The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something in America that gets more expensive every year.
Gasoline 52 Food 18 Cars 12 Homes 10 Taxes 8
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2. Name something that might ring.
send us your answers! 10 telephone 49
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3. Name an occupation in which you might have to act as a part-time shrink to your customers.
bartender 42 hairdresser 12 sales 11 teacher 9 customer service 3
Answers are hidden.
4. Name A Type Of Club
Golf Club 50 Night Club 22 Gentleman’s Club 8 Club Sandwich 5 Billy Club 5 Country Club 4 Book Club 3
Answers are hidden.
5. Name something you might be “on top of”.
the world 33 work/school 26 mountain/hill 16 your game 12 bills 4
Answers are hidden.
6. Name a reason people might dance.
Wedding 40 Party 25 Concert 15 Celebration 10 Exercise 5
Answers are hidden.
7. What are some words that rhyme with ‘ball’?
All Call Fall Tall Small
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8. Name Another Name For A Lie
Fib Porky Untruth Falsehood Tale Economical With The Truth
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9. Something Popcorn Is Covered With
Butter Salt Caramel Cheese
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10. Name a word that rhymes with 'well'.
Bell 38 Gel 15 Tell 13 Fell 12 Sell 12 Swell 10
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11. Tell Me A Reason You Exit The Freeway.
traffic jam 33 get gas 27 your destination 17 accident 9 restroom 7 to eat 4
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12. name something youd hate to be chased by
Dog Lion Alcohol Kissing Police Bear Chocolates
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tags: animals school work food hilarious category: no points
13. Name a word that starts with 'post'.
Postman 50 Postmaster 14 Postpone 12 Poster 11 Postcard 11
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14. Name A Place To Avoid During The Holidays.
The Mall 44 Grocery Store 21
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tags: work school hospital food animals category: fast money
15. Name a word that ends in "scope."
Stethoscope Periscope Horoscope Nightscope Kaleidoscope Telescope Microscope
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16. Name a favorite color
1. Blue 12 2. Red 9 3. Purple 6 4. Pink 6 5. Green 3
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17. Name A Reason Why A Child You Dont Know Might Come To Your Door
selling cookies 33 lost 29 trick or treat 17 newspaper 8
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18. Name something that might flop
Movie Flip Flops Business Fish
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19. Name another word for "fast".
Quick Speedy Hurry Swift Rapid
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20. Name Something Apart From Books You Might Find In A Library
Magazines Cassettes Computers Newspapers Films / Dvd's
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21. Name something a person cannot legally do without a license.
drive 68 marriage 9 hunt 7 fish 6 practice medicine 4 cut hair 3
Answers are hidden.
22. Name something California is famous for
Quakes Sets Shock-waves Movies Studios
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23. Name An Occupation In Which You Might Wear A Hat
Policeman Chef Builder Fireman
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24. Name Someone Specific Who You wouldnt Want Viewing Your Facebook Page
parent 44 boss 31 ex 17 partner 4 kids 3
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tags: school work animals food hilarious category: 5 answers
25. Name Something You Use To Measure Things With
A Ruler A Tape Cup Spoon Scales
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26. Name something that gets dull
Butcher Bowie Chopper Dagger Machete Knife Blade
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27. Name something specific that people are tempted to shoplift
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28. Besides Throwing Them Away Name Something You Can Do With Old Newspapers
recycle 46 burn them 21 clean windows 12 wrap gifts 8 pack dishes 5 crafts 4 line bird cage 3
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29. Name a word that rhymes with 'pop'.
Top 31 Stop 24 Hop 19 Cop 16 Mop 10
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30. Name A Problem Someone With Braces Might Have.
Caught Food Kissing
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31. Name something obnoxious that gum chewers do
Smack Open Mouth Hanging Open Snap Crack Mouth Open Pop
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32. Name a job that a teenager might have.
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33. Name Something You Might Blame On A Headache.
stress work cold
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34. Name something you can't do when it is cold out.
swimming 58 sun tan 16 wear shorts 11 gardening 5
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35. Name An Event That’s Often Held As A Fundraiser
Bake Sales Car Wash Dinner Auction Raffle Concert Walk/ Run
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36. Name something people cheat at
Taxes Games Relationships Exams Sport Diet
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37. Name something you use your index finger for.
to point 49 dial phone 16 flip pages/read 13 to type 5 hold pencil 3 click mouse 3
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38. Give me a word that rhymes with "coke"
Choke Bloke Poke Moke Joke
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39. Name a word that rhymes with "tangle".
Mangle Dangle Bangle Wrangle
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40. Name A Polite Word For Your Bottom
Bum Backside Derriere Behind Rear Buttock
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41. What do many people look back on as the most frightening day of their lives?
wedding day 29 accidents 19 sept.11 9 birth of child 7 first day of new... 5 storm 4
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tags: school work hospital animals food hilarious category: 6 answers
42. Name something that people think is a man's job
Junk Garbage Taking Out Trash Waste
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tags: work home school animals food funny category: no points
43. Name something that might be cut short.
Hair Conversation Life Vacation
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tags: kids funny school work food animals category: 4 answers
44. Name something you might find in a hotel room.
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tags: school work animals food plants kids category: 4 answers
45. Name a career that might prepare you to fight a zombie horde.
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tags: work animals plants food hospital school category: no points
46. name something you wouldnt want to be caught red handed doing
Smoking Cheating Lying People Telephone Shoplifting
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tags: work school hospital animals food funny category: no points
47. Name something that starts with the word "Killer"
Whale Bee Body
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tags: animals food plants school work funny category: no points
48. Name A Job Where Employees Must get Tired Arms
construction 29 movers 24 parcle delivery 18 hair dresser 12 traffic cop 5 food server 4
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tags: work animals food school kids funny category: 6 answers
49. Name something Kids Sell Door To Door
Chocolates 61
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tags: kids school work food plants animals category: fast money
50. Tell Me Something You Could Avoid By Staying Young Like Peter Pan.
wrinkles 23 work 20
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tags: kids animals plants food school work category: 2 answers
51. Name Something That Goes Up And Down
Elevator 58 Seesaw 16 Yo Yo 11 Thermometer 5 Ball 4 Airplane 2
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tags: kids hilarious animals food school work category: 6 answers
52. Name The Worst Job For Someone With Allergies.
gardener/landscaper 45 veterinarian 29 florist 13 pet groomer 4
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tags: allergies work school food plants animals category: 4 answers
53. Name Something That Is Personalized
license plate 47 watch/jewelry 23 polio/work shirt 19 towel set 6 luggage tag 3
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tags: school work hospital animals food plants category: 5 answers
54. Name something you would hate to be out of order.
bathroom 44 atm 24 elevator 11 vending machine 11 house 5 files 5
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tags: school work animals food plants kids category: 6 answers
55. Name Another Word For “Fake.”
Phony 28 FALSE 19 Imposter 15 Imitation 13 Counterfit 11 Artificial 7 Bogus 5
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tags: school work hospital food animals plants category: 7 answers
56. Name Something People Dig Up.
bones 41 dirt 20 treasure 18 flowers/plants 6 weeds 6 worms 4
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tags: plants animals food school work funny category: 6 answers
57. If Men Carried Purses Name Something Youd Find Inside Them
wallet/money 34 cell phone 20 cigarettes 17 keys 15 tools 12
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tags: work school animals food plants funny category: 5 answers
58. Name something at breakfast that you might have two of
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tags: food kids work school animals hilarious category: no points
59. Name something people fear that starts with the letter "S"
Spider Snake Smoke Storm Shark
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tags: animals food kids plants school work category: no points
60. Name Something That Has A Tip
pen/pencil 36 restaurant server 20 finger 15 nose 10 needle/pin 7 q tip 4 dart/arrow 4
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tags: school work hospital animals food plants category: 7 answers
61. Name something married couples check with each other before doing
Spending Money Expending Shopping Purchasing Buying
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tags: work food animals school funny kids category: no points
62. Name An Occupation In Which One Spends His Day Cutting.
barber 41 butcher 26 gardener 13 tailor 9 lumberjack 5 carpenter 3
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tags: work adults food plants animals school category: 6 answers
63. Name something you drink when it's cold.
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tags: school food work kids animals plants category: 6 answers
64. Besides sleeping name something that people do with their eyes closed
Dream Snog Peck Kiss Imagine Smooch Daydream
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tags: school work animals kids food funny category: no points
65. Name A Person Who’s Last Name Is “Johnson.”
Magic Johnson 34 Lyndon B Johnson 13 Don Johnson 13 Andrew Johnson 8 Howard Johnson 7 Lady Bird Johnson 5
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tags: school work animals food people funny category: 6 answers
66. Besides a costume, name something a superhero's mom could find that would give away their identity.
Weapons Pictures Vehicle Diary
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tags: school work animals food kids funny category: no points
67. Name something people clip
Toenails Hair Vouchers Nails Coupons Rebates Fingernails
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tags: school work animals food funny kids category: no points
68. name something people talk about often although its boring to listen to
Politics Gossip Themselves Weather Their Kids Work/ School Sports
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tags: work kids school adults food animals category: no points
69. Name An Organization That’s Only For Females
Madd 16 Sorority 16 WNBA 14 Now 13 Girl Scouts 12 Wic Program 4
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tags: school work adults plants food animals category: 6 answers
70. name something that can cause a headache
Drinking Loud Noise Stress
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tags: work school kids food beverages animals category: no points
71. Name something it is okay for people to stare at
Photographs Pictures Snapshots Paintings Polaroids
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tags: school work animals food plants kids category: no points
72. Real or fictional, name someone who has big feet
The Clown Buffoons Bigfoot Shaquille O'neal Jesters Clown O'neal
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tags: school work animals food fictional kids category: no points
73. Tell me something that's harder to do backwards than forwards.
walk 39 run 17 drive 10 ice-skate/skate 7 ride a bike 5 read 5
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tags: kids food animals school work hilarious category: 6 answers
74. name something thats filled with candy
Stocking Pinata Candy Store Tans Laws Easter Basket Jar
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tags: kids funny food animals school work category: no points
75. Name something people do with their christmas trees once the holidays are over.
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tags: plants animals kids food school work category: no points
76. Name A Kind Of Ring Not Worn On A Finger.
Earring 40
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tags: school work hospital animals food plants category: fast money
77. name something you cant buy without an id
Cat Litter Plow Lottery Ticket Cigarettes Weapon Alcohol
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tags: school work animals food plants kids category: no points
78. Name something that people complain is too dry
Pork Red Meat Tenderloin Rib Eye Beef
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tags: food plants animals work school kids category: no points
79. Name something you have with you all the time.
phone 54 wallet 21 id 12 money 8 keys 5
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tags: personal work school home animals food category: 5 answers
80. Name something a superhero could get their cape stuck in.
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tags: school work animals food plants funny category: no points
81. Name A Type Of Dealer
Car 65 Drug 17 Card 15
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tags: school work animals food pets kids category: fast money
82. Something you hear on the news that there's a shortage of.
oil/gas 35 flu shot/vaccine 20 money 13 jobs 6 food 6 water 6 blood 4
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tags: food plants animals school hospital work category: 7 answers
83. name something you call your parents for
Man Advice Ride Home Money
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tags: parents kids school work animals food category: no points
84. Name something you do not learn.
good manners 35 common sense 29 house work 15 religion 8 parenting 8 walking 5
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tags: school work animals food kids funny category: 6 answers
85. Name something people do not like about the day after july 4th parties.
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tags: work school kids food animals funny category: no points
86. Name An Occupation Not For Partner Too Stressful
Police Doctor Lawyer Teacher President
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tags: work school hospital animals food kids category: no points
87. Name something that starts with "the gift of ______."
Love Affection Kiss Romance Feeling Life Hug
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tags: school work animals food plants kids category: no points
88. name something that ends with the word box
Cable Box Mailbox Shoe Box Toy Box Ice Box Tool Box
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tags: kids funny school work animals food category: no points
89. name something that gets drawn
Cards Picture Blood Curtains Lottery Ticket
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tags: school work kids funny animals food category: no points
90. Name an occupation that's not for the squeamish.
doctor 35 cornoner 27 paramedic 7 nurse 6 firefighter 4 butcher 3 garbage collector 3 sewer cleaner 3
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tags: work adults medical school animals food category: 8 answers
91. Name something people should not leave in parked cars.
Money Kids Key Pets Phone
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tags: kids funny animals food work school category: 5 answers
92. Name Another Word For “Small.”
Tiny 46 Little 44
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tags: school work animals food plants kids category: fast money
93. Name something you would find in a "lost and found" box
Gloves Keys Raincoat Mittens Jacket Gauntlets Parka
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tags: school work hospital animals food plants category: no points
94. Give me a word or phrase that begins with "heart".
heartache 28 heartbreak 15 heart attack 15 heartfelt 14 heart burn 7 heartthrob 6
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tags: school work animals food family relationships category: 6 answers
95. Name something that might give you cold feet.
getting married 58 snow 19 cold floor 7 public speaking 6 ice 5 bare foot 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: animals food kids plants school work category: 6 answers
96. Besides Eat, Name Something A Person Might Do On Their Lunch Hour
Go For A Walk 26 Exercise 29 Run Errands 14 Read 12 Nap 12 Pay Bills 5 Smoke 5
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tags: food work school plants animals relax category: 7 answers
97. What's something you might do during your lunch break?
eat lunch 50 smoke a cigarette 13 talk a walk 12 read emails 5
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tags: work school food plants animals hospital category: 4 answers
98. name something that kids think is endless
School Day Money Supply Car Ride
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tags: kids school work food plants animals category: no points
99. Name A Word That Begins With “Uni-.”
Unicorn 30 Universe 26 Uniform 14 Unite/Unity 10 Unisex 7 Unibrow 6 Unicycle 3
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tags: school work animals food kids funny category: 7 answers
100. Name something that makes people panic.
fire 16 tornado 16 money 14 high gas prices 8 spiders 4 natural disaster 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: school work hospital animals food plants category: 6 answers
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