baby was six feet tall, name something you'd have a hard time buying for him.
clothes/shoes 47 diapers 39 crib 10 car seat 2
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tags: clothes shoes bed diapers toys books category: 4 answers
7. Name something a slob throws on the floor when he's done with it
Wrappers Bottles Clothes Get Weapon Towels
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8. what would you see at the rummage sale of someone was not planning to have more kids
Car Seat Baby Clothes Stroller Crib
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9. Name something you might find under people's beds
Moccasins Dust Bunnies Shoes Bunnies
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tags: funny kids animals toys clothes money category: no points
10. Name Something That Siblings Accuse You Hogging
TV Bathroom Toys Food Computer Bed Parents Attention
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tags: kids funny food toys clothes attention category: no points
11. Name Something Sister Borrow From Their Brothers.
clothes/shoes 54 money 21 music/cds 7 car 6 deoderant 4 comb/brush 2
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tags: siblings borrowing family clothes jewelry toys category: 6 answers
12. Name a reason why someone might have a garage sale.
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tags: home cleaning kids toys clothes furniture category: 4 answers
13. Name Something You Can Test In The Store Before Buying It
perfume 38 tv 26 clothes/shoes 12 computer 11 cd 8
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tags: groceries furniture electronics toys jewelry clothes category: 5 answers
14. Name something you might buy used.
cars 50 clothes 20 furniture 15 book 8 electronics 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: clothes furniture cars electronics books toys category: 5 answers
15. Name something a young child takes with him when he runs away from home.
teddy bears 40 clothes 20 food 14 blanket 13 backpack 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids family childhood toys food clothes category: 5 answers
16. Name Something Kid Takes If Planning To Run Away
Clothes Food Money Bedding Toys Backpack Bike
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tags: travel school clothes money food toys category: no points
17. name something you outgrow
Friends Toys Clothes/ Shoes
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tags: kids adults hilarious food clothes toys category: no points
18. Name something little girls don't like.
Boys Bugs Dirt Snakes
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tags: kids girls toys clothes school games category: no points
19. Name something an 8-year-old might bring with them when they stay over at Grandma's house.
stuffed animal 36 sleeping bag 5
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tags: kids family toys games clothes books category: 2 answers
20. name something heart shaped that you might get for valentines day
Locket Candy Card Balloon Piece Of Jewelry
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tags: valentines day romance love gifts hearts category: no points
21. Name something you get every Valentine's Day.
Card Kiss Flowers Sweets Dinner Perfume Tie
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tags: love romance flowers candy chocolates hearts category: 7 answers
22. Name something that might have a red heart on it.
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tags: valentines candy love romance sweets hearts category: no points
23. Name something a monster could carry around with them if they wanted to look less scary.
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tags: kids animals funny hilarious plants toys category: no points
24. Name something fluffy.
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tags: animals plants kids funny toys clothing category: 6 answers
25. Name something that kids don't take very good care of
Clothes Toys Pets
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tags: kids school animals plants food toys category: no points
26. Name A Non Living Object With Feet
Table Chair Measure / Ruler Socks
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tags: furniture kitchenware tools school toys plants category: no points
27. Name something that could be described as fluffy.
pillow 55 cloud 23 cotton 12 cat 10
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tags: animals plants food clothing toys clouds category: 4 answers
28. Name Something On You That Might Be Tied In A Knot.
shoe laces 48 hair 17 tounge 16 stomach 12
Answers are hidden.
29. Name an item that is harder to sell after Christmas.
Trees 37 Ornaments 19 Toys 11 Lights 8 Wrapping Paper 7 Christmas Cards 4
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tags: christmas food plants clothing toys kids funny category: 6 answers
30. Name something a kid might bury in the backyard.
Toy 1 Pet 1 Money 1 Time capsule 2
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tags: funny fun hilarious kids animals plants toys school category: 4 answers
31. Name something that people twist.
hair 34 rope 9 ties 8 bottle cap 6 finger 4 arm 3 ankle 2
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32. Name Something People dye A Different Color
Hair 84 Eggs 10 Shoes 4 Shirt 2
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33. If diamonds are a girl's best friend, what's a guy's
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tags: relationships friends toys tools sports video games category: no points
34. Name something of yours that's falling apart
Body Life
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tags: home furniture clothes car shoes relationships category: no points
35. unlike his jacket name a part of your husbands suit that you wouldnt borrow even if you were cold
Tie Shirt Pants Iq
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tags: clothes fashion family relationships funny category: no points
36. Name something that doesn't stay clean for long after wash it
Towels Body Kitchen Floor Car Clothes
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tags: kids clothes school food plants animals category: no points
37. Name something people wear when they garden.
Gloves 54 Hat 21 Overalls 16 Boots 5 Sunglasses 4
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tags: gardening clothes apparel outdoors plants nature category: 5 answers
38. Name something you might use to make a scarecrow.
Hay Clothes Hat Broom
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tags: plants clothes animals food kids funny category: no points
39. Name something you would expect to see at a yard sale.
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tags: home furniture clothes kids plants funny category: 10 answers
40. Name something that people soak.
feet/themselves 49 clothes/laundry 39 dishes 5 dentures 4 beans 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: food animals plants clothes dishes kids category: 5 answers
41. Name Something That Starts With L, That Everyone Wants
Love Luck Looks
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tags: kids food school plants clothes animals category: no points
42. Name something you get rid of when it doesn't work properly.
television 25 pen 19 toaster 17 remote 14 can opener 7 coffee pot 5
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tags: technology home appliances cars clothes food plants category: 6 answers
43. Name something that has the word ‘star’ in it.
Starfish Starfruit Starburst Star Wars Starship
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tags: kids food animals space plants clothes celebrities category: no points
44. When women get bored, name something they change.
hairstyle/color 62 clothes/wardrobe 16 house/decor 7 man/boyfriend 5
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tags: appearance hair clothes nails social media relationships category: 4 answers
45. Name something that people try to squeeze themselves into.
Jeans 1 Dress 1 Car 1 Elevator 1 Bus/Public transit 2 Swimsuit 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious clothes pants jeans situations relationships category: 6 answers
46. Name something that leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
beer 47 medicine 22 coffee 12 betrayal 11 bad relationship 6
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tags: food plants gossip rejection relationships category: 5 answers
47. Name something that might be referred to as a dead end.
A street/road 2 A job 2 A relationship 2 An argument 2 A lead/info 2 Hair 1
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tags: jobs animals emotions plants food relationships category: 6 answers
48. Name something that has a lot of twists and turns
Highway Avenue Expressway Freeway Interstate Road Street
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tags: roads relationships plants animals food school category: no points
49. Name something people have a hard time holding on to
Money Soap Love Letters Job
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tags: relationships kids school work food plants category: no points
50. Name something that needs time to warm-up.
car 59 oven 11 person 9 food 7 heater 3
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tags: work cars food relationships animals plants category: 5 answers
51. Name something that is a terrible thing to lose.
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tags: kids animals plants relationships work school category: 6 answers
52. If A Person Is Raised On A Farm Name Something You Expect Them To Be Better At
milking cows 66 riding horses 18 gardening 10 cooking 4
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tags: animals plants relationships work food kids category: 4 answers
53. Name A Toy That Might Be Operated By Remote Control
car 52 airplain 28 boat 11 tractor 4 motorcycle 3 robot dog 2
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54. Tell Me Something You Hate To Discover That You’re Missing A Piece From.
puzzle 57 earring 15 car 10 board game 6 pie 5 cake 4
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55. Name a child's toy that a dad might wish he had
Remote Control Car Toy Train Set Action Figure Video Game System
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56. Name Something For Which A Mermaid May Be Jealous Of Barbie.
legs 46 hair 21 ken 16 wears clothes 5 car 5 lives on land 3
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tags: kids toys entertainment category: 6 answers
57. Name An Accessory That Might Be Sold With A James Bond Action Figure
gun 44 car 14 sunglasses 11 phone 10 clothes 9 watch 5 briefcase 4
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tags: toys movies accessories category: 7 answers
58. Name something you might find in a swimming pool.
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59. Name a child’s toy that a dad might wish he had.
remote control car 43 toy train set 19 bike 14 action figure 10 video game system 8
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60. Name Something Little Boys Love To Build Models Of.
Cars 47 Airplanes 30 Legos 10 Trucks 5 Trains 3 Buildings 2
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61. Name an object little kids use when they are pretending to be pirates.
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62. How Many Toys Does A Child Get For The Holidays?
10 44 5 15 6 12
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tags: family holidays children toys category: fast money
63. Name Something You’d Buy For Your Daughter’s Barbie Doll, But Probably Not For Your Daughter.
skimpy clothes 47 car 26 dream house 13 ken/friends 9
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64. Other Than A Hand-Buzzer, Name Something You’d Be Sure To Buy At A Gag Shop
Whoopie Cushion Fake Vomit Squirting Flower Rubber Chicken Can O’ Snakes Fake Nose
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65. Name A type Of Work Vehicle Thats Often seen As A Childrens Toy
dump truck 43 fire engine 34 tractor 10 police car 6 bull dozer 3
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66. Name a household item that children turn into a toy
Broom Box Pots/Pans Spoon Keys Phone
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67. Name A Toy Parents Have To Put Together.
Bicycle 46 Doll House 12 Train Set 11 Race Track 11 Kite 10 Jungle Gym 8 Play House 2
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68. Name A Part Of A Dolls Body That Might Be Movable
head 47 arms 28 legs 13 hand 7
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69. Name a toy associated with the 50's
Barbie Yo-yo Slinky Red Wagon Hulahoop Teddy Bear Mr. Potato Head
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70. Name A Present Most Boys Would Want For The Holidays
Bike 29 Videogames 25 Toy Car 14 Ipod 11 GI Joe 9 Football 5
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71. Name An Object That Kids Pretend Is A Telephone
banana 35 hand 24 shoe 17 remote 11 brush 6 tin can 4
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tags: kids toys imagination childhood fun category: 6 answers
72. Name a ball that can fit in your pocket.
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73. Name Something Sold In Checkout Lines
Gum Magazines Batteries Lottery Tickets Cigarettes
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74. Name A Kids Toy Your Parents Might Have Played With Thats still Around
barbie doll 45 yo yo 15 baby doll 15 top 11 hula hoop 9
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75. Name Something That Kids Fight Over During The Holidays.
Toys 47
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tags: food toys attention gifts category: fast money
76. Name Something That A Child Often Loses
teeth 35 toys 34 money 13 homework 7 gloves 4 jacket 3 temper 3
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77. Name a type of toy a little boy might play with
Toy Truck Trucks Hot Wheels Toy Trucks Matchbox Cars Dinky Cars Firetrucks
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78. Name something that people swing.
baseball bat 27 arms/hands 15 rope 11 keys 6 swing set 5
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79. If They Sold A Hell’s Angel Barbie, Name An Accessory They Might Sell With It.
Motorcycle Leather Jacket
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tags: toys accessories children funny category: no points
80. Name Something You Might Find Inside Of A Plastic Egg
candy 63 pantyhose 18 toys 10 money 5 balls 4
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tags: toys candy collectibles puzzles category: 5 answers
81. Name Something Toddlers Carry Around With Them All The Time.
bottle 42 blanket 31 pacifier 9
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82. Name Something Found In Santa’s Workshop.
elves 55 toys 30
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83. What would you do if you found a proton pack and laser on the street?
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84. Name something a kid might have to share when relatives come to visit.
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85. Name something from childhood that people hate to sell or give away.
toys/dolls 66 clothes 14 blanket 11 baseball cards 3
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tags: kids toys childhood sentimental family category: 4 answers
86. If you made a Zorro doll, name something it might come with
Scimitar Machete Knife Rapier Dagger Foil Sabre
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tags: toys accessories weapons costume animals category: no points
87. Name a toy boys traditionally get at christmas.
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88. Name Something About His Job That Santa Claus Might Brag About
flying reindeer 36 generosity 21 works once a year 12 world travel 11 paid in cookies 8 fancy sleigh 6 efficiency 4
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89. Name something a Ken doll has that the average guy probably wishes he had too.
barbie 32 muscles 29 convertible 10 handsome 8 hair 7 tan 5
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90. What toys for kids do adults like to play with during the holidays?
videogames 41 rc cars 25 legos 12 trains 10 board games 7 puzzles 5
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tags: adults holidays family nostalgia toys fun category: 6 answers
91. Name Something That You Can Spin
Spinning Top Bottle Money Wheel Ball
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tags: kids fun toys games family friends category: no points
92. Name something people buy once they get a swimming pool:
raft 36 patio furniture 19 bathing suit 9 chlorine 8 diving board 7 fence 6 pool cover 4
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93. Name something that bounces.
ball 51 check 20 trampoline 13 bouncer 6
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tags: kids games toys fun playtime outdoors category: 4 answers
94. Name Something Kids Would Play With Outside In Summer.
ball 45 pool 26 bike 13 sprinkler/hose 13
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95. Name a trick you do with a yo-yo.
walk the dog 79 around the world 10 rock the baby 5 spaghetti 2 spin it 2 cradle 2
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96. Name a toy you might find in a little boy's room
Truck Teddy Cars
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97. Name something a rich kid might have in their tree house.
TV Computer Fridge Furniture Video Games
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tags: kids toys wealth playground luxury fun category: 5 answers
98. Name something you might see at a yard sale.
Clothes 57 Furniture 20 Dishes 9 Toys 8 Books 6
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tags: household tools clothing books toys category: 5 answers
99. Name a popular beach toy.
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tags: summer kids toys outdoors family fun category: 5 answers
100. Name Something With Wheels That People Push
Pram Trolley Wheelbarrow Go Cart Bicycle
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids transportation vehicles toys games category: no points
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