The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name a time or event when you should not joke around.
Funeral Wedding Church Court
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2. Name something that might be sold at a funeral home's going out of business sale.
Coffins Urns Furniture Hearse Flowers
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3. Name a possession some people would like to be buried with.
Jewelry Money Bible Car Photos
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tags: possessions gifts family funeral death category: 5 answers
4. Name Something You’d Need If You Wanted To Look Like The Grim Reaper.
black hood & cape 43 sickle 20 skeleton 13 mask 11 makeup 8
Answers are hidden.
5. In Horror Movies, Name a Place Teenagers Go Where There’s Always a Killer On the Loose
Cabin/Camp/Woods 1 Graveyard 1 Movie Theater/Drive-In 2 Basement/Cellar 1 Closet 1 Bathroom/Shower 1 Bedroom/Bed 1 A Party 2
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6. Name something that might happen at a cemetary.
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7. What Would A Taxi Driver Have To Stop Doing To Drive A Hearse
Fast/ Reckless Smoking Cursing Chatting/ Joking Charging Fare Honking Picking People Up
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8. Name The Most Important Occasion In A Mans Life
Marriage Becoming A Dad His First Car 21st Birthday His Birth
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tags: marriage birth death graduation retirement category: no points
9. In your opinion, what happens when you die
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tags: afterlife death beliefs religion spirituality category: no points
10. Name someone who is more popular dead than when they were alive.
elvis presley 40 marilyn monroe 26 jesus 18 james dean 11
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tags: famous history death artists music popularity category: 4 answers
11. Name A Big Event That Happens To TV Characters In Order To Up Ratings.
death 44 wedding 36 new baby 10 fall in love 6
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tags: drama relationships health death kids funny category: 4 answers
12. Tell me a pet that might live longer than its owner.
turtle 26 bird 25 dog 21 cat 19
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tags: pets animals death life family feud category: 4 answers
13. When you arrive in heaven, who do you think will be there to greet you?
family/loved ones 44 jesus and god 32 st. peter 10 angels 7
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tags: family heaven death afterlife religion funny category: 4 answers
14. Name something people do at a wedding that they would never do at a funeral
Dance Water Katherine Job Interview
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tags: family funny kids adults marriage death category: no points
15. is a dead body in the house. What do you do with it?
Bury it 2 Hide it in the fridge 5 Call cops anyway 3 Leave it/don’t touch 3 Burn it 2 Take to neighbor’s 3 Toss in lake 3 Trash/dumpster 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious death family mystery police murder category: 8 answers
16. When Hugh Hefner dies name something he might ask to be buried with
Riches Playboy Playboy Bunnies Bunnies One Hundred Dollar Bill
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tags: entertainment lifestyle pop culture death famous people legacy category: no points
17. Name An Event That Takes Place At A Church
wedding 46 prayer service 15 baptism 12 bible studies 10 holy communion 5 concert 4
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18. Name somewhere people place flowers
Jug Tomb Grave Burial Pot Receptacle Sepulcher
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19. Name something you don’t want to have happen during a moment of silence.
pass gas 25 cough 20 caught talking 15 get the giggles 14 baby cries 13 phone rings 11
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20. Name a place where it's inappropriate to crack jokes.
Church Work Court
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21. Name a place where you would not want to break something. (be more specific than store)
Harmonica Kazoo Museum
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22. Name an occasion when you know people will say nice things about you.
birthday 39 wedding 29 funeral 16 anniversary 2 return from war 2 graduation 2
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tags: family friends birthday anniversary funeral category: 6 answers
23. Name a kind of place where you wouldn't want to sit in the front row.
movies 40 theater 13 concert 12 church 8 boxing 7 roller coaster 4
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tags: school concert theater funeral dentist category: 6 answers
24. Name A Place Where People Are Asked To Rise
place of worship 44 court 30 school 12 sporting event 10 wedding 5
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tags: school church court wedding funeral category: 5 answers
25. Name an event you wear a tie to.
wedding 63 ball 24 funeral 8
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tags: work funeral wedding special occasion category: 3 answers
26. Name something a real cowboy might like to be buried with when he dies.
his boots 45 his gun 25 his hat 14 his horse 7 his spurs 6
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tags: kids family western funeral cowboys category: 5 answers
27. What are the places where you are not allowed to touch anything?
Museum Art gallery Zoo Gift shop Gentleman’s club
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tags: adults museum library funeral hospital zoo category: no points
28. Name a place you would hate to get a phone call.
church 33 bathroom 32 at work 20 movie theater 8 doctors office 7
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tags: work school hospital funeral kids hilarious category: 5 answers
29. Name an occasion when people gather to honour you
Birthday Funeral Graduation Retirement
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tags: birthday anniversary holiday promotion retirement funeral category: 4 answers
30. Name a place where people are on their best behavior
Chapel Mass Cathedral Synagogue Mosque
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tags: adults behavior church funeral library restaurant category: no points
31. Name A Reason Why You Might Get Introduced Many People At Once
Party Wedding New Job Famous Reunion
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tags: school work party hospital wedding funeral category: no points
32. Name an event where it would be a bad idea to laugh
Funeral 39 Traffic stop/interrogation 23 Court case 19 Wedding 17
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tags: work office funeral hospital job interview presentation category: 4 answers
33. Name a place where cellphones are not allowed.
Courthouses Hospital Airplanes Church School Movies Libraries
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tags: school hospital church theater funeral kids category: no points
34. Name something a cowboy might say he wants to be buried with.
Boots Horse Gun Hat Spurs Saddle
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tags: cowboys funeral wild west funny kids category: 6 answers
35. Name A Place You’d Get A Dirty Look For Falling Asleep
Place Of Worship 47 Work 25 School 18 Public Transit 4 Theater 3
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tags: work school funeral church library hospital category: 5 answers
36. Name a place you should never ever use foul language.
church 86 work 6 home 3 school 2 day care 2
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tags: school work church funeral hospital library category: 5 answers
37. Name an occupation where laughing on the job would be considered rude.
doctor/psych. 34 judge 16 mortician 15 police officer 10 secretary 9 clergy 6
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tags: work interview funeral school court hospital category: 6 answers
38. Name a place you'd hate to be when you receive a call from your cell phone.
bathroom 21 church 20 car/driving 17 movie/theater 9 work 6
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tags: work school funeral hospital interview date category: 5 answers
39. Name a place where you might see someone cry.
cemetary 52 wedding 10 church 8 hospital 5 movies 5
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tags: funeral school hospital breakup work kids category: 5 answers
40. Name something you would not wear to a funeral.
shorts 33 bathing suits 27 evening gown 21 wedding dress 19
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tags: clothing attire appearance funeral respect humor category: 4 answers
41. Name A Place You Might Whisper
church library
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tags: school library hospital theater church funeral category: no points
42. Name an improper place where you found yourself cracking jokes.
church/temple 57 funeral 13 job/interview 11 court/jury duty 7
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tags: work funeral library school kids hilarious category: 4 answers
43. Name Someplace You Might Be Where It Would Be Inappropriate To Laugh Out Loud.
place of worship 46 funeral 37 classs 4 library 4 symphany 3 morgue 2 court 2
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tags: work school hospital library funeral elevator category: 7 answers
44. Name Something Youd Be Afraid To Do By Yourself
travel 43 skydive 16 sleep 12 swim 10 walk at night 6 watch scary movie 6 camp 4
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tags: night water heights spiders funeral public speaking category: 7 answers
45. where might a man be required to wear a suit
Fancy Restaurant Work Wedding Court
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tags: work formal event court wedding funeral job interview category: no points
46. Name A Special Occasion For Which Someone Might Go To A Hairdresser
wedding 65 prom 22 birthday party 4 graduation 4
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tags: wedding prom funeral date job interview special occasion category: 4 answers
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